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The Chronicles of Koa Boxed Set

Page 37

by K.N. Lee


  Koa always loved Cumbria. It was an English county full of rolling hills and natural green beauty. The people were friendly and much more relaxed and hospitable than Londoners. Here, people simply had more time for one another.

  They went to the center city of Carlisle where they checked in to one of Lady Colleen’s hotels to change and prepare for the ball.

  Greggan would be there, Koa just knew it.

  Lady Colleen insisted that they enjoy her hospitality and stay at her hotel and arrive in a two of her personal cars.

  Koa showered and changed into a black gown. She frowned at her reflection, unsure of why she needed to dress so formally. She was glad that she was at least allowed to pick out her own gown from the assortment that Lady Colleen’s designers had brought. It was floor-length, with a corseted top that cinched in her tiny waist and billowed out at her hips.

  She liked the Victorian touch with the bustle and a high slit to her thigh. Now, for a place to keep her sword. She hid the sword, in its baton form, on her right thigh, opposite the exposing slit.

  “Are we going to a theme party or something?” Koa asked. “Lady Colleen sure has an outdated taste for fashion. What is this, the 1800’s?” She frowned at her image in the full length mirror. She looked like she was about to start singing opera. All she needed was a parasol.

  Evina stepped beside her in a red dress. She gave Koa a little bump with her hip and pushed her way in front of her. She put her hands on her hips and smiled at her reflection.

  “I mean, come on,” Koa said as she fluffed her skirt. “It reminds me of my damn wedding gown!”

  “Quit your complaining. It’s work. Don’t forget that, sweetheart.”

  Koa stepped back and watched the vampire princess. Koa had to admit that Evina was stunning. But when was she ever not stunning? She folded her arms across her chest as Evina turned from left to right, admiring her own image. She tousled her red tresses and covered the tattoos on the side of her scalp.

  “Done checking yourself out?”

  Evina looked over her shoulder. She smirked. “Almost,” she said with a wink.

  Koa shook her head but laughed a little as she pulled on her leather knee-high boots. Evina waved her hand at Koa with a horrified look on her face.

  “No. Those won’t do.” Evina kicked her leg up and showed off her blood-red stiletto heels. “Wear something a little classier.”

  Koa made a face. “I really don’t care. I can’t kick someone’s ass in stilettos. My boots are fine.”

  Evina shrugged. “Suit yourself. I can fight in anything.”

  Koa’s face heated. That was an underhanded insult. She kicked the boots off and felt ridiculously short beside Evina without them. “Fine. I’ll wear the stupid crystal shoes like a Cinderella reject.”

  Evina squeezed Koa’s shoulder and smiled. “Good girl. I knew you’d see it my way.” She hugged Koa to her and smiled in the mirror at their reflection. “Look at us. We’re going to have all of the boys drooling.”

  “That just sounds gross,” Koa grumbled as she opened the shoe box and gazed down at the shining pair of shoes. There was even a diamond-encrusted bow on the top of the shoe. “Why would you want a drooling man?” She pulled them out and slipped them on. Koa was short, but she hated heels. “Couldn’t I at least wear a wedge?”

  Evina laughed. “You’re insufferable. Let’s get a move on. I’m dying to meet this Lady Colleen.” She pushed her corset in and adjusted her bosom. “I hope all of the anticipation is worth it.” With one last wink at her reflection, Evina headed for the door. Dressed in elegant gowns, Evina and Koa left the room and stood before Jax and Tristan in the suite’s sitting room.

  Jax looked elegant, as was expected. Ian was adorable, as was expected. But… to see Tristan in a suit made Koa beam.

  Evina clicked her tongue and folded her arms as she beheld the giant man. “Looking good, Mr. War-Breeder.” She stepped closer to him as her heels clicked along the wooden floor. She smoothed his broad shoulders and sniffed his neck.

  Tristan grinned at having Evina so close to him.

  Evina looked up at him and purred. “You even smell nice.”

  Tristan straightened his tie. “Well, you know. Soap and water can go a long way.”

  Evina sniffed him again and closed her eyes in bliss. “I could get used to you this way.”

  “Snap out of it, Evina,” Koa laughed. “You’re getting too into character.”

  Evina glanced over her shoulder. “It is hard to tell when I’m genuine,” she poked Tristan in the chest. “Or simply… tempting.”

  Tristan swallowed and shook his head. Evina laughed at his frown.

  “Hey! Stop that!”

  Koa couldn’t suppress her laugh. The only one that remained serious was Jax. He watched them from his seat in the lounge. Calculating.

  Koa sighed. She grabbed her clutch from the bar and headed to the door. “Let’s get a move on. The party starts soon.”


  Koa all but pressed her forehead to the window of the shiny white Rolls-Royce as she strained to get a look at the Colony. The thick fog shrouded the small island. Two more Rolls-Royce’s followed behind with the others.

  She couldn’t handle the anticipation, so she rolled down her window and stuck her head out for a better look. Her hair flew around her face as she looked out towards the stone medieval castle.

  Mist sprayed onto her face and she smelled sea water. Seagulls flew above, calling to one another as they circled the bridge. Koa looked down as they crossed the bridge. Waves crashed against the stones and drowned out the light music that played inside the limo.

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she went over in her head what she would say to the Wryn’s rival clan. The Netherworld Division rarely had to deal with these vampires. They kept to themselves and were secretive in their human blood dealings.

  Koa had always wondered what set them apart from Lexi and the Wryn.

  “Close that window, Koa,” Evina said. “That air is messing up my hair.”

  Koa snorted. “That’s just too bad,” she teased with a smirk.

  Evina shrugged and continued humming to herself. She smiled at her reflection in her hand mirror and twirled a lock of her red hair. She rubbed her teeth to make sure that her red lipstick hadn’t stained them. Then, she clicked her pen to send a message to Jax.

  Koa glanced at her as she wrote on the air. Netherworld dialect was beautiful, and Evina’s flowing penmanship made the golden letters look even more ethereal as they clung to the air and faded with an unseen wind.

  The smell of blood wafted into Koa’s nostrils. She and Evina stepped out of the limo and onto the stone courtyard. Her mouth hung open as she looked up at the castle before her. She’d always thought that Wryn Castle was a stunning sight: dark and gothic. The Colony however, was a spectacle.

  The castle was white like it came out of a fairy tale book. A drawbridge opened up to the courtyard. There were masts holding up flags of the vampire nation. Flags from various kingdoms in the Netherworld, represented in the human world. Koa looked up at the poles amazed by the lush detail of the different clan crests.

  Lady Colleen’s flag was raised the highest, equal to that of the United Kingdom flag at least. It was a black flag with a golden serpent hissing with its tongue out and coiled.

  Koa marveled at the beautiful gowns the women were wearing. She realized that they were going to fit right in. Guests were already filing into the castle, with champagne glasses in their hands and decked out in their best jewels.

  “All right,” Evina said softly. “Remember what I told you. Sweet smile.”

  Koa nodded and smiled at the armed escort. They didn’t look like the slick guards that protected Wryn Castle. These guys looked military. They had silver crossbows and silver breastplates like the guards in the Netherworld.

  They looked Koa and Evina over. A very dashing looking vampire followed close behind them. H
e was slim and tall, with salt and pepper hair. He wore black-rimmed glasses and a green bow tie with his tailored black suit.

  He gave them a bow and reached a hand out for Koa. Koa took his hand and did her best curtsy. She felt entirely foolish doing so, and nearly lost her balance, but the gentleman didn’t seem to mind.

  “Lovely to meet you, Queen Koa,” he said and kissed the back of her hand.

  When she looked up at him his green eyes caught her gaze. She shuddered when she looked into them.

  He reached for Evina’s hand and did the same. “And you as well, Princess Evina. I am Rezinger, and you two are absolutely smashing.”

  “Aww,” Koa said with mock flattery. Something about him made her instantly dislike him. She couldn’t help it. It always showed up on her face. She faked a smile. “Thank you.”

  “You’re not too bad looking yourself,” Evina said with a flirty grin. “Let’s see,” she said as she circled him with her seductive strut. “You were thirty-seven when you were sired. What were you before you became a vampire? Something…” She put her finger to her lips as she stood before him and thought.

  Koa folded her hands before her and gave Rezinger a bored look. “She’s always like this,” Koa whispered.

  Evina winked at her. She pressed her bosom to Rezinger’s chest and sighed. He swallowed and tried to avoid looking down at her cleavage.

  “Hmmm, what is that I sense? A man of law? No, no, a man of politics.”

  Rezinger raised a well-shaped brow. “You’re correct,” he said and took a step back. He gave her a small smile. “I’ve always heard that true Netherworld vamps had amazing skills. Tell me, princess, what else can you do besides figure lowly New World vampires like me out?”

  Evina laughed. She gave Koa a wink. “As if I’d tell you,” she said. She took Koa’s hand and nodded ahead. “Lead the way, Rezi.”

  Rezinger didn’t show whether or not he was annoyed by having his name shortened. He kept that same smile on his face and turned to lead them from the courtyard to the castle.


  “When is Halston going to return?” Raven asked Alice.

  She walked alongside the angel through a lovely courtyard in the center square. Raven kept her voice down as they passed by a pair of older women sitting on a bench in front of a fountain.

  Alice shrugged. “He will show up just in time. Just like he always does. Lucky bastard.”

  Alice abruptly stopped talking. Raven froze. She could feel something. A strange sensation bubbled in her stomach, flooded her body, and rose up her throat with a gasp.


  She turned to run but Alice picked her up instead. “I knew it was too quiet!” She growled. “There are too many. We need to stay together.”

  They were being chased, but Raven could not position herself where she could see what was chasing them

  Once they were out of human sight, Alice shot into the sky and landed on the roof of one of the buildings.

  Alice’s gray eyes scanned the scene below.

  It was dark, but Raven could see something move from the alley to the right. Raven felt her body go cold. “Vamps, Alice. Two of them… and something else. I don’t know that scent. He frightens me.”

  Alice nodded. Her face was serious. “Greggan sent his best. That’s the second queen right there, Lera. And that creature you smell is a Scath. I’ve seen him before in the Netherworld. He’s a creature from hell. His name is Trinity. I don’t know who that other vamp is. It doesn’t matter much.” Her pink hair was blown into her eyes but she didn’t reach to move it.

  An arrow shot through the air. Raven tensed. It wasn’t a normal arrow, but one that had an almost translucent chain trailing behind it. It stabbed right through Raven’s chest.

  Raven cried out in pain and Alice gasped. She quickly grabbed her and held her tight when Lera started pulling on the chain.

  Raven winced. The pain was almost as bad as the transformation into a cat. She wished she could shed a tear for the agony she felt.

  “Let her go, Alice!” Lera shouted. Alice screeched as Trinity vanished and reappeared behind her. He wrapped his arms around her neck and squeezed.

  Alice refused to let Raven go. Raven felt herself growing weaker.

  “Poison,” she cried.

  Alice kicked both of her feet up and slammed her boots into Trinity’s chest. He didn’t let go. Raven realized it at the same time that Alice did. She would have to let Raven go to break free from Trinity, and it did not look like she was quite ready to yield.

  “Your angelic shield,” Raven called.

  Alice couldn’t breathe. Trinity was suffocating her. She spoke to Raven inside her head. “I can’t. It would kill you too. I won’t let go, Eunju.”

  Raven felt herself fading. The pain didn’t fade, it persisted. “You have to. Do something quickly!”

  Raven saw tears in Alice’s eyes as she started to fade. Raven clawed Alice’s face. It was all that she could think to do. Alice refused to let go.

  Raven squirmed out of Alice’s tight embrace and jumped to the ground. As she leapt, Alice threw her arms out. The vamps froze. Raven’s descent paused in mid-air.

  Alice let out a guttural battle cry that seemed to make the city tremble. “No!” Alice shouted. Raven had to fight to turn her head to see Alice. Alice had broken free from Trinity’s grip.

  They had succeeded in making that angel truly angry.

  Alice’s gray eyes turned white and cloudy as she growled. Alice stepped off the side of the building and walked on air. Wind swept around her body as she lifted her arms. Trinity and the other vampire were lifted from the ground.

  Lera ran. She seemed to be just out of Alice’s range.

  Raven breathed with relief. Her eyes widened when Alice activated her angelic glow. The vamps immediately began to burn. The power of the sun radiated from her small body.

  Raven looked around. The light was so bright that she was sure the humans would see what was happening. She felt guilty to have Alice blow her cover just to save her. Her guilt was quickly replaced by dread when she felt her body get snatched by the translucent chain at the end of the arrow.

  Lera grabbed her from the air, and ran like the wind.


  Koa tried to hide the fact that she was impressed with all of the décor and showmanship of this place. Evina was busy dancing with one of Lady Colleen’s guests as Koa stood with a glass of wine. She drank down the Merlot like water and watched everyone.

  She was almost reminded of the Netherworld. These vampires loved the old styles and traditions, unlike the Wryn clan that embraced modern ideals, styles, and society. Everyone at the ball was on their best behavior. It made Koa a little nervous. She was not the most tactful person.

  She smiled as she watched Ian work the room. He was such a charming man, his vampire traits just brought his personality out even more. He told jokes and danced with girls. Although he was awkward, they loved him. Ian saw her from across the room and raised his champagne glass in the air.

  Koa smiled and raised hers as well. “Cheers,” she mouthed and they both drank.

  Koa stood taller when she saw Jax approach her. She placed her empty champagne glass on the nearest server’s platter.

  She gave a slight nod to him and couldn’t keep from smiling once he flashed his charming smile at her while ignoring the gorgeous women that tapped on his shoulder and tried to divert his attention.

  Koa noticed how every woman in that room seemed to be watching the prince. They knew he was royalty, wealthy, and he was clearly one of the most attractive men at the ball.

  Koa did like the attention, even if it was from looks of jealousy. She ran her fingers through her hair.

  Jax took her hand. “Would you like to dance?” he asked.

  Koa’s cheeks reddened and she looked around at the guests. She shook her head. “I don’t dance,” she said with a giggle.

  Jax gave her a gentle pull. “Come now. Don’t b
e shy.”

  Koa sighed and let herself be pulled onto the dance floor. She never liked dancing, but she’d surely never danced in this style. Flowing movements and twirls like out of a classic movie or a ballroom competition, Koa tried her best to keep up. She tripped over Jax’s feet and he simply laughed.

  Koa blew her bangs out of her eyes and laughed as well. She held onto his neck and gazed into his enchanting eyes. She wasn’t afraid to look too deeply or to have him look back at her. Somehow she was confident. Even as she wondered what the clock around his iris meant.

  Koa closed her eyes as he spun her around. She almost forgot where she was as she let the music take over. It drowned out the sounds of chatter and she felt as though she and Jax were floating on air.

  It was lovely. Before she knew it, she was having fun. She opened her eyes and saw the clock in his eyes tick. She narrowed her eyes. “Your eyes,” she said. “What is that clock? I don’t remember it being there when we were younger in the Netherworld.”

  Jax stopped. He gave her an odd look as the color drained from his face. Koa tensed. She sensed that she had said something wrong. Her stomach sunk as she felt an odd wave of warning.

  Jax dropped his hands from her waist, gave her one last look, turned and disappeared into the crowd.

  Koa stood there in stunned silence. “What was that about?” she whispered. Before she could dwell on what had just occurred, Rezinger stepped beside her.

  “You’re a lovely dancer, Queen Koa,” he said.

  Koa closed her eyes and sighed. Her shoulders slumped. Her chance to go after Jax had passed. She opened her eyes and gave Rezinger a sidelong glance. “Please, do not call me that. I am not King Greggan’s wife. What happened when I was a child was against my will. I am not a queen.”

  Rezinger nodded. “My apologies.”

  Koa turned to face him full on. Her face was serious. “But I am a princess. Princess Koa of Elyan, and I am tired of being stalled. You tell your mistress that I want to speak to her now.”


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