A Beautiful Thought

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A Beautiful Thought Page 19

by Alicia Rae

  As much as I wanted to for Caroline and my family, I simply could not accept it. It was too much.

  “While I am awed and humbled by your kindness and generosity, I can’t accept such a gift,” I said, outstretching my hand with the document. “It wouldn’t be right of me to take it.”

  Damon’s expression hardened, reflecting hurt in his eyes. The look made my heart ache, but I had to stand my ground. I had been raised to be an independent woman, and I would stand on my own two feet when it came to my finances.

  “Why not?” he asked, his tone low as if he was struggling for control. He refused to take the offered document dangling between us.

  “Because—” I broke off at a loss for how to make him understand my beliefs.

  “That’s not an answer,” he retorted, his voice escalating marginally. “And I deserve one.”

  My own anger rose. “Because, Damon”—I thrust the paper at him again—“I know how much this must have cost you, and I cannot allow someone else to bear my financial obligations!”

  “I didn’t pay for it,” he offered.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Paul Eisner asked me to design a second E2 Excellence in Education school for him instead of exchanging money,” Damon explained.

  That was equally as bad.

  “Trade is the same thing as paying for it because you still have to do the work without any compensation.” I sighed, feeling worse. “Damon, you already have a lot of work on your hands. I can’t allow you to take on another burden for me.”

  “Well, I will,” Damon said confidently. He bent forward, kissed and pecked at my lips teasingly, before skimming his mouth all the way over to my ear. “You always want to help others, Gail. Now, let me be the one to help you.”

  I bit my lip to keep from whimpering and melting into him. I could not think clearly when the man was touching me. I barely managed to say, “You already do, and it’s more than enough.”

  He gently bit my lobe, licked away the tingle, and growled, “Why are you such a stubborn girl?”

  “It’s a Bennett trait,” I breathed, endeavoring to deflect his sinful kisses along the contours of my jaw and throat, knowing he was trying to bend my resolve. “I cannot accept more than our rental agreement from you. It would not be right,” I added.

  “This was my choice to make, Gail, and I won’t change my mind. I made a commitment, and I will follow through on my promise,” he said strongly. “Caroline is an amazing young girl, and she deserves this opportunity.” He gently tipped my chin up until I met his gaze. “You deserve this, Gail. You don’t have to be so strong all the time. Let me support you.”

  “Then, tell me why, Damon. Why would you do this for me?” I asked, needing to know his ultimate reason.

  His thumb traced my bottom lip, and then he stroked it across my cheek. Those bright blue eyes of his bore into mine, and I felt like he could see right through me to my soul.

  “Because you’re my girl, and I love you, Gail,” he answered simply yet with an endless degree of certainty and conviction in his tone.

  More tears replaced the trails of the last as I soaked in his precious declaration.

  “Y-you love me?” I stuttered as my heart felt like it completely stopped.

  His deep breaths were coming out short, matching my own, as he pulled me tighter against him.

  “Of course I love you. I love everything about you, Gail.” He leaned in, brushing his lips against the side of my cheek. His warm breath felt soothing on my skin. “The way you look at me…like it’s just you and me, together, conquering the world.” He placed soft kisses on my lower lip and then nestled his forehead against me. “You’re all I see, sweet girl of mine. You’re all I see.”

  “I love you, too,” I breathed, reveling in his warm heartfelt words.

  He lowered one hand between us and lifted my own, gesturing to the manila paper. “Please take this,” he said kindly. “If you can’t accept this letter for you, then do it for Caroline and your family.”

  He was right. This opportunity would make a world of difference for my mom and dad, who were both working around the clock to help pay for Caroline’s tuition.

  Another round of tears consumed me as I let out a deep breath and looked up at him. “Thank you, Damon. This means more to my family and me than you’ll ever know. I don’t know how I’ll ever make it up to you, but—”

  He set his index finger on my lips, cutting me off. “That’s not why I did it. I don’t want anything in return, except for you to accept my gift…” He paused, and his hands came around to cup my ass.

  He swooped me off my feet. I locked my ankles around his waist as he unleashed a sinful grin.

  “And kiss me,” he added before seizing my lips in a scorching, all-consuming kiss.

  I threw my arms around his nape, melting into him, as my heart pulled him in even farther. My love for this man and his kindness knew no bounds. It was endless.

  I had every intention of repaying him with a thank-you someday. I just didn’t have the perfect thought in mind yet, but I had no doubt it would come.


  “Hi, sweetie. What a surprise.” Kathy beamed up at her daughter from the front door of their home. “What brings you two here again?”

  Gail hugged her dad and her mom, and then she and I glanced between the two of them.

  “Damon and I have some wonderful news to share with you.”

  “Oh,” Kathy responded in astonishment, intrigued. “Come on in,” she added, gesturing us inside.

  We all sauntered into the living room.

  “Where’s Caroline?” Gail asked, scanning the area.

  “She didn’t sleep so well, so she’s taking a catnap.”

  Kathy sat down next to her daughter, and I took a seat on the other side of Gail.

  “Is her leg giving her trouble?” Gail questioned, concern lacing her voice.

  I briefly wondered if she would want to wait to share the news until her sister could be present, but then I realized the financial aspects of Caroline’s school was probably more between her parents and herself.

  “A little,” Kathy answered.

  “Her ribs are still pretty sore, so they keep her up at night, breathing heavy and all,” David added sadly.

  “Is she sleeping on her opposite side?” Gail asked in a worried tone.

  “She tries to, but it is difficult with her leg,” her mom said, crossing her legs in front of her. “We gave her some ibuprofen to help ease the discomfort, so we are hoping she wakes up feeling better.”

  “I hope so, too,” Gail frowned.

  I set my hand on her back to ease her.

  “So, what is this wonderful news, sweetie?” Kathy smiled. “The suspense is killing me.” She quietly chuckled.

  Gail pulled out the document I’d given her yesterday without delay and handed it to her mom. I could feel her excitement radiating off of her, and I felt the same.

  “This is from Mr. Paul Eisner, founder of E2 Excellence in Education,” Gail said as her mom unfolded the paper.

  “Yes, I’ve met Mr. Eisner before. He is a delightful man,” Kathy replied, glancing down to read the document.

  “Mr. Eisner is granting Caroline a full four-year scholarship to their school, beginning next semester,” Gail said.

  Her mom’s eyes filled with tears as she glanced up at Gail and then at her husband. “Is this real?” She cried with soft sobs, beginning to shake.

  David came to kneel on one knee in front of his wife, and he gently took the document to read it for himself.

  “Yes,” Gail said, her own eyes damp with moisture. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

  “I can’t believe it,” Kathy whispered in awe, shaking her head between her husband and the manila document. Then, she shifted her attention to Gail and me. “How did this come about? I don’t understand how this could happen,” she murmured, confounded.

  Gail took my hand in hers, set it in her lap, and then
gestured to me. “Damon was the architect who designed E2 Excellence in Education here in Lake Tahoe,” she said with sincerity in her tone. “He is the one who made this incredible gift possible for Caroline.” She smiled.

  “You did this for my Caroline?” Kathy whispered to me.

  I sat up and leaned closer, glancing between Kathy and David, whose eyes were both locked on mine. “Yes, ma’am,” I answered softly. I was unsure how to explain the need I felt inside of me to help Gail and her family. It was exactly what I would have done for my own. “Caroline is such a beautiful young girl, and she has come to mean a lot to me.” I ran my hand up and down Gail’s arm affectionately. “Just as Gail and you two have. I wanted to be able to help.”

  “But this is so much,” Kathy cried. “How can we ever repay such a gift?”

  That was an easy answer. “I don’t want anything in return. I simply wanted to give.”

  From the corner of my eye, I could see Gail’s father staring me down with a questioning gaze.

  “A man just doesn’t offer such kindness without other intentions,” David said in a strong yet calm voice.

  I somehow instinctively knew what he was getting at.

  I turned my eyes on him confidently. “I’m in love with your daughter, sir, and I think of her as my family already. I take care of what is my own.” I paused, hoping this was coming out of my mouth right. “That includes the three of you, too. I have only known Caroline for a short time, but she is an incredible person, and I want to help her succeed in any way I can.”

  David rose to his feet, so I did, too. His brief silence scared me shitless, knowing this could go north or south real quick. I had just informed him I was in love with his daughter, but I meant it, and I would not apologize for it or take my words back.

  David extended his hand to me, and I shook it.

  “Thank you, Damon,” he said frankly. “You will never know how much this means to us and how grateful we are for your generosity.”

  I breathed in a relieved sigh, knowing without a doubt this was the most rewarding gift I had ever given anyone in my life. No emotion would ever top the gift of giving to another being.

  “You are most welcome, sir,” I responded as David hugged me with a manly pat on the back.

  Kathy rose with a tender, fond smile. “Dear boy, thank you.” She wept. “Thank you so much for your astounding heart and generosity. I will forever be grateful to you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I said, embracing her.

  David walked over to his daughter and drew her into his arms. “You found yourself a good man, Gail,” he said, gently patting her. “Don’t let this one through your fingers.”

  “I don’t plan on it, Dad.” Gail blushed at her father.

  When her eyes caught mine, I grinned over at her, loving the pink in her cheeks.

  “So, will you be staying for dinner, dear?” Kathy asked.

  “Unfortunately not, but I will stop over and see Caroline again soon,” Gail said regretfully. “We have dinner plans with Abbey, Jason, and Pearl.”

  “Okay, sweetie. Well, you two kids go have fun.” Kathy beamed at Gail and me. “And thank you again. Words can never express our thanks to you, Damon.”

  “It was my honor, Mrs. Bennett.” I smiled over at her, feeling honored to be able to give such an amazing gift to truly great people.

  I was deeply humbled by their happiness and gratitude. Nothing had ever felt better besides sharing the moment with my girl.

  As elated as I was about the scholarship news being shared earlier today with Gail’s family, I felt like shit that I still had not informed Gail about the job possibility in Boston. But every time I even thought about telling her, the idea of bringing worry to her eyes when I had not heard a response from William Rawn Associates yet held me back. It could very well not work out in my favor.

  Worse over, until I heard from William Rawn Associates, I felt like I was leaving my general contractor back in Denver hanging in the air. I would not be able to work for both companies as well as continue my partnership with Kyle and Jason at the same time. Something had to give somewhere, and I did not know which tie I would be forced to sever.

  Tonight, we were having dinner with Abbey and Jason at their new place, so I again found myself not having the chance to talk with Gail. With every passing minute, keeping her in the dark was eating me up from the inside out.

  I stared out into Abbey and Jason’s new backyard, watching Gail and Abbey play some princess dress-up thing with Pearl. They all had pink crowns on their heads, colorful beaded jewels covering their neck and wrists, and shiny wands in their hands.

  Giggles filled the air as I sat in my chair on the concrete patio. It was the sweetest sound to hear Abbey, Gail, and Pearl all sharing laughter together.

  Then, Pearl took both Abbey’s and Gail’s hands and dragged them toward the back door. She beamed between the two of them while talking about playing pretend castle up in her new room. I smiled over at Gail as she passed by me, and she winked at me in return before heading through the door into the house.

  “So, how are you guys settling into the new place?” I asked Jason, who was sitting at the head of the table to my left.

  “We are almost finally unpacked, if that counts for anything.” He chortled. “Although, I still have a few boxes left in the garage.”

  “Still?” I laughed teasingly, shifting in my chair to get comfortable. The sun was beaming down right on me, but it felt good to get some fresh air.

  “Yes. You would not believe how much stuff a seven-year-old girl can have,” Jason replied in awe. “I think Pearl’s stuff was more than mine and Abbey’s put together.” He raised a playful brow at me. “And let me tell ya, Abbey had a shit-ton of clothes and shoes and purses, and Pearl still topped her.”

  “I can only imagine given the fact that Gail’s room is packed with all that stuff, too.” I chuckled. “I’ll never understand why women need so much stuff.” I gestured down to my clothing. “T-shirt and jeans, and I’m good.”

  “Me, too. Keep it simple,” Jason chuckled in response. “So, take a word of advice, when you decide to have kids, make sure you really like your house first. Because if you add any more girls to the mix, it will take a whole army to move you.”

  “I’ll remember that,” I responded as my mind roamed to the possibility of someday having that down the line.

  I had never really given it much thought before as I had always been so focused on getting my career where I wanted it to be, but I did know I wanted a family someday.

  My thoughts roamed back to the fact that I hadn’t told Gail about this damn Boston job thing. She and I would have to work this out later tonight. No more stalling or my head was going to explode.

  “What is on that mind of yours over there?” Jason asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

  I shook away my thoughts and gave Jason the look. “Oh no, I’m not letting you pick my brain today. You did that enough last time, Dr. Phil.”

  “Aw, come on.” Jason laughed. “Maybe I can help.”

  “I don’t want your help with pulling out all my feelings and shit,” I retorted at my brother jokingly.

  “You’re no fun,” he scoffed. “You know, you shouldn’t keep them all bottled up inside. It’s not good for your health,” he added, grinning.

  “Put a cork in it, Dr. Phil,” I responded with humor as my phone rang. I jumped from my chair. “Saved from your interrogation by my cell phone.” I smirked at him. “Thank God.”

  “Pussy.” Jason coughed loudly at my back.

  I spun around rapidly and grinned. “All men love it.” I resumed sauntering off in the other direction, hearing Jason laugh his ass off on the way. Out of earshot, I cleared my throat and quickly answered my cell. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Johnson?” a man in a deep voice questioned.

  I instantly recognized the voice.

  “This is William Rawn.”

  “Hello, sir,” I res
ponded, widening my eyes, as I kept walking to the back of the yard.

  “I apologize for calling you outside of work hours. However, I wanted to get things squared away as time is always of the essence these days,” he replied in a light tone. “Is this a good time?”

  “Of course,” I answered, coming to a stop at the back tree line.

  “Good,” Mr. Rawn responded. “I’m calling in regard to your interview. After reviewing your file with my colleagues over the past few days, I would like to personally offer you a job within our company here at William Rawn Associates.”

  My heart hammered in my chest as my mind reeled over what this meant for my career. I stared blankly out at the trees.

  “Thank you for this extraordinary opportunity, sir,” I said, gathering my thoughts. “I’m thrilled to join your company.”

  “You are most welcome, Damon. We look forward to you joining our architectural team,” he said kindly. “Jonathan will be contacting you in the next day or two. He will handle coordinating specific dates with you, so we can accommodate any current obligations in your schedule during this transition. Also, he will help organize your relocation to Boston as we will compensate your moving expenses into your sign-on bonus.”

  Relocate to Boston?

  I closed my eyes, feeling fucking torn. That was not what I had anticipated. My heart hit the pit of my stomach and churned tightly, but I had no time to stall. Men like William Rawn did not wait for indecisiveness.

  I managed to tell him, “Thank you, Mr. Rawn. I look forward to his call.”

  “My team and I look forward to seeing you in the near future, Damon. I’m anxious to see what new talents you will bring to our company. Good day,” Mr. Rawn replied.

  “You, too. Good-bye,” I said, feeling numb inside.

  Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

  “Who’s a fuckin’ shit fuck?” Jason asked from behind me with curiosity.

  Not realizing I had spoken my cussing streak out loud, I spun around to see Jason extending a cold beer to me.

  “I am,” I answered his question with an exasperated sigh, feeling more confused than ever. I grasped the beer from my brother, twisted the cap off, and took a large sip before meeting Jason’s questioning stare once again. “What are you doing over here anyway?” I asked.


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