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Calling the Shots

Page 3

by Christine d'Abo

  If he didn’t find Josh soon, Oliver would have to place the order for the extra beer and ride out the consequences. If he didn’t get it pushed through soon there was a chance it wouldn’t make it in time for the party.

  He hadn’t been around for the infamous pajama party before. The atmosphere of the club had been nearly electric in these days leading up to the event. They’d worked long hours most of this week, getting prepared. Oliver hadn’t minded. It gave him time to spend in Beth and Josh’s company. Gave him time to figure out what he was feeling toward the two of them.

  His attraction to Beth wasn’t surprising. He’d always had a thing for dominant women. And while Beth wouldn’t consider herself in that category, Oliver had picked up the vibe from her. It was a good vibe. A happy vibe. He had no doubt she’d be willing to take the lead between the sheets, without making him feel like a pathetic ass for wanting it.

  The problem was Josh. What the hell was Oliver doing, fantasizing about him? Not just that, but wanting the two of them to take him to bed and fuck him senseless. He wanted them to take care of him in a way Mallory would never have considered.

  As Oliver made his way down the corridor, hammering noises in one of the far rooms caught his attention. Standing in the middle of one of the private bondage rooms was the object of his hunt.


  Josh adjusted the rigging of a cross, arms stretched high above his head. His tight T-shirt had ridden up, exposing his flawless, unmarked tanned skin and defined lower back. Oliver pictured sliding his hands lower until he could cup Josh’s too-perfect ass. What would it feel like to reach around and squeeze Josh’s hard cock? What would it taste like if he were to suck him down?

  “You going to stand there all day or come do something useful?”

  Oliver startled, realizing his gaze had drifted down. Josh smirked at him with a slight shake of his head. Caught staring at your very male boss’s ass. Awesome. “I had a question about a beer run.”

  “Where’s Beth? Can’t she help?”

  “One of the monitors grabbed her. They’re doing some sort of training thing and had a question.”

  Josh dropped the chain he’d been adjusting. “I’m glad they’re going through the drill. Things can get a bit wild at the party and I’d hate for anything to happen.”

  “So I’ve heard.” Ignoring the sudden increase in his heart rate, Oliver came closer to where Josh stood. Like a moth to a flame. “What are you doing?”

  “One of the Doms complained that the cuffs needed to be changed in here. I wanted to check them out before the party. I don’t want anyone getting hurt when we’re all supposed to be having fun.”

  The cuffs hung high enough that Oliver would barely be able to touch the floor with his toes if he were suspended by them. Reaching up, he fingered the soft leather, batting it away after a moment. “They seem fine to me.”

  “Want to help me test them?”

  Oliver stopped breathing for a moment. The desire to try out some of the restraints was a secret he’d kept to himself. He seemed to emit a certain vibe, though. It wouldn’t take much of a hint to get Doms revved up and anxious to string him up. So when he blinked in the face of Josh’s confidence, Oliver knew he was in trouble. “How?”

  “Pretty simple. I need someone to put the cuffs on and tell me how they feel.” Josh reached behind Oliver and wrapped his hands around the cuffs. Stretched out, his body was completely open to Oliver’s gaze “Hard to do it myself.”

  Heat washed over Oliver from Josh’s body. The thin material of his shirt was no barrier to the force that was Josh Scott in full charm mode. I’m not attracted to men. I’ve never been attracted to men…

  “What do you need me to do?” Oliver would have cringed at the rough sound of his voice, but he was too distracted by Josh releasing the chains and taking his wrists in his hands.

  “One at a time. I’ll strap you in and you can dangle for a minute. Tell me if you feel any cracks in the leather cuffs. I don’t want the subs to chafe.”

  Oliver nodded, not trusting his voice to be steady, fearing it would betray the confusion tearing him apart. Josh stepped in closer, so their bodies nearly touched, and lifted Oliver’s hand. The stretch was enough that he had to get up onto his toes to give Josh room to secure the cuff. When the second one was firmly in place, Josh grinned and stepped away.

  The feeling of being suspended from the ceiling had Oliver’s cock swell with anticipation. He’d never done anything like this. When it came to sex, Mallory hadn’t been interested in anything beyond missionary style, and even that she’d limited to a few times a month. He hadn’t minded because he’d been fucking crazy in love with her.

  And hadn’t that backfired spectacularly?

  Josh walked behind him, and Oliver had to twist around to try and see what he was doing. “So…I don’t really feel anything out of the ordinary,” he murmured.

  “No, you probably wouldn’t. Normally there is a lot more stress on them than this. Mind if I take a minute to try something?”

  “I can’t really say no, can I?”

  Leaning in, Josh pressed his lips to Oliver’s ear. “You can always say no.”

  Stretched out like he was, Oliver couldn’t do anything to cover up his erection. He tried to shift away, but Josh caught him by the arm, forcing him still. Strong fingers pushed the cuff of his T-shirt sleeve up, revealing his upper biceps and the tattoo he normally kept hidden.

  “What’s this?” Josh’s tone was teasing, but the caress of his fingers was firm. “It’s good work.”

  “My buddy Brandon does them. Whenever I get the urge, he inks me up.” A tingle electrified the skin of his arm, making it suddenly hard to breathe.

  “What does it mean?” Josh’s mouth was close to the back of his neck.

  “It’s a compass.”

  “It’s a broken compass.” Josh traced the points pointing south and east, moving up to where the dagger sliced through the compass face.

  “It’s been a rough year and a half.”

  Josh hummed. “Have you lost your way?”

  Shit. He shouldn’t be getting turned on by this. Shouldn’t want to lean into Josh’s touch, or turn his head to kiss him. Shouldn’t want—

  The slap to his ass sent him skidding forward on the floor. Crying out in surprise, Oliver twisted around to glare at Josh. “What the hell?”

  “The subs go through a lot worse. I just need to know if you feel any stress points in the leather. Pinching.” Josh placed a hand on Oliver’s waist, repositioning him. “We’re testing the restraints, remember. Focus on that, please.”

  Another crack filled the air as another smack landed on his denim-covered ass. Even though he was ready for it, Oliver still groaned. Heat from where Josh had landed the blows bled throughout his muscles, down to his thighs and between his legs. A third crack, this time landing far harder than the previous. The fourth and fifth almost had him coming in his pants.

  “God, Josh. Stop.”

  “Guess we should have discussed safe words before I put you up. Stop could mean anything.” A hand curled around his hip, the fingertips digging into Oliver’s sensitive skin. Josh’s low rumbling laughter warmed Oliver through to the core. “It could mean, More, Josh. Harder, Josh. I’m about to blow my load, Josh. How are your wrists?”

  “What?” Oliver closed his eyes, trying to regulate his breathing. “Fine. They’re fine. My ass is another matter.”

  “I’m sure it will survive.” Josh moved in front of him once more. “I’ll rub some oil into it to soften up the surface a bit. The leather cuffs, that is. Unless your ass needs an oiling too?”

  What the fuck? What. The. Fuck? Josh was flirting with him? No, this wasn’t flirting. It was downright seduction.

  He had to get out of here. Get some fresh air, cle
ar his head and dampen his raging libido. Maybe he’d go home and have a cold shower.

  When Josh didn’t move to unbuckle the straps, Oliver frowned. “Going to let me go?”

  “I’m not sure.” Josh ran his gaze down the front of Oliver’s torso, stopping when he reached his groin. “You appear to enjoy being tied up.”

  They’d never done this before, the flirting. Josh’s easy smile and gentle touches had always been given freely, but not this. The blatant sexual teasing caught Oliver off guard. He’d never seen that particular gleam in Josh’s eye or the raw hunger shining out. He smelled of arousal and musk, and the combination had Oliver’s head spinning.

  There was no questioning that he was blushing now. With one notable exception, Oliver had never been so mortified in his entire life. This was turning him on and he couldn’t hide his reaction. “Please, Josh.” His whisper was barely audible.

  The other man reached up and gripped the chains above Oliver’s hands. Josh’s brown hair slipped forward to frame his face, his pupils were wide and his gaze locked onto Oliver’s. “Again, I’m not entirely certain I know what you mean. Please, Josh, what? Please let me go? Or please give me more?”

  Oh Christ. Oliver tried to swallow past the dry lump in his throat, but he couldn’t get his mouth to work. Josh was teasing him, and yet Beth had said he planned to move to Montreal. His actions meant nothing, and Oliver couldn’t let himself think otherwise.

  “Josh? Oliver?” Beth’s voice echoed from the hall.

  He didn’t want her to walk in on him strung out like this, vulnerable and exposed.

  Josh cocked his head and smiled. “Or maybe, please, Josh, go get Beth so she can have a go as well?” Josh spoke in a hushed rush of hot air and moisture that teased Oliver’s face. Josh’s lips parted, a prelude to speech, but the words didn’t come. Their gazes locked and Josh pulled back slightly, frowning.

  “Guys, you there?”

  “Let me down. Please let me down.” Oliver whispered the words with gut-clawing urgency. If Josh was even a little uncertain, then there was no hope of this ending well. He closed his eyes and prayed he would listen before Beth came. “Not like this.”

  Josh made quick work of the buckles and in less than a minute Oliver was free. “Thanks.”

  “Hey!” Beth poked her head around the door. “There you two are. I was wondering where the hell you’d gone.”

  Josh winked at her. “I asked Ollie to help me out with something. I think this room is set.”

  Oliver couldn’t hear any more. Couldn’t be in the same room as the two of them while they bantered around him. Couldn’t stand to hear Mallory’s pet name for him on Josh’s lips. “Sorry, I’ve got to go get that beer.”


  But he didn’t stop. Pushing past Beth, he made his way to the bathroom, fully intending to get rid of his now-painful erection.

  Chapter Four

  Mr. Caruthers and Mr. Lewis trailed along behind Josh like shadows. They spent the better part of the afternoon discussing Josh’s business plan and exactly how he planned to use their money. They were pointed in their discussion, asking a lot of detailed heavy questions that thankfully he’d anticipated. That late-night strategy session on the phone with his dad had paid off. Josh was confident he’d presented himself as not only business savvy, but agile in the club market. The only thing they had left to get through was the clincher event.

  They still had the pajama party to attend. A chance to see Mavericks in action.

  He took them to his office after enjoying a wonderful meal at Mirabella’s across the street. While the club regulars started filing in and the party truly got underway, Josh continued their conversation over an expensive bottle of whiskey. Beth and Oliver were downstairs ensuring everything was going smoothly. The dungeon monitors had been well trained, and he had no doubt the regulars would put on quite the performance, given the excitement in the air.

  He would have said everything was going perfectly, but he didn’t want to jinx the night.

  “And this is an annual event?” Lewis stretched back in his chair, his whiskey glass resting on the arm. “I have to say an X-rated pajama party is a new one on me.”

  “My wife would certainly be interested in attending something like this.” Caruthers chuckled and downed the last of his glass. “I hope we won’t be stopping you from enjoying yourself tonight, Mr. Scott.”

  “Not at all. While I’m here most nights, I don’t participate in the events the way the members do. I feel it’s important to keep an air of mystery, along with a measure of control, when I’m working. These special nights are for them.”

  Caruthers nodded, toying with the edge of his glass. “That’s good to hear. I want to know that this isn’t a game you’ve been playing. What you’re asking for represents a significant investment.”

  Josh leaned forward, his forearms resting on his knees. “It is, and I appreciate your hesitation. Mavericks is more than a sex club. It’s become a haven for many of my members to be themselves when they may not be able to in their daily lives. The money would be used to guarantee that the new location will have adequate staff to ensure member safety, new security measures, new equipment, all the things they need while they are there.”

  Lewis mirrored Josh’s stance. “And your membership is stable? Will you be able to get enough of a clientele in Montreal?”

  Josh knew the next few moments would make or break the possibility of this investment going forward. “We’re very selective about who we let in. As you can appreciate, not everyone understands or accepts this sort of establishment. But we’ve seen an increase in our applications of at least ten percent over the past five years. While a new club would need time to grow, we have a reputation for giving people what they want. Safely.”

  A gentle knock on the door stopped the conversation. Josh cast a quick look at his watch. Exactly on time. “Come in.”

  Beth slid into the room, practically glowing with excitement. Tonight she had on a pair of silk lounging pants and a tight-fitting tank top. She’d left her long hair loose, so it curled around her shoulders. It was a very un-Beth-like thing to wear on a work night, but they’d both decided it couldn’t hurt their cause to throw a little sex appeal at the investors. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  “Gentlemen,” Josh said as he got to his feet, “this is my lovely assistant manager, Beth Norris. Beth has worked at Mavericks for the past two years and is one of my most trusted employees. I will be leaving the Toronto club in her more-than-capable hands. I’m sure she’ll put me to shame.”

  The fun thing about her outfit was Josh’s ability to watch the blush travel from her cheeks, down her throat to the tops of her breasts.

  “Thanks, Josh.” She sounded genuinely surprised by the compliment. Apparently he needed to remind Beth more often how important she was to the club and to him. Especially to him.

  He had to fight the urge to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her close. He wanted to stare into those big brown eyes and relax for a while. More and more, Josh was finding it difficult to resist touching Beth. It was nearly as bad as his growing obsession with Oliver. “Is there something you need?”

  “You wanted me to let you know when the party had begun. We’re already pretty full and things are in full swing.”

  “Gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me, I would be pleased to show you around Mavericks in all her glory.”

  The smell and feel of sex was palpable as they walked from the office into the hall that opened up to overlook the main club area. The air was heavy with the sounds of music, the slaps of leather against skin, and the light moans of people fucking.

  For the first few years, every time Josh came out of his office, he’d gotten aroused. His entire upbringing, he’d had it drilled into him by his mother than sex was something dirt
y, forbidden, and if necessary, hidden behind the bedroom door. His dad had always tried to offer a more balanced opinion, but his mother would be constantly there to override it.

  When he finally escaped her grasp and opened the club, Josh had wanted to soak himself in the sights and sounds of sex. It was clear the initial rush of lust had washed over Caruthers and Lewis. Their pupils were blown wide, and Lewis was sporting an impressive erection.

  “I suggest we start the tour up here.”

  Caruthers nodded and cleared his throat. “Lead the way.”

  Josh and Beth had previously worked out the route he would take the men. They’d agonized over details for hours, knowing that any misstep might mean the end of the men’s interest. She slipped away while they were distracted to make sure everything was as it should be before he brought them along.

  Josh said nothing as they made their way to the first of the specialty rooms. The two-way mirror took up a large portion of the wall, framing the sex show on the other side. A woman sat naked on a chair in the middle of the room, her hands tied behind her back and her legs forced wide apart with a spacing bar. A Domme circled around behind her, a violet wand in her hand.

  “You’ll enjoy this. The electric current isn’t strong enough to do any serious damage, but the sensation makes the recipient squirm.”

  The Domme pressed the wand against the woman’s shoulder and moved it down so the tip flicked across her bare nipple. The glass didn’t quite muffle the moan that escaped the submissive. Leaning over, the Domme caught the other woman’s mouth in a kiss as she continued to draw lines with the wand down the submissive’s body.

  Josh knew Lewis and Caruthers were entranced by what they say, but he wanted to see how into the scene they might be willing to go.

  The next room was a twisting mass of bodies. Beth was right that taking the door off hadn’t been ideal, but it gave them a peek into the oil-slicked orgy taking place. The chorus of moaning blended flawlessly with gasps and cries as people fucked. The scent of sex, scented oil and come rolled out from the room in waves.


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