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Calling the Shots

Page 12

by Christine d'Abo

  “There’s filtered in the fridge.” She didn’t watch what Josh was doing, too consumed by Oliver to shift her attention. “What’s going on?” she called over her shoulder.

  “I’m fixing things.”

  Oliver shivered but didn’t say a word.

  “Leave him, Beth. I need you in the kitchen.”

  God, it was bizarre to ignore the man kneeling on her floor and jumping to do the bidding of another. She’d never enjoyed the few times Mitch had tried to be dominant with her; instead she’d been annoyed and frustrated by his unreasonable orders. Mitch had always tried too hard to be the leader, to take control of their relationship, while not really listening to what she wanted. Maybe that was why their sex life had stalled. But with Josh it was different. She trusted him in a way she never had Mitch. And he’d always listened to her, never judging.


  She leaned in and placed a kiss to Oliver’s cheek, enjoying the strong scent of his sweat, before she joined Josh. “Dare I ask what you did to get him on his knees on my floor?”

  “I simply told him what to do and he listened.” Josh had filled up one of the water bottles she kept in her cupboard for kickboxing, and was working on a second. “He’s very attentive when he wants to be.”


  Josh hadn’t changed out of his club outfit. The leather pants hugged his ass and thighs, accentuating every muscle of his long legs, while the boots he wore gave him the appearance of some kind of kinky biker. Beth shifted closer and pressed her hip to his. “I didn’t know what you had in mind for tonight.”

  He cast a quick glance down to her cleavage. “I find that hard to believe. Where did you get this?”

  He ran a fingertip along the top of the corset. His skin was cool and damp from the water, sending delicious sensations through her chest. Her nipples hardened, and Beth was instantly so wound up she knew things were going to get crazy.

  “I’ve had it for a bit, but never had the occasion to wear it before now.”

  “I approve.”

  “I’m glad.” Beth peeked around the door to check on Oliver. “Are you just going to leave him there?”

  “That actually depends on you.”

  She wasn’t a fool. She knew before they’d arrived what Josh was planning—a repeat of the other night, and then some. But coming face-to-face with Oliver and something that he so clearly wanted, she didn’t know how to feel about it. It was one thing to play a game, but it was something else to go into a full-on BDSM scene on purpose. What if she screwed it up? It wasn’t as if she had any practical experience herself. Sure, she’d seen lots of goings-on at the club, but this was on a completely different level.

  She’d totally misread Mitch. She’d given herself blindly to him two years ago, made him the largest part of her life without thinking about what she really wanted. It had been so easy that first night back at Pulled Long to let Mitch tease her. Gentle caresses along the back of her arm. Soft chuckles close to her ear, sending shivers through her body.

  When Mitch had picked her up and placed her on the sturdy counter in the kitchen, Beth let her brain shut down and her body take over. She’d come so hard that night, but not because Mitch had done anything special. It was only much later that she realized what had turned her on was the idea of doing something dangerous.

  The extent of Mitch’s repertoire had been limited to sex in the kitchen, or missionary in a bed. No games, no toys, nothing to shake things up. It was as if getting caught by Paige at the coffee shop stripped him of whatever adventurous streak he had. The spark and excitement was chewed up, and what little was left behind hadn’t been enough to keep them together. No wonder they’d grown apart as quickly as they had.

  Josh was different. He had no boundaries. He had more than enough experience for all three of them to continue to explore the wonders of sex for years to come. Not only that, Beth liked Josh as a friend. Beth was Josh’s equal. He pushed her to better herself, to explore feelings she would otherwise ignore. Tonight was no exception.

  Wrapping her finger around a lock of hair, Beth cocked her head to the side and pushed out her hip. “I think I’ll be okay with whatever you throw my way.”

  The smile that broke across Josh’s face melted Beth’s heart. “Excellent. Take this.” She grabbed the water bottle he pressed into her hand and the bag in the other. “I know you haven’t mentioned this specifically, but I get the feeling you might be up for it.”

  Letting one of the handles fall away, Beth peeked into the bag. It took her brain a few seconds to decipher what it was she was seeing, but when it did, a rush of warmth rolled down her face and throat.

  “I…don’t have a clue how to use that.”

  “You’re a quick study. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

  “Do I…do you think he will…” She closed her eyes and chuckled. “God, you know how to throw a person, Josh.”

  He opened his water and drained the bottle. “I try. Tuck it away for now. If you want to use it, then go for it. I have a feeling Oliver won’t say no to anything.”

  It would certainly take her desires for something exciting in the bedroom, the urge to be the dominant one, to the next level. And Oliver, well, she’d be able to give him what he wanted. Rolling the bag, she held it behind her back. “We’ll see.”

  “We better check and see if he’s being a good boy.” Josh’s smile was enough of an indicator that he was in full mischief mode.

  Oliver hadn’t moved. His arms were at his side, fingers still balled into fists. He’d been waiting for them. His gaze floated between the two of them, and Beth was certain if he kept breathing that fast he’d begin to hyperventilate. Josh kept his distance, but scrutinized Oliver.

  “Our boy’s had a rough night.”

  Beth stood beside Oliver. Condensation on the bottle dripped down her hand and wrist before falling to the floor. Tossing the bag to the floor by the couch, she switched hands and pressed her wet fingers to the side of his neck and placed a kiss to his cheek.

  Oliver whimpered. “Sorry.”

  “No, I’m the one who’s sorry about what happened earlier. That wasn’t your fault.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  “Honey, it wasn’t you.” She kissed him again, his time letting the contact linger. “I’d just had a run-in with my ex, the one who got me fired from a job a few years ago. I thought I’d gotten past it, but apparently I have a few hang-ups left.”

  She pressed the cold water bottle to the middle of Oliver’s chest, enjoying the way he sucked in a sharp breath.


  “I bet you’re thirsty. You’ve been running around all night serving others. And Josh did something to you as well. Didn’t he?”



  He shook his head.

  “Tell me.”

  He shook it again—harder.

  Beth shifted the bottle to his nipple as she nipped at his earlobe. “Tell me, Ollie.”

  He stiffened but didn’t pull away. “I hate that nickname.”

  “Then tell me what I want to know and I won’t use it again. What did Josh do to you tonight to get you so wound up?”

  Oliver groaned. “He sucked my cock until I was about to come. Then he put a fucking cock ring on me.”

  Beth closed her eyes, could picture the scene without the need for additional details. “He did that in the office, didn’t he? Because he knew I’d ask you what was wrong.” Josh loved to break through people’s barriers. Plus he was a fucking tease.

  “He told me I had to make it up to you. That I’m not allowed to come until you’ve been satisfied.”

  What the hell was it that Josh wanted? She needed to see, to understand what it was he was hoping to accomplish from this little exa
mple of control. Instead of the smug expression she’d half expected, Josh stood straight, like a current was rolling through him. She knew he was attracted to them both. What she couldn’t understand was why he couldn’t act on those desires. He was willing to help everyone but himself.

  “I know how you can make it up to me.” She dropped to her knees and pressed up against Oliver’s side. “I’m going to sit on the couch and watch you give Josh everything he wants. Then when he’s done with you, I want you to go down on me. If you’re a very good boy, I’ll let you come after that.”

  A choked sob slipped from Oliver as he turned his face to her shoulder. “I can’t do this.”

  Beth cupped his cheek and gently turned his face. “Why not?”

  But Oliver refused to say anything else. She was drawn in by his wide eyes, bright with unshed tears. He was older than she was by a year or two, but at the moment he seemed significantly younger. Someone had hurt Oliver in a way far deeper than Beth had experienced.

  “You can do this. I want you to.” She kissed his cheek and nose as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I know this is new, but you’ve seen the subs at the club. They’ve gotten to a point where they trust their top and simply let go. You’re still learning. Trust me. Trust Josh. We’ll take care of you.”

  She didn’t stop, didn’t break contact until the tension beneath her caress lessened and Oliver began to reciprocate. The first fleeting brush of his fingers along her back quickly morphed into a massaging grip. Their soft moans mingled, encouraging Beth to move things forward.

  It took surprisingly little effort to lean into the kiss. It was different from before, more intense as she dipped her tongue into his mouth. Oliver was here, hers for the taking if she could get out of her head long enough to accept him. With her eyes closed, Beth let physical sensations become her sole focus and ignored her doubts and fears. When Oliver squeezed her breast, pinching the nipple firmly, her instant reaction told her that Josh had been right. She needed this—wanted Oliver and Josh regardless of her past. Mitch no longer mattered.

  Pulling back, she kept her eyes closed for a moment longer while she whispered, “I want you to crawl over to Josh. I want you to pull out his cock and suck him down.”

  Oliver whimpered as his body twitched. “Beth…”

  “Shh, it’s fine. He wants this as much as I do. We want you to make us feel good.” She pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “You like that, don’t you? Making other people happy? It’s why you are always there for me and Josh. Helping us out when we need it most.”

  The single nod from him was stiff, and his shoulder muscles tensed beneath her touch. “I hate it.”

  “What?” Her stomach twisted into knots. God, had she read him completely wrong?

  “Wanting to make everyone happy. It never works out for me.”

  “Someone hurt you.” Josh’s voice cut through the quiet apartment. “But we’re not them.”

  Beth hummed her agreement. “We’re a screwed-up bunch. For tonight at least, let’s do what feels right and forget about everything else. We can figure it out in the morning.”

  A tremor of pleasure and anticipation began to build in her stomach, lower, and spread out through her body. This control she had over Oliver was far gentler than what she’d seen at Mavericks over the years, and yet it was potent. She’d always denied her desires to top a man, partially because she wasn’t that woman all the time, mostly because she hadn’t been with a partner before then who was willing to experiment.

  God, please…

  This was just as new to Oliver, more so given what he was being asked to do. But she knew this was right, that together the three of them clicked somehow, making everything between them right.

  Oliver dropped to all fours and crawled across the floor toward Josh. The two of them stared intently at each other, as though no one else in the universe existed. A part of her should be jealous for being left out, but all Beth could think was that these men were hers to toy with. Sitting back on her ass, she hooked her legs to the side and leaned back on her hands.

  She’d never been able to watch something like this—something so intimate. Every sex act she’d witnessed at the club had an element of showmanship. With their emotions on display as much as their bodies, Josh and Oliver were showing their secret sides, the parts they rarely acknowledged on their own, let alone allowed anyone else to see.

  Oliver’s ragged breathing settled as he reached for Josh. Spread fingers slid up along leather-encased thighs, curling over muscles that twitched beneath his touch. Beth shifted, pressure growing between her thighs at the sight of Oliver placing openmouthed kisses across Josh’s thigh.

  “I shouldn’t want you.” Oliver’s voice was quiet, shy, in contrast to the boldness of his touch. “I’ve never wanted another man. Not like this. Like you.”

  Something changed in Josh’s expression. “There’s nothing wrong with this.”

  “I know.”

  If she’d blinked she would have missed the flash of torment that streaked across his face. Despite his bravado, there were cracks in Josh’s psyche that ran deep. Beth could barely conceive of the notion, let alone figure out what could have happened to him to be hurt like that. He always seemed so sure of what he was doing. He always seemed to know what others needed to be happy and safe.

  It was Beth’s turn to take charge now, to ensure his desires were at the forefront.

  “Josh, why don’t you sit down on the couch?” She nodded in the direction of the well-loved furniture. “It’ll be easier for Oliver.”

  The men moved together, neither releasing the touch they had on the other. Josh caressed the side of Oliver’s head, petting his hair and running his fingertips along the side of his neck. Oliver continued to stroke the lean lines of Josh’s thighs. When Josh got himself comfortable on the couch, he spread his legs wide and let Oliver situate himself between them. Josh then grinned in that smartass way he used when he wanted to throw people off, trick them into thinking he was going along for the ride.

  “Now what?” She could tell Josh was teasing her. If she wanted to do this properly, then she needed to make sure Josh wasn’t the one in charge.

  He’d give up control only if she took it.

  Heady shit.

  “Oliver, I want you to take his pants off, but don’t touch his cock.”

  Josh lifted his hips enough to give Oliver room to slide the leather down. The pants got caught on Josh’s boots and it took some careful maneuvering to get both his feet free. Once naked from the waist down, Josh finally started to relax.

  “Josh, take your shirt off.”

  Fabric landed in a soft pile on the floor. The scent of arousal and sweat threatened to drag a moan from Beth. God, how the hell was she going to keep her hands to herself? How did the Dommes at the club manage to give the appearance of being cool and collected as their partners fell apart beneath their watchful eyes? How could they not be completely affected by the beauty of their surrender?

  Josh’s gaze was still focused on her, despite Oliver’s attentions. It was strange seeing Josh appearing so relaxed, even expectant and yet still not having completely let go. One wrong word from her, the slightest hesitation about the situation, and Josh would take over. Not because he had to, but because he wouldn’t want her to flounder. Josh and Oliver were so much alike in that regard—needing to please others.

  She’d always had someone there for her. She’d never needed to take the reins of her life, knowing that if she couldn’t handle it, someone would be there to help. This was a chance for her to take control, put herself out there and prove this was more than experimentation. More important, prove to herself that she liked being in control but was willing to share that power with Josh.

  “Suck him, Oliver.” Reaching up, she squeezed her breasts with her hands. “Be
nice and loud. I want to enjoy my show.”

  Josh’s chuckle morphed into a moan as Oliver licked up the length of his shaft. He cupped the other man’s cheek, touching but not controlling. “You have a wicked mouth. No one would believe you haven’t done this before.”

  “I’ve been reading. Watching porn.” Oliver nipped at his inner thigh. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

  Another long swipe of tongue and both men seemed to forget about Beth. That was fine, it was what she wanted for the moment. A chance to watch them both, see their expressions as they became completely lost to the sensations. She found her nipple through the corset and squeezed. The pain was dulled by the fabric, leaving a pleasant ache in its stead.

  “You two are so hot,” she said almost to herself. “I would be happy just watching.”

  “That would be a waste.” Josh had his gaze on Oliver even as he spoke. “You could come over here and—”


  Both men froze.

  Sitting up, she pointed at Josh and waited until she was certain she had his full attention. “You are not in charge right now, Josh. I’m telling Oliver what to do. So shut up and enjoy it.”

  The casual dismissal she’d come to expect from Josh never came. He frowned. In that moment he looked every day of his thirty-five years.


  Oliver squeezed Josh’s cock. “She’s right. This is for you, so relax.” Leaning in, he sucked halfway down Josh’s shaft.

  “I was going to let Oliver drag this out, but I see that’s not going to happen.” Beth had learned enough about Josh over the years to know what emotional buttons to push. She’d never been tempted to try before now.

  Getting to her feet, she moved to stand behind Oliver. Josh’s gaze shifted to her, as if he could sense the change in her motivation. He opened his legs wider, giving Oliver full access to his body, and stretched his arms out along the top of the couch.

  There was a challenge in his gaze. It screamed do it to her.

  Well, okay then.

  Threading her fingers through Oliver’s short hair, Beth smiled at Josh. “You like having a handsome man at your feet, don’t you? It’s something you don’t allow yourself very often, but I can tell you like it. Want him? You want both of us, don’t you?”


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