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Loving Liberty

Page 23

by Belinda Boring

  “So, what are you thinking?”

  “Just how blessed I am. This time last year, I was miserable and felt trapped. There was no way I could’ve ever imagined this happening. Not only can I now make my own choices, but I have new friends.” It was my turn to stroke the side of his face with my fingers. “And I have you.”

  Gently taking my hand, Oliver kissed the center of my palm, his lips soft against my sensitive skin. “Because you believed in yourself and were willing to take a risk.”

  “I hate wondering what might have happened if I didn’t call you, or if I hadn’t memorized your number. I didn’t tell you, but Erica found it and used it for weeks as blackmail.”

  “One thing I’ve learned is that when an opportunity is missed, worrying about it doesn’t bring it back. There would’ve been other occasions that brought us together. I have no doubt. We were meant to find each other.”

  “How did you get so wise?” I chuckled softly, amazed that this guy holding me in his arms and looking at me so lovingly was mine. “I have so much to learn.”

  “Stick with me, kid, and I’ll show you the world!” Oliver grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Oh no . . . not that cheesy accent again!” I groaned, banging my forehead lightly against his chest in feigned frustration.

  “Still not impressed, huh?”

  “Not even close.” Distant thunder rumbled in the sky as the sun disappeared behind clouds. A cool breeze picked up and I shivered. Taking the cue, Oliver released me long enough to wrap his arm around my shoulders and guide us over to where he’d parked Blake’s car.

  “Do you still think I’m dangerous?”

  “Nope. You’re perfectly safe.”

  Waiting to get into the car, I gave him a wink. It was meant to be a teasing gesture, but Oliver took it as a challenge. Suddenly he was right there, my back against the car as his body molded with mine. There was a sensual fire shining from his stare and his grin had gone from playful to positively sinful.

  “If you knew my thoughts right now, you’d realize you were far from safe, Liberty.” To prove his point, he placed his left hand behind me on the car and leaned in so close, he was a mere breath away from kissing me. Even caged like this, I knew the only threat was to my heart.

  “You’re a teddy bear,” I added, innocently.

  He was careful as he feathered kisses over my cheekbone, not wanting to place pressure on my bruises. “You’re going to make me prove it, aren’t you?”

  “That you’re a big softie?”

  “No, that when it comes to us, we will always be dangerous to each other. Me, because I love making you blush . . .”

  “And me?” I interrupted.

  “And you, because every day . . . I’m going to love you that much more.”

  There was no time to reply or to tell him I felt the same way. Oliver proceeded to kiss the words out of my mouth, returning them to me with such a sweetness, the truth caused my stomach to flip flop over and over.

  Something told me he battled within himself. Just when I thought the kiss would explode into something entirely indecent, he pulled us back from the brink, treating me like I was made of glass. Each touch and stroke, each brush of his lips fanned the chemistry between us, but it was his gentleness that threatened to completely unravel me. This was part of the reason I believed he was dangerous. It was also why my heart belonged so completely to him.

  My hands gripped tightly onto his shirt for a brief moment before wrapping securely around his waist. Once again, I was drowning in sensation, in Oliver.

  It wasn’t until we couldn’t ignore the large raindrops splattering us that our kiss finally came to an end. My body felt like liquid and I blushed at his knowing look.

  “Glad to see I still have it.” He grinned. “Seems others think so, too.” Glancing around, I turned a bolder shade of crimson when a passerby congratulated Oliver. As if to cool me off, the skies opened and the splatters became a downpour. “Quick, we need to get in before we’re drenched!” He raced around the car, the doors clicking open.

  I meant to listen, but something big was brewing inside me, begging to be released. It was a culmination of all I’d gone through and experienced, channeled into one perfect sentence that now burst out into the air.

  Spreading my arms out and turning my face to the sky, I screamed out aloud. “I’m free!” Laughter followed the declaration and I twirled around, unable to keep still. “I’m free!” The words were like ambrosia to my soul.

  “You’re crazy, Liberty,” Oliver called out, leaning against his side of the car with his arms folded across his chest. “But you’re also beautiful.”

  “Because I am happy,” I answered honestly. With my brief celebration over, I returned to the car, now dripping wet. “I just want to bottle this feeling and keep it, always.”

  "So where do you want to go?"

  "I don't know ... surprise me," I grinned, wiping the rain from my face.

  And that was the beauty of finally being free and finding Liberty.

  The End

  Author Note

  Loving Liberty is unlike any other book I’ve written.

  When I first started, there was definitely a theme I wanted the story to capture—finding love, and yourself, despite opposition. What I didn’t anticipate, however, was how deeply Liberty’s journey would touch my heart, or how much of my own life would end up on these pages.

  Unlike Liberty, my opposition didn’t come from my parents or family. I was blessed to grow up surrounded by love, encouragement, and the freedom I needed to succeed. Even now, my parents are my biggest cheerleaders, never missing an opportunity to remind me how proud they are.

  No, my opposition came in the form of bullies.

  I’m a survivor of bullying. I know the frustration, pain, and confusion of being a people pleaser; of watching everything I said and did, because I never knew when the next attack would come. I grew up being hyper-vigilant of my surroundings. I learned to never excel at anything that would bring attention, and always kept to the shadows. It was safer that way—it hurt less.

  I had things stolen and broken, I was ordered about and told what and when to do things, I ate my lunch in the bathroom, and was ridiculed, hit, and received death threats. I endured years and years of living under the control of bullies. I didn’t graduate from high school; choosing, instead, to walk away rather than continue enduring the pain. Even then, the bullies followed. They attacked my self-esteem, making me believe that I was good for nothing—a simple play toy for cruel people.

  Why am I sharing this? Because, like Liberty, there came a point where I decided that enough was enough. For those living in the shadows, standing up to others will always be a risk, but it’s a necessary one. The moment it becomes more uncomfortable to remain silent and compliant, than to make a change, is the time to step out in courage and create your own future.

  No one likes to be controlled. I didn’t like giving my power to others, who didn’t deserve it. I wanted more from my life than cowering, scared, waiting to be hurt. I had dreams to achieve. We all do. It’s sad, though, when we allow ourselves to believe we are something less because we were never given the opportunity to see how truly magnificent we are.

  For whatever reason, we all have things that hold us back—fear, doubt, insecurities, and controlling influences. We may lack the support needed to live out our dreams, or there may be people pulling us down. Sometimes, it’s our own lack of belief in ourselves that holds us back—we don’t believe we deserve happiness or realize that the risks are worth taking. We focus on failing, the idea of success a mere pipedream that is out of reach.

  So, we settle for being less than who we are. We allow others to determine our identity and our ability. We forget we are all destined for great things.

  I hope the message you take away from Loving Liberty is to always be yourself. Discover those things that bring you bliss and do whatever it takes to create your own happiness. Life is to
o short to live it pleasing others while ignoring your own needs. Don’t let someone else control your future—you decide, your rules.

  It’s not easy. But I tell you, just like Oliver told Liberty, be brave.


  About The Author

  A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy.

  With all that excitement, it wasn't long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can't help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn't be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

  Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!

  You can find Belinda Boring:



  Official Website:




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