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Rachel Laine (The Women of Merryton Book 3)

Page 30

by Peel, Jennifer

  Chapter Forty-One

  So, where to begin? Andrew thought that inserting himself into my life, or should I say our life, was a good place to start. It was a good thing Andrew was patient and determined. Being in a relationship didn’t come naturally for me. I was far too independent for my own good, and maybe a little afraid to let go. He had to remind me that our worlds had collided, and we needed to be a part of each other’s lives.

  My first day back to work after being sick, he showed up at lunch time hoping we would spend that time together. And it’s not that I didn’t want to, but I didn’t expect it. I had a routine, and he was anything but routine.

  “What are you doing here?” He didn’t even knock.

  “I’m here to take you out to lunch.”

  “In public?”

  He met me at my desk, shaking his handsome head at me. “Are you ashamed of me?”

  “No,” I laughed. “This is just new to me.”

  He took my hands and pulled me out of my seat. He wrapped me up in his arms. “If you want to stay here, we can order in. Your couch looks inviting, and I’ve missed your lips; but I would really like to take you out.”

  I clung to him tighter and soaked him in. I reveled in being in his arms. “I know a place.”

  He rubbed my back and kissed my head. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Much. Maybe you should become a doctor in your free time.” He did a great job of nursing me back to health over the weekend.

  “I’m only playing doctor for you.”

  “I accept.”

  He let go of me and took my hand. “We better go before the couch wins.”

  I laughed at him as he hurried us out of my office.

  We headed over to Jessie Belle’s café.

  “You know we’re going to be the center of attention, right?”

  He picked up my hand that he was holding as he drove and kissed it. “I’m used to it. Are you okay with it?”

  “If it means being with you, yes.”

  “Keep talking like that and we’re headed back to the couch.”

  “There’s always tonight after Drew goes to bed.”

  He chuckled. “Speaking of which, Drew said I could kiss you, but not in front of him.”

  “And what did you say?”

  “I said I would try my best, but that I liked kissing you, so he should get used to it.”

  “And how did he take that?”

  “He asked if we were going to make a baby.”


  “It’s true.”

  “He sure feels comfortable around you. How did you answer him?”

  He grinned over my way. “I told him I’d like to, but his mom hadn’t approved my application yet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You did not.”

  He kissed my hand again and laughed at his own joke.

  It reminded me, though, that we needed to talk to Drew about sex. I had been reading a book about the best age-appropriate ways to approach it. I supposed I should talk it over with Andrew first. I kept having to remind myself that we had a dad in our midst. Not like he would let me forget, but he deserved to be part of the decisions.

  Once we were parked, we walked hand in hand to Jessie’s café. We stopped at the door and looked at each other like this was it. We were coming out into the open. I took a deep breath before he opened the door. I can do this.

  As predicted, all heads turned our way, including Jessie’s and Cheyenne’s. They were both at the counter. Jessie’s smile was inviting. Cheyenne tried her best not to scowl, so I’ll give her that. I pulled Andrew along to greet my friends and properly introduce him. I knew he had met both, but I hadn’t been around for it.

  “It’s about time, Rachel Laine,” Cheyenne started off with. Leave it to her.

  I looked up to find Andrew taking it all in stride. “Andrew, I believe you’ve met Cheyenne already.”

  He held out his hand to take hers, but she wasn’t biting. “Yes, we’ve met.” So she was still a little bitter.

  Jessie smacked her across the counter. “Don’t pay attention to her. Welcome, Andrew, and thanks for playing on my team.” Her face was radiating pure joy, or was that revenge?

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Andrew replied.

  “Join us at the counter?” Jessie suggested.

  Andrew acted like he was good with that, so we took the two seats next to Cheyenne. I sat next to Cheyenne. I think Andrew was afraid of her.

  Jessie let us settle. “So, I was just telling Cheyenne that Aidan Bates is also joining the team this year.”

  “Really? How did that happen?”

  “Who’s Aidan?” Andrew asked.

  I forgot he wasn’t up to speed yet, but Cheyenne jumped in before I could.

  “He’s probably the best looking guy in town—mysterious, great butt, amazing eyes—”

  “We get the picture,” Jessie interrupted. “Anyway, Larry’s family is moving and I was telling Pastor Bates we were one player short, so he volunteered his brother, said it would be good for him.”

  “Does he play well?”

  “I hope so, but we have Andrew now.” Jessie was still in heaven over it.

  I turned toward Cheyenne on my right. “Are you interested in Aidan?”

  “No … but he’s easy on the eyes.”

  “Good to know. Andrew was wondering if you wanted to meet Paxton Matthews?” He was the Stallions’ quarterback.

  It was like I handed her the key to Macy’s and told her she could have anything she wanted. “Why are you even asking? When?”

  “Sometime during Memorial Day weekend I’m throwing a house warming party for a few close friends.” Andrew informed her. “Jessie, you and your family are invited as well.”

  Cheyenne no longer looked like she wanted to rip out his throat. I almost thought she was going to kiss him. She probably thought about it.

  “If Paxton Matthews will be there, Blake may even be happy about going,” Jessie replied.

  I would have to fill Andrew in later about everyone’s little quirks, like Blake’s need to be unsociable, but he had a burning desire to make his wife happy, so that usually won out. “By the way, Blake is doing a great job. The lobby and reception area look fantastic.”

  “That’s great, Rachel, but what time is the house warming party?” Cheyenne butted in.

  “Rachel and I haven’t discussed that yet. We’ll let you know.” He gave me a quick peck on my lips.

  Cheyenne stood up. “I’m out of here. I can see that you guys are going to be one of those couples.”

  “And what are those?” I asked.

  She waved her hand between Jessie and me. “Like all of you. Domesticated and sappy.”

  “Bye, Cheyenne. We love you, too.” Jessie shooed her out the door. She turned back toward us. “I’m off to my parents to get Tristan. I hope you enjoy your lunch.”

  “Thanks, Jessie. Give your little guy a squeeze for me.”

  “I’ll give him several. I still can’t get enough of him. My mom is lucky he’s too mobile now for me to bring him into the café.” She scurried off to collect her son.

  I turned my attention back to Andrew, who didn’t look so out of place here. “So, what do you think of Merryton so far?”

  He leaned in and stole another kiss. “As long as this is where you and Drew are, I like it just fine.”

  “If I haven’t mentioned it before, thank you for moving up here.”

  “You can thank me by coming to a private house warming party on Saturday,” he whispered in my ear.

  I was feeling warm all right. How could I refuse? “I’ll be there.”

  “Perfect, now tell me what’s good here.”


  The private house warming party was dubbed Valentine’s Day by Andrew. It was only two months late. For a moment, I thought it might be a V-Day massacre. My parents were back in town and ready to spend some time with Drew, but Andrew had asked his mom to watch him while
we were on our date.

  My parents were less than thrilled that I was seeing Andrew again, and that he had become a permanent fixture in our lives. The rest of Merryton were like his cheerleaders, but my mom and dad remained on the sidelines of the opposing team. The only other teammates they had were the Rileys, and that didn’t sit well with them, either.

  “Does Andrew have to be part of everything Drew does?” My father lamented.

  “Dad, listen to yourself. He’s Drew father; that’s the way it should be.”

  “How do you know that for sure?”

  “We had a paternity test done.”


  “Yes. After that Rex guy made those idiot claims, we did it to shut him up, or anyone else Sydney may have been with.”

  My dad cringed. I’m sure he didn’t want to think about all the men Sydney had been with, including Andrew. But we wouldn’t have Drew if they hadn’t. “I hope he’s paying you child support now,” he grumbled.

  I took my dad’s hand and rubbed it. Our workday visits were not what they used to be. “He’s put a large sum of money into a trust for Drew. He’s offered monthly payments, but I don’t want them.”

  “Why in the world not?”

  “Because our relationship goes beyond Drew. And taking a check from him every month doesn’t feel right.”

  The look of disgust on his face was telling.

  “Dad, I’m sorry that bothers you, but Andrew is my choice. Drew’s never been happier, and frankly, neither have I. Drew is not lacking in things, and he’s more than loved by his family—all of his family. I don’t need Andrew’s money, and what Drew needs most from him, he gets in abundance.”

  For a second, I thought my dad’s top would blow. His balding head looked pretty red, but he took a deep breath and squeezed my hand. “You really like this guy?”

  I nodded.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.” He got up and walked out of my office.

  I sat stunned on my couch trying to hold back the tears. That’s when Andrew popped in. Our new receptionist never bothered to call and let me know he was coming back. I assumed she figured it was okay, and it was. He was all smiles until he saw I was anything but.

  He joined me on the couch and without a word I turned into him and found comfort in his embrace.

  “Is it your dad?”

  “How did you know?”

  “I ran into him in the parking lot. I think he wanted to run me over.”

  “You may want to steer clear of him.”

  “Not going to happen. You and Drew are my family, which means your parents are, too.”

  “They don’t see it that way. I don’t get it. I’ve tried to do everything right in my life. Why can’t they trust me?”

  “I don’t think it has anything to do with trust. I’m sure they’re afraid of what I might do to you. I can’t say I blame them. Maybe if you told them my application for procreation was still pending, they would feel better,” he teased.

  I laughed against his chest. “I don’t think that’s going to help the situation any.”

  “Tell me what will. I don’t like seeing you unhappy.”

  “You can’t fix everything.”

  He took my face in his hands and peered into my eyes. “For you, I would try.”

  When he talked like that, I found myself wanting to lock my office door and kiss him senseless, but we had more pressing matters. “Maybe my parents could watch Drew on Saturday instead of your mom.” I wanted everyone to be happy, or at least get along.

  “Hmm.” Andrew thought about it. “My mom would like to get to know your parents, especially your mom. Do you think that would work?”

  “I could probably talk my mom into it.”

  “Drew will have a double grandma date. And I will get you all to myself.” He kissed my forehead. “It’s all going to work out.”


  “We better sign that policy. I need to get back to my place before the movers show up.”

  “Are you sure you really want to do this?” I still couldn’t believe he was moving up here.

  His lips crept their way down my face and neck, leaving a trail of kisses as they went. “Oh, yeah, positive.”

  I was positively falling for him. I sighed as he nuzzled my neck. “You’re speaking my language.”

  He worked his way back up to my ear. “How do you do that?”


  “Be so sexy and innocent at the same time.”

  “I’m not trying to be.”

  “I think that’s your secret.”

  I pushed him away. “We better get you out of here before the auditor arrives.”

  “I love it when you talk professional.”

  I loved that he could make me smile no matter the circumstances. I think I was beginning to love him.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  I finished tying the bow on my gift for Andrew as my mom walked in the door. I asked her to arrive a little before Evelyn. Drew came running down and into her arms. She seemed to take comfort in it as she held him close. I could feel her pain. I knew what it was like to have to share. It wasn’t always easy, but Andrew did his best to include me in all of their activities, even baseball practice. I never thought I would enjoy the sport, but the men in my life loved it, and watching them take such pleasure in it made me happy. And Andrew was the best coach ever; every parent in town was trying to get their kid moved onto his team. Since that wasn’t possible, Andrew asked some of his retired teammates to come up and help the other teams. He was a class act.

  I walked toward the hugging pair in my entryway. “Hi, Mom.”

  She looked up at me with her soulful eyes. “Hi, honey.” Her tone was light and warm.

  I was glad. My dad hadn’t talked to me in a few days and I was worried about my mom’s reaction. I think my mom’s attitude was she felt like she and my dad had pushed one daughter away, and she wasn’t going to let that happen again. I hated that my dad wasn’t talking to me, but mom said he would come around. He just needed time to cool off. I hoped so.

  “You look beautiful.”

  I didn’t really look any different. Andrew suggested that I wear something casual and warm. That’s all the hint I got about our plans for the night, that and lots of lip balm. “Thanks, Mom.”

  She gave Drew one more squeeze. “You’re getting so big.”

  “My dad said I’m going to be taller than him someday.”

  I watched Mom’s reaction. She had a great game face. “I bet he’s right.”

  Drew ran off. “I’m going to practice my pitches in the backyard.” He had become obsessed.

  “Okay, but Grandma Eve will be here soon.”

  “I hope she brings me a present.”

  I shook my head at my lovable son.

  “Does she usually bring him something?” That didn’t sound like good news to my mom.

  “Sometimes. This is new to her; she feels like she has a lot of time to make up for.” I tried to appease my mother. “Let’s sit down for a minute.”

  We sat close to one another on the couch. I took my mom’s soft hand and held it tight. I tried to convey with my eyes how much she meant to me. “You and Evelyn are going to get along great. She really wants you to be friends, and she is as sweet as can be. And remember what you told me about sharing.”

  Mom grinned. “Honey, I’m going to be fine. Go enjoy yourself.”

  I planned on it.

  After I made introductions and felt comfortable that the two women would indeed get along, I drove myself out to Lake Merryton. I still couldn’t believe I was dating someone that could afford the pricey real estate tag. Andrew’s rental policy was the biggest one I had ever written. His personal possessions alone carried a sky-high price. He loved his toys, as did our son. I was still waiting for Drew to ask to move in with him, but he hadn’t even asked to spend the night yet. I think Andrew was working his way up to asking me if he could.

pulled up to the beautiful lakeside property. I had a feeling soon, with summer coming, this would be our main hang out. I wasn’t going to complain. I loved the house, the grounds, and anything to do with water in the summertime. Andrew owned jet skis and a boat. Drew couldn’t wait to give those a go.

  I walked up the lit pathway to the mini log mansion, as I referred to it. Yellow tulips lined my way. Andrew thought they were unmanly, but they were planted by the owners, so unless he decided to purchase the property, they were there to stay. I told him not to worry about it. We still had a good spring snow ahead of us, I was sure. That would kill off the pretty flowers that had sprung too soon. We’d had several abnormally higher than average temperature days this spring.

  I let myself in; we had dispensed with knocking. “Hello,” I called out into the vaulted ceiling.

  Andrew came out of his kitchen in the middle of removing his apron. “Don’t move.”

  I stood as still as could be. “Something smells fabulous.” I had hoped part of his plans included him cooking.

  He was to me in a flash, and before I knew it, I was in his arms being kissed thoroughly. I almost dropped his gift. I could taste chocolate as his mouth explored mine. I was good with dessert first. I didn’t know why I bothered to do my hair when I was with him. He loved nothing more than to run his fingers through it.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he groaned against my ear.

  “This may become my favorite holiday.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  That thought sent shivers down the course of my body.

  He pulled a blindfold from his pocket. “Close your eyes.”

  I arched my eyebrow.

  His smile had sexy written all over it. “Trust me.”

  I closed my eyes and waited while he covered them in the black cloth. “My life is in your hands now.”

  “Right where I like it.”

  He carefully navigated me through his house that still needed to be unpacked. Our plans were to help him unpack the following week, during Drew’s spring break. I could tell he was moving me around boxes and toward the kitchen. The delicious smell only intensified. I could hear him open a door and we walked through it. The temperature dropped. I knew we were outside. If I had to guess, I would say his veranda overlooking the lake.


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