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Deacon: A Werewolf Shifter Romance (Small Town Pack Book 2)

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by M. J. Perry

  “They are wrong.” Jaxon said sharply. “That person won't be doing anything again once I catch up to them.”

  “I think that's my line. They took my mate.” Deacon said, fury colouring his voice.

  “No.” Jaxon snapped. “My pack, my house, my problem. I'm alpha of this pack. It's my duty to ensure everyone is safe. I’ll need your help with tracking the mole, but you need to sort your own life out first.” Jaxon said to him, and then he looked at me with a grin. “I'm glad you're safe, Milly. Sierra will be pleased.”

  “Thanks. Can we go and see her please?” I asked Deacon.



  “We have things we need to talk about and at the moment it isn't safe for you to be out in the open.”


  “There were ten vampires out there trying to take out Jaxon and his pack. Jaxon killed two while protecting Sierra, I just killed two in there and the pack killed five just now. That means there is one rogue vampire left.”

  “Simon.” Jaxon grimaced. “We need to find him before he recruits more vampire’s to his cause.”

  “Yeah. Until he is caught no one is safe.”

  “We’ll find him.”

  “And I will help, but not until I make sure Milly is really ok.”

  “I understand. At the moment Sierra is under lock and key at my house with Gabe as her bodyguard.”

  “He will keep her safe.”

  “I know. I trust him else I wouldn't have left her.”

  “I'll let you know when we are settled, I'll be in touch.” Deacon said as he gave Jaxon a nod and walked towards the woods. My grip tightened around his neck. “Where are we going?” I asked him amazed at his strength. He'd been holding me without any effort for a while now. I keep waiting for him to put me down but he doesn't.

  “Somewhere I can look after you, where we can be alone. Hold tight, Milly.”

  Doing as he asked, I tightened my grip wondering why he wouldn't just let me walk and then, he ran, full pelt through the trees

  “Oh my gosh.” I whispered into the wind. We were moving so fast my hair was whipping behind us. I heard Deacon laugh, and I grinned at him. I have to close my eyes against the wind as my eyes are starting to water and the speed we’re going makes me think I should be wearing a crash helmet. I pushed my face into his neck and tried to relax. A while later as we start to slow down I lifted my head. A cabin came into view. It's not like the one we've just left. This one looks welcoming. This one has different coloured flowers in pots around the porch and an actual porch swing. “Wow, what is this place?” I asked.

  “My home.”

  My eyes flicked to his in surprise.

  “We have so much to talk about but first you're going to eat something.”

  “I'd much rather talk first.”

  “I know. I can hear all your questions, but I'm not answering them until I've taken care of you.”

  I bit my lip at the sweetness of his words. “Ok.”

  “I’m glad you're not going to argue.” He said as his eyes caught mine. The tenderness there made me gasp. His head bent and he brushed his smooth lips against my forehead. When he walked up the two steps that led to the cabin, he dropped me slowly to my feet and took my hand in his.

  “Welcome home, Milly.” He said and I burst into tears.

  Chapter Three


  Relief is the first thing I feel as we get to the clearing and see my cabin. Having Milly safe in my arms means everything to me. When I slowly lower her to her feet and take her hand, I finally feel like I'm home and it isn't the cabin that gives me that feeling, it's her. Her emotions are finally catching up with her as we make it to the front door and I swiftly open it and usher her inside, closing, and locking it behind us. Leading her to the sofa, I gently push her down onto it, and sit next to her. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight, caressing her back, her arms, and her hair, everywhere I can reach. I've never held a crying woman before, I have no idea what to do, but she seems to be coming back to herself so maybe I'm doing something right.

  “I'm sorry.” She sniffed.

  “You’re in shock, baby. It's understandable after what you've been through.”

  “I was so scared. I didn't dare hope you would come for me.”

  “You didn’t think I would come for you?” Her words are like a knife to my heart.

  “You left me. You dropped me from your life as if I meant nothing and I guess I did. I fell for you the night we met. I knew instantly that you were my soulmate. You must have known it too, but you still left me. I can’t get past that feeling of loss so easily.” She sighed. “I couldn’t understand how you could deny your feelings for me, then I realised that you must not have any.”

  “No, Milly that isn’t true. I do have feelings for you, real, gut wrenching, kick me in the teeth feelings, but I was trying to protect you.”

  She sighed. “No, you were protecting yourself.”

  I closed my eyes. “Maybe you’re right. I was scared of what I might do to you if I couldn’t control my instincts.”

  “Are you still scared?” she asked me.

  I hesitated before I opened my eyes and stared into her wounded ones. “Yes.”

  “Then what makes this any different to last time?”

  “I know what it feels like to think I’ve lost you for good. I will never let that happen again.”

  “Oh, I love you, Deacon.” She said and I stared at her in awe. How could she love me after how I’ve treated her? She is giving me her love freely and I didn’t deserve it. She looked worried, her eyes uncertain and I reached up to brush a strand of hair from her face.

  “I love you too, Milly. I promise I will never let you be put in harm’s way again.” She moved closer to wrap her arms around my waist and I pulled her into my body.

  “I guess I understand why you did it.”

  “You do?”

  “Sierra told me a little about you.”

  I sighed. “I was bitten by a vampire, we don't know how powerful I am, or how it's really affected me.”

  “And you think that scares me?”

  “It scares me.”

  “Well, I happen to think you're being a wimp.”

  I stared at her in shock. “Did you just call me a wimp?”

  She grinned. “Yep. If I'm willing to trust in you, why can't you do the same?”

  “If we mate, you could end up with some, if not all of my powers.”

  “So what.”

  “So what?” I repeated in disbelief. “You don't know what you're getting yourself in to.”

  “You don't either, but at least I'm willing to try.” She sighed. “When you were saving me today, did you lose yourself? Were you at any point worried you were going to hurt me?”

  “I would never ever hurt you in that way!” I exclaimed.

  “Then, don’t you think we are worth the risk?”

  “You're life isn't worth the risk.”

  “It's my life, don’t I get a say?”


  She paled. “You're going to leave me again?”

  The thought made me feel sick. “No, I will never leave you again.”

  “Then I don't understand.”

  “I'm not going to mate with you.”

  “You're running scared.” She said softly.

  “No, I'm protecting you.”

  “You aren't protecting me, you're hurting me.”

  I moved her off my lap and stood up. “I’ll make you a cup of tea.” I said quickly. I had to get away from her sadness. I hate that she feels that way but I can't give in. She has tears in her eyes and they are enough to make me want to get down on my knees and beg her to stop crying, but I squash the urge and walk towards the kitchen to put space between us. No one knows what will happen if we mate. I could transfer my powers to her and she might not be strong enough to cope with them. What if it hurt her, or even killed her? My throat closed, the thought m
aking me sick. The only reason we haven't started the bonding process yet is that I'm blocking her. I can't let her in; I can't put her at risk like that. I flicked the switch on the kettle and leaned against the wall, closing my eyes tightly. My pain is cutting me up inside. I genuinely don’t know what to do because whatever happens between us Milly could end up getting hurt. I can’t cope with the thought. I heard Milly shuffling about and I opened my eyes to stare into hers as she entered the kitchen. I can feel our connection trying to bind us through our locked eyes. It feels like lightening striking against water, and I fight it with everything I have. I can't tear my eyes from her. She smiled brightly and moved towards me until we're an inch away from touching. Raising her hand, she cupped my jaw. I flinch at the electric shock I receive when she touches my skin. Her gasp tells me she felt it too. Shit. This couldn't happen. I lifted a hand to push hers away but it's too late. Electricity shoots through my body and into hers, I watch her jerk then her wide eyes lift to mine. I can feel her thoughts in my head, feel her love for me and that's when I realise I'm fucked because she can feel everything I'm feeling right now and right this minute all I want to do is strip her clothes from her body until I have her naked in my arms, and claim her as my own. She pressed her body tightly against mine and I gave in. I can't deny her anymore. I pull her close until we’re touching hip to hip. She gasps as she feels my erection pushing into her stomach. “Milly” I whispered. “Are you sure?”

  “Deacon, you own me body and soul.”

  I groaned at her words. “That goes both ways. If we do this, it could put you in danger.”

  “If we don't do this, neither of us will ever be happy.”

  Lifting my hand, I cupped her cheek. “You’re right. I just don't want you to end up hurt.”

  “Baby, you act like you're this dangerous creature who doesn't have any control, but that isn't true. You're still you, you’re still the man you remember, but now you have different abilities that make you special. One’s that helped you to save me and that will help you to save others too.”

  “You have a lot of faith in me.”

  “I can see inside you.”

  “I've been blocking you.” I admitted.

  “I know. Sierra said that she and Jaxon bonded almost immediately. She said she knew his favourite food before they'd even spoken to each other for more than five minutes.”

  “And I’ve blocked you from even learning that.”

  “I understand you have misgivings, Deacon, but we are strongest together.” She bit her lip. “I feel like you’re slipping away from me, and I don't think I can survive if you push me away again.”

  I pulled her against me so her head is resting against my chest. “I'm sorry for leaving you when I did. I'm sorry I didn't even tell you my name. You deserved better than that especially after what you'd been through.”

  “Just promise me you won't do it again, I won’t cope a second time.”

  “I promise, Milly. From now on wherever you go, I go.”


  “Except for hunting Simon. That will be something I do alone and without you. I won't put you in danger.”

  “I wouldn't want to come. I've seen enough vampire’s to last a life time thank you very much.”

  “I'm part vampire.” I reminded her. “Does that bother you?”

  “Of course not.” She denied instantly. “How can you even ask me that?”

  “I don't want you to think that I'm like them.”

  “I know you aren't like them. I can feel how powerful you are, sometimes your body vibrates with it, but I've never been afraid of you.”

  “I nearly made you scream in the cabin.”

  “You had red eyes.”

  “I was furious.”

  “I know. I felt it, but I still wasn't afraid of you.”

  “Maybe you should be.”

  “And maybe you should shut up and kiss me.” She grinned. “That way I can discover how you feel about me all by myself.”

  I grinned at her, at the happiness radiating off her. Cupping her cheek again, I leaned down and caught her lips with mine. Fire raged in my stomach at how right she feels in my arms and her thoughts tell me she feels the same. I brushed my tongue against her lips and she opened her mouth. Flicking my tongue against hers, I growl as she copies the movement. Somehow, she is in my arms and I'm heading to my bedroom. Laying her on the bed I search her face for fear, but all I can see is her desire.

  “I’ve waited so long to touch you. Lying in your bed with you the night we met and not being able to touch you nearly killed me.” I told her and I love the way her eyes light up with pleasure at my words. “You’re gorgeous, Milly.”

  I took my coat off and threw it over a chair, my hands go to my t-shirt, and I pull it over my head. Her eyes fix on my abs and when I move my hand to my belt, they follow the movement. I undo it and then undo the zip, her eyes are wide now, her hands in fists on the bed spread, and I worry for a minute that she’s scared of me. “Milly?”

  “I'm a virgin.” she blurted out and my hands shake. She's waiting for me to say something, but I can't, I'm so turned on and finding out she's untouched, that no man has ever touched what's mine has nearly put me over the edge. I quickly pull my jeans down my legs and off my body. I walk over to the bed, where she is lying there so still. Gripping her ankle, I pull her down the bed until she's hanging off it. I put a hand out and she places her small one in mine. Pulling her to her feet, I take off her clothes, or rather the pyjamas she’s still wearing from when I took her from her house just this morning. Her body is shaking slightly and once I have her in just her knickers I take her hands in mine. Taking a deep breath, I break the wall down in my mind that I've had between us and let her in. Tears quickly follow her gasp of surprise.

  “You love me.”

  “Yes, just as you love me.”

  “I know you’ve told me already but now I can feel it in here.” She said as she touched where her heart is beating in her chest.

  “Once we make love, once I've taken your sweet body we will be one. Are you sure you want that because once it's happened I won't be able to let you go.”

  “Do you honestly think I want you to let me go?”

  “I’m telling you to be sure.”

  She lifted my hand to her chest and pressed it against her heart. “You make my heart race and my body tingle all over. You make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world when you look at me with your incredible blue eyes. Sure, it’s happened fast, but I’ve loved you since you saved me from that shifter in the alley way and held me in your arms all night.”

  “I don’t deserve you.” I whispered.

  “Yes you do. I’m your soulmate, I was made for you.”

  “And I was made for you. Let me show you how well we fit together.”

  “Ok. Then you can tell me why your favourite colour is pink.” She grinned.

  “I never had a favourite colour until you. When I took you home and saw your pink bedroom I started to be reminded of you wherever I saw the colour.”

  “That's sweet.”

  “Maybe, but what I’m feeling at the moment isn’t sweet. It’s downright dirty.”

  “I don’t think I know how to do that.” She murmured as I projected images into her mind of exactly how I wanted to take her.

  “I’ll teach you.” I grinned. My hands gripped her hips and tugged her close again. “Now, where were we?”

  “I believe you were going to kiss me.”

  “Oh yes.” I grinned as I leaned down to press my lips against hers. From the first touch, I’m on fire and Milly is with me one hundred percent. Her whole body is shaking with desire and she reaches up to grip my shoulders as I tease and caress her everywhere I can touch. My lips curved against hers as I lift her up and place her down on the bed. I followed her down, my hard body pressing her soft one into the mattress. I listened to her thoughts, her whole body feels alive, every part of her wants my touch, wants my han
ds and mouth on her body. She can’t keep still, her body keeps pushing against me begging for relief.

  “Milly, baby, its ok. I’ll take care of you.” I whispered. I skimmed my hand down her side to her hip. Gripping her knickers in my hand, I tore them off her and she gasped as my hand slipped between her legs and I can feel just how wet she is. I slid my finger inside her and she whimpered softly. Moving my finger in a steady rhythm I listen to her thoughts, her frustration, and I slip a second finger inside her curling them both until I’m rubbing against her g spot. I can feel her pleasure building, her breathing coming out in short sharp pants, and it isn’t long until her whole body tenses and she is screaming my name. When she opens her eyes, she looks dazed and so beautiful.

  “I want to be inside of you so badly, but I’m worried that I’ll blow my load as soon as I feel the warmth of you.”

  She grinned. “That’s sweet.”

  “It’s not funny. I haven’t ever been this turned on before, baby.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Are you ready for us to become one?”


  “It’s a big step. We’ll know everything about each other.”

  “I feel like I already know you.”

  “I feel the same, but some of the things I’ve done might scare you. You’ll be able to see them.”

  “Whatever you have done, Deacon, I won’t ever be afraid of you.” She promised.

  I caressed her face. “I’ll be gentle.”

  “I’m not worried.” She said in her sweet voice and I’m thrilled by the trust she has in me. I lean down and kiss her, my mouth gentle as I tease her. “I wanted to drag this out, to have you so turned on that you wouldn’t feel the pain but I hurt for you. I’m worried if I tease myself too long I will end up being too rough. I need to be in control.”

  “It’s ok. I want you just as much as you want me.”

  “I think our connection will blow your mind.” I warned her.

  I’m somewhat used to having other people’s thoughts in my head but she isn’t. I still have a barrier between us, one that is holding back the worst of what I’ve done but once we are joined, there will be nothing to stop her reading my mind. Every dark thought I have will be hers. I don’t want to scare her off and that’s part of the reason I haven’t let her in. Now, there is no turning back. I grow harder just thinking about marking her with my bite and my seed. She nipped my bottom lip with her teeth, her impatience pushing at me through our connection.


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