Book Read Free

Ocean Breeze

Page 14

by Laura Conway

  “I don’t mind. I’m down by the port, having a drink if you want to join me, or I can meet you back at home shortly...”

  “I’m dying to get out of these heels... I’ll see you at home if that’s okay?”

  “Sure. I’ll be back in a half hour I’d say.”

  Carley took a long drink. Most days it was hard to keep business and pleasure separate but when Andrea left the house this morning in a black skirt and a white button-down blouse tucked inside it, Carley was at a loss for words. She had no idea if Andrea even knew what she was doing to her.

  And those heels...

  Carley was dying to get Andrea out of more than just those black heels. She didn’t know how she was going to last until November, but she kept reminding herself that it was worth it. Even if she wasn’t going to continue traveling, the money she was making right now was adding up, and her bank account was steadily growing. She missed having that security, and by the time she was finished in November, she’d have a bigger cushion than she’d ever had. She could even consider getting involved in real estate. She’d have enough for a deposit if she kept up her frugal ways.

  Carley found it hard to think about the future though. She had no idea what she’d do after her contract with Andrea was up. She’d like to think she’d still be with Andrea, but she didn’t know. They hadn’t actually had a serious conversation about it.

  Ever since the wedding, they’d fallen into this easy routine where they worked well together during the day, staying professional, but once six or seven o’clock rolled around, they stopped pretending things were normal between them. Andrea loosened up, and Carley had spent every single night in Andrea’s bed.

  The whole thing was surreal, but Carley had that fear at the back of her mind, that this was just a fling for Andrea. Stephanie’s words still echoed in her ears. She knew what Andrea was like, and Carley had just witnessed it in London, seeing several of her exes looking for another night with Andrea.

  Carley got it. Andrea was stunning, and if she’d never been interested in relationships before, of course she was going to have affairs and flings, but it was still hard to stomach. Carley tried to keep herself from getting too attached. It was easier during the day, but as soon as the switch was flipped, and Andrea’s lips were on hers, it became an impossible task.

  She’d already fallen for Andrea, and when she closed her eyes to fall asleep, she could see herself staying in Marbella, drifting off to sleep in Andrea’s arms every night.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Carley followed Megan through the Royal Alcazar in the heart of Seville. They’d spent the day being tourists, wandering through the streets before checking out the cathedral and visiting Christopher Columbus’s tomb. It was another hot day in the south of Spain, but exploring the Alcazar gave them plenty of opportunities to be inside where the historic interiors dated back to the 12th century.

  When they were growing up, Megan and Carley were often mistaken for sisters, and that hadn’t changed. The waitress working at the bar where they had tapas for lunch had asked them as they were leaving if they were. They had similar features and the same dirty blond hair and blue eyes.

  Carley didn’t have to worry about anything else changing either. They went right back to the way it was when they were in high school, and their conversations flowed easily. They had a lot of laughs already, reminiscing about their summers together and the trips they took into New York City.

  Turns out, Megan was also bitten by the travel bug. She’d already been to England, Ireland, and France. She was moving on to Portugal on Monday, and Carley almost wished she could go with her, but then she remembered Andrea. She had no intention of spending any more time away from her. She was so used to being with her every day that today time had slowed down. She couldn’t believe it was only five o’clock.

  “So why haven’t you moved on?” Megan asked as they moved into a luxurious room with enormous portraits on the walls. “Why Marbella?”

  “Well, I told you I got a job...”

  “Yeah but that was more than three months ago, right?”

  “And I signed a six-month contract,” Carley said as she took a few photos.

  “I’m surprised you did... When you were in the middle of traveling I mean.”

  “It was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. The work is hard, but the money’s great.”

  “Since when do you care about money?”

  “I don’t,” Carley said with a shrug. “I’m just thinking ahead. I like having that security.”

  “So, you can continue with you travel plans.”

  “Yeah.” As soon as Carley said it, she knew it sounded flat.

  “What’s really in Marbella? You met someone, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Carley said with a sigh. “But it’s complicated.”

  “Who is she?”

  “She’s my boss... So, it’s not really straight forward.”

  “Your boss?”

  Carley nodded. They continued their tour, and now they were in a courtyard where the detail in the arches surrounding it was stunning. It was peaceful with the birds chirping around them and the trickle of water from the fountain behind them.

  “You have to tell me more than that,” Megan said, bringing her camera up to her eye.

  Carley sighed. “She’s amazing... Incredibly smart, beautiful.”

  “Then why is it complicated?”

  “I don’t really know what she wants... I mean, we’re great together, or at least I think so. We’d been working together for two months before anything happened, and then when it did... I don’t know. I could list every cliché. Fireworks, electric chemistry... It’s all there.”

  “So why don’t you know what she wants?”

  “This could all be a ‘just for now’ kind of thing. When my contract’s up, she’s probably expecting me to leave and keep traveling, and that was the original plan, you know... Before anything happened.”

  Megan slung her camera strap over her shoulder. “Why don’t you just talk to her? I didn’t think you did this kind of drama.”

  “I don’t... I’m just afraid of ruining everything. Right now, it’s perfect.”

  “It doesn’t sound perfect. It sounds stressful. You don’t know if you’re having a fling or if you’re at the start of a serious relationship. Wouldn’t you approach the two very differently?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then you have to talk to her,” Megan said as they moved on.

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  “No, it’s not. When you go back to Marbella tomorrow, talk to her. Promise me, Carley.”

  Carley took a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll talk to her.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Andrea’s personal chef left them once they’d all been served a generous helping of seafood paella. Her mother topped up their glasses, finishing the bottle of Rioja. Andrea picked up her fork and knife, ready to start eating, but her father stood up.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” he said as he lifted his glass. “Vega, I want you to be the first to know that I’ll be retiring in a few months. Andrea has agreed to buy the pub and the restaurant, and I want to wish her the best of luck with it. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know that they’re both going to stay in the family. I’ll be able to retire knowing that the business is in capable hands. To you, Andrea.”

  Andrea lifted her glass and her mother did the same although Andrea could see the curious look on her face. She knew how reluctant Andrea had been to talk to her father about the business. She was probably wondering what had changed her mind.

  “Thank you, dad,” Andrea said before she took a drink. “Now, let’s eat.”

  The conversation throughout dinner had been casual, and thankfully her mother didn’t ask her what had changed her mind. She did bring up Carley though.

  “Andrew, do you remember that American woman who worked for you at the pub a few months ago,” Vega said aft
er they’d finished eating. “She’d been robbed and lost her passport.”

  “Yes. I do actually. Blond-haired girl, right?”

  “She’s been working as my P.A.,” Andrea said, jumping into the conversation and hopefully steering it into safe territory, but her mother had other ideas.

  “And she’s been dating our daughter for the last three months,” her mother added.

  “Really? Why isn’t she here tonight then?” Andrew asked.

  “She’s catching up with a friend in Seville.”

  “But she’ll be back tomorrow, right?” her mother asked. “We should get to know her better.”

  “You’ve already gotten to know her pretty well,” Andrea said as she stood up and started to clear the table, taking their plates over to the dishwasher and loading it up.

  “I haven’t,” her father said, carrying over his wine glass.

  “You will. I promise.”

  “Okay,” he said. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  Andrea stifled a yawn as she closed the door on the dishwasher and turned it on. Thankfully, her parents could see that she was tired and were ready to head home. Once she’d signed the papers to buy her father’s business, she’d enjoyed her evening. Until that point, she’d wondered if she was doing the right thing, but now that it was official, she let those doubts go. There was no going back now.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  On the train journey back to Malaga, Carley went through Andrea’s emails. She’d taken Saturday off, but now that she was on her way home, she thought she better get caught up and make sure there was nothing urgent to attend to. She signed into Andrea’s account on her phone, scanning over the twenty new emails as she scrolled through them with her thumb. Her eyes returned to the subject line of an email that was sent yesterday.

  P.A. Position

  Carley’s eyes narrowed as she clicked on the email that was from Maria Ramos. Her heart beat a little faster as she read through the short email. She watched the mountains go by as the train left Seville on its way to Malaga. Carley looked down at her phone again. She had to read over those two paragraphs for a second time. The email was written in Spanish and was apparently from Andrea’s new personal assistant. She wanted to confirm the start date and meet with the current P.A. to get her up to speed. She’d also attached her resume.

  Carley ran a hand through her hair and tried not to overreact, but what else was she supposed to think? Andrea had lined up another P.A. for November when Carley’s contract was up. It was obvious that Andrea was planning to move on.

  So, this is really just a fling then...

  Carley couldn’t care less about the job. She just couldn’t understand how and when this had happened. Why hadn’t Andrea just told her?

  Carley downloaded Maria’s resume. She wanted to see who was going to be her replacement. Maria was twenty-two years old and was a recent graduate from the University of Malaga. She’d already worked at a large real estate company and had plenty of references listed. Carley typed a quick reply asking her if she’d like to meet later on today in Malaga. She pressed send before she had a chance to over think it.

  Carley couldn’t believe that Andrea would let her go so easily. Carley didn’t think she could keep working for her. She’d already said that to Andrea, but she thought they’d at least have a discussion about it in the weeks before her contract was up. But Andrea had made that decision for her.

  What did that mean for them as a couple? Did Andrea think that Carley was leaving?

  She left her phone on the table in front of her as the train passed through a tunnel and reemerged into the sunlight a few seconds later. The views were stunning, but Carley couldn’t enjoy the scenery. Her mind kept going back to that email and what Andrea had orchestrated behind her back. When had she even advertized for the position, and how did Andrea think that she wouldn’t find out about it?

  Carley’s phone vibrated on the table. Maria had replied already saying that four o’clock would suit her. Carley answered, giving her the name of a cafe where they could meet.

  In four hours’ time, I’ll be meeting my replacement.

  Carley went into her call history, her thumb hovering over Andrea’s name, but she put the phone down. She wasn’t sure what she’d even say to her. She didn’t want to fight about it, and right now, she couldn’t trust herself to keep her cool. She’d do her job and meet the new P.A.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Andrea tucked her bare legs underneath her as she got comfortable on the couch with a glass of wine. She thought she’d be in bed by now, but she wanted to go over the performance reports for her properties from the last quarter.

  It was almost eleven o’clock, but she hadn’t heard from Carley, and she was starting to get worried. Andrea thought she’d be back in the evening. Carley hadn’t said which train she was getting, but they had a busy day tomorrow, and Andrea assumed she’d be home by now.

  She’d picked up her phone a few times to make sure she hadn’t missed a call or a text, but she still hadn’t heard from Carley. She was tempted to call her, but she didn’t want to be clingy. She’d given her the weekend off.

  But that’s the boss talking... What about me, her girlfriend? Can’t I worry about where she is?

  Andrea unlocked her screen and scrolled through her list of contacts until she got to Carley’s name. She was just about to give in and call her when she heard the key turning in the front door and the familiar sound of flip flops gently slapping against Carley’s feet as she appeared in the doorway.

  “Hi,” Andrea said, putting down the folder she was reading from.


  Andrea opened her mouth and quickly closed it as she watched Carley sway slightly on her way over to the couch. She sat down beside her but left a few inches between them.

  “Have you been drinking?” Andrea asked as she angled her body towards her.

  Carley’s eyebrows rose as she glanced down at the wine glass in Andrea’s hand.

  Andrea tilted her head. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that... How was Seville?”

  “Good. I had a great time with Megan, but I met someone a lot more interesting in Malaga.”

  “Oh. Who’s that?”

  “Maria Ramos.”

  Andrea stared at her for a second, waiting for her to explain, but she didn’t say anything else. “Do I know her?”

  “She’s your new P.A.”

  “My what?” Andrea asked, leaving her glass on the coffee table.

  “She sent you a follow up email asking to meet your current personal assistant, so she could learn the ropes. I met her this evening, and she seems great,” Carley said, her voice laced with sarcasm.


  It came back to her just as she was about to deny knowing anything about this woman. Her mother had told her that she knew someone who was looking for a foot in the door, but that was weeks ago. It was just after she’d hired Carley, and she knew she’d need to find someone else after Carley’s six-month contract was up. Her mother must have passed on her email address to this woman.

  “Why didn’t you talk to me about this?” Carley said, pushing herself off the couch.

  Andrea’s eyes followed her as she paced the room. She’d never really seen Carley upset, not like this. Her eyes were darker, her cheeks flushed.

  “I know I said that I didn’t think I could stay on after six months,” Carley said, her flip flops clicking against her feet as she moved across the tiled floor, “But you didn’t need to sneak around behind my back looking for my replacement.”

  “I’m sorry,” Andrea said, not know what else to say. “This happened weeks ago, just after you signed the contract. I knew you were leaving in six months, and I was just thinking ahead. It was before I...”

  “Before you what?”

  Andrea stood up. “Before I fell for you... I know how this looks. Believe me, but I’m not trying to get rid of you. I completely forgot that m
y mother had asked this woman to email me.”

  “We need to talk about us,” Carley said, her expression neutral, not giving anything away.

  Andrea was blinking back tears, and Carley was about to break up with her with no emotion whatsoever.

  “And what we want,” Carley continued. She’d sobered up for this conversation, and Andrea braced herself for the worst. “I just want a chance with you,” Carley said, reaching for Andrea’s hand.

  Andrea swallowed the lump in her throat. “You do?”

  “Yes...” Carley’s eyes narrowed. “What did you think I was going to say?”

  “I thought you were leaving... That this was it.”

  Carley’s lips moved into a smile. “No... I’m not leaving. I want a chance with you. I’m serious,” she added, brushing her fingers across Andrea’s.

  “I don’t want to keep you from traveling. But I don’t know if I could live in the U.S.”

  “I don’t care about going back,” Carley said, interlacing their fingers. “And traveling doesn’t seem as important as it used to.”

  “I hate the idea of you making sacrifices to be with me,” Andrea said, blinking back the tears in her eyes.

  Andrea had spent a lot of time thinking about what their future might look like together, and it always involved Carley regretting staying in Marbella. She didn’t want that to play out in real life, but she found it hard to believe that it wouldn’t happen. When she first met Carley, she struggled with the idea of even temporarily pausing her travel plans.

  “We don’t need to get into the logistics right now,” Carley said, giving her a weak smile. “I just need to know if you want this too.”

  “Yes,” Andrea said without hesitation. “Yes.”

  “Then we’ll figure out a way to make it work.”

  Andrea nodded, feeling like for the first time their roles had been reversed. Carley was the one who seemed older, who was willing to take charge of the situation.


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