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Ex-Con: Bad Boy Romance

Page 10

by M. S. Parker

  “I’m not talking about at the dinner.” She tugged, but I didn’t let her go just yet. She didn’t seem disturbed by it, just leaned in and kissed the fingers I’d closed around her wrist.

  I stifled a groan and remembered the night she’d been talking about. Yeah, we’d been interrupted, alright.

  Thank goodness.

  “That shouldn’t have happened to begin with,” I said gruffly. “Besides, we’re just as likely to get interrupted again anyway.”

  Her pulse throbbed against my thumb and absently, I stroked that fragile, rapid beat. Her skin felt like silk under my touch. I didn’t think I’d ever been so aware of how rough my own skin was. Her lashes fluttered, and I had the insane urge to lean in and press a kiss to her eye, to watch those lids close and then kiss my way down her body, to worship her with my mouth, bring her as much pleasure as I possibly could.

  “Oh, I disagree there,” she said. She tugged again and this time, I let her go, hoping she’d do the smart thing and pull away.

  But she didn’t.

  Of course she didn’t.

  She slid her hand up my bicep, along my shoulder, ran her fingers through my hair. “I keep thinking I wish we would’ve been smart and gone into your room...or mine.” Her fingers tightened in my hair until it hurt. “Can we be smart this time?”

  “Smart would have been you throwing me out on my ass the night we met,” I said, even as part of me started screaming for me to shut up. I ignored it and tried another tactic. “You don’t even know me.”

  “I know I want you.”

  I tensed as she skimmed the flat of her hand up my rib cage and then down. My cock was at full attention now, and my pants weren’t doing anything to hide it.

  “I know I want to know more of you. I know you make me laugh. I know you kiss me like you want to breathe me in, like I’m the air to you.” She leaned in, brushed her mouth against mine. “I know I want you, and I think you want me too. That’s enough for now.”

  My head started to spin. I could say the same things to her, all of the same things. I opened my mouth, but none of those sweet things were what came out. Instead, I asked a question.

  “Why did you kiss me at the dinner?”

  I was an idiot.

  Slowly, she lowered herself from her tip toes, head cocked as she studied my face. “Does it matter?”

  “If it didn’t, I wouldn’t have asked,” I pointed out. Now that I’d asked the question, I wanted an answer.

  She huffed out a put-upon sigh and she looked so damn cute, I almost didn’t catch that glint in her eyes. Almost. “When you live my kind of life, you don’t exactly forget. You just stop thinking about them.”

  I knew she was being honest. Sort of. I’d seen that look in her eyes. She didn’t want to tell me the whole story.

  “You didn’t entirely stop thinking about them.” I shook my head and moved a little closer, taking back the small bit of space she’d given up when she’d eased away. This time I wanted to use the proximity against her. “Did you?”

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth, eying me. Then, bluntly, she said, “No. Not entirely.”

  “Then why did you do it?”


  She spun away on her heel and started to pace. The short, barely there bit of silk she wore drove me crazy with each long stride, riding up and then falling back into place, giving me tantalizing glimpses of her amazing ass.

  “I wanted to kiss you, so I did. I don’t care.” She spun back around and stared at me. “Obviously you do.”

  “It’s not...” I stopped, something hollow in me, something I couldn’t explain without sounding like I was accusing her of something. “I’m beginning to learn how that head of yours works, Carly. You had more in mind than that. You kissed me because the cameras were there. Why?”

  “No,” she corrected. She crossed her arms over her chest and again, my libido roared, telling me to screw talking and take what she was offering. “I wanted to kiss you.” She ran her fingers through her curls. “But I wasn’t playing to the cameras.”

  “You were using me because of that Hank guy.”

  Her cheeks flushed and I knew I’d hit on something.

  “He’s a lecherous ass who’s always pawing at me, so yes, I leaned into you when you put your arm around me because I wanted him to leave me alone.”

  “If he touches you...” I started to say.

  She cut me off. “I don’t want to talk about him, Bobby.” Her eyes darkened. “Because he wasn’t the reason I kissed you. I kissed you because the truth is, I’ve been wanting to kiss you, do all sorts of other things to you, ever since you had me pinned under you on the sidewalk.”

  She swayed closer, her breasts brushing against my chest. Reflexively, I reached out and caught her waist. Fuck. She felt so good against me.

  “I started hitting you because if I hadn’t, I would’ve been throwing myself at you,” she said against my lips. “It was just embarrassing. And then I kissed you. Just that brief little kiss, and it did things to’re turning me into a mess, Bobby.”

  She caught my lower lip between her teeth and tugged. I felt the possessiveness and heat of it all the way down to my cock. I was still clutching her waist when she eased back so she could see my face.

  “So I kissed you because I wanted to, but the fact that cameras were around?” She shrugged.

  I made myself listen to what came next, made myself focus on her words and not on the naked skin under that thin veil of silk.

  “I was just fine with it. Because that son of a bitch cop had the nerve to insinuate that I was paying you for sex...” Her voice started to heat. “He had the nerve to insult both of us and he’s jerking you around like a dog on a leash. It pissed me off.”

  She slid a hand up my chest, all fire and heat now, the lazy sensuality gone from her eyes, replaced by something ravenous. It twisted primal things deep inside me.

  “He called you a whore, but money has nothing to do with it. The truth is, the two of us want each other bad enough to keep us up at night.”

  The look on her face dared me to argue. I stared down at her, heart racing in my chest, blood pounding hard and hot in my veins. I couldn’t argue with her. It was the truth. I wouldn’t have cared if she’d had no money, if she hadn’t offered me a job. Hell, if she told me I had to choose between the money and her, I wasn’t sure which one I’d take.

  She arched an eyebrow, the look sly, almost taunting.

  “Fuck this,” I muttered.

  This was insane. This was stupid. But it was also real, and it had been too long since I’d had something real.

  I grabbed the back of her neck and hauled her to me.

  Chapter 8

  The door to her bedroom slammed behind us with a bang that neither of us really noticed.

  I spun her around and boosted her up, her back up against the door, my hands full of the curve of her ass. She moaned as she rocked against me. I was so ready to bury myself inside her, my body hurt.

  When she shoved a hand between us and dragged her palm up and down over my cock, I had to catch her wrist and pull her hand away. She just went for me with the other hand, and a noise that was a pitiful mix between a laugh and groan rumbled out of me.

  “Stop,” I said, all but ready to beg. “Just...just stop, okay?”

  “Why?” she asked, a sexy little pout twisting her lips.

  I bit the full lower one before I answered. “Because for the last few months, the only time I’ve come, it’s been me, my shower and my hand. If you keep that up, this is going to be short and not very sweet.”

  She gave me a wicked grin and stroked me again. “Sorry, sugar, but I can feel what you’ve got in your pocket. It’s definitely not short, and I don’t need sweet.”

  I would have laughed, if I hadn’t needed the oxygen. I pushed my hips against her caress and then a warning pulse raced down my spine and I caught her other hand.

  “You could
drive a man insane,” I told her, drawing both of her hands over her head. I stared down at her in the dim light. “You’ve been doing it to me pretty much from the second you tried to kill me with that damn purse of yours.”

  A feline smile curled her lips as she stared up at me. “Is that a fact?”

  “Hmmm.” I dipped my head and caught her lip between my teeth, tugged on it.

  She shuddered. So I did it again as I pushed my knee between her thighs.

  She whimpered this time and I increased the pressure. Through my thin workout pants, I could feel the heat of her. She was soft, already wet.

  Abruptly, I went to my knees, and grabbed her hips. “I want to taste you.”

  I barely heard her harsh intake of breath before I brushed my nose against the inside of her thigh. Fuck, she smelled amazing. She caught my hair and tugged, but I ignored it, leaning in to lick across the front of the skimpy underwear she was wearing.

  She jolted. I sensed the surprise, but I didn’t care. I needed to have my mouth on her. A ragged noise escaped her.

  She started to squeeze her thighs together, and I caught her behind one thigh, lifting it until her knee rested on my shoulder. It threw her balance off, and I steadied her, murmuring to her absently as I leaned in closer, fully intending to get to skin this time.

  Then I heard a choked noise. It might have been my name. Whatever it was, it got my attention. Slowly, I lifted my head and stared up at her. She was watching me with a mix of hesitation, nerves and...reluctance. Without her saying a word, I knew she didn’t want me to go down on her.

  I pressed a kiss to her hipbone, the silk of her nightgown almost as soft as her skin. As I got back to my feet, her hands raked through my hair and, for a moment, I wished I hadn’t let them cut my hair so short. Then her nails scraped against my scalp in the next second, and that made me forget about my hair, and just about everything else.

  She muttered something against my lips.


  Her husky laugh made my heart stutter, and then she said it again. This time, it made sense. “Condom.”

  I stilled. Shit. “I don’t have one.”

  “I do.” Carly smiled, her mouth soft against my cheek. “Table next to my bed...handy, huh?”

  “Handy...that pretty much covers it.” I boosted her up and the silk nightshirt she wore rode up over her hips. The only barriers were the thin pants I wore, and a pair of impossible sheer panties. The feel of her rubbing against me through my pants was the sweetest torture ever. The skin beneath my hands was impossibly smooth, the muscles firm.

  The walk from the bed was nothing but a blur, and I tumbled down onto it, twisting as I fell so that she came down on top of me. She pressed kisses to my mouth, chin and neck, her hands moving up and down my arms, touching every part of me that she could reach. All the right parts, yet not enough of them.

  “Off.” I pulled at her nightgown, unable to articulate anything more than that single word.

  She grinned as she arched back, pulling the nightgown over her head. I caught my breath as she exposed her full breasts, and then it was her turn to gasp as my fingers teased at her already-hard nipples. I sat up, catching a nipple between my lips. She swore as I sucked on her sensitive flesh, and then she was tugging at my shirt.

  “Want to see you.” She ground down against me until I was almost ready to explode right there.

  “Condom,” I said as I bit her lower lip.

  She made a soft purring sound in her throat, so I did it again. When she pulled away, I caught her hand and tugged her back.

  “You want the condom, right?” she asked, laughter lurking in her voice.

  I’d never known this much laughter. Not until her. Reluctantly, I loosened my grip on her hand so she could sit up and lean away, but I kept my hand on her thigh, unwilling to break the connection completely.

  Seconds, moments, ticked away in a blur of haze and heat as we stripped off the rest of our clothes. She took her time ripping the foil packet open, and then she took even longer to roll it on, her fingers were torturously slow as they slid over my shaft. Finally, I took over, rolling the last couple inches before catching her about the waist and spilling her onto her back. I settled between her thighs, resting on my elbows as I hovered above her.

  She caught her breath as I leaned down and scraped my teeth along her jaw. I put my mouth against her ear. I wanted her so badly that it hurt, but I wasn’t going to take what wasn’t mine. At least mine for tonight. I wasn’t fool enough to think it was anything other than tonight.

  “Do you want me?”

  Her response was to tug my head towards her until her mouth was against mine.

  Kissing her was one of the sweetest things I’d done in a long time, so it didn’t take much to entice me into doing it. Just the invitation was enough.

  Brushing my lips against hers, I settled the head of my cock against the wet heat of her pussy. As I pushed my tongue into her mouth, I pushed my cock inside the heat of her.

  And I realized, then and there, I was in trouble.

  It felt like...heaven. Better than anything had ever felt in my life, and pulling out was practically torture, but I had to feel it again, so I did. And as I slid back into her, it was just as perfect the second time.

  Again, again...

  She was whimpering beneath me, her hands clutching at my ribs, her tongue sliding against mine, her body growing slick with sweat. Her hips rose to meet mine, pulling me deeper, taking all of me, fitting around me like a glove.

  I’d told her it would be short and not very sweet.

  I lied.

  Maybe it didn’t last all that long, but it was the sweetest night of my entire life.


  Morning came. Too early. Too harsh. Too bright. But aside from the fact that the sun was shining directly into my eyes, and aside from the fact that it was the last day I’d be here in a beautiful suite of rooms with cloud-like beds and coffee that must have been brewed by angels, it had to be one of the best mornings of my life.

  Better than the morning I’d known I was being paroled. Better than my first day of freedom. Better, even, than the morning after I’d lost my virginity.

  And all because of her.

  I could feel the soft caress of her breath along my side, and I shifted my head to look at her. And there she was. Carly Prince was sighing softly in her sleep, and she was perfectly, gloriously naked, the sheets tangled just below her lush, round ass while a tumble of curls hid her face. Those curls were completely natural, and they’d exploded into a crazy mess during the night. They were just as perfect as the rest of her. I wanted nothing more than to muss them up even more as I covered her body and drove inside her. I shifted on the bed, listening as she made a low grumble under her breath. Nothing else, though.

  I leaned over her, straining to grab one of the last remaining condoms on the table. Once I got one, I tore open the packet and rolled it on quickly. Even if I hadn’t already had a hard-on simply from waking up, being near her would’ve done it.

  I rolled on top of her, putting my knees on either side of her ass. Bending down, I pressed a kiss to the small of her back, then moved lower, listening as her breathing started to speed up.

  “If this is your idea of a wake-up call...” Her voice was thick with sleep.


  She craned her head around to look up at me and smile. “Then I haven’t gotten the message.”

  Coming down on her, I tucked my cock against her butt and started to rock. She shivered and parted her legs as she pushed up against me. She was warm and soft, still sleepy, and I wanted nothing more than to spend the next ten or twelve hours wrapped around her.

  I knew, however, that I didn’t have that much time. I was determined to make the best of what I did have though. And part of that meant making her come...hard.

  After shifting us slightly onto our sides, I cupped her breast in my hand. Her breathing hitched and I felt her spine arch. It d
rove her breast more fully into my palm, even as it had her ass tucked completely against my hips and my cock. It jerked demandingly, but I was going to make it wait. She came first.

  Soft, throaty moans escaped her as I teased her nipple. My other hand slid down her stomach and parted the thin golden curls between her legs. The need to drive into her rode me, but I didn’t want to rush this. Just like that, it would be over and she would be gone.

  I watched as she slid her hand down her stomach toward the thin layer of golden curls between her legs. Levering up onto my elbow, I watched as she reached her goal and whimpered. I could barely make out what she was doing, but my imagination worked just fine.

  I rocked against her, and she slid back. She worked herself closer and closer, and then, when she started to come, I reached around her, and pushed two fingers inside the hot, wet glove of her vagina.

  She came, hard and fast after just two strokes.

  She was still trembling when I slowly withdrew my fingers and slid them into my mouth.

  Her taste was pure sex.

  I would have flipped her over onto her back and pushed her thighs wide, gone down on her until she was a writhing, screaming mess, except I didn’t think she wanted that. She hadn’t last night. I didn’t go where I wasn’t wanted, and I didn’t want to waste what time I had trying to convince her.

  So I savored the taste of her on my fingers for a moment, and then lifted her leg to slide slowly inside. I forced myself to hold back against the instincts clamoring for me to drive in hard and fast. I wanted to make this last. Her spine bent and she wiggled, trying to get me deeper. I gripped her hips, forcing her to go at my pace.

  It was lazy and slow and she came with a low, keening noise that she muffled into the mattress.

  I gritted my teeth together and rode it out in silence. I was determined to make her come at least once more before I let go.

  It was lazy and slow, and I made her come twice before I finally buried my face in the side of her neck and groaned her name.

  The second time in the shower was anything but slow. Hard, fast, dirty, desperate...yeah, all of the above. But mostly desperate, because it was the last time.


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