Mob Princess: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 2)

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Mob Princess: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 2) Page 4

by Callie Vincent

  I stared him down, refusing to buckle beneath his gaze. “I’m your family.”

  “You’re a woman I married under false pretenses. And for the sake of argument, we aren’t even legally married. So, you don’t take—”

  I stomached my anger. “Watch your words very carefully, Israel Rossi. Because let me tell you, that man flirted with me the entire time we were at our—”

  His back stiffened. “I’m done with this conversation. He’s staying with us for a few days at my request. Either make him feel welcome or go back to your uncle and take your chances there. Those are your only two choices.”

  I wanted to slap him. I wanted to slap him so hard it screwed his head back on straight. No one’s words had ever hurt so much before. But there was nothing I could do about it. I balled my fists up and swallowed my pride long enough to nod.

  Israel raked his gaze down my body, then spun and marched out of the room.

  Only to be replaced very quickly by his slimy, snake-like brother. “Lover’s quarrels are hard.”

  I licked my lips. “I’m sorry for my attitude when you first arrived. It’s been a trying few days. I’m glad you’re here, though, for Israel’s sake. I know he’s been very wound up lately.”

  “And I take it you’re not helping him wind down?”

  I drew in a sobering breath. “That isn’t any of your concern.”

  He took a step toward me. “Just trying to figure out how much I need to help my brother. And, possibly, if I can help you in the process.”

  His hand reached out for me, but I leaned back. I knew when I was being hit on, but at least he wasn’t patting my ass like he did at the wedding. But, with every step I took back, he followed me. With every foot I placed behind me, he placed a foot in front of himself, keeping in step with me as if he meant to back me into some sort of corner. I’d had enough with corners, though. No one would ever back me into another one ever again. Not if I could help it.

  Giovanni kept reaching out for me, though. He kept trying to touch me, and I’d break his damn fingers before he got the chance.

  I glared at him. “You can help me by keeping your hands--and those comments--to yourself.”

  “Oh, come on. I’m just playing around with you. It’s not like you two are married or anything.”

  I’m going to kill him. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen up. Just because Israel and I aren’t legally married right now doesn’t mean I’m suddenly on the prowl for someone else. I love him. I love your brother. And I only have eyes for him.”

  His eyes widened a bit. “Wow. That’s—that’s really sweet. It’s hard to love a Rossi. Our mother found that out the hard way.”

  Is he being sarcastic? “And I have no intention of ever straying, or ever betraying him, or ever doing anything to hurt him.”

  “I mean, except marrying him as your cousin and going along with your uncle’s plan and generally keeping him in the dark until you couldn’t any longer. Right?”

  Guilt filled my soul. “Right.”

  He closed the distance between us, his eyes rife with darkness. “Look, Bonnie. You and I both know that Israel’s never going to attach himself to you, or anyone, for that matter. He views love as something that makes a man weak. He views marriage as something that chops the balls off. He’s never going to bow to what you wish of him.”

  I took a step back. “Get away from me.”

  He took a step forward, looming over me as desire filled his eyes. “Look, all I’m saying is that I’m here to help my brother. He’s in a time of crisis right now. But if you need some stress relief, too…” He went to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

  I smacked his hand away and started to leave. “We’re done with this conversation. You stay away from me, or I’m going to—”

  He stepped in my way. “Tell Israel? Try that. See how it goes.”

  I gnashed my teeth at him. “Get out of my way.”

  He grinned. “Be a little faster next time.”

  Everywhere I stepped, he followed. He blocked me from escaping him, and I’d had enough. I didn’t know what the fuck this man’s plan was, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to work. After placing my hands against his chest to shove him away, I finally got out of the corner he backed me into.

  He grabbed my arm and twirled me around.

  “Let go of me!” I exclaimed, blood thundering through my ears.

  He pulled me toward him. “Listen, Bonnie. I tried to tell you at the wedding, but you’re much too good to be standing beside my brother. He’s not going to love you. Ever. He’s not going to give you what you seek. He’s not capable of it. He’s a sociopath, just like our father. But if you’d like me to try—”

  I yanked myself away from him. “You’re a slimy snake, just like my uncle. And I’d rather die before considering a chance with you. I know what you’re doing. I know what you’re trying to do, anyway, because you certainly won’t succeed. You’re trying to get me to cheat on Israel so you can go to him and give him an excuse to toss me out. But it’s not going to work. Your little plan isn’t going to work because my heart belongs to your brother. To Israel. Even if he’ll never love me.”

  His head tilted off to the side. “You were never loyal to this family. You started your legacy in this family on a lie. And now that I’m here, I’m going to show my brother once and for all of what my father tried to convince him of a few days ago when they had dinner.”

  And there it is. “You want to run that by me one more time? Just so we’re clear?”

  He grinned. “You can act as tough as you want. But, I know you didn’t know that. You’re not that smart, Bonnie. Not by a longshot. The man you love and our father had lunch the other day, and our father tried to convince Israel that you’re nothing but a backstabbing bitch. But when Dad can’t get through to people? He calls me. That’s why I’m here. Your rein in Israel’s life is over, Moretti. And I intend to make sure my brother understands that, too.”

  I lunged for him. “You’re the one that isn’t loyal. You’d rather slaughter your brother’s home and who he’s got in it than actually give a damn about how he feels. He and I are building something together. Yes, we’ve had some hiccups along the way—”

  He snickered. “More like volcanic valleys.”

  “But I won’t let you ruin what’s forming between us. I won’t let you come into our home—”

  “His home.”

  “—and destroy us further when my own damn family is trying to kill us both.”

  He chuckled. “This is going to be much easier than I thought, beautiful.”

  I hissed at him. “Don’t you call me that.”

  Israel’s voice barreled down the hallway behind me. “What’s going on in there? You guys all right?”

  I sighed. “Yes, handsome. Everything’s fine!”

  I saw Giovanni peer over my shoulder before he reached for me. I backed up, trying to get away from him. But he quickly backed me into a wall. I felt his knee press between my leg and my hands planted against his chest. I tried to shove him away, but damn it, the man had himself firmly planted in front of me. “Get off me.”

  His lips fell to my ear. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I shoved his face away. “Get off—Isr—”

  His voice boomed beside us. “What the fuck is this?”

  I shoved Giovanni away.

  He grabbed my wrist, dragging me along with him. He stumbled back against the chair, and I fell against his body, to which he caught me in his arms. He wrapped himself around me as I struggled to get free while Israel’s anger mounted. I felt it growing in the room, like a balloon being filled with hot air. I watched Giovanni’s disgusting smile spread across his lips as I struggled against him, but when I managed to steal a glimpse at Israel, he looked furious.

  He doesn’t really think this is consensual, does he?

  I pushed against his brother. “This isn’t what it looks—”

chuckled. “And here I thought we’d have a bit more time, butterfly.”

  I slammed my fists against his chest. “Let me go!”

  He held up his hands. “Not what you were insisting on a few minutes ago.”

  I whipped around to face Israel. “The man’s lying. He’s come here to—”

  He held his hand up to me, stopping my words in their tracks. I’d never seen the kind of rage I witnessed in Israel’s face. And at that moment, I knew for certain he was going to kill me.

  “Gee? Get settled in. I’m having dinner brought to us tonight.”

  “Israel, please,” I whispered.

  Giovanni walked by his brother and whispered something I couldn't hear.

  I glared at the man before he winked at me over his own brother’s shoulder. Then, he walked down the hallway with his suitcase.

  Israel’s hand slowly lowered.

  I wanted nothing more than to rattle off what really happened. But I knew better than to speak.

  “Upstairs,” he said quietly.

  “Israel, I—”

  “I want you upstairs until dinner.”

  I balked. “Are you kidding me? Your brother trapped me in a corner.”

  “Now, woman.”

  I stepped toward him. “No.”

  His face turned red. “Excuse me?”

  “I said, no. I’m not going anywhere until we talk. Your brother has come into your home—”

  “So, it’s my brother’s fault that you wanted him so close?”

  “What? No. I tried to get away, and he kept blocking me from moving. He pinned me down. That’s what happened. You—you saw it.”

  “Didn’t seem like you were trying so hard to get away from him when I walked in.”

  How could he not have seen what had just happened? “That’s what he—he wants you to think. He just told me that—”

  Israel waved his hand in the air. “I’m too tired to deal with this.”


  “Get away from me.”

  “You have to listen to me.”

  “I don’t have to do a damn thing you ask me to. Now, get yourself upstairs. I’ll call you when it’s time for dinner.”

  I didn’t listen to him, though. Instead, I pursued him down the hallway. I followed him into the kitchen, forcing him to listen to what I had to say. Because I wasn’t going to let some slimy little snake use his family ties in order to rip us apart. I wouldn't let that happen. Giovanni was a disgusting excuse for a human being. He’d flirted with me at our wedding, and now he was in our own home doing the same damn thing.

  I wasn’t sure if Israel was even listening, though.

  I wasn't sure of anything anymore.



  I sat on the edge of the bed and stared out the window. I never thought I’d grow tired of seeing the Chicago skyline sprawled out before me, but it happened. I was tired of staring out those windows. I was tired of keeping the bed beside Israel warm without him ever touching me, or even going to bed when I slipped in myself.

  I felt like I was living alone in some ivory prison where nothing but tortures unseen beat down against me. I had plans to stay up here this entire time, if that’s what it took to get Giovanni off my back. If I needed to lock myself away until that slimy asshole left, then so be it. But, I needed to speak with Israel, and it needed to happen quickly.

  Because the compromising position he caught me in with Giovanni earlier still hadn’t been resolved.

  Israel’s voice echoed down the hallway. “Bonnie!”

  I sighed, my head falling back. “Yes, Israel!?”

  “Dinner’s here. Come on down.”

  Not a chance. “I’ll be down there in a second.”

  “I said, dinner’s—”

  I shot up from the bed and poked my head out the door. “I’m either down there in a second, or I’m not at all. Take your pick.”

  The second I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs, I grinned. I knew that would get him up here, and I needed him away from that slimy little brother of his. Now that cooler heads had prevailed—especially after hearing him and Giovanni laugh their asses off downstairs for the past three hours—we needed to talk. And the last thing I needed was his brother listening in on things. There weren’t many things that were sacred to men like Israel’s brother. But, the sanctity of a bedroom was rarely violated. And if kicking up an attitude got Israel up here, then I knew it was necessary.

  Because this bedroom was the only safe place we had right now.

  Giovanni’s voice wafted up the stairs. “Everything okay, Iz?”

  I wanted to grab Israel’s bedside gun as his footsteps padded down the hallway.

  “Yep,” Israel said. “Just fine. Bonnie and I will be down in a second.”

  “Anything I can do? Maybe I can talk some sense into her,” Giovanni said.

  I marched to the door and swung it open, yelling down the hallway. “You aren’t stepping anywhere near this bedroom. Understood?”

  Israel glared at me. “Bathroom. Now.”

  I heard Giovanni chuckle. “Whatever you guys need. Just thought I’d help, is all.”

  I felt my heart rate already skyrocketing. “What I need is for you to stop trying to get me to cheat on my husband.”

  Israel bent over, pressing his lips to my ear. “We’re not technically married, so cut the act.”

  As I peered around his body, glancing down the hallway, I watched as Giovanni grinned at me from the top of the staircase. I felt Israel grab my arm and yank me away from the door as if I were some rag doll he could toss around. But, not before I got the chance to slam the bedroom door right in his brother’s fucking face. I stumbled along behind Israel as he tugged me toward the bathroom, forcing myself to choke back tears as his grip tightened against my skin. He didn’t keep a grip on me for long, though. Because the second he slammed the bathroom door behind us I wrenched away from him and pointed up at his face.

  Keep your cool, Bonnie. “I don’t care how you view us right now, but you will not drag me around like some kept woman. You put your hands on me like that again, and I’m leaving. Understood?”

  He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. “What do you want?”

  I blinked, feeling my whole body freeze. “What?”

  “You obviously pressed every single button you could have to get me up here. So, talk. What is it you want to say?”

  I paused. “Well, since you’re here, I’d like to talk about the fact that I’ve been up here for four hours—”

  “You could’ve come down at any point in time.”

  “Says the man who told me to come here and stay here.”

  He leveled his eyes with mine. “If we’re going to talk, you’re not going to pick fights with me over semantics. Understood? You and I both know you’re a bull-headed woman that doesn’t listen unless she wants to. That’s why I told you to get up here, because I knew you wanted to get away from the situation.”

  “Don’t act like some sort of God, as if you’re doing me some sort of favor. You know damn good and well--.”

  He growled as he took a step toward me. “If you think for one second you call the shots around here, you’re wrong.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not asking to call shots, Israel. I’m asking you to treat me like a person instead of one of your employees. Because the last time I checked, you didn’t pay me squat.”

  “Nope. Only your uncle did that. Right?”

  I drew in a sobering breath. “I’ve been up here for four hours, and I’m sure you were completely unaware of the fact that Giovanni’s been up here five times now.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. Your brother. He’s knocked on the door three times and tried jiggling the knob twice.”

  “That could’ve been anyone.”

  My head fell off to the side. “Has there been anyone else in the penthouse for the past four hours other than the three of us?”

  He blinked again. “Get to your point, Bonnie.”

  “He’s here to try and make me trip up. I know all about the luncheon you had with your father, and what you guys talked about. Giovanni filled me in on it. How your father doesn’t trust me and how he couldn't talk you into not trusting me. Not just yet.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Giovanni told you this?”

  “Yes. While you were off thinking I was already cheating on you, what he was actually doing was filling me in on why he’s here. He’s here at the behest of your father to try and convince you that I’m no good to stand at your side.”

  “He said that to you.”


  He pointed to his chest. “My brother.”


  His eye twitched. “Word for word?”

  I paused, wondering how much breadth I actually had in this situation. “Well, those weren’t his exact words.”

  His shadow fell over my body, blocking out the light of the bathroom shining above us. “Then, tell me what his exact words were.”

  I racked my brain for the exact conversation we had, but I came up with nothing. All I had was the summary of the transaction that took place. “Israel, I’m telling you—”

  He turned his back to me. “I should have known.”

  “Known what?”

  He started for the bathroom door. “That you’d try to slander my brother’s name while he’s here.”

  I gawked. “What!?”

  He whipped around on me with a glare so strong it robbed me of the breath in my lungs. “You don’t like the fact that you’re being questioned. You don’t like the fact that your choices have put you in this position, and now you’re trying to manipulate things in your favor.”

  “That sounds insane. Since when have I ever—”

  His voice grew with intensity. “Since the whole of our marriage!”

  I quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you said we weren’t married.”

  I heard Giovanni laughing in the hallway, and my vision dripped with red.

  “Did you hear that? He’s outside, and he can hear every single word we throw around at one another. This is exactly what he wants. Don’t you see that, Israel? He wants us fighting. He wants us at odds. He’s here to make sure he proves to you that your father is right and not your gut.”


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