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Mob Princess: An Arranged Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel King Book 2)

Page 10

by Callie Vincent

  I turned to see his smiling face.

  “It is you! Holy shit, you’ve grown. How’s the family business treating you?” He clapped me on the back.

  I returned the pat. “It’s going well, thank you for asking.”

  He turned his attention to Bonnie. “And who is this lovely woman you have on your arm?”

  “This is Bonnie Moretti. My date for the evening.”

  My uncle blinked, concern blanketing his gaze. “Moretti?”

  Here we go. “Yes.”

  He nodded slowly. “Ah.”

  Bonnie tapped me on the arm. “I think I’m going to get a drink. Are you thirsty?”

  I kept smiling at my uncle. “No, beautiful. I’m all right. Let me at least escort you into the ballroom like a gentleman.”

  I brushed past my uncle, and we headed straight for the ballroom. We weren’t even announced by the man standing at the door because he looked too shell-shocked at the sight of Bonnie. I removed her arm from mine and wrapped my tight grip around her waist. I kept her close while people stared. I kissed the top of her head just to give them something to gawk at.



  “Could you have at least warned me before throwing me into this plan of yours?”

  I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. “What plan?”

  She looked up at me through her eyelashes. “I’m not an idiot. You brought me here to make a statement. You could’ve at least told me that before we got here.” She had a smile on her face, but there was frustration in her murmured voice.

  I brushed it off. I wouldn’t fight with her that night, not in front of everyone. If she still had grievances once we got up to the room, we could hash things out there. Right now, though? We had to keep up a facade of happiness. So, I plastered on my best smile and turned to the person beside me.

  “Hello, Mrs. Gabriel. How is your daughter doing? Have you met Miss Moretti yet?”

  Her hazel eyes lit up with interest. “Israel, it’s wonderful to see you. And I don’t believe I’ve met Miss Moretti yet, no.”

  “Well, this is the infamous Bonnie Moretti. Isn’t she a beauty? I’m a lucky man; I can tell you that.”

  I wanted to accomplish two things that night. One, I wanted everyone to know that Bonnie was at my side so long as I kept her there. And two, I wanted everyone to know that I knew they knew. Half of my business was brute force, but the other half was psychological warfare. I knew my family’s lips were much too loose to keep under wraps the fact that I wasn’t actually married. I knew that from the second my father had called me up to inform me about my lunch date with Carmela. So, I sure as hell wasn’t going to act as if this woman was my wife.

  I would, however, act like she was the most important woman in my life.

  Because she was.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Ranchester.” Bonnie played her part perfectly. “I’m Bonnie. Yes, Bonnie Moretti. Though, I do hope to change that last name at some point.”

  She fluttered among the crowd at my side perfectly.

  “Oh, my word. You look amazing! That dress is stunning on you. Oh, yes. I’m so sorry. Bonnie Moretti, and you are?”

  There were even moments where her name alone stole the show, and I got to witness her personable skills first-hand.

  “Don’t let the name fool you now. My uncle might give it a bad rap, but someone’s got to repair that reputation, right? You can just call me ‘Bonnie,’ though. ‘Mrs. Moretti’ is my aunt and she wears the title well despite her age.”

  I almost choked on the drink I was sipping as the comment flew from her lips. And as my parents’ best friends, Alma and Frank, stood there in shock, Bonnie simply smiled at them before she looked up at me.

  “Need another drink, handsome?”

  I winked at her. “Don’t mind if I have one. Get yourself one, too. Neither of us is going anywhere for the night.”

  “For the night? I was at least hoping for the weekend.”

  I chuckled. “Whatever you want, beautiful.”

  Laying it on as thick as we were was exhausting. But we somehow made it entertaining in the process. There were times where I had to physically keep myself from laughing because the digs Bonnie got in against her family tickled me to the core. The woman had a serious tongue on her. She could slash an entire crowd down in a heartbeat if I had given her a microphone to speak.

  She was right about her ability to speak and be heard.

  Maybe she was right about other things as well.

  “My son,” Dad called. “There you are!”

  I turned around, ready to formally introduce him to Bonnie. But the second I saw him walking towards us, I felt my body grow cold.

  “Israel?” Bonnie asked softly, handing me a drink.

  Dad smiled as he walked up. “You remember Alice Esposito? I didn’t know the two of you had such a history, my son.”

  Bonnie tugged at me. “Talk to me, Israel. You’re growing pale.”

  I girded my loins, readying myself for a spar. “Dad. Miss Esposito.”

  She nodded softly, her baby blue eyes gazing up at me as if we had no history. The beauty mark on her upper lip, waggling at me and taunting me. Forcing me to remember all of the kisses I once pressed against it. Her slim features weren’t to be taken lightly, though. She wasn’t thin from her diets. She was lean from her training. And I knew I had stepped into a very volatile situation.

  One I had to make sure I succeeded at navigating.

  Her soft voice filled my ears. “Israel. It’s good to see you again.”

  I cleared my throat. “Likewise.”

  I saw how uncomfortable she was. I saw how hard my father was hanging onto her. The evil glinting behind his eyes made me want to choke him. But the sheer force of my shock left me devoid of all reactions.

  Except to nod. “It’s nice to see you again, Miss Esposito.”

  Alice shook her head. “I’m so sorry, is—”

  Dad interjected. “I’m sure the two of you have much to talk about. Bonnie, if you’d come with—”

  I wrapped my arm around Bonnie. “She won’t be going anywhere with you unless I’m coming as well. Understood?”

  Alice smiled softly. “You always were protective. It was my favorite trait about you.”

  Bonnie paused. “Her favorite trait?”

  I peeked down at her. “Later. It’s a long story.”

  Dad’s eyes hardened. “I think you should give Alice some closure while Bonnie and I go have a talk.”

  I stared at him. “If she wants closure, we can take our private conversation to the balcony. Where Bonnie will be accompanying me.”

  Alice nodded. “Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way. I believe I owe you—”

  Dad waved his hand in the air. “Nonsense.”

  I shook my head. “Not one bit.”

  I clung to Bonnie as I nodded towards Alice. I didn’t have the energy or the mental forethought to deal with this situation. My father was just as conniving as he was brutal, but I wasn’t passed raising a stink if he wanted to create one. I’d try to avoid it, of course, for the sake of my mother. However, if my father insisted on doing this now instead of waiting until lunch the next day to sort it out?

  I had no issues making my stand now.

  “You look good, Israel,” Alice said with a soft smile.

  I returned it. “And you look divine.”

  Bonnie clicked her tongue. “He does look good, doesn’t he?”

  I squeezed her quickly, letting her know this wasn’t one of those times she needed to be kicking up. And while I’m pretty sure she got the message, it also caused her to pull away from me.

  Before she stormed off.

  “Well, Alice. I’ll leave you to it,” Dad said cheerfully.

  When he walked away, I found myself staring straight into the baby blue eyes of Alice. A woman I had once loved. A woman I had once contemplated marrying before she’d dropped me like
a hot sack of potatoes, blocked my number, and had never spoken to me again.

  “Alice Shaeffer,” I said.

  She shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Israel. I really am.”

  Yet another woman who claimed to care about me while duping me in the process.

  No wonder my father considers women a weakness.



  I stood by the drinks, watching while Israel and that woman talked. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was wrong. Israel looked stoic as ever, but behind his eyes was a hurt I’d only ever seen once before. I knew that look, as much as it sickened me to think about. And I wondered what in the world the two of them were discussing.

  I didn’t like how close Alice kept stepping to him. I didn’t like how he didn’t back away from her. I didn’t like the fact that they both turned their backs to me, so I couldn't read their fucking lips.

  Who in the world is Alice Esposito?

  “You have a month.”

  I turned around quickly at the sound of Israel’s father’s voice.

  “Come again?” I asked.

  He glared at me. “You’ve got a month to move out of my son’s place.”

  I blinked. “And you really think you have that authority over me.”

  He removed a piece of paper from his tuxedo pocket. “Here.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a contract. Short and sweet.”

  I furrowed my brow as I plucked the contract out of his hand. And when I unfolded it to read the first page, I felt the breath of my lungs leave.

  “What in the world?” I asked.

  “It’s a simple contract. I know your family has cast you aside. I know you have no one and nowhere to go. This contract guarantees you twenty million dollars to be granted in your name along with a separate purchase of any house you could ever want anywhere in the world.”

  I slowly looked up at him. “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “No strings attached, no secrets, no funny business.”

  I blinked. “You want to give me twenty million dollars and buy me some private island just so I’ll leave and let you marry Israel off to someone he’s not happy with?”

  “Do you honestly think he’s happy with you?”

  “He could be.”

  He raised both dark eyebrows. “You’re done playing house with my son. I don’t know if you have a plan in the works or if you’re simply leeching off him until you can get back on your feet. But I won’t stand for it. That’s my final offer to you, and it’s a good one. You can start a whole new life with something like that.”

  She could. She really could. “I love your son, Mr. Rossi.”

  His eyes hardened. “Then, if you love him, give him a life that’s at least a little easier on him in the long run. Because the last thing my hard-working son should have to deal with is to come home and wonder if the woman on the other end of the door is still thinking about killing him.”

  I shoved the contract back at him. “I would never. I love him. And he’s going to love me. You’ll see.”

  “You’re no longer welcome in this family, Miss Moretti. I suggest you take this contract—”

  “I won’t.”

  He nodded. “Very well. Then, I’ll be in touch with your uncle shortly.”

  I snarled. “For what reason?”

  He slid the contract back into his tuxedo. “To let his minions know where you are, of course. You know, like I did last time.”

  I felt the world around me come to a grinding halt. “Like—like what?”

  His father walked away. “Enjoy your time while you have it, Miss Moretti.”

  “Like what?” My shrill shriek sounded above the crowd, and the entire party stopped to look at me. I peered over at Israel, who stared at me with an expression I couldn't read. I felt anger within me bubbling. I felt my frustration mounting. I felt my heart rate skyrocketing as blood pumped through my ears, drowning up the rest of the sound around me.

  Then, I rolled my shoulders back and stood tall.

  His father came close to me. “You better watch that voice of yours in this party. It’s for my wife. And if you ruin it, you’ll have me to deal with too.”

  I held my chin high. “You don’t want what’s best for your son. You want what’s best for your empire.”

  “My son is that empire. I would never expect a woman with no family and no children to ever understand that concept.”

  The party slowly picked back up as I swallowed hard. “Israel’s my family now. Even if he doesn’t see it. But I know he does. I know he loves me, even if he won’t say it right now.”

  “You’ll kill him, just like you were planning to do in the first place.”

  “Let me tell you something, Mr. Rossi. I’ve had all sorts of chances over the past few months to kill your son. To poison him. Or stab him. Or smother him. I’ve had every chance to turn his own damn gun on him and go through with what my uncle wanted me to do. What he groomed me to do without my permission, mind you. And not once have I ever even considered it.”

  “You considered it enough to marry him, and that’s betrayal enough for me.”

  “Your son had every chance to let me die, too, you know.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  I nodded. “The warehouse fire? I was inside it. He saved me. Just like when those three men you and my uncle sent after us, came into our home—”

  “His home.”

  “Our home,” I reiterated, “and defiled it. That man was about to rape me, Mr. Rossi. Rape me and then kill me. And your son saved me from it. He could have easily let me die and be rid of all this nonsense, but he chose not to. Want to take a guess as to why?”

  His nostrils flared. “Sign the fucking contract, Bonnie. Otherwise, I will kill you myself.” Then, he stalked off back to his wife’s side, while people at the party still glanced at me.

  I slowly turned back around to find Israel, but he was gone. Him and Alice. I gazed around the crowd, trying to see if I could spot them. But I couldn’t.

  “Israel?” I called out.

  I set my drink down and wove my way through the party, trying to figure out where in the world he had gotten off to. “Israel!”

  I walked back out into the hallway and looked both ways. I checked the bathrooms as well as the front desk to see if maybe they had seen him. Maybe he’d gone up to the room? Maybe he was waiting for me? Maybe he had gone home?

  Where had he gone?

  “I know where he is.”

  I slowly turned around and glared at Giovanni. “I don’t have time for you.”

  He held out his arm for me. “Come with me. I know where he is, but you’re not going to like it.”

  I looked down at his arm. I knew I shouldn’t have been lured by his words. I was, though. I was curious. Together, we started back down the hallway. The plush carpet gave beneath my heels as the smell of food and drinks wafted from the ballroom and beneath my nose. He led me past the main door as if we were headed for the bathrooms

  “I already checked here. He wasn’t—”

  “Just be patient,” Giovanni said.

  We turned a darkened corner I hadn’t realized was there and walked down the hallway. We passed sprawling doors, indicating the opulent suites the hotel boasted of, despite the fact that they were on the first floor.

  Something didn’t feel right. “Where are you taking me?”

  He held out his hand.

  I followed where his hand was ushering me to, and my stomach dropped to the floor. He slipped my arm away from his and stood behind me, giving me an unobstructed view of what was happening. Israel was still with Alice, all right. At the end of this hallway, through a set of double doors. I saw them out on some sort of patio, sitting and drinking and smiling. He looked down at her and laughed a laugh I’d never heard before. And when her head fell back with giggles, I felt a piece of my soul break off.

  “Israel?” I asked softly.

  I knew he couldn't hear me. Not above the laughter he was sharing with this woman. I held my hand out, catching myself against the wall as the two of them continued to laugh. Israel said something, and Alice snorted. She threw something back, and his shoulders shook. The sight was sickening, and I wanted no part of it.

  So, I turned around and closed my eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Giovanni said, but his tone lacked apology.

  My eyes whipped open. “No, you’re not.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. I’m not. Despite what those two have been through, they were always well-suited for each other. Hell, I didn’t even know Israel was over her until he agreed to marry you.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  He snickered. “Yeah. Israel had it bad for her. I mean, her name was Alice Shaeffer back then. But now that we know she’s the daughter of Carmela Esposito? Well, that simply makes her perfect.”

  I swallowed down my own vomit. “I have to go.”

  “You sure you don’t want to—”

  I shoved my hand against Giovanni’s face, stumbling off balance. I felt him grip my wrist, and I fumbled on my feet, but not before I jammed the crook of my thumb and my pointer finger directly against his throat. “I know you set this up. I know you and your father are cut from the same cloth, you disgusting piece of shit. You don’t give a damn other than overthrowing Israel and taking his spot. But I have a little surprise for you.”

  Giovanni held his throat as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Your brother already knows that,” I whispered.

  I gathered my dress and walked off as I clutched my purse. I walked straight past the entrance to the ballroom and started for the elevator, ready to get to my room. I wanted nothing more to do with this night. I refused to be paraded around a second longer. I loved Israel, that much was for certain. So, if what he wanted was Alice, then I’d let him go.

  But that was a conversation he and I would have.

  Not a conversation that would be had for us.



  My eyes opened the next morning and the sun burned. I groaned as I rolled over, looking towards the bathroom door. I didn’t even know what room I was in any longer. One minute, I was with Israel, and the next minute I was sleeping downstairs. The sun streamed harshly through the windows, so I turned back over, tossing the comforter over my head.


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