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Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1)

Page 6

by Aubree Valentine

  I hear Smitty fighting back the chuckle, “He’s otherwise attached at the moment.”

  “Oh, for fuck sake, move – “

  “Wait. No.”

  “I wouldn’t…”

  Smitty and I both say at the same time. But it’s too late. Zoey storms the room. And suddenly I’m trying to shield my dick with the nightstand.

  “Oh fuck.”

  “What the… Rhys Mitchell why are you standing there naked and holding on to the…oh God,” Zoey giggles. “She cuffed you. Where the hell is she anyway?”

  I’m trying to ignore Smitty, who’s hunched over losing his shit.

  “She’s your best friend, I figured you would know.”

  “Oh, this is priceless. I didn’t think my girl had it in her. I mean, I figured she had, it, in her, last night but,” Zoey waves her hands, “Never mind, that’s not what I mean anyway. Right now, we need to get you unlocked and dressed.”

  “We? No. I’ve got this. I just need a key or a utility knife or something. Actually, Zoey, give me one of those bobby pins out of your hair and then, if you don’t mind – go distract that one,” I nod to the door. “And I’ll handle this.”

  Zoey pulls the pin from her hair and sets it on the long dresser since my hands are full. I expect her to turn and leave, but she pauses before she pulls the door back open. “Rhys, listen, I know you’re probably a little upset.”

  “Understatement of the century.”

  “Yeah but, be gentle with her. Please. You left a bigger mark on her than you could imagine.”

  “I’ll take it under advisement, but if you don’t mind… this isn’t getting any lighter.”

  “Right. We’ll see you in my room, two doors down on the left. When you’re presentable.”

  I let out a breath as the door shuts behind her. With the nightstand sitting back on the floor, I grab the bobby pin and squat down to work on picking the cuff. Don’t ask how I know how to get this done. It takes a few tries, but I hear the click, and it pops off. I rub my wrist and shake my arm quickly before jumping in the shower and dressing in yesterday’s clothes in record time to make it to the photo shoot. Thankfully, Cooper is bringing a full wardrobe with him.

  When I walk into the shoot, Zoey, and Smitty both chuckle.

  “About time you made it,” Cooper jokes.

  “Had a little hiccup this morning. It’s been handled, sorry I’m late.”

  “Oh, you mean, you were…tied up?” Smitty jokes.

  I shoot him a warning glare, and I’m surprised when he zips it and goes back to posing with the female model draped across his body.

  “No worries, we went ahead and started with Dylan. You gave any thought to our conversation last night? If you don’t want to – it’s fine, I have someone else in mind.”

  Smitty blows me a kissing face. I reply by flipping him the bird and shaking my head. “Still no, Cooper.”

  “Your call,” he says as he snaps a few more pictures. “I’ll let my back up know that we’ll be needing him too.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Because I can’t help myself, I pull out my phone, and when the opportunity arises, I snap a picture or two of Smitty as he hangs back between shots. He has no idea he’s about to get a taste of his own medicine. My partner in crime – or peace, technically, is probably even more jacked than I am. With his scruff, the southern drawl, and those damn tattoos of his? The fangirls will go insane. When he least expects it, I’ll be uploading these little gems to Facebook.

  I can’t help it. I smile to myself at my little plan. I owe him one.

  It’s safe to say, I may have pushed Rhys a little too far. I can feel the fury radiating off him when he joins everyone at dinner, coming face to face with me for the first time since my stunt this morning. I’ve done a great job of deliberately hiding from him all day.

  However, I enjoyed our little game, and I have a feeling that I’ll be paid back deliciously for it, later. In the end, it was probably still a win-win.

  I have to confess, I was a little disappointed when Zoey sent me a text to let me know that Rhys had escaped. I almost hoped he would have still been there when I came back. Because I did, come back. About an hour later. After I’d enjoyed my coffee and a bagel from the coffee shop in the hotel lobby.

  “KJ,” he practically growls as he slips into the empty seat next to me.

  It takes every ounce of restraint I have, not to laugh. “Rhys,” I say in the perkiest voice I can manage.

  “You’re really not funny.”

  “Oh, the hell she’s not man. Cuffing you to the bedside table was brilliant,” Dylan reaches out and offers me a fist pump.

  Returning it was probably not a good idea but amusing nonetheless.

  “Fuck you, Smitty.”

  “Hey, you escaped. No worse for the wear,” I offer with an innocent smile.

  Rhys leans in and whispers in my ear, “And you’ll be no worse for the wear when I repay you for your little trick later.”

  I swallow hard and shift in my seat, in attempt to quell my arousal. Heat flushes my face at the thought of my punishment. “Turnabout is fair play, right?” The words slip past my lips, barely audible.

  “You bet it is,” Rhys winks and takes a sip from the glass of water in front of him.

  Have I mentioned I hate him? And I hate the way that he is seemingly unaffected by what’s to come.

  I also happen to loathe the fact that he decided to torture me through the entire dinner. Tracing circles on my leg, slowly edging his way closer and closer to the promised land. The gentle caresses up and down my back. Toying with my hair. It is by far, the most intimate, innocent, and yet erotic foreplay I’ve ever experienced.

  I’m so keyed up that by the time dinner is over, I’m tempted to pull Rhys into the bathroom and climb him like a tree.

  Zoey and Smitty laugh behind us as I nearly drag him from the restaurant and in the direction of the elevators. I even hit the ‘door close’ button trying to urge things along.

  I was a fool to think the night would go my way through.

  In the confines of the hotel room, Rhys demands full control and goes right back to taking it slow.


  “Excuse me?” I mock offense.

  “Strip, KJ. I want you naked, now.”

  “And if I don’t.”

  “Don’t challenge me right now. I’m not pleased with being cuffed to the nightstand, and you know it. I believe you have some making up to do.”

  The gruff tone of his voice makes me pant with need and obey. Once I’m standing naked before him, he commands me to my knees.

  This is new.

  I knew Rhys had a dominant streak, but I never painted myself as a submissive kneeling for him or any man.

  Slowly, he moves toward me as his hands gradually work his belt buckle, the clinking of metal has my sex clenching. He pulls it free from his pants and tosses it aside before easing the zipper down. He’s rock hard beneath the thin fabric of his boxers. I continue to watch in awe as he slips out of the rest of his clothes.

  Moving toward me, he palms his dick in his hands before guiding it to my mouth.

  “Open for me,” he says as he smears himself across my lips.

  Wanton and needy, my mouth waters for a taste of him. My lips part and my tongue slips out, barely catching his tip. He lets out a hiss and moves closer, I reward him by licking around his crown.

  “KJ,” my name slides from his lips. “Open,” he commands again. With my mouth open and waiting, he takes the opportunity to slowly slip the length of his cock in, inch by inch

  Breathing through my nose, I fight off the urge to gag as he taps the back of my throat.


  I close my lips around him and work my magic as he fucks my mouth. He takes his time at first, letting out little hisses and murmurs. When I try to quicken my pace over his shaft, he gathers my hair in his hand and gently tugs, taking back control and sending a zing str
aight to my clit. Unable to ignore the pulsing at my core, I slip a hand between my legs, but Rhys’ voice stops me.

  “Hand on your thighs or on my cock. Don’t touch yourself.” His voice is ragged but still exuberates such control and dominance. I can’t help but to follow his command. I don’t reach for him though, instead, I keep my hands to myself.

  I can feel him hardening even more as my lips hallow out. His thrusts become quick and frantic. I yearn for him to spill into my mouth, longing to swallow all he has to give me. I’m taken by surprise when he pulls from my mouth with a pop and begins jerking himself instead, exploding all over my tits.

  “Fuck,” he roars as ropes of his cum coat my chest. “So hot,” he says as the last of his release drips from him. He gently caresses the side of my face and smiles. “On the bed, legs spread.”

  “You’re so bossy,” I say as I take his offered hand and move to my feet.

  He chastises me with a sharp swat to my ass in warning.

  There’s no hesitation from me to do as he says. On full display for him in the middle of the bed, I expect for him to crawl between my legs. Instead, he stands back as if he’s admiring a piece of art. “Touch yourself.”

  “You said…”

  “Touch. Your. Self.” He practically growls. “Show me how you make yourself come.”

  This isn’t me. I may write dirty words in my stories, but I don’t do this. I’ve never masturbated for anyone else.

  It feels forbidden and sexy all at once.

  My body is on fire by the time my hand reaches my pussy. There’s no fighting back the gasp of pleasure as I slip my own fingers inside me. My eyes slip closed and snap back open when Rhys demands I watch him instead. My back arches and my breath quickens, I don’t need much to get me there. I’m just about to reach my peak when the bed dips and Rhys snatches my hand away. “Enough.”

  I expect his mouth to fall between my legs, or his hands, his cock, something. Instead, he rolls to his side and pulls my back against his chest, my hands captured in his. Then he whispers, “Sleep.”

  I don’t miss the evil laugh when I groan in frustration. When I try to wiggle my legs together and create friction, Rhys locks a leg around me. I thrust back against him, nearly grinding on his thigh.

  “Stop trying to fuck the air and sleep. Maybe I’ll let you come when I wake up.”

  Sometime later, somewhere in my sleepy haze, I hear a distant buzz sound that pulls me from sleep. When my brain catches up, I realize it’s a phone buzzing. Thankfully Rhys has released me from his grasp and is laying on his stomach, out cold. He doesn’t notice when I jump and scurry from the bed.

  I locate my phone; the source of the noise and my heart drops a little at the number on the screen. I slip into the bathroom and shut the door before I answer in a whisper.

  “Hey Kels, don’t panic.”

  I grunt. When your babysitter calls and says, ‘Don’t panic,’ you panic. Especially when it’s after midnight. “Crystal, what’s wrong?”

  “Really, calm down, okay? I promise I have it under control. But, little man has a fever, and he’s pretty fussy. He didn’t drink much of his last bottle either. I already called the Ped. She wants me to take him to the ER.”

  I can hear my heart beating in my ears. This is exactly why I hesitated about taking this invite and coming to this signing. I ran through every scenario, and everyone promised me my baby boy would be fine. I left him in capable hands. Crystal is a registered nurse for Christ’s sake. And yet…she’s on the way to the hospital with my baby.

  And I’m not there.

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Hey, hey, why don’t you let me take him first and see what they say? No need to rush home if they’re only going to send us back home, right?” Her voice is calm on the other end, but I am far from it.

  “No. I’m coming home. This is more important. I planned to leave in the morning anyway. I’m four hours away – if something should happen,” I choke on my words.

  “Kelsey, listen to me, nothing bad is going to happen. Please calm down before you get in the car. I’ll keep you updated. Pull yourself together. He’ll need you home in one piece.”

  “Okay,” I swallow back a sob. “I’ll be safe. Call me with updates.”

  “I will. He’s going to be okay.”

  In my heart, I hope Crystal is right. Part of me knows that she is, but the mom in me is freaking out. I’m still so new at this, I feel like I’m failing at every turn. Second guessing every choice I make.

  I take a minute to gather a few deep breaths and splash cold water on my face. When I look in the mirror, I stifle back a sob.

  What have I done?

  Rhys’ cum is dried onto my chest. A reminder of just how fucked up this is.

  I grab a washcloth and run it under the water before scrubbing hard, too hard, to rid myself of him.

  Overwhelmed with emotions, I move as silently as I can around the hotel room, gathering my things. I shoot off a message to Zoey to let her know I’m leaving. Luckily for me, Zoey and Katie are planning to spend a few extra days in Tallahassee and will be flying home. Nora had to fly out right after the signing to get back to her husband and kids – so I have no one else to worry about right now, besides myself.

  I make it to the hallway, and gently pull the door closed without a sound.

  The drive along Interstate 10 goes on forever. A solid forty-five minutes into it, an unknown Florida number flashes on my in-dash caller id, and I know its Rhys. I ignore his call and dial-up Crystal instead. She tells me that they’ve just put them in a room and are drawing labs on Reid. We don’t talk for long, but the same Florida number flashes on the screen two more times while I’m on the phone with her.

  A half hour after that, a text from Zoey pops up, and I hit the read-out-loud button on the steering wheel.

  Rhys is freaking out. Not happy but worried more than anything. I only said you had an emergency. You know I love you, but I really think you should tell him.

  I’m not happy either, I think to myself. But this is the way it has to be. If Rhys knew, it would change everything. I could lose the one thing that means the world to me. It’s a risk I’m not willing to take.

  This weekend was nothing more than a goodbye. He’ll move on and find someone new. I’ve gotten my closure. I’ll firmly shut the door on our past and focus on raising my son. It’s for the best, we’ll all be better off this way.

  I’m still trying to convince myself that I’ve done the right thing as I take my exit off the highway – headed in the direction of the hospital when my phone rings again and Crystal’s number flashes on the screen.

  “I’m almost there,” I answer.

  “Head home. Reid’s got an ear infection, and they’re discharging us. I’ll bring him home to you and then I’ll run out to the 24-hour pharmacy to get his meds filled for you.”

  Tears of relief stream down my face, “Oh, o-kay.”

  “Hey momma, he’s fine. We’ll see you soon.”

  I sniffled and tell her goodbye, turning the car in the direction of my house at the next traffic light. While I wait for Crystal to pull up, I scroll through my phone and read the handful of messages that Rhys has sent me. The ones I ignored on the drive home.

  Come on KJ. Not funny. Are you really playing hard to get right now?

  Shit. KJ. Is everything ok? Zoey said it was an emergency. What’s wrong? Call me. Please?

  Listen. I’m worried. Can you just let me know you’re ok?

  Alright. I give up. I thought we were past things. I guess not. Thanks for sneaking out on me in the middle of the night.

  His last message tugs at my heart and I feel like an evil sadistic bitch. Maybe I am.

  The next few days are brutal for Reid and me.

  As if dealing with an infant with a double ear infection isn’t bad enough, Rhys has sent at least one message every day since I left Tallahassee. Each of them going unanswered.

  By Wednesday,
Reid finally starts feeling marginally better and starts being less fussy. Zoey’s also back in town so she stops by to join the two of us for lunch.

  I would truly be lost without her in my life.

  She’s the friend I can always count on to give it to me straight. She has my back, even when I’m wrong – but she won’t hesitate to tell me I’m wrong either. Which is what she’s currently doing as I take a bite of the sandwich she picked up from our favorite local deli on her way over.

  “If you could have seen his face though Kels. He was crushed. And I still say he has a right to know. Especially since he explained his feelings and you know now that he didn’t run away last March after all.”

  I lean my head back and sigh, squeezing my eyes shut. “I don’t need to hear about how devastated he was by my leaving. Seriously. As for telling him about Reid, yeah, I probably should have, but come on Zoey. Do you really think that a man like Rhys is ready to be tied down with a child and baby mama drama?”

  “Baby momma drama? Are you serious? You’re the least dramatic person I know – except when it comes to the words you write. Your need to avoid drama is a large part of why you’ve kept quiet all this time. Now though, things are different, and I think you should give him a call. Tell him the truth and let him decide what happens from there.”

  Did I mention that Zoey’s right a lot of times?

  “Look, I hear you. I’m not saying I shouldn’t. I’m saying I don’t know that I want . I have my reasons, most of them are probably selfish on my part, but I’m not telling him.”

  “And if he keeps texting and calling?”

  “He’ll eventually get bored and move on. I’m not worried about that at all. Soon enough, he’ll find someone prettier, sexier, and he’ll forget all about me. He’s got women falling at his feet, I’ve seen the social media comments. He’ll be just fine.”

  Zoey takes a sip of her soda and shakes her head, “You’re unbelievable. Whatever you want to do. I’ll support you, doesn’t mean I approve of it.”

  “Noted. Now, can we talk about something else? Like maybe about what’s up with you and Officer Jerk Face.”


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