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Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1)

Page 10

by Aubree Valentine

  He’s not done yet either, before I can even start to undress him, more explodes out the sides of his diaper and all over the changing table. This must be some sort of payback for something. I’m being punished. I know it.

  Maybe he’s mad that I’ve been gone for two weeks. Whatever it is, I got his message loud and clear.

  With one hand on his tiny body, I survey the drawers on the changing table for something to wrap his body in long enough to get him to the bathroom so I can clean us both up. KJ might kill me for this, but all I see are clothes and blankets, so a blanket it is. I’m really out of my element here, but I’m stubborn and not about to ask for help. I won’t admit defeat. Nope, I’m going to handle this. I’ve totally got this, or so I keep telling myself.

  I’ve got us both in the bathroom, and I turn on the water to warm. Glancing at my own clothes again, it’s clear we both need to get clean. Debating this for a few seconds, I decided it might be best to attempt a shower.

  It sounded like a great idea in my head, but as I stand under the warm spray with a screaming baby in my arms, I realize, it probably wasn’t. He’s pissed, wiggling, slippery and not interested in anything I’m saying. There’s no convincing Reid that we’re okay and just getting cleaned up. In fact, he gets himself so worked up that he shits, again, all over me.

  “Okay dude, this isn’t working.” I hit the plug that shuts off the shower and sets the tub faucet running instead. I reach out of the curtain to grab his bath seat that KJ showed me to use the last time I was here – no small feat with Reid in my hands. And I nearly jump out of my skin when I spot KJ standing there. A girlie scream that I’m really not proud of escapes my mouth as my heart settles back in my chest.

  “What the hell are you doing to him, Rhys?”

  I might have kissed her earlier, but I quickly duck back behind the shower curtain now. “I’m trying to clean the shit off of me, and him. He’s not exactly making it easy.”

  She lets out a laugh before she composes herself, “He hates the shower, Rhys.”

  “Figured that out already, but thanks.”

  “Hand him to me, I’ll clean him up. You worry about yourself.”

  “I got it,” I push back. Stubborn as a mule.

  “Rhys, give me the baby. Wash yourself off while I tend to him. Sometimes ya gotta know when to wave the white flag.”

  “I’m not surrendering but, just this once, I’ll let you help,” I chuckle as I try to hand over Reid while remaining mostly hidden behind the curtain.

  KJ calls me out on it too, “Quit acting like I’ve not seen it before. Hand me, Reid.”

  She’s right, and well…I’m too worried I’m going to drop him otherwise. KJ wraps him in a towel and walks out, shutting the door behind her.

  About the time I reach for a clean rag and the baby wash, I realize one other important detail – my clothes, along with the rest of my stuff in my duffle bag, is sitting in KJ’s office where she’s put me up. I smell powder fresh as I wrap a towel around my waist and contemplate my next move.

  I could open the door, attempt to get KJ’s attention and nicely ask her to bring my clothes. Or, make a run for it, into the other room.

  Making a run for it seems like the best plan when I open the door and notice that KJ’s bedroom door is shut again. I’ll have plenty of time to make it down the short hallway and into her office space where my bag is waiting – without incident.

  I slide in and shut the door with seconds to spare. I can hear KJ talking to Reid as she walks past.

  As I slip a tee shirt over my head, I mentally calculate the score so far today. I managed to piss her off by being a dick, kissed her, she saw me mostly naked, and I barely streaked across the hall in nothing but a towel. This is clearly going great.

  Having Rhys Mitchell under my roof will be the death of me. He has my mind and my body so damn confused. He’s hot then cold and back again. His kiss earlier – set me on edge, woke up the craving I’ve been fighting off since I met him. He has every right to be upset with me. I’m still upset with myself, but that does not stop the sexual desire he stirs up whenever he’s near.

  The sheer shower curtain in the guest bathroom did nothing to hide his body that is made for sin. Even with my attention on Reid, I got all the reminder I needed about how amazing Rhys Mitchell looks naked.

  It’s only been six hours, but the sexual tension in this house is enough to burn the place down.

  Efforts to quell my sexual frustration are futile. After dinner, I thought I’d go for a run. Alone. I didn’t make it out the door. Rhys had the baby in the jogging stroller and had laced up his own sneakers, eager to join me. If he ran in front of me, I was distracted by his ass. When he kept pace with me, I found it hard not to focus on the fact that he looked good pushing our son in the stroller.

  Then he’d trade me, Lucy for Reid and I found myself fighting off laughter as my pup tried to drag Rhys along.

  By the time we got back to the house, Reid was pretty much done for the night. After giving him a kiss on the cheek, I left him to Rhys to put to bed while I hid in the solace of an ice-cold shower.

  All of that effort and my desire for Rhys is still burning hot. So hot, that after checking the monitor to be sure that Reid’s asleep. I find myself crawling into bed and breaking out my favorite toy for some much-needed relief.

  Through the wall, I can hear the guest shower running, and I’m picturing Rhys’ naked body as I work the vibrator over my clit and let out a moan. My pussy clenches at the thought. My mind flashes back to our time together in Tallahassee. Our first night together, when Reid was conceived. To this past spring, how he owned my body – my pleasure, the look on his face as I fingered myself. I stop that memory before I get to the part about how he denied me. Instead, I imagine a very different ending. One where his head is in between my legs, his tongue teasing me.

  I’m almost convinced that I can hear grunts coming from the other side of the wall. Imagining Rhys getting himself off right now is more than enough to send me over the edge, his name spilling from my lips on a gasp.

  Slowly, my heartbeat steadies and my breathing returns to normal. My high dissipating.

  And then, I feel empty and unsatisfied. Longing for so much more.

  My body screams for me to go to him. My head knows it’s a bad idea, even if I’m drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

  Having him this close is sweet torture. On my mind, my heart, and my soul.

  Laying here in my bed, alone, I realize that I’d give anything to fix my fuck ups and make a go of an honest relationship with Rhys. Each moment that he’s here, being a father to Reid, I crave more with him. I want all of him. The physical pieces, the good, the bad, all the emotions and commitment.

  Ignoring my desires, I roll to my side and close my eyes. A single tear rolls down my face as I drift off to sleep wishing things were different.

  I wake up to the smell of bacon and coffee in the air.

  My stomach grumbles as I stumble from bed and pull my robe on, tying it at the waist.

  The sight that greets me in the kitchen takes my breath away.

  Rhys is standing at the stove cooking, Reid’s in his highchair facing the action and giggling as Rhys animatedly explains how to cook the best sunny side up eggs. The fact that he remembers how I like my eggs tugs at my heartstrings.

  “We’ll get these on a plate and then we’ll go wake up Mommy.”

  I look on for a few seconds more before Reid spots me and wiggles excitedly.

  “Was it something I said?” Rhys laughs and leans in to kiss his tiny fingers. “It was the ‘M’ word, wasn’t it?”

  I stifle my own laugh because he’s pretty much lost Reid’s attention at this point.

  “Yeah don’t tell her, I’m partial to her too dude.”

  A gasp escapes before I have a chance to hide it. Rhys turns quickly, shock on his face.


  “That’s not really a question there, R
hys. You sound a little unsure.”

  “Yeah. I guess it’s not,” he rubs the back of his neck nervously, a habit that I find more and more attractive. “I heard little man, figured I’d let you sleep in. We shared a cup of milk. Okay, well I had coffee, he had his bottle, but we did some male bonding and figured we’d make breakfast. I hope it’s okay that I raided your fridge.”

  “Now you owe me a grocery trip,” I tease as I reach for a coffee cup and pour myself some.

  “I’ll go grocery shopping today. We could go together if you want,” he says as he puts two plates on the table and turns Reid’s high chair around.

  “I was joking,” I say as I take a seat. “You don’t have to go grocery shopping. Reid and I went Thursday after work.”

  This grabs Rhys’ attention, and he sends me a questioning glance, “Work?”

  “I have deadlines. And I work from home, part-time as a medical billing specialist for the hospital.”

  “Oh. I had no idea.”

  “I work just enough to carry insurance for me and little man. It works out well,” I shrug and take a bite of my eggs. “Thank you for breakfast.”

  “Sure,” he gives me an awkward smile and sips his coffee. “Plans for the day?”

  A thousand thoughts run through my mind, but only half of them are appropriate in front of Reid. Keeping my thoughts to myself, I hang my head – letting my hair fall in front of my face to hide my blush. “If you’re okay with Reid, maybe I can spend some time writing?” I ask, instead.

  “Yeah, sure. I’m good with spending one on one time with my main man,” Rhys smiles.

  Lucky for me, I manage to hide from Rhys for a good chunk of the day. I’ve invaded ‘his’ space a little by working in my office, where he slept last night. Oddly enough, his scent in the air is motivating and inspiring. Not that I would admit that to him though.

  I’m so engulfed in what I’m doing that I lose track of time – something that’s not hard to do when I’m undisturbed.

  My stomach growls, reminding me I need to eat when Rhys appears in the doorway with a plate in his hand.

  “You looked like you were in the zone, I didn’t want to bother you – but you’ve gotta eat. I made you tuna salad. I hope that’s okay?”

  Motherfucker. Be still my heart. “Th-thanks. You didn’t have to do that.”

  He hands me the plate and nods his head. Without saying another word, he escapes the room. I take a bite of the savory food and get back to work, but not before I set a timer for closer to dinner time. No way can I expect him to feed me again. This time I’ll cook.

  When I emerge from my office, hours later, he’s lying on the couch with Reid on his chest. They're watching sports highlights while Rhys explains the fundamentals. He’s totally at ease, they both are.

  Visions of a life where this is the norm, flash through my mind. I can see Rhys as a staple in our lives, something I’ve already grown way too comfortable with. Right now, it’s all new to him, I worry he’s still in the honeymoon phase. Though, if being pooped on by the kid didn’t send him running, I’m not sure anything will.

  Still, I picture lazy Sunday afternoons where the boys are doing just this. Me, writing with my laptop in my favorite chair, stealing glimpses of Rhys and Reid when they think I’m not looking.

  I can see them as Reid gets older – me watching Rhys teach him to throw a ball or swing a bat. Rhys pushing our son on a swing at the park. Me, cooking dinner while they wrestle in the living room or work on homework. A million different scenarios.

  All of it hits me, and I’m consumed with an overwhelming sense of longing all over again.

  I draw in a deep breath, shaking the thoughts from my head as I push my emotions down – instead of focusing on gathering what I’ll need to make chicken fajitas for dinner.

  My commotion in the kitchen draws Rhys’ attention, and he joins me, with Reid in his arms.

  “You’ve emerged from your lair,” he gives me a sexy smile.

  “We call it the writing cave, but I suppose lair works as well. Thanks again for lunch. It’s not often I get to fall into the zone like that and completely tune out the rest of the world.”

  “You’re welcome. Hey, I was going to go for a run – I was actually about to come ask if you wanted to join us until I heard you in here. Can I help with dinner instead?”

  “Nope. I’ve got this. You go for your run. I’ll keep Reid if you want,” I offer.

  “It’s pretty nice out there, I’ll take him along with me. If that’s okay,” Rhys hesitates, clearly unsure of himself.

  “Sure. Yeah, that’s fine. He likes getting out of the house, don’t ya buddy,” I pause to tickle his feet and give him a kiss. I look up into those brown eyes that look so much like Reid’s and swallow hard. I can’t explain the reason why, but I feel like I need to say something – to get some of these emotions off my chest. “Rhys, uhm, listen…” shit I’m losing my courage and fast. “I just wanted to say that, I, well, for one…I’m sorry. I’ll never be able to say that enough. But I’m really truly sorry for withholding the truth from you. I can’t go back in time and change it. If I could, I would. I wish I could. You being here, spending time with Reid, it’s only solidified that I made the wrong choice. And well, I’m really glad that you did show up unannounced and that you do know about him now.”

  Rhys doesn’t respond. Honestly, I’m not sure what I expect him to say back to that. It needed to be said though. I want him to know exactly what I’m feeling. Somewhere down the line, I hope that I can make this right. Or at the very least – we can keep moving forward.

  His expression tells me that he’s taking it all in. If we stand here, watching each other, for long enough. I’m sure he will say something. There’s always a chance that I might not like what he says either. To save us both, I give him the out.

  “You don’t owe me a reply, or anything for that matter. I just wanted you to know.”

  He tilts his head and gives me a forced smile, “Right. We’ll be back. I think it’s time for that run now.”

  Once he’s out the door, I lean back against the counter and let out a shaky breath, giving myself a few minutes to regain my composure before returning my focus to dicing up the peppers and onions.

  Rhys is back from his run by the time I’m finishing up the food. I’ve got a bottle ready for Reid, and his highchair is waiting. He passes the baby off to me silently and heads down the hall. I won’t lie, I peek around the corner of the kitchen and watch as he tugs his shirt over his head while he’s walking away, quietly admiring the pull of his back muscles as he moves.

  Can’t fault a woman for enjoying the view.

  Reid’s finished his bottle and is sitting in his high chair, playing with a few toys when Rhys reemerges smelling like citrus, woods, and leather. My pulse quickens, and I fight the urge to move closer to him and inhale the scent that is distinctly all Rhys.

  Part of me wants to kill him for tormenting me too.

  He’s shirtless with those goddamn low-slung basketball shorts on again. I swear, I wonder how many pairs he owns, and I consider, briefly, buying him some clothes that hide at least some of the beautiful specimen that he is.

  A few stray droplets of water fall from his wet, disarrayed hair and roll down his naked torso. I nearly swallow my tongue – fighting back the urge to use it in a different way. What I wouldn’t give to lick those drops from his chest, his abs. Holy shit, it’s hot in here.

  I’m literally seconds from opening the freezer and sticking my head inside in a desperate attempt to cool off while he makes his plate as if he’s not standing half naked in my kitchen, taunting me. And don’t think I didn’t notice his half-mast cock, barely hiding in his shorts.

  I wasn’t going to do it.

  I wasn’t going to have sex with KJ.

  At least, that’s what I’ve been yelling at myself inside my head.

  All day, I’ve stolen glances at her working. In her element with those sexy as f
uck retro cats eyeglasses on. I had to adjust myself a time or two when I caught her deep in thought and biting her lip or the end of a pen. The buzzing sounds and moans coming through her bedroom wall last night as I jacked off in the shower, are still fresh in my mind too.

  Son of a bitch, I swore I wasn’t crossing that line. Not until I had my head on straight and knew exactly where this was going.

  Then she had to go and give me this heartfelt apology and damn if my own walls didn’t begin to crumble. I couldn’t trust myself to reply to her, instead, I stood there like a fucking dumbass. Stunned and dumbfounded.

  Going for a run and rocking out to Guns N’ Roses, maybe a damn good work out, but it accomplished nothing. I would have rubbed one out in the shower but the smell of fajitas, after said work out, is even more enticing. No, I’d rather fuck KJ instead of wasting my time fucking my hand.

  I don’t miss the heat in her gaze as I make my plate and join her at the table.

  I’m all too aware of the water dripping down my chest, and the fact that she’s watching each drop.

  That’s my little vixen. I’ve missed that look so fucking much. And when she shifts uncomfortably in her seat and lets out a moan – I nearly come in my pants like a horny teenager. I’m not thinking about her lips wrapped around my cock. Or how her pussy clenched around me when I fucked her.

  Counting to ten backwards doesn’t help.

  Last season’s Seminoles stats do nothing for the raging hard-on.

  It’s the only explanation I have for why I stalk up behind her after Reid falls asleep for the night. She’s in the kitchen wiping down the counters when I wrap my arms around her waist and push my dick against the small of her back. When her head falls back, and she groans, I take the opportunity to nip at her neck – eliciting a gasp from her pursed lips.

  “What are you doing?” he purrs.


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