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Hot Cop (Too Hot To Handle Book 1)

Page 14

by Aubree Valentine

  “For the record, sometimes, I think I hate you,” I roll my eyes before tearing out of the parking lot, maybe a little too fast, to jolt Smitty around a little.

  “I know I fucking hate you. Especially when you drive like a damn rookie.”

  “So, your parents want to come here?” Her voice squeaks out on the phone the following Wednesday evening when I call her.

  “Just my parents, yes. That’s what I said.”

  My mom called me again last night and insisted that they’d drive to Kelsey’s place if she was ok with them visiting. I’d nearly forgot that we’d even discussed it with everything happening with Reid.

  “I can just come there, it’s really no big deal. I can leave Friday after Reid wakes up, I’ll have to stop off halfway and feed him, let him out of the car seat for a little bit…”



  “Breathe. Honestly, why don’t you let us come there? That way, you’re not driving all that way with Reid, by yourself. It would make me feel better. If you still want to come here, then let me come get you both.”

  “Do you know how stupid that sounds? That’s eight hours in the car for you. Insane, Rhys.”

  “You’re over thinking it. I gotta go get ready for work tonight. Call me tomorrow morning and let me know what you want to do. But, please, let us come to you, or something,” I lay it on thick, knowing there is a good chance I’ll get my way.

  She huffs, “Okay, fine. You’re a pain in my ass. They can come here. I’ll make the place presentable and everything.”

  “Kels, your house is fine as is. No need to go all out, they’ll only have eyes for Reid. I promise.”

  “Should I make dinner? I should make dinner. Do your parents have any allergies? Favorite dishes? I’m sure I can whip something up.”

  “Kelsey!” I say, sterner now. “While your rambling is, endearing, I do have to get to work. And you do not have to cook. We’ll go out or something. Don’t sweat about this, please.”

  “Right. Okay, sorry. Yeah. Uh, have a good night at work. We’ll see you this weekend.”



  “Thanks for doing this, for me,” I tell her genuinely.

  “It’s the least I can do,” she says before the call ends.

  For the first time, in a while, I feel lighter. And hopeful.

  I’m excited to have my parents meet the boy who has stolen my heart too.

  I’m a little later than usual, pulling up to KJ’s house Friday but I’ve got my parents in tow. They’ve been talking excitedly about Reid ever since we got in the car.

  As I turn into her driveway, I spot KJ sitting on the porch with Reid in her lap, Lucy at her feet. The look on her face is one that immediately has me concerned. I notice an odd smell as soon as I get out of the car, one that grows the closer to the house we get. KJ locks eyes with me, and I see it. She's about to cry. And I'm pretty sure the awful burning smell is coming from the house.

  “Everything okay?” I ask nervously as I reach out for my boy.

  “Just fine,” she squeaks out. “But we should probably sit outside for, oh, I don't know, a day or two.”

  I give her a hard look. “What did you do?”

  “After living on my own for nearly ten years, and cooking my own food for just as long, I managed to burn a turkey. Remember the scene from The Santa Clause where Tim Allen nearly lights the oven on fire,” she hiccups, tears now rolling down her face, “that happened.”

  “No,” I gasp, trying really hard not to laugh at the visual.

  “Yep,” she pops the ‘p’ before standing and looking over my shoulder to my parents who are standing behind me, waiting. “Excuse me for just a second,” her voice cracks and she darts inside the house, Lucy obediently following her master, no doubt, ensuring she’s all right.

  “Well, that was an interesting greeting,” my dad speaks as I turn around with Reid in my arms.

  My mom elbows him before quickly making her way to me, looking at my boy with stars in her eyes.

  “She’ll be right back. In the meantime, this is Reid.” Pride swells in my chest as I present him to my parents.

  “Christ, Son, I think he looks even more like you in person,” my dad’s gruff voice is filled with emotion as Reid wiggles in my arms.

  “No denying he’s mine, that’s for sure,” I smile. “Here Mom, grab a seat there, you hold him for one minute and let me go check on his momma.” I kiss Reid’s forehead before handing him off to my mom and stepping inside the house.

  Oh yeah, she wasn’t kidding about burning the turkey. The smell is even worse inside the house. Even with the windows open and the fans on in every room, it’s still overwhelming.

  I’m not the least bit surprised when she’s nowhere to be found, and her bedroom door is closed. I give it a knock and turn the knob without waiting for an answer. Overstepping a little, I’m sure, but I don’t like seeing her barely holding herself together. I knew she was nervous about my parents coming, to begin with, I don’t want her to feel any worse.

  From the doorway, I see her standing at the sink in the master bathroom, splashing water on her face. Her eyes are red and puffy when she turns toward me.

  “I’m sorry. One hell of a first impression I’m sure. I didn’t want to make an even bigger fool of myself by completely breaking down out there.”

  I move in her direction and take her by the hands pulling her against my chest, wrapping my arms around her. “It’s no big deal. I told you not to go all out for us anyway. Don’t worry about it.”

  She buries her face in my chest, and I can barely hear her muffled words. “Yeah, sure. I’m sure they love me. First, I kept your son from you, then I can’t even cook a decent meal, AND I stormed off like a lunatic the moment they got here. No big deal.”

  “Hey,” I tilt her head up. “It really is ok. Reid has them captivated. Nothing else matters.”

  “If you say so,” more tears roll down her face. “This whole thing is fucked up.”

  I can’t help myself, I wipe away her tears with my thumbs then lean in and press a gentle kiss on her lips. “We’ll figure it out.”

  She pulls back, and her lips tip upward. I take the opportunity to move past her and further into the bathroom where I reach for a clean washcloth off the shelf and run it under the cold water, before offering it to her. “Take a deep breath, then let’s go back out there so I can introduce you properly.”

  KJ snorts but takes the rag and holds it over her face for a few seconds. Eventually, she drops the rag and sighs, pulling her hair down and running her fingers through it before turning back to me. “Let’s do this.”

  I smile and take her hand, trying not to drag her to the door.

  The sight of my parents, sitting on the front porch rockers, with my son in their arms, stuns me for a moment when we step back outside.

  My mom’s grin takes up her whole face as she laughs and coos at Reid. My dad is leaned in, watching them both intently. I can see the love pouring from his eyes. The love for his wife in her role as a grandmother and the love for his grandson who has captivated his audience.

  The door shutting behind us interrupts the moment and has everyone looking up at us.

  “Mom, Dad – this is Kelsey. Kelsey, Mom, and Dad or Jim and Donna.”

  “Hi,” Kelsey gives my parents a shy wave.

  I’m not sure what sort of welcome I expected from my parents, but my mom doesn’t disappoint. She’s on her feet and wrapping Kelsey in a one-armed hug while holding tight to Reid. “Oh sweetheart, it is so great to finally meet you! I cannot get over how adorable this little guy is.”

  Kelsey looks at me, wide-eyed and nervous. I do my best to comfort her with a smile when my mom finally lets her go.

  “Th-thanks. It’s nice to meet you both too. We, uhm, could go inside if you’d like. I have to apologize though. There was a tiny mishap with dinner and well, the house smells as if I tried to burn i
t down,” she laughs nervously.

  Whatever awkwardness I expected with Rhys’ parents around, is non-existent. His dad, is more of the quiet type, but he’s kind and charming, a lot like Rhys. His mom is sweet and full of grace. More grace than I could ever have.

  Several times today, she’s nearly brought me to tears with her kindness and acceptance.

  I don’t deserve it.

  “Kelsey,” she pats my hand as we stand side by side, watching the men playing with Reid. “Honey, you have to know, we all make mistakes. If I know my son at all, I know that he cares deeply for you. Enough that he can find it in his heart to forgive you. You’ll need to be able to forgive yourself too.”

  Her words take me by surprise. I’m unsure what, if anything, I can say back to that.

  “I don’t know what he’s told you, but there are some things that I’m not sure people can come back from,” I reply, honestly.

  “Well now, that may be true,” she says, matter of factly. “I’m not sure you’re there though.”

  I’m pretty sure that keeping Reid a secret is unforgivable. Still, I’m not willing to argue with her about it.

  “Neither of us were thrilled to find out the circumstances surrounding our grandson. I’m sure I also don’t need to tell you that Rhys was deeply hurt by being left in the dark. That doesn’t mean things are beyond repair. What you’ve done in the past few weeks, speaks volumes. And, if we’re being honest, from the outside – I can see why you may have made the choices you did when you found out you were expecting.”

  She pauses, and I take a drink of the water sitting in front of me, feeling uneasy by this conversation.

  “The thing about Rhys is, he’s always wanted a family of his own one day. He’s wanted to settle down, get married and have children. And, Rhys has always done the right thing. All of that aside, he looks at you like you mean something to him.”

  I’m so caught up in what Donna is saying, that I don’t notice Rhys has joined us until he puts an arm around my shoulder, startling me.

  “What are you two ladies up to? I hope my mom’s not telling you embarrassing stories about when I was a kid,” Rhys jokes.

  I force a smile and laugh, “Things were just getting good.”

  “Well, I hate to cut this party short. Mom, Dad said he’s ready to head to the hotel and turn in for the night.”

  “Oh alright, I’ll be right there,” she shoos Rhys away and turns back to me. “I meant every word I said, sweetheart. As far as Jim and I are concerned, you’re already family. We couldn’t be more in love with that little boy in there either. Thank you for opening your home to us today,” Donna pulls me in for a hug as I fight back the urge to cry.

  “I’m going to take them to the hotel, then if it’s ok with you, I’ll swing back by?” Rhys asks as he brings Reid to me.


  When I get back to Kelsey’s place, I send her a text instead of knocking – just in case little man is sleeping. I’m irrationally pissed when she tells me the doors unlocked, to come on in.

  Seeing her rocking Reid to sleep only upsets me more. I’m a cop, and protective by nature. I can’t help it. Anyone could have walked right in. That door should have never been left unlocked, and I don’t hesitate to tell her about it as soon as my boy is tucked in and I’ve kissed his forehead.

  “Back off Rhys, I only unlocked it before I came in here. It’s been a few minutes. I knew you were coming back. Relax. It’s a safe neighborhood,” she says as she pulls Reid’s door partially closed.

  “That means nothing. Kelsey, I see it every day at work. People are shitty, the world is crazy. You can’t blame me for wanting to keep the two of you safe.”

  “Right got it, tone it down caveman.”

  Her flippant attitude has my palms itching. What I wouldn’t give to spank her ass for being such a brat sometimes. Just thinking about it has my cock hardening.

  “Kelsey, I’m serious. Don’t leave the Goddamn door unlocked again.”

  “Fuck off, Rhys.”

  I spin on my heels and pin her to the wall, “You’re fucking infuriating. Would it kill you to listen to me?”

  Her breath ticks up, her chest rising and falling, pushing her breasts out even more. “In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t take orders from you.”

  “You need to, especially when you’re putting our child in jeopardy.” Wrong word choice. I know it as soon as her eyes harden. The punch in the gut that comes from her confirms it.

  “I have never put Reid in jeopardy, you asshole.”

  “Shit,” I wheeze. Kelsey packs a punch. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Of course, you didn’t,” she flips me the finger as she walked into her bedroom and slams the door behind her.

  I’m such a fucking dumbass. Clearly, I’m no good at expressing my feelings and making her understand that I give a damn. Instead, I keep right on putting my foot in my mouth. Shaking my head, I sulk into the spare bedroom and throw myself on the futon where I toss and turn the rest of the night.

  The next morning, she’s gracious enough to join my parents for breakfast before we hit the road and head back home. I wish like hell I had more time, but my work schedule shifted this week, and I’ve got to get back.

  My parents hug Kelsey and give us a few minutes alone while they love on Reid in the gift shop of the restaurant before we leave.

  “Hey,” I reach for her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry about last night. I meant what I said about locking the door, you can’t fault me there. I see far too much evil at work, Kels. But I’m sorry for even remotely sounding like you’d put Reid at risk.”

  “I hear you, and I’m sorry for how I reacted. Hormones,” she grumbles the last word and my breath hitches. “Oh my god! NOT that, you fool. I’m not pregnant.” Clearly, she reads me well.

  I give her a nervous laugh as she shakes her head.

  “I’ve been meaning to tell you all weekend too – Reid’s surgery is scheduled for July 31st. It’s a Tuesday.”

  “Alright. I’ll be there,” I say as I pull my phone from my pocket and add the date to my calendar.

  “If you can’t make it…”

  “Kelsey, I’ll be there. Let me check my schedule, and I’ll probably take some vacation time and stay for a few days after too. I’ll work it out.”

  She nods and looks down at the ground, “Okay. There’s something else I wanted to mention to you too.”

  I put a finger under her chin and lift her head. It kills me when I feel like she’s hiding from me. “Go on.”

  “After Reid’s surgery, once we get the all clear from his doctor’s…well, I’m going to come out your way for a few days. To, uhm, to look at some places to live. I think it’s time you stop commuting four hours to be with your son.”

  Her words take my breath away. If there was anything in this world she could have given me, aside from our son, this is it. I can’t fight back the smile on my face. “You’re serious?”

  I can’t say I haven’t given thought to moving here to be with them or hoped she would want to come to Florida with me. So, this…takes a huge weight off my shoulders.

  “Very serious,” her own grin, lighting up her face.

  Pulling her closer, I wrap my arms around her and push her body against mine. “You know, I have an extra bedroom. You don’t need to find your own place.”

  Kelsey laughs at me, “That is a discussion to have for another day. Somehow, I knew you’d say that. For now, let’s get Reid through this little hiccup, and we’ll talk.”

  I’m still hugging her when my parents come out. My mom has Reid in her arms, and my dad has a bunch of bags in his.

  “I tried to tell her she didn’t need to buy every toy they had,” my dad grunts.

  “Oh, but I did, it’s what grandparents get to do. I made sure they were all age appropriate. There are a few things in there for Kelsey too.”

  “You didn’t have to,” Kelsey separates herse
lf from me.

  We help her get Reid, and several bags, loaded into her car. My parents hug her goodbye, and I give her a kiss on the lips.

  “I’ll call you when I get home.”

  “Okay. I’m sure this little guy is ready for a nap. If he doesn’t fall asleep in the car. Drive safe.”

  I wait and watch as Kelsey pulls off before I get in the driver’s seat and head home with my parents.

  You know how people tell you all the time, not to blink because time flies? I know they’re talking about parenthood and life in general but, the last two and a half weeks have flown by, and I’d like to know how to slow it down. For a few more minutes anyway.

  Rhys and I are sitting in the tiny pre-op room at Women’s & Children’s Hospital waiting for the doctor to take Reid back to the OR for his surgery. All the paperwork has been signed. The nurse gave him the tiniest dose of calming medicine, and they got his IV started.

  He’s currently cuddled up in his daddy’s arms while Rhys paces the length of the room.

  I’m dresses in paper scrubs and one of those funny hats so that when it’s go time, I can walk him back into the operating room. I won’t lie, I’m jealous of Rhys right now because I want to be the one cuddling our boy. At the same time – I’m going back with him until he’s under, I know it’s only fair that Rhys has his time now.

  I don’t like this part of co-parenting, the part where we share.

  “Hey,” Rhys whispers and offers Reid to me as if he can read my mind. “They’ll probably be coming soon, you take him for a little bit.”

  The tears I’ve been holding back all morning threaten to fall as I hold Reid against my chest.

  When the nurse walks in and says it’s time, my chest tightens, and I feel like I can’t stand. I bite my lip when Rhys leans in and kisses Reid’s cheek and tells him that he loves him. Then, I begin walking – each step feeling like I have concrete blocks for shoes.

  By the time we’re actually in the OR, and they tell me to have a seat on the gurney with Reid, the tears fall. His little eyes fluttered open and closed a few times before they put the mask over his face. In seconds, he’s out like a light. Someone takes him from me, and one of the techs walks me out to the waiting room, reminding Rhys and me what to expect and that they’ll call us as soon as he’s in recovery.


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