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Zoey Rogue

Page 14

by Lizzy Ford

  Declan’s fingers left her core as his body covered hers. The feel of his hot skin against hers drove her crazy. He penetrated her and stilled, letting her body adapt to the magic once more.

  He gripped her wrists and interlaced their fingers, pinning her hands above her head. Too aware of his scent and their shared breath, she tried hard not to moan when he moved in and out of her. He locked gazes with her, his intensity stirring lust that should’ve been sated already. How was it possible to want him more this time? To yearn to surrender and let their souls tangle and tease, dance and feed?

  “Not so bad, is it?” he whispered, the intimacy of his direct gaze causing her face to grow hotter.

  “I’ve had worse,” she replied.

  He smiled and kissed her nose before renewing the connection with his eyes. Zoey tried not to show him what he was doing to her, the effect of the need and pleasure building within her. She found herself frantic at the idea of losing control of herself and letting him control their pace and the flow of sex energy.

  “Stop,” he said, sensing her emotions. “Yield, my little Hunter.”

  It was easier to do than she expected, which scared her more. She felt stripped down and vulnerable beneath his penetrating gaze. Surprisingly, nothing bad happened. It wasn’t painful to let him saturate her senses.

  “Good,” Declan said. “Stay that way. Okay?”

  She nodded. “I want to be on top,” she told him.

  “Tonight is yours,” he said. He rolled, pulling her with him.

  Zoey laughed. Her hair created a tent around their heads. She didn’t understand why he was so gentle with her, but the urge to pull her guard back up was gone. Zoey kissed, nipped and licked her way down his body, timidly at first then braver, when he made no move to stop her. She was fascinated by his body in a way she never noticed with Eric. She found herself obsessed with memorizing everything about him: his taste, the feel of supple muscle beneath soft skin, even how he looked in the shadows created by candlelight.

  She returned from her exploration to kiss his face then trailed kisses down his neck and chest, following the natural trail created by the thin line of hair along his taut lower abdomen. He was still hard, despite the time she took in her curiosity. Zoey wrapped her hand around his manhood. He was wide enough that her fingers didn’t touch, even when she squeezed. The tip of his penis filled her mouth.

  Declan stirred for the first time when she took him into her mouth. She licked, sucked and moved him in and out of her mouth, until her hunger to feel him inside of her got the better of her.

  She sat and straddled him, sinking onto his manhood with a groan and a shudder that made him chuckle. Zoey met his gaze again and saw him smiling. He didn’t judge her naïve curiosity with him or rush her. She wriggled on top of him with a mischievous smile.

  Declan gripped her hips, and she tossed her hair back. His eyes were dark with need as his appreciative gaze moved over her breasts, stomach and hips.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered.

  She rocked her hips then undulated her lower body, the feel of him inside her unlike any pleasure she had ever known. His hands slid up her hips and sides to her breasts. Zoey closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations of squeezing and working his penis inside her while the friction of their bodies tickled the sensitive area of her groin.

  He passed his thumbs over her nipples, until they hardened, then twisted them gently. The tiny flares of pleasure made her breathing uneven.

  “You feel so fucking good,” she said, unable to understand how sex with this man was so different. Not yet close to climax, she nonetheless felt the connection between them that would pull her back into his body, when she was ready.

  He flexed inside her, and she chewed her lower lip, wanting both the ecstasy of release and to enjoy the journey there.

  “Want to feel something really cool?” he whispered.


  The flare of magic made her gasp. Zoey stilled, leaning against him as the sudden, intense wave of pleasure worked its way through her system. He did it again, smiling, and she shuddered at the intensity of the tiny orgasm.

  “Again?” he asked.

  “Oh, god,” she gasped, nails digging into his chest.

  Declan gripped her hips and pulled them towards him then pushed away, until she fell again into the rhythm. The flare of magic pulsed through her again, and she felt her body accepting his control once more. Feeling her give, Declan rolled her onto her back and quickened the pace of their lovemaking.

  “One more,” he said with a husky chuckle.

  Zoey’s world shattered again, and she clutched at him, all control lost.

  Chapter Ten: Zoey Doomed

  Zoey didn’t remember the last time she slept so well. She awoke refreshed, her blood settled for the first time ever. She was alone in the California king-sized bed in an airy bedroom with heavy furniture in dark woods and light, earth-tone décor. It was a quiet, peaceful bedroom with plenty of light.

  The sheets smelled of toasted vanilla and sex, a combination that made her blood heat with desire. Her face grew hot as the memory of last night returned. She lost count of how many times Declan made her come, but he had only let himself climax once, the last time they made love. She didn’t expect his restraint or gentleness or patience.

  She didn’t expect that she would openly give anyone else such access to her body and sex magic. Embarrassed and thrilled, she wasn’t going to be able to see him ever again, not if the mere thought of him made her relive the vulnerability and yearning.

  Her purse was on the dresser. She pushed herself up, suddenly remembering she’d told Vikki she’d meet her at IHOP last night. Halfway to the dresser, she stopped.

  What the hell did she tell her best friend about this? Worse - how did she get home?

  Her clothes were nowhere in sight. Irritated, Zoey saw the note on her purse. It was written on heavy, expensive card stock, the writing neat and masculine.

  Z –

  See you soon.

  – D

  “Arrogant son of a bitch,” she muttered. It dawned on her she’d just had a one night stand with an Incubus. A sexy Incubus that did things to her that made her blush and hope she never ran into him again.

  God, he felt so good. She shuddered. She understood now why girls turned dazed and dreamy when discussing the nights they spent with an Incubus. Her body trembled with the memory and the sudden yearning to be his again.

  She had to get out of there. The whole bedroom smelled of his dark vanilla essence, a scent that made her ravenous. Whether it was some sort of Incubus humor to leave her without clothes or whether he’d forgotten, she found herself rifling through his drawers for a t-shirt and pajama pants. They were silk and slid along her skin the same way his hands had, leaving her aroused.

  “Goddamn it!”

  Zoey snatched her purse and left the penthouse with a quick look around. It was huge, expensive and overlooking the park. She crossed her arms as she joined another woman dressed for a workout in the elevator and scrolled through her messages. Vikki had texted half a dozen times in panic then stopped around three in the morning.

  Ah, I get it. Call me in the morning.

  Get what? Zoey wanted to strangle her friend but felt way too … satisfied and calm. The Professor hadn’t texted or called at all. Of the two, which was more likely to believe her lie about a one night stand with some jock she met at the bar?

  “The one who can’t read my mind,” she mumbled, stepping off the elevator.

  Zoey called her best friend and stopped at the windows looking out onto the street. It was cold and rainy. She had no shoes and barely any clothes on. The chill from the windows made her shiver. She waited for Vikki to pick up.

  “It’s about time!” Vikki answered cheerfully on the fourth ring.

  “I need a ride.”

  “Where are you?”

  Zoey’s gaze settled on the carved pewter letters across the guard’s stan
d in the lobby. She read the address to Vikki. There was a pause. Zoey glanced down at the phone, wondering if she’d lost signal.

  “Okay.” There was laughter in Vikki’s voice. “Be there in five.”

  Zoey hung up, not understanding her friend’s amusement. She texted the Professor next.

  I know you didn’t bother asking, but I’m fine.

  She sent it, knowing it’d make him chuckle. He loved her fire. She really wished, if this whole soul-mate thing was real, that he was the one she ended up with. Maybe all he needed was some mind-blowing sex to grow younger. He’d never had a woman over, and didn’t they need sex to stay young and strong? He was still sexy, a seasoned Incubus with a warm laugh and sparkling eyes.

  And then there was Declan: virulent, passionate, with a libido that blew her away and left her smelling of cookie-covered love.

  She shook her head and glared at her clothes. They smelled of him as much as she did. The Professor texted back a smiley face then a second message.

  I know you are. You are healed?

  Zoey groaned. She hadn’t thought about their connection, and that he’d know she was near-dead in an alley last night then suddenly not.

  Someone honked. She looked up, recognizing Vikki’s car blocking traffic. Zoey pushed the door open to the sidewalk, wincing at how cold the puddles of water were on her feet. She darted to the car and dropped into the front seat.

  “So freaking cold!” she complained. “Where the hell is spring? Isn’t it like, April?”

  “I figured you’d need these.” Vikki dropped a backpack on Zoey’s lap.

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Zoey unzipped it to find jeans, a sweater, shoes and socks within its depths. Startled, she looked at Vikki’s profile as the girl focused on pulling into traffic. Vikki was grinning.

  “I think they think that if you don’t have clothes, you won’t leave,” she said.

  “Whatever,” Zoey said. She focused on changing out of the clothes that smelled too much of him, pausing when her body flared with desire at the scent on the balled up t-shirt.

  “Nice night?” Vikki asked casually.

  Face hot, Zoey shoved the t-shirt in the bag along with the pajama pants and zipped them closed with relish.

  “The one time I want to keep a secret, you and the Professor already know. It’s so not fair!” she snapped at last. “What could possibly have given me away?”

  “The address.”


  “It’s where all the Incubatti live, even their Enforcers and Council members.”

  “No way. They’re on some island in the Pacific,” Zoey replied.

  “Liam told me. It’s also where Liam has an apartment. The whole building is nothing but an Incubus bachelor pad.”

  “This is insane. I just had a one night stand with some guy, not an Incubus,” Zoey said. She pulled free her phone to text the Professor.

  “As long as that’s all it was,” Vikki said.

  “Hmmm?” Zoey asked, typing, I have a ride home. Breakfast?

  “… strike one.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Omigod, Zoey, how many did you kill last night?” Vikki asked suddenly, the competitive flare in her eyes. “We were ambushed. I was so fucking happy, because I thought I’d be able to beat you.”

  “Me, too,” Zoey said, laughing. “Except I got my ass kicked by a Cambion. I took out …” she paused to count. “Thirty? Maybe thirty five.”

  “Bam!” Vikki slapped the steering wheel. “Forty seven!”

  “No way!”

  “I’m in the lead again!”

  “Only by three! I am so going out tonight,” Zoey vowed. “Some Cambion threw a knife at me while I was fighting. Hit my liver. Almost died. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be, but I want to find him and kill him.”

  “Thank god that non-Incubus guy you slept with was able to fix you up,” Vikki said innocently.

  “Fine. So he was an Incubus. Just a one-night stand,” Zoey said. At least, she hoped it was. He’d told her otherwise, but she wasn’t going to let the arrogant creature tell her what to do.

  They neared the campus, and Vikki’s smile faded, her eyes stormy.

  “What’s wrong?” Zoey asked.

  “I go before the Enforcers today.”

  “Oh, god.”

  “Liam says …” Vikki swallowed hard. “Well, I guess they can’t read my mind, because I’m bound to him. He said to stick to my story. They’ll know I’m bound to an Incubus, but not to whom. They said they won’t bother me, because I’m with one of their kind.”

  “What’s your story?”

  Vikki gave her a tight smile.

  “You’re going to lie to them,” Zoey whispered. “Vikki … how much do you trust what Liam says? I mean, he’s Incubatti.”

  “I know. I can’t explain it, but whatever this soul-mate bond is, there’s no hiding anything. Sometimes I feel trapped. He knows my thoughts before I do. Dimitri can, too, but Zoey…” she hesitated. “I can feel Liam’s, too. It freaks me out, and he’s teaching me how to listen.”

  Zoey rubbed her chest absently, still feeling the tingle of the strange connection with Declan. Hopefully, it faded in a few hours.

  “It sounds so lame, but I was so used to the one-way channel with Dimitri. You know what it’s like. You lie to your guardian. He reads your mind and gets pissed, then you just shrug it off,” Vikki said, illustrating her words with her hands.

  “I have a bit of a different relationship with the Professor,” Zoey admitted, smiling.

  “True. For everyone else, it’s like I said. I got used to that. Being able to access someone else’s mind is just … weird. I’d rather not know. I’m not a thinker. I’m a killer. It terrifies me for him to share his mind with me,” Vikki gripped and released the steering wheel as she talked. “Let me go kill things.”

  “Does Liam mind that you kill Cambions?”

  Vikki shrugged. “Doesn’t seem to.”

  They stopped in front of the Professor’s house. Zoey turned to her friend, concerned.

  “When do you go to see the Enforcers?” she asked in a hushed voice.

  “Two hours.”

  “You’ll call me after?”


  Zoey gazed at her, scared for her friend. Vikki mustered a smile. Zoey hugged her hard, breathing in her vanilla perfume.

  “I never thought I’d say this, but I hope the Incubatti you’re sleeping with is right,” she said. “I’m praying for it.”

  “Me, too. If they can’t figure it out, the worst they can do is suspend me and put me under watch.”

  Zoey didn’t ask about the other option, where Vikki went to live with Liam and the Incubatti. She didn’t want to think about losing her friend. Releasing her reluctantly, Zoey smiled in encouragement and got out of the car.

  Zoey watched her drive away, struck by another thought as she stood where she had two days before. She couldn’t go back to Eric, even if he called. She really cheated on him this time.

  Stunned, she realized she hadn’t thought twice about Eric last night while in the Incubus’s arms. True, she’d made him a deal for her life. She felt some remorse, but also relief at the idea that, if Eric called, she had a reason not to go back to him.

  “Come in, kiddo.”

  With a snort, Zoey crossed to the Professor, who held the front door open for her. She walked into the quiet foyer, troubled.

  “Care to join me for brunch?” he asked, hobbling towards the study.

  “Sure.” She trailed and sat across from him at his favorite place before the hearth. The food was fresh and fragrant. Scrambled eggs, sausage and pastries, complemented by the Professor’s favorite Earl Grey steaming in the teapot.

  “Someone calmed that fire finally,” he said, pouring her a cup.

  Zoey flushed. The Professor was an Incubus: he knew the signs that she spent the night with one his own kind. Z
oey wanted badly to hide the truth, uncertain if the Professor’s patience and tolerance of her would extend to hiding the truth about where she’d been.

  “I got my ass kicked last night,” she said, face growing hotter. She rushed on. “By Cambions.”

  “I understood,” he said with a trace of amusement. “Vikki’s beating you again.”

  “I’ll fix that tonight, assuming ... “ she stopped and stuffed her mouth with food.

  The Professor glanced up. “Dimitri and I already spoke to the Enforcers.”

  Zoey choked. She pounded on her chest and downed a glass of water before wiping away tears from her eyes. The Professor was gazing at her with one eyebrow raised.

  “And?” she asked, afraid of his answer.

  “We expressed that there might be extenuating circumstances. The Enforcers said they’d take it into consideration. They chose not to read our minds.”

  Her heart was pounding. “How much stronger than a regular Incubus is an Enforcer?” She thought of Vikki’s belief she’d be immune to their mind reading.

  “They are as powerful as the Sucubatti IAB, if not more so.”

  “Stronger than Olivia. Wow. But like, how strong is that?” she asked again. “If Vikki is bonded to an Incubus, can they break that?”

  “That bond cannot be broken by anyone, especially if the three stages of the rite have been fulfilled.”

  “Thank god,” she sighed.

  “To answer your question, the Enforcers are like comparing a hurricane to a thunderstorm. Both are powerful, capable of much destruction, but a thunderstorm rarely wipes out an entire coastline.”

  Zoey ate thoughtfully, worried for her friend. “I think she’s done the three steps. Will she be okay, Professor?”

  “My sweet Zoey. I think she is better prepared than you to face them.” There was a note of sadness in his voice. “They’ve requested to see you at eleven.”


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