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Wrong Bed Baby: Crescent Cove Book 10

Page 22

by Quinn, Taryn

  “Oh, right. Let me get things started for you.” He turned toward the apartments. Caleb had a front-facing apartment, and we were right below him. “Yo, Caleb! Come to the window, dude!”


  I twisted my fingers. Goddess, this would be insane if he wasn’t even home.

  Maybe we should’ve thought of that sooner. Too late now.

  I clapped my hands, and then I held them open. Lucky tossed me the megaphone.

  “Why am I doing this again?” Tish asked.

  I fumbled the megaphone, but I caught it against my thighs.“Because I’m about to ask my baby daddy to marry me.”

  “Of course you are.” She slumped down in her seat, her hand over her face.

  I sat on the back of the car before inching out onto the trunk. Balance was important now. “Everyone, can you help a girl out? Honk your horns for me?”

  Tish twisted in her seat and rolled her eyes. “If you dent my car, I’ll be taking it out of your ass.”

  Rising slowly, I ignored her and lifted the megaphone. “Caleb!”


  Tish sighed. “Squeeze the button.”

  “Oh, right.” I clicked the button. “Caleb Beck, open your window,” I yelled over the honking horns.

  A window flew open, but it wasn’t Caleb’s. Bess Wainwright leaned out with a laugh. “You get him, girl!”

  I widened my stance on the back of the car and lifted my voice again. “Caleb Beck!”

  Finally, he opened his window. He looked down at the crowd then at me. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Caleb, I have something to say.”

  He opened the screen on his window and leaned out. “Could you possibly come up here and talk to me?” His shout sounded a wee bit shrill.

  “Nope, I need to tell you now. And tell everyone.”

  He sat on the window ledge. “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  “I’m sorry I disappeared.”

  He folded his arms. “It was pretty shitty, babe.”

  “I know.” I cleared my throat. This was more awkward than I’d thought it was going to be, but onward ho. I straightened my shoulders. “I love you!”

  His face split into a smile. “About damn time.”

  His aura was bright blue. Happiness rolled off him and that gave me even more courage.

  I laughed and glanced around at everyone. A sea of faces in pinks, oranges, and blues surrounded me, and most people were clapping.

  I was pretty sure Lucky was making a video, Goddess help me.

  “Can you move up a little closer, Tish? We’re too far away.”

  “Sure. I live to serve.” Tish put it in gear and slowly rolled forward.

  “Luna, be careful,” Caleb called. “You’ve got a special bit of cargo in there too.”

  “Thanks for announcing it to the town,” I mumbled.

  The clapping and cheering increased.

  “About that,” I said through the megaphone. “I think you should make an honest woman of me.”

  Caleb leaned forward and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  I clutched the megaphone. I was really doing this. Nothing had ever felt so right.

  So meant to happen.

  “Yes.” I grinned. “I absolutely am.”

  When he disappeared from the window without answering, my heart plummeted. Had I gone too far?

  The crowd went from cheering to chattering nervously in the span of a few minutes.

  “Crap.” I shielded my eyes from the late day sun.

  “Always let the guy do the asking, Blondie,” Lucky called.

  I wiped away tears I didn’t know I’d been shedding. Maybe I shouldn’t have done this. I should have gone to him like an adult and talked things through.

  Suddenly, cars started honking. I craned my neck to see what the excitement was about. Then I glimpsed him there on the sidewalk staring at me, his chest rising and falling. He must have run down the stairs.

  I laughed and scrambled down from the trunk into the backseat.

  And then he was running to me.

  “You sure know how to make an entrance, Lu.” He was out of breath, and exhaustion seeped through the happiness radiating from him.

  I dropped the megaphone beside me on the seat. “Yeah, I figured I needed a big moment after what I did.”

  He walked up to the car and reached for me, lifting me out of the back. Just like a proper romantic movie hero would.

  I grabbed his shoulders and curled my arms around his neck. “I’m sorry. I was stupid.”

  Caleb wrapped his arms around me and covered my mouth. “I don’t care.” He punctuated each word with kisses. “You’re here. I’m never letting you go again.”

  I laughed and tasted tears along with the cinnamon flavor of his gum. I leaned back, my feet still dangling off the pavement. “So, is that a yes?”

  “It’s a yes.” He kissed me again. “Always yes when it comes to you, Lu.”

  Relief poured through me as I pressed my cheek to his. The crowd that had gathered was still clapping, but some of the people were already dispersing. Lucky was standing on the hood of his truck with his arms up as if he was the one who was the champion.

  But he wasn’t.

  I was.

  “I love you, Luna,” Caleb murmured. “Now and every day. I’ll make sure to show you how much. Even if I trip and fall on my face now and then.”

  “We’ll fall and get up together.” I leaned back enough to kiss him again. “I love you too.”

  He gripped my butt to keep me close. “I might get overwhelming. I don’t mean to be—”

  I kissed him quiet. “I know.” I sniffed. “I’ll tell you when it’s too big this time. I won’t run again, I swear.”

  “Damn right.”

  “Can I go now? I’m about to drown in vomit,” Tish interrupted.

  I twisted my neck to smile at her. “Thank you so much, Tish.”

  “Oh, Thor is going to pay for this one, that’s for sure. Step back. I’m not getting sued for running over toes.” She leaned into the back for my shoes and tossed them at us.

  Caleb laughed and kicked them back toward the sidewalk. “Thanks, Tish.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She put the car in reverse. “I need to get away from you two. This baby shit is catchy in this town.”

  “Uh oh,” I said as she drove off.


  “Lucky’s megaphone is still in the car.”

  “I have a feeling he’ll get it back.” Caleb waggled his brows. “One way or another.”

  I laughed and wrapped my legs around his waist. “How about we go inside and I’ll show you just how much I missed you?”

  “Now that’s a plan.” He gently set me down.

  I slipped my shoes on and took his hand.

  I had my guy and our baby. Forever was a scary word, but it didn’t seem so bad when I had him by my side.

  And besides, I knew how to be very, very flexible.



  I tipped my head as I looked at myself in the mirror.

  “Do you think it’s too much?”

  “I think you’re going to kill him.” Ryan’s voice came out of my Alexa video speaker. Caleb had bought it for me so he could check on me while he was at school. Now I had one in my bedroom-slash-office and in the kitchen.

  I should’ve been offended and worried he was being an overlord, but he was so damn cute with his check-ins. I actually looked forward to them daily.

  Not that I’d tell him that.

  I fussed with the white knee-high socks. “You know, is this too cliche? He’s a teacher and this is…”

  “A heart attack for any man with a pulse.”

  I turned from my mirror to find Ryan with her head propped up on her hand, her gaze focused on something else in the room. Most likely, it was centered on PMS, otherwise known as Preston to the rest of the world. He was probably doing someth
ing in the kitchen based on the heat level in her eyes.

  I snapped my fingers and Ryan’s turquoise eyes zeroed in on me. “Sorry.”

  “You can go play with your boytoy in a minute.”

  Ryan flushed. “I got distracted. He’s wearing a pair of jeans. My guy has a superior ass.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  She turned the camera. “Yo, PMS! Do a little twirl for Lu.”

  Preston put his hands on his hips. “Don’t objectify me, Miss Moon.”

  “Oh, jeez.” I knew that tone.

  Ryan spun the video back around. “Gotta go.”

  I shook my head. “Are you sure?”

  “Girl, Caleb is gonna be toast. Just, you know, nothing super flippy.” She wiggled her long ringed fingers. “Baby and all. Keep those feet on the floor.”

  I laughed. “Yes, Mom.”

  She wrinkled her nose at me. “Have fun.”

  “Oh, I will.” I ended the video call and blew raspberries at my reflection before I swapped out the black lace shirt for a white cropped one.

  Next, I fixed my space buns. They were super big now because of the vitamins I was on for the baby. Goddess, my hair was growing like my belly.

  I patted the little bump that had finally made itself known. For the longest time, I had just looked like I’d ate too much Mexican food.

  It was really weird that both of us were so damn happy right now. I kept worrying about rocking the universe’s boat—absolutely sure that I was way too lucky right now.

  I was mending my relationship with my brother.


  Extremely slowly.

  But no matter what I said to him, he kept coming back for more. Usually, he arrived with something for the baby. Xavier figured I was having a girl. He told me I deserved a little girl just like me. I wasn’t sure if that was meant to be complimentary or not, but either way, I didn’t have the heart to tell him I was fairly sure the baby was male.

  Caleb was convinced it was a boy. I figured that was more because he was worried Rhiannon would be jealous. She already had her cousin Vivi to compete with for time with grandma. From the get-go, wonderment had been the main element in Caleb’s reaction to our pregnancy.

  It had taken me some time to believe he was in it for more than loyalty’s sake. Caleb was a stand-up guy with strong family values. I wasn’t used to that, or to his warm, loving family who had welcomed me with open arms.

  However, Caleb’s overprotective instincts were driving me just a tad crazy. I needed to remind him I wasn’t breakable glass.

  If that took a knockoff Britney Spears outfit, then I’d take one for the team.

  I fluffed the hem of the skirt and adjusted my white cotton thong. Clothing shifted in weird ways now that my curves were getting out of control.

  I made a pitstop at my mostly empty dresser. Here and there, I’d been moving my stuff over to Caleb’s apartment and using mine as an office of sorts. In my heart, I knew I could probably give up my apartment.

  Caleb wasn’t going anywhere. Especially now that I’d actually asked him to marry me. I’d been on my own for so long that the idea of moving in with anyone was overwhelming. Let alone putting a ring on it.

  That and my guy kept tucking flyers for houses for sale in every available space. His hints were more like sledgehammer swings.


  “Coming,” I called as I finished glossing on some red lipstick. I grabbed my phone and switched the music over to the playlist I’d made.

  “You wouldn’t believe what Maddie did today. I swear, that girl needs her own show. Unfortunately, I’m the star of her chaotic circus.”

  I stood in the doorway and put my hand on my waist, cocking my hip to show off the skirt to its maximum potential. Caleb had his back to me as he rolled up his shirtsleeves. A glittery handprint shimmered on his ass.

  My thoughts of seduction morphed into annoyance. How dare she, whomever she was?

  “Who had their hand on your ass?”

  Caleb twisted his head and arched his back to see his own butt. “Dammit, how long has that been there?” He dropped his head forward—still not facing me, mind you. “I tried to get all the glitter off me.”

  Impatiently, I tapped my foot. “You didn’t answer me.”

  He turned around, his cheeks red. “Holy shit.”

  I tipped my head. “Handprint, teach,” I reminded him.

  He blinked. “I…huh, what?” His confusion and slacked mouth almost made me smile.


  “Who slapped your ass, Caleb?”

  “Oh, uh…me.”

  “Sorry I missed it.” I walked into the living room.

  “Holy shit. You’re…um. Those. Well.” He dragged his fingers through his hair and grabbed the back of his neck. “Warn a guy, would you?”

  This time, I did grin. “My last client cancelled, and I had some time on my hands.”

  He crossed the room to me and reached down to cup my ass. “I hope more of your clients cancel. Daily.”

  “Not so great for the budget, buddy.”

  “Right.” He blew out a breath and lowered his head to hover his lips over mine. “I don’t really care right now.”

  I lifted a finger to his lips to stop him. “You need to go sit down, Mr. Beck.”

  Swallowing hard, he didn’t move. His gaze stayed on my mouth. I knew he liked when I wore red lipstick.

  I tried again. “Mr. Beck?” I twirled a loose lock of hair that framed my face. “I have a little treat for you.”

  He cleared his throat. “Is that right?”

  I licked the little divot of my top lip. “Yes.” I let the strand of hair go, and then I trailed my finger down the buttons of his gray dress shirt to his buckle. He firmed and grew under his zipper. “Oh, Mr. Beck. That looks painful.”

  “I’m going to hell.”

  I pressed my lips together against a smile. I drew a wide circle around his very stiff cock. “Can I do something to help?” I lifted my gaze to meet his and bit my lip.

  “Yes, you can show me what you’ve got under that very, very short skirt, Miss Hastings.”

  I dragged the back of my knuckle over the outline of his shaft. “And that will help?”

  “It can’t fucking hurt any more than I am right now.”

  I nearly broke at his guttural tone. We’d just see about that.

  Quickly, I twirled so the short skirt flipped up, creating a small breeze. And boy, did I need it. I hadn’t expected to get turned on by my own show. “I’m a little embarrassed.” I backed up until my ass bumped into his hard-on. I swayed back and forth, the short plaid skirt sliding higher and higher with each wiggle.

  His fingers dug into my bare thighs with a groan. “Why are you embarrassed, Miss Hastings?”

  I stepped forward. “They’re not very sexy panties.” I bent at the waist and revealed the plain white cotton thong. “See?”

  “Holy hell.”

  I stood up and swiped the skirt back down. “See? Not sexy at all.” He tried to reach for me, but I twirled away. Thank the goddess I’d practiced with the sky-high Mary Jane heels since the last time I’d tried this.

  I slowly walked to the pole as the song changed from the sweeter pop song to “Stockholm Syndrome” from One Direction. The memory from when I’d first met Caleb made me put an extra twitch in my hips.

  “Maybe I can make it up to you.” Slowly, I walked around the pole. I’d been teaching pole dancing classes in Rylee’s yoga studio, the low impact kind that anyone could do. “I’ve been practicing something for you.” I lightly undulated against the pole before I slid toward the floor and widened my stance, only to shyly tuck the skirt between my legs. “If that’s okay, Mr. Beck?”

  “I would love to watch you dance.” He took a quick breath and settled himself into the chair I’d set out for him. “If it’s safe.”

  I curled my knee around the pole and did a light spin. The tip of m
y shoe grazed the floor as I did a flourish that sent a nice breeze under my skirt. Normally, I’d bend my waist around the pole a lot more, but our little burrito made it harder to maneuver.

  Instead, I used my legs, hips, and arms for most of the twirling.

  The song changed to a sexier, slower song. As Charlie Puth sung “Attention,” I walked around the edges of the parquet square I’d laid around my pole. I could feel Caleb’s eyes riveted on me, which made me swish my hips before I did a slow backbend and lifted one leg to show off the virgin-white panties.

  Carefully, I swung in a wide arc using my knee and hand to anchor me. Then I slowly inched down the pole until my knee met the floor, and I went into a spin with one leg outstretched. I did a complicated twirl and moved into an easy backbend before straightening.

  I grinned at his slack-jawed face. His white-knuckled grip on the chair made me even bolder.

  Who knew being a pregnant seductress could be so fun?

  I dropped to my knees and crawled toward him.

  * * *


  Every fantasy I’d ever had was coming to life right before me. Between the woman I loved, that damn stripper pole that was going to put me in an early grave, and the schoolgirl uniform that would probably send me to hell, I was in Caleb-flavored heaven.

  I could see down her teeny tiny T-shirt, which let me know she hadn’t bothered to put on a bra. Her generous breasts swayed with each sexy little slide my way.

  Everything inside me wanted to leap at her, but I also wanted to see what she had in mind. Obviously, I was a glutton for her kind of punishment.

  We were heading into the second trimester, and her morning sickness had faded into morning quickies. I couldn’t count the number of times I was whistling my way into school each day.

  She was it for me in every way. And I was the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet.

  She knelt in front of me and slowly coasted her hand up my leg to my inner thigh. I lifted my hips in reaction to her touch. The sexy song bouncing around her apartment drove up my impatience to touch her.

  She straightened, her belly peeking from the short red plaid skirt. A small moon and star belly-button ring finished off the very Luna moment. The mother of my impending child, my future wife, my everything, all in one irresistible package.


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