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The Soccer Player and the Single Mom (Quail Hollow)

Page 12

by Kyra Jacobs

“Well, then.” She offered Sawyer a coy smile as she leaned across the table and eased the pen from his hands. “How about we don’t start now on the woman getting paid to cart him around, hmm?”

  Confusion faded to comprehension as Sawyer’s cheeks turned red.

  “I tried to tell you, man,” Scott said. “Sawyer, this is my personal assistant, Felicity. Felicity, this is Sawyer Mariano, goalie extraordinaire from my Indiana University days.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sawyer.”

  “Oh, man. Lo siento, Felicity. The pleasure is todo mío.”

  “And the assistant is all mine.”

  Scott took the pen from her and chucked it into the empty handouts box. Was that a hint of possessiveness in his voice? Not likely—after she’d made him ride around in a stinky, sweaty costume this morning, he was probably that much more eager to get rid of her. Thankfully, J.B. had been thrilled with the pictures she’d sent him. For now, her job was safe. Who knew, though, how long it would last.

  After introducing her to a few other men—mostly guys from his high school and college years, their skin tones a myriad of colors—one of them vacated a chair so she could sit as the group continued sharing stories from their glory days. Though little of the lingo made sense to her, Felicity drank it all in. This was the most excited she’d seen Scott, the most unguarded, and it made him that much more attractive. He remained humble when reminded of his own accomplishments, but fiercely proud of his teams’ hard work and on-field cooperation.

  Several times his hand lit on her knee to emphasize a point or draw her attention before he added to the ongoing conversation. Each time, his touch sent a pleasant zing through her lonely body. As the shadows grew longer and the story swapping continued, hope that Scott would forget their deal began to grow.

  “We’re headed to the BrewHa later, hermano,” Sawyer said. “You should join us, for old time’s sake.”

  Felicity did a mental happy dance. Surely he wouldn’t turn down time with his buddies, especially ones he apparently hadn’t seen in quite some time. And if he went with them, then she’d be totally off the hook for—

  “Sorry, guys, but I’ve got another event lined up for tonight. Wouldn’t want to let my PA down.”

  Her happy dance came to a screeching halt. “I’m sure we can reschedule this one for another time.”

  “No, no. You worked hard to line things up for today. Wouldn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “No problemo. Just meet up with us afterward,” said Sawyer. “I’ve got something to run by you.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  One by one, the men bid her and Scott and farewell. All too soon, it was just the two of them standing beneath the portable Fort Wayne Fever canopy. Felicity fought the urge to run after them.

  “So, the signing went well, then?” she asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Was actually kinda surprised how many of the families stopping by knew who I was.”

  “Why’s that?”

  He shrugged, rising to his feet. “Soccer wasn’t all that popular around here when I was a kid. Probably why I made the high school team despite having started playing as late as I did.”

  “How late did you start?”

  His gaze shifted from hers, the smile on his face dimming for a brief moment. But suddenly it returned, brighter than before. “Later than most, but that’s a story for another day. Right now, we need to get moving if you’re going to fulfill your end of our bargain.”

  “I’d be fine skipping that to hear the story.”

  Scott met her gaze. “Oh, no. I suffered wearing that ridiculous, stale BO-infused carpet bag for an hour earlier. An entire hour. You owe me.”

  “What if I say no?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Then I’ll tell Tyler you chickened out.”

  There were low blows, and then there were really low blows. That one was about as low as he could go. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would.” Scott grabbed his crutches and tipped his head toward the rides. “Shall we?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Scott sat beside a petrified Felicity, relishing the soft breeze stirred by the moving ride. They were in the transition loop, where the Ferris wheel moved only enough to allow the next chair to reach the platform so current riders could exit and make way for the next batch. Unfortunately, each break in momentum sent their otherwise balanced chair rocking back and forth. And with each rock, Felicity’s grip on the lap bar tightened.

  “One more group to let off, then we’re home free.”

  His statement was met by silence, which was all she’d offered him since they’d boarded. Well, other than the occasional sharp inhale. What he’d envisioned as a get-even activity was beginning to make him feel like a real schmuck.

  “You’re really not a fan of heights, huh?”

  “What gave it away?”

  She’d spoken and used sarcasm. There was hope for her yet.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the clenched-shut eyes and white-knuckled grip on the bar in front of you.”

  “Better on the bar than around your neck. Oh!”

  The car pitched forward as the ride started up again, and her shoulders hunched at the movement. Scott chuckled and stretched his arm across the back of their chair. “The scary part is over now, it should smooth out soon.”

  “If you say so.”

  He’d like to say a lot of things to her. Things he admired about her, things that drove him crazy. Things that made him want to dive under the covers with her in his bed. Instead he remained quiet for a moment, looking out over the carnival’s endless strings of lights as the cloudless sky faded from orange to purple and savoring the warmth of the body beside his.

  “Felicity, open your eyes.”

  “Are you nuts?”

  Seems that way, he thought as he pulled her against his side and rested a hand atop each of hers. She was his personal assistant, his coworker. Someone he should make nice with during the workday, then think nothing more about after they parted ways. But theirs wasn’t a traditional work arrangement, and the more time he spent with her, the further he wanted to push those boundaries.

  He leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “Open your eyes.”

  Her lashes parted a fraction, then a fraction more. Ever so slowly, she straightened in her seat, those perfect lips forming a small O. “Whoa, do you see that sunset? And the lights, they look so cool from up here. Oh, and there’s your booth. And the food trucks!”

  Watching Felicity come to life made the rest of today’s hassles fade away. She was like a kid at Christmas, taking everything in with oohs and aahs. It took him back to simpler times, happier times. Times before losing his mom and trying to fill the void forever after with soccer.

  “Pretty neat, huh?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.

  She nodded, but the action caused their chair to rock a little. This time, instead of tensing her body, she pressed tighter into him.

  “It’s all right,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.”

  In truth, he couldn’t have let go if he’d wanted to; she was his anchor in a sea of memories crashing down on him—both his favorites of his mother and the dark days that followed after she passed. But right here, right now, it was Felicity’s touch that allowed him to keep control of his emotions, her presence that kept the worst of his memories at bay.

  He curled one arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She turned her face toward his and smiled, that ray of sunshine instantly calming his inner stormy seas. For the first time since they’d met, he wondered how he would get by without her.

  Ironic, as less than a week ago he couldn’t wait to be rid of her.

  “What’s wrong?” she said.

  “Nothing,” he fibbed. “Just tired is all.”

  “We’d better grab you some caffeine, then. I don’t think your buddies are going to have you home for a while.”

  “I’m not going out with the guys.”

  Her brows drew low in
confusion. “You’re not?”

  “No,” he said. “I’m spending the night with you.”

  It wasn’t until she blushed that he realized what he said could be interpreted two different ways. Given his preference, he’d opt for the sleepover variety. Tough to do when Mr. Sleep-Light Tyler was in the room across the hall.

  “Unless you and Tyler already have plans. Or you’re too mad at me for dragging you on this infernal contraption.”

  “It’s not so bad. And Tyler is actually spending the night at Lauren’s.” Her gaze slid to his lips. His pulse quickened. “Which means it’s just me coming back with you tonight.”

  Had he heard her right? Scott leaned down to brush his mouth across hers. “Just you?”

  “Mm-hmm. It seems my calendar is bare.”

  She closed the whisper of space, pressing a slow, sultry kiss to his lips. It seemed he wasn’t the only one looking to take things between them a step further. The thought of having her soft, naked body entwined with his had his blood flowing away from his brain to lower, needy extremities.

  “Really? Because I’m thinking it’s gonna have me all over it.” He cupped her cheek and kissed her back. “All over it.”

  “What about Edna?” she whispered.

  Scott grinned. In all his romantic adventures, he’d never had a woman ask where his grandmother fit into the mix. Tonight it wouldn’t be a worry, either.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I know a place.”


  Felicity squinted out the windshield, wishing she could use more than her car’s running lights. Even beneath a cloud free sky, the woods that ran the length of Edna’s property were still plenty dark and the road plenty bumpy. Though, the proverbial path that had led her here was far crazier.

  Widowed. Unemployed. Hired to be a PA. Butting heads with the man beside her all week.

  And now they were headed to what sounded like his version of makeout cove. Except neither of them seemed to be under the illusion that they’d be satisfied with necking alone. She’d readily accepted his suggestion when they were kissing on the Ferris wheel, but now, as the silence between them grew, so did her worries.

  Six years—it’d been six years since she’d been with John, and no one since. Six years since getting naked in front of a man, even longer since her first time with anyone. Back then, she hadn’t had stretch marks, hadn’t had the little pooch of a belly left over from her pregnancy that clothes could hide but nakedness wouldn’t. Add into the mix that the man with her had probably slept with plenty of skinnier, fitter, younger women than her, and Felicity was this close to turning the crazy train around and calling it a night.

  “Nearly there, just watch for the really fat tree.”

  “Fat tree?” She cast a brief glance in his direction. “And here I’d taken you to be quite the arborist.”

  He chuckled, the sound low and soft. It did things to her body in the dark as it wove its way around her. Awakened things. Her body began insisting she be brave.

  Because she needed this. No, she wanted and needed this. Lauren was right—it was time to start living again, to uncover the woman buried beneath the mom label. Nothing in life said you could only be one or the other.

  “That tree?”

  “Yeah. Turn right just past it and stop.”

  She nodded and turned. And stopped. And swallowed hard.

  “You know, I’d thought you were quieter on the ride than I’d ever seen you,” Scott said. “This trip, you’ve outdone yourself.”

  She looked down at her lap and grinned. Humor. He was trying to get her out of her shell, which she wanted to escape, too. She just didn’t know how.

  “It’s, uh, been a few years since I’ve done anything like this.”

  “Drove through the woods after dark?”

  She issued a small, nervous laugh. “That, too.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit,” he said.

  “Enough credit for what?”

  “Pretty much everything.” He leaned back in his seat. “You’re funny, smart, caring…sexy as hell.”

  “Pfft, whatever.”

  “See? That’s what I’m talking about.” He glanced toward the Trailblazer’s hatch. “Those seats fold down?”


  “Perfect, now we don’t have to worry about poison ivy.”

  He winked and stepped from the car, his crutches abandoned in the front seat. Someone wasn’t going to give her time to talk them out of this. But did she really want him to?

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The butterflies in her stomach, they’d scattered at the top of that darned Ferris wheel, replaced by a warmth low in her belly that certainly didn’t imply she wanted to be let off the hook. Her skin was warm, her pulse racing. Heck, if they didn’t see this thing to fruition, she might spontaneously combust.

  I can do this. I can—

  The hatch lifted with a soft whoosh. “You gonna make the cripple do all the heavy lifting back here, or what?”

  Again, with the humor. It touched her deeply and sent her into motion. Scott wasn’t some random stranger she was jumping into bed with. He was a caring, funny, pain in the neck who wanted her. What other criteria could she possibly need?

  She pushed the driver’s side door open and came around to shoo him aside. “Seems like I forgot to drop you off at the town before Quail Hollow. You know, the town of Quitcherbitchen?”

  In the dim light offered by her vehicle she saw a slow grin tug at his lips. He pulled her to him and nipped her ear lobe.

  “There it is.”

  “What?” she whispered.

  “The sarcasm. It’s a lovely defense mechanism. Too bad it’s not going to help you much, tonight.”


  She felt his hand slide down to the small of her back and bring her body flush with his. Felicity didn’t have to ask if he was happy to see her, and that bulge was definitely not a pencil. “Nuh-uh.”

  A shiver raced down her spine.

  “Um, shouldn’t we get these seats down?”

  He gave her ear one last nip and released her. “Brilliant idea. And look—is that a blanket I see?”

  She scoffed as she pulled open the back driver’s side door. “Scott, I’m a mom. If you need it, I’ve probably got it somewhere in this vehicle. Blankets, bandages, ibuprofen.”


  She froze. “Uh, no.”

  “Oh. Then I guess it’s a good thing I came prepared.”

  A shaky laugh escaped her as she reached for the left seat release strap. One tug and the bottom cushion flipped forward. Another tug on the seat release latch and the back folded flat.

  “You look like you’ve done this a time or two before.”

  She rounded the front of the SUV and did the same to the other side. “We discovered a drive-in movie theater up the road last summer. This truck is perfect for it.”

  He scanned the expanded space with a nod. “A little short, but we can make it work.”

  Felicity’s knees went weak. She made her way to the hatch and gave him a wide berth, afraid if he touched her before the blanket went down it’d be long forgotten. And who knew what was on the floor of the trunk. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d vacuumed her car.

  Oh gosh, what was that smell? She spread the blanket out and raised a corner of it to her face. Had she not taken it out of the washer soon enough, or was that something left over from a spill back here? What if Scott smelled it, too? What if—

  “Hey, beautiful. Turn that noggin of yours off for a while, will you?”

  She let the flattery, offered in a soft, honest tone, sink in. He really thought she was beautiful? Without further warning, he climbed in and stretched out beside her.

  “I can see how this might be nice for a drive-in with some sleeping bags and a big old bucket of popcorn.”

  “Yeah, Tyler loves it.”

  Shoot. Probably not very sexy, bringing up your
son during times like these. Something told her it wouldn’t be the only thing she fumbled with tonight.

  “I bet he does.” Scott reached to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear, his eyes dark with desire. “Gotta admit, I’m a little jealous of him.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’ll bet he was all curled up with you while you watched those movies.”

  As seduction went, he’d just earned himself a few more points. There’d been no mocking or judgment, just him acknowledging her for who she was. Accepting. She eased closer with a nod.

  Scott cupped her cheek and kissed her, slow and thorough. Once. Twice. Every nerve ending in her long dormant body awoke. She inched closer, wanting more, but his lips left hers and made their way to her ear.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”

  “I know.” She drew back to meet his gaze. “But I want this. I want you.”

  He answered with a needy kiss, rolling so that she was on her back and him on his elbows above her. She ran her hands under his shirt, wanting to feel the warm, solid chest she’d only seen, not touched. He shifted above her, and now his hand was slipping under the hem of her top. Was she ready for this?

  The second his fingertips touched her bare skin, she had her answer. Need ripped through her like wildfire, and what started as a startled inhale ended on a hungry kiss. She tugged the hem of his shirt up, wanting to see him, to feel.

  “It’s getting warm in here.”

  Scott drew back with a sly grin, moved to tug his T-shirt off…and slammed an elbow into the ceiling.

  “Son of a—”

  Felicity cringed. “Sorry, forgot to remind you about the low ceiling.”

  “Right.” He stripped the shirt off—more mindful of the roof this time—and dragged it across his forehead. “And the lack of A/C. It’s a little muggy out here.”

  “I could turn the engine back on. Or we could go inside where it’s cooler.”

  “Later.” He bent to brush his lips across hers…and slid both hands under the hem of her shirt. “Need to get you out of a few layers before you melt.”

  Too late, she thought as his hands skimmed her sides while extricating her from layer number one. He set it aside and let his gaze roam over her. She fidgeted beneath his stare, reaching for him again to take the focus off her. But he caught her hands and raised them to kiss the inside of her wrists.


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