Smut University: The Complete Series

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Smut University: The Complete Series Page 17

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Please…” I implored again. “You feel so good.”

  “Jesus, Addison,” he panted, his muscles coiled beneath my fingers. I could feel his struggle, hear it in his voice. “What are you doing to me?”

  My heart exploded at his words. My arm moved up to encircle his bent head, and the other moved up over his back, at the same time my pelvis arched toward what I wanted most. It was my turn to kiss up his neck, nipping at his skin until my mouth hovered over his ear.

  “I pray it’s half of what you’re doing to me.”

  “It’s like I’m out of control and I never let that happen,” he ground out. “I know I should leave you alone, but I fucking can’t!”

  My hips rocked against his, rubbing his hard cock into my wet folds. It felt so delicious, but just a hint of the passionate lovemaking I knew would come. The shower rained hot around us, steam filled the air and my fingers wound in his wet hair, cupping his head. I could feel him fighting his internal battle, that I prayed he would lose. I was glad he felt the same hungry desperation that filled every cell and nerve ending in my body, but he deserved to know it.

  I pulled on his hair, pulling his head back until I could meet the blue ocean intensity of his eyes. Unflinchingly. My lips felt swollen, my body begging for his. I felt desperate; as if I would fall apart if he didn’t possess me. “I don’t want you to.”

  He bent his head and took my lower lip between his teeth and gently tugged on it at the same moment he pushed forward and with one strong thrust, filled me to the hilt. I gasped and closed my eyes. “Yummmmmm,” I cried out. “Oh, God, Jax.”

  He was unleashed as he moved inside me, his kisses were greedy, and I loved every second of it. Our tongues warred with each other, as he moved in and out of me, thrust after powerful thrust we climbed toward our fiery climax.

  “I don’t want it to be over, but you’re so incredibly sexy, Addison,” he admitted against my mouth, his breath hot and mingling with mine. “I’m gonna come.”

  The exquisite pressure was building inside me, and my walls slowly clenched then released around him. Over and over again, with each stroke, I got closer.

  “Jesus, babe,” Jax groaned, his body tensing as he poured into me. He stilled, but I kept moving, milking every last drop from him. He jerked against me as my entire body started to tingle, culminating in an explosion of sensation around steel hard flesh.

  “Mmmmmm….” The sound ripped from me as I came.

  Jax’s hand on the glass next to my head flattened, and he started to kiss me again, but this time so tenderly, it almost made me cry. I’d been right to worry about losing my heart. I had no doubt I’d get bloody in this, but there was nothing in the world that could stop it.

  When his mouth left mine, I turned my face into his neck, content to stay for endless moments, dangling off of the ground, his hips pressing me to the glass and my back flat against it, his body still fully embedded in mine and both of us panting as we came back down to earth.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered breathlessly, so softly, I almost couldn’t hear it over the falling water all around us. “I…” he stopped and inhaled. “I want more of this. Much, much more.”

  My heart squeezed inside my chest. It wasn’t exactly I love you, but it was an admission and it was more than I could hope for. Whatever this was, I’d take it and be grateful.

  “Yes,” was all I could get out. I turned my face and kissed the side of his face in a series of loving kisses. The rivulets of water on his skin getting caught intimately on my tongue.

  Jax was right. The moment we were satiated, new longing burst into flame. Never had I experienced anything so beautifully intense… and I knew deep down that it would be easier to stop breathing than to deny what was happening between us.


  “I want to take you away for the weekend. I have a cabin in the Smokey Mountains. We should go sometime.”

  I felt sleepy and satiated, not even sure if the nubile woman next to me was still awake. We’d made love all night, and dawn was starting to break. Addison’s delicious body was wrapped in a combination of silk sheets and me. My fingers traced the line of her body from her shoulder to her hip, then up again to tangle in her long, luxurious hair that draped her body and my arm while her head rested on my shoulder.

  An unfamiliar feeling filled me. I was reluctant to let her out of my sight. I never felt the need to linger after sex. In fact, my reluctance to take it beyond sex was one of the reasons Gloria and I stopped seeing each other. That, and she was needy as fuck. This was different; even though Addison and I barely knew each other, I felt… more. I wasn’t ready to put a label on it, but one thing was certain, I wanted to know more about her. I needed to spend more time with her, in and out of bed. I wanted to know everything about her. I felt protective and invincible at the same time. I felt… happy. I inhaled deeply and my chest rising caused my companion to stir.

  Her head raised and she leaned on her forearms so she could look into my face. The dusky sky outside wasn’t light enough to remove the blue cast to the room, but it was enough to see the curve of her face. I reached up and moved a stray tendril of hair behind her ear.

  “I can’t. I have this awful assignment to finish, and it’s already Saturday morning.” Her voice was soft, yet wryly amused in the darkness. “My asshole professor won’t take no for an answer.”

  I smiled gently, still playing in her hair. “Is it that painful to put us on paper? Why?”

  I could feel her shoulder raise in a shrug. “Because… it’s so personal.” Addison hesitated for a moment.

  “What else?” I asked, knowing that it was only part of the explanation.

  “What if I write it, pour all of my feelings into it, and you don’t see it the same way? I’ll feel humiliated and naked.”

  “I love you naked,” I teased, then sobered when she sighed.

  “Don’t you want to keep it between us? I feel…” She stopped, laying a hand on my chest. I could sense her struggle. She was vulnerable, and I knew it. Making her voice what she was feeling only added to her insecurity.

  “Go on,” I prompted. My heart swelled to the point of pain. She was about to spill her feelings, and I should have felt nothing but elation, but I could hear a trace of sadness in her voice and that hurt. It hurt, too, that my original intention had been precisely that.

  Still, she hesitated.

  “You can trust me.” I cupped her face with my palm and rubbed her lower lip with my thumb. I felt ashamed that I’d ever wanted to get back at her.

  “I feel it was one of those once in a lifetime experiences, and maybe I’ll write about it someday when it’s just a memory, but right now… it’s real, and I just think we should keep it close.” The ache in her voice resonated somewhere deep inside me, and I lost my breath. If I wasn’t already in love with her, surely this would be the moment of no return. “At least, I want to.”

  She surprised me again. Most women I’d been with were shallow and vain, or at the very least out to gain something by being with me. Part of me had engineered it that way because I didn’t want to be tied down in a mire of emotions that would fuck up my life, and maybe worse, my writing mojo. I didn’t want anyone in my head. But Addison was different and the opposite of those other women. She wasn’t conniving, but in fact, had everything to lose.

  “I understand,” I said, rolling over and tumbling her beneath me. Instantly my body responded, but more than anything, I wanted her to hear the truth in my words. “You don’t have to write about us. And, I need to apologize.” This was a come-to-Jesus moment. I’d tell her the truth and if she didn’t hate me afterward, maybe this had a chance of being real. But honesty carried the risk of Addison being angry, or worse, walking out again.

  Her brow wrinkled into a frown as she stared up at me. “For what? Not forgiving me when I asked you to?”

  I shook my head, hovering over her, I stroked back her hair reveling in how utterly soft it was. I w
anted to drown in it, that and her eyes. “I don’t know. Maybe. But there is more. Just hear me out before you hit me or walk out again.” I tried to tease, but her frown only deepened, sensing my concern.

  “What?” Her brow furrowed again. “Do you think I will?”

  “I gave that assignment for a reason, and I’m sorry to have done so. I just… I’ve never had a woman walk out on me before, and I didn’t know what to do with myself, especially since I was so taken by you. I was the one who felt humiliated and I couldn’t just let it go, and I sure as hell couldn’t stop thinking about our night together.” To her credit, she didn’t push me away and storm out of my penthouse and my life. “I suppose, I felt…” I paused searching for the right words. “If I made you face what had happened between us, relive it in a sense, you’d realize that it meant something. That it was real.”

  “I already knew it was real. You didn’t,” Addison accused.

  She was so wise. “No, I think I did, but it scared the hell out of me. I was feeling out of control and I’ve never found myself wanting. Not like this.” This admission was huge for me, but I wasn’t finished with my confession.

  ‘So, you wanted to get back at me?” Her tone was hurt. She started to push on my chest, and I grabbed her wrist, pushing it into the mattress and moving one of my thighs across her legs to settle her. “I left because I was scared!”

  “I know that now, Addison! Stop! Hear me out! I’m trying to be completely honest because I don’t want us to start out with misunderstandings.”

  Maybe I shouldn’t have been this honest…

  The sun was coming up a little more now and there was enough light to see her scowl and the angry glitter in her beautiful eyes. She tried to lift her wrists, but I flexed my muscles and easily held her in place under me. “Stop,” I demanded again. “Let me finish and if you want to leave afterward, I’ll let you go, but hear me out.”

  “What would have happened if you didn’t like what I wrote? Because I was going to write that I hated every moment of it!” Addison snapped. She was so fucking beautiful. Full of fire and spit and it only served to make my heart beat increase as blood flooded into my dick.

  “Well, for one, I wouldn’t believe you, even if you were able to write it that way. I’ve been with enough women to know your response was real.” Maybe I dismissed her retort too easily, but it was the truth. There was no hiding how affected she was. “The fact is you write with your whole soul… Maybe I wanted to see inside your heart, and if I couldn’t ask you… I’d be able to read it. It was selfish, but I was going crazy!” My jaw set firmly as I stared down at her.

  “Is that all?” she demanded.

  If only it was. She’d probably kick me in the balls when she heard the rest. “No. It was my plan to make you read it aloud in class.” I kept my eyes on hers, willing her to understand how much this admission cost me; the price could be any chance I had with her.

  Her mouth fell open, aghast and she started to struggle even more. I ended up fully on top of her, straddling her hips and up on my hands and knees.

  “Get off of me!” she demanded.

  I stilled her struggles. “I wasn’t just humiliated, Addison, I was hurt! When you ran out after what I thought was the most mind-blowing night of my life, I wasn’t thinking straight. I wanted to punish you, and me, too, I guess! I knew I shouldn’t pursue you, yet I did anyway.”

  Her chest was heaving; the result of her efforts to get free, but then she suddenly stopped. Tears erupted from her closed eyes and rolled down the sides of her face onto my pillows. “You’d really do that to me?” she cried brokenly. “Make me bare it all in front of two hundred others?”

  I was panting as much as Addison was. I placed my forehead on hers and closed my eyes. “No. When it came right down to it, I wouldn’t have been able to go through with it. I want whatever this is between us to work!”

  She stopped trying to resist, but she was still crying, and it pained me to watch it. I wanted to kiss the tears away, I wanted to comfort her in any way possible; to lose myself in her and for her to do the same with me.

  Tenderness surged within me. Never in my life had someone compelled such desire, and at the same time, my instinct to protect and cherish. “You blew me away,” I said gently. “From moment one. That never happens to me. After our night together, I was all in. Then you left and I was left wondering what the hell happened from that incredible night to… nothing. It monumentally fucked me up.”

  “I guess you had a taste of what you dish out, huh?” she shot back, not quite angry, but hurt and jealous. Was she jealous of the women who threw themselves at me?

  “I don’t fuck my students, Addison. I’ve already told you, you’re an anomaly, so why keep hammering me? I can’t help the horny coeds. They don’t let me screen who takes my class, and I sure as fuck can’t control their actions.”

  Her chest, still heaving in a steady rise and fall, slowed. She was calmer now.

  Addison’s body relaxed, so I released her wrists and moved to her side, gathering her close so that we faced each other. I scooted her closer and touched her forehead with mine. We were nose to nose. I cupped her face; my thumb grazing back and forth along her tear dampened cheek. Her mouth was quivering, and I wanted with everything inside me to quell it; I wanted to sooth her pain and make her understand. I needed to make her understand.

  “All I need to know is whether you want this to work? Because… I do, Addison.”

  “For sex?”

  I sighed and kissed the side of her mouth softly. “Yes. Always… but more than just sex.”

  She sniffed and nodded. Her expression changed from an angry frown to a soft smile and I knew I’d won this battle. “I do, too, but how will it work? I mean the class? Keeping it all secret? I don’t want you to give me a good grade because we’re sleeping together.”

  “I won’t,” I said simply, hoping the conversation could end so we could make love again, and then catch a few hours of sleep. She was right, one night wasn’t enough time to fly down to Tennessee to my cabin, particularly since we had stayed up all night. Maybe we could go for a long weekend over Thanksgiving.

  She backed away, her eyebrow arching skeptically.

  “I won’t!” I assured incredulously.

  “I’d still feel weird about it.”

  I rolled my eyes, exasperated. “It’s a little late to feel weird about it, Addison. You didn’t seem to mind when my dick was inside of you all night.”

  “Jax!” She shoved my bare shoulder and started to pull away, but my arms tightened as I laughed. I loved that she was embarrassed by my words. It reiterated her lack of experience and innocence. Even if she wrote smoking hot sex on the page, she still had a certain naivety that I found extremely engaging. “I can’t have you grading work I may have written while I’m with you. That’s like cheating.”

  Was she serious? I smiled at her integrity, feeling extremely content that I’d confessed, and she was still in my arms.

  “You mean, that I’ve inspired?” I bent to kiss her shoulder.


  “Okay,” I conceded, grinning so hard it hurt. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll have Luke grade your work; though I’ll miss reading it.”

  “Just my work? He’ll know somethings up if he’s only assigned to read my work.”

  “Who gives a shit?” My mind railed.

  All I wanted to do was sink into her sweet flesh again, but I knew she was right. We both needed to keep our relationship secret. At least until she graduated, and her book was published. I drew in another heavy sigh. “I’ll give him half of my students from your session. Satisfied?” I reached out and ran a finger down her cheek, my eyes fixating on her mouth and then sliding up to meet hers.

  A lazy smile slid across her beautiful face. “Not for about an hour now.”

  “Is that so?” I retorted as my cock sprung to life. I should be completely drained but this woman made me ravenous. She was li
ke a drug. The minute I came down, I wanted another fix, and I knew I was already addicted.

  Addison let out a short, throaty laugh. “Mmmm, huh,” she said. Her voice was sultry. She reached for me; her fingers starting to trace the muscles of my arms, chest and back.

  I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back, urging her to straddle me. “I can’t have that.” I wanted to watch her come undone in the rising sun, but as I slid into her tight warmth, and she started to move, my arm around her hips to guide her movements and pull her hard against me, her body sucking and pulling on mine, it was I who fell apart.


  “This is really good, Addison” I said, looking up from my laptop. I was reading a particularly angsty part of her manuscript where the conflict between the two characters ramped up to a boiling point. I could feel their pain as if I was living it; I could see the scene play out in my mind.

  “Hmmm? Are you sure?” Addison asked absently barely looking up, sitting on the second sofa across from where I was, but in the middle of a thought she was typing out. We’d agreed to maintain some physical distance between us, at least while we were working. We’d been working on her book for about a month, and the first two Friday nights had been wasted on sex. Well, something so incredible could not be classified as wasted, but we got nothing done but each other. Over and over again until we were both exhausted. It soon became apparent that if we were within touching distance, no work would be finished so we made a pact; no touching until we’d made some real progress on the manuscript. I smirked to myself, taking mental note of the time even though tonight, we’d flounced our rule and made love on the area rug in front of the fire before we’d begun.

  Though we stayed true to the original Friday night schedule to work on her book, and we spent more nights than we probably should together. As I watched her, dressed in fuzzy socks and the white dress shirt I’d removed earlier when she’d first arrived. She looked good enough to eat and that was my intention. My dick twitched inside my black silk pajama bottoms in response to my own rapacious thoughts, but my heart was full as well. I didn’t bother putting on a shirt, because ultimately, I knew that the evening would end sans clothing for both of us.


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