Smut University: The Complete Series

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Smut University: The Complete Series Page 18

by Kahlen Aymes

  I had been worried a few weeks earlier that my sheer hunger for her would burn me alive and make it impossible to think of anything but having her, and to a degree it was true, but there was more to it. She was so beautiful, concentrating as she was on her writing, and I was damn glad I wasn’t grading her work, even though I swore I could handle it, I was man enough to admit that the pleasure I took in her body would supersede my objectivity. Luke still had the odd awe-struck moment when he would come into my office to rave about her, and then tell me bits and pieces, but overall, her grade depended only on her ability, and that was the way we both wanted it. The green demon did rear its ugly head now and again when his enthusiasm seemed a bit too rapt.

  “I’m sure. Are you to a place you can take a break?” Even though I was working on my own laptop, I still took notes the good old-fashioned way, and I was gnawing on the end of my pen. A meeting with Gloria was already scheduled, but I hadn’t told Addison, yet, and I was anxious to do so. I couldn’t wait to get Addison’s book in front of my agent but wanted her to be comfortable with it being complete before I told her. We’d gone through one round of edits, and after these last few chapters I only had to look at anything new that she changed or added one final time tonight. It was so damn good; the bulk of the book easily measuring up to the sex scene I’d originally read. I knew it was ready, with barely any input from me.

  Her hair was in a knot on top of her head, and her laptop sat on her legs that were akimbo underneath her. “I don’t know,” she murmured, her fingers flying over the keys.

  “Addison, at some point you have to let it be. It’s solid… amazing, really. Gloria will pounce on it.”

  I closed my laptop and threw the pen on the notebook. Rising, I walked the short distance to where she sat, lifting her computer off her lap and setting it on the low coffee table in front of the leather sofa.

  “Hey!” she pulled it back and shot me a look. “It’s easy for you to be so blasé about it, Mr. Bestseller, but how do I know if it’s good enough? Maybe I need to add a prologue? Maybe?” she said again, glancing up and catching my wryly amused expression.

  I shook my head. “You know it’s good enough because I’m telling you.” My eyes burned over her, taking in the open collar of my shirt, hinting at the swell of her luscious breasts underneath the fine poplin fabric. “I want to talk to you,” I said. “Come on.”

  Addison stopped typing and looked at me. “What is it?”

  I took both of her hands in mine and pulled her up, then took her place on the sofa and tugged until she was facing me and straddling my lap. My hands settled on her supple thighs and inched higher under the tails of the shirt, over her hips and ribs, to cup both breasts. I was surprised to see that she hadn’t replaced the sexy thong I’d peeled off of her earlier, hoping I’d be able to palm them and keep them hidden away. “Mmmm, my favorite position. And no panties, even better.”

  “Uh uh. I know you. You can’t distract me with sex. Spill.”

  A slow grin slid across my mouth. I knew damn well I could distract her with sex if I wanted to, but I had to tell her. “We both know that I can do exactly that.” My voice was a low purr, as I bent to kiss her neck. I’d learned she was particularly sensitive on the back of her neck and my fingers played there as I kissed her throat, and finally her mouth. My body surged involuntarily, one arm holding her hips so I could pull her down and grind my dick into her sumptuous heat.

  “Jax,” she sighed, clearly taking pleasure in the pressure between us, but still pressing for an answer. “You said you wanted to talk to me.”

  “Love is the universal language.”

  “Love? Is that a play on words?”

  I stopped and pulled back, meeting the mischievous glint in her eyes. I’d made no promises, but I found I wanted to. Just like that, in the matter of a few weeks, maybe a few moments, this beautiful creature had fundamentally changed me. “It’s a word,” I said seriously.

  Instantly, she sobered, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Is it?”

  I surprised even myself. Was I telling her that I was in love with her? I wasn’t sure. I knew I desired her more than any woman I’d ever been with. I loved her sharp wit and intellect. I couldn’t wait to see her, and couldn’t wait to get my hands and mouth on her, but was it love? Was this what love felt like? This insatiable hunger, the aching in my chest, that matched the one in my groin? I cleared my throat as the realization settled. I wasn’t ready to admit something so momentous to either of us… not yet.

  “Yes. A word,” I dodged the bullet, threading my fingers through hers, and looking up into her face, our eyes locked. My thighs were muscled, and she was perched on them and her face was higher. I loved it because it gave me perfect access to kiss her breasts and neck, but I knew this was important.

  Addison seemed perplexed and who could blame her? I pressed on, hoping to distract her from my almost admission.

  “We have an appointment with Gloria next Tuesday, late afternoon.”

  Her full and luscious mouth fell open in disbelief, but it had the desired effect. “What? That’s too soon.”

  I shook my head and grabbed her hand. “No. It’s just right,” I insisted.

  “I only have one shot for a first impression. What happens if she hates it?”

  “She won’t hate it. She’ll read it, then dig out her vibrator and the rest will be history,” I laughed heartily, pleased with myself for effectively changing the subject. “Boom! Number-one New York Times bestseller,” I said confidently.

  Addison’s face broke out in a big smile and then a giggle erupted from somewhere deep inside her gorgeous chest. She fell against my chest as peals of laughter shook her. “Oh, my God, Jax! You’re hilarious!”

  “It’s true.” I ran my hand down her back and turned my face to kiss her temple. “Addison, look at me,” I said seriously. I couldn’t have her doubting herself when she was going up against my agent. Gloria took no prisoners and she was already biased against Addison. She was predisposed to think she had no talent, and that I only wanted to leverage publishing to get into my student’s pants. She could be a ruthless bitch, and I supposed that was what made her such a good agent.

  She sobered and looked at me seriously, her fingers ghosting the line of my jaw. “Why are you the only one who calls me Addison?”

  I waited a beat, centering my thoughts and sure to choose the right words. “Two reasons. One; because it suits you better, and two, because exactly what you said; I want to be the only one.”

  There was that damn almost-admission again. I stood with her in my arms and strode to the bedroom. The time for talking was finished.

  “Addy!” Luke called from behind me. “Wait up!”

  It was two weeks since the arrangement that had all of my work going to Luke, Jax’s teaching assistant had begun. I hadn’t spoken to him except that one time outside of Jax’s office early in the semester. I stopped and turned. I was on my way to meet Jax for an appointment to meet up with Gloria Sussex at Bloom & Wandough, Jax’s literary agency, later that afternoon.

  “Hey,” I said, a bit breathless from the power walk pace I’d been keeping. I had to run home, change, and get the thumb drive I’d saved my novel on, and I wanted some time to relax in advance of it. “What’s up? Am I late on an assignment?”

  “No,” he smiled, but seemed a little nervous. “I just wanted to know if we could get together to talk about some things for class.” Students and faculty were buzzing in the hall, passing us from both directions.

  “Really? Like what?” I wasn’t the only student under his purview, so I wondered what separated me out from the rest.

  “Honestly, you’re such a great writer, I wanted to get your opinion on something I’m writing. It’s a sci-fi novel, and I want to submit it to the professor, but I’m afraid it’s not ready.”

  I sifted my book bag in front of me and held it with both arms. “You want me to help you? Do you think Dr. Michaels would be okay with
that?” I hedged. “I mean, you’re the T.A.”

  Luke shrugged. “Yeah, but you’re so talented and I know he thinks so, too. You’re so much better than me, I feel like an asshole grading your work. It isn’t like my novel is an assignment for one of Michaels’ classes, but I’m not really keen on telling him I’m getting writing help from a student he assigned to me.”

  “Why not just ask him? Have you?”

  A long blond lock fell over his forehead and he impatiently shoved it away with his hand. He was handsome and tall and exactly the type I’d go for if I wasn’t involved with Jax. I couldn’t help but notice the contrast between Luke’s casual clothes and easy-going manner and Jax’s polished GQ exterior and his dynamic, take-charge personality. Obviously, there was no comparison; Luke was a graduate student and did not have the same level of sophistication, but he was very attractive and super nice. I hoped that he couldn’t sense what was going on and that my behavior didn’t give my secret away.

  “Are you kidding?” He shook his head with a huffed out laugh. “He scares the shit out of me. Plus, he mentioned early in the course that you were writing a novel, and I just thought we could help each other. Critique partners or something, maybe?”

  I could understand where he was coming from. Jax could be intimidating. I smiled. It was flattering that he thought I was so talented he would trust me with his book. A small shiver ran through me as I considered Jax’s reaction if we went behind his back and he found out later, but how could I tell Luke that we needed to tell the professor without giving him a reason why? As far as Luke knew, I was in the same position as he was; just an aspiring author, hopes and dreams of publishing but a long way from it, when in actuality, I had a meeting with a high-powered agent this very day; and a relationship with Jax who, if his passion was anything to go by, would probably threaten to leave his agency and even the publisher if they didn’t take my book. I felt heat flush the skin of my cheeks. It was amazing that he had such faith in me, but part of me still worried my writing wasn’t as stellar as he said. After all, we were sleeping, or not sleeping, together.

  “I’d love to, Luke, but I think we should be upfront with the professor.”

  “What? No way. I’ve already thought about it, and I know him; he’s one focused SOB. He’d just tell me to get my head back in my classes and my T.A. responsibilities. Plus, he’d see it as a conflict of interest since you’re one of my students.”

  “Can’t he reassign me to the other T.A.? What was his name? Jeff?”

  “I don’t know what happened to him, but the dude is gone and hasn’t been replaced. It’s just me.” He leaned in and gently nudged my upper arm with his closed fist, his face imploring. “Come on, Addy.” A teasing grin appeared, and he cocked his head. “Please?”

  “I don’t know, Luke.” My relationship with Jax was new, but I knew him well enough to know that he’d put a big kibosh on this collaboration. The last thing I wanted was to get Luke in trouble, or to give Jax a reason to mistrust me. “I want to help you, but we have to tell Dr. Michaels.”

  “Ugh! He’ll never go for it. I’ve worked for him for two years and there is no way.”

  I really felt bad for him. “I’ll try to figure it out, but I really have to go. I’ve got a meeting to get to, but I’ll speak to him.”

  “Is it with Michaels? Maybe you can ask to be his other T.A.? I’m sure he’s seen the grades I’ve posted for you, and he read some of your work, right? That could be the answer!!” he said, excited at the prospect. “We’d be working together then, anyway, and he wouldn’t need to know about the extra stuff.”

  I couldn’t tell Luke that my novel was finished, and I was meeting with an agent, so what could I say? I ran a hand through my hair. “I gotta go, but I’ll think about the TA thing. Okay?” I was sure all of Jax’s T.A.s were graduate students and that wasn’t me. Not yet, anyway.

  He seemed satisfied. “Okay, yeah. Sorry. I’ll call you!” He put up his right hand in a sort of wave as I backed away and hurried off across the campus to catch a cab home. I’d worry about Luke’s request later, but right now, I had to focus on the meeting with Jax’s agent, and from what he said, she was a force to be reckoned with… At least for a nobody, like me.


  The luxury black sedan stopped in front of a building just north of Fourth on Lexington Avenue.

  The driver opened the door, and Jax got out first, then extended his hand to me and helped me out. The thumb drive with my precious manuscript was securely inside my clutch, and I was dressed in a stylish fall suit that Michelle had purchased for me at J. Jill the past weekend after I’d told her about the meeting with Jax’s agent.

  Yes, I was supposed to be keeping it all a big secret, but I’d already ruined that right after the first time I’d been with Jax. What were best friends for, anyway, if not to confide in? It wasn’t as if Jax and I had stuck to the plan one hundred percent, anyway. We’d all but blown off that ridiculous NDA that Jax’s brother Jefferson had drawn up for me to sign.

  I glanced up, out of the concrete jungle that was Manhattan, and took in the dreary grey sky. The sun went down around 5 PM in mid-fall, and soon, lights of the buildings would obscure the darkness. It was cold and I shivered.

  Jax, impeccably dressed in a tailored navy suit that showed off his incredibly lean and muscular physique, stood proudly by my side. The building was older, and maybe twenty stories tall. Small in comparison to some in the city, but still impressive.

  There was no doorman to let us in, but my handsome companion was eager to do the job. Masses of businesspeople bustling home after a busy day crowded the sidewalks and cabs, and cars filled the streets. The smells and sounds that were so familiar rushed around us.

  Jax stood tall, looking so perfect in the dark suit, with his light gray shirt, silver pocket square and smartly patterned tie in hues of navy, silver, and white. I felt like I was on the arm of a superstar about to enter a dream; one that I’d never imagined could come true. If being with the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen wasn’t enough, he was about to let me into his world. In fact, introduce me to it and guide my every move. I shouldn’t feel afraid, but something inside me trembled as if my fragile castle could all come crashing down.

  With his hand at the back of my waist steadying me, as we rode up the elevator to the eleventh floor.

  “Ready?” he asked smoothly.

  “Sure. If you say so,” I answered.

  “Hey,” he said, turning me to face him after we exited the elevators and stood in front of the impressive glass double doors that led inside the offices had Bloom & Wandough, Literary Agents emblazoned in smart gold and black lettering across them. “You got this. Be cocky. Don’t let her push you around.”

  I was a bit taken aback. “Will she try?”

  He half-assed rolled his deep blue eyes. “She likes to have the upper hand, but she needs you more than you need her.”

  I wasn’t so sure. “You mean she needs you, don’t you?”

  He sighed, letting one hand slide down my arm until his fingers threaded through mine. “It’s not like that, but yes, if I have to apply some pressure, I’m willing.”

  I shook my head adamantly, nerves starting to flutter in my stomach. “No, I don’t want you to do that. Please? If she decides to take me, I don’t want it to be because you threatened to leave the agency.” My eyes implored him to understand.

  “I’ll do what I have to, Addison.” He touched my cheek with the back of his knuckles, and I had to resist the urge to press into his hand. Instead, I reached up and wrapped my fingers around it. My body and heart quickened with just a look from this man, or his slightest touch.

  “No! Promise me, Jax!” The last thing I wanted was for him to hurt his career in the process of launching mine.

  “We’ll see what happens. Just breathe. You got this.” Jax squeezed my hand and bent to place a lingering, open-mouthed kiss on my lips. “You look brilliantly stunning, and you’re stunningl
y brilliant.” He smiled that genuine, unconscious smile that was so endearing to me now. It was contagious and it put me at ease. “Let’s go in.” He nodded toward the door.

  I nodded, deliberately pulling my hand free of his. Our deal was that no one would know we were involved so we couldn’t be touching each other. It was bad for his career and could stall mine in the starting gate. He looked surprised for a second, then the realization of my motive settled his face in a bland expression as he opened the door for me. I preceded him inside taking in the heavy bookcases lining the walls of the lobby. There was a central foyer with a reception desk that sat between two long hallways of offices running in opposite directions.

  The agency décor was masculine; dark wood, wine-red walls, and light tan antique carpet with a small fleur-de-lis pattern in the same dark burgundy. The scent was spicy and held the faint odor of a good cigar. Not at all what I expected. Didn’t the city no-smoking ordinances apply?

  A young, perky receptionist greeted us with a smile; her short sleek hair was cut into a chin-length bob cut and swayed every time she moved her head.

  “Hello, Dr. Michaels! You must be Miss Tomms! Please have a seat for just a moment. Ms. Sussex is just finishing up with another client.”

  Jax nodded a greeting. “Thank you, Stella. Is Jason in?”

  She shook her head. “Mr. Bloom and the others have already left for the day.”

  I could tell by the way the woman was eye fucking Jax that it would only take another nod from him and she’d be on her back with her legs in the air. Probably behind her desk. Heat rushed up under the skin of my chest and neck at the thought. Soon, it would be visible on my face and I willed myself to calm down before it became embarrassing. I hated that I was jealous. Absolutely hated that I was that girl. You know, the one who bristled every time another woman looked at or flirted with a man I was with. I’d known from day one that women salivated over him, their carnal lust barely contained. Offering her a cold smile, I took the seat Jax offered before he sat next to me. I blinked, refocusing on why we were here.


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