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Love's Distance

Page 14

by Flynn Eire

  “I don’t think so, Kelly. What would be his goal in playing us? It would just piss you off, and that’s the last thing he would want to do. I think this might be your gift. I’ve never heard of such a gift, being able to wipe other vampires.” He sounded almost scared. “I wouldn’t tell anyone about this until we are sure, okay?”

  “Yeah, I think that’s smart, you cool with keeping this secret, right?” I asked, already knowing the answer, but the building tension mostly dissipated when he nodded. We got in my car, leaving Brian where he sat, and went home. Once we arrived, Andre followed me upstairs in silence and we crawled into bed.

  “It’s going to be okay, Kelly, we’ll figure this all out,” he said, wrapping his arms around me, and I could feel his hands were warm, sweaty. “It’s a cool gift, just very powerful, and something a lot of vamps would want. Some humans we can’t control, but if you can control vampires you could control them. Maybe we should go see Julie this weekend, think about it, okay?”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I’m glad you ended up coming, Andre. I’m not sure I would have been able to handle something this big on my own. I would have run to Brian, partially because I’m scared and upset. I have another support system that I trust and understands. Sleep tight, handsome, and by the way—you were really hot fighting those guys tonight,” I muttered as I drifted off to sleep again, and I thought he said something, but I couldn’t make it out.

  * * * *

  The alarm went off again at four am. I rolled over and shut it off, hearing Nicole’s as well. I grabbed my morning blood and drank it while showering, then got dressed. “Geez, Kelly, you make it really hard to be your friend and behave myself,” Andre bitched from behind me.

  “I want to try one thing,” I hedged, walking to him, still only in my undergarments.

  I ran my hands through his hair and planted a big kiss on him. He put one hand around my lower back and one in my hair. The kiss was amazing and I hated to break it, but I did. I finished getting ready while Andre just stood there, lips parted with wide eyes.

  “Bye, Andre, I should be back tonight. I left the fridge that has the blood unlocked, and if you get bored, you can bring some of the flowers to the hospital.” I walked out and met Nicole at the door with Andre still not having moved his feet but was now rubbing his eyes vigorously. I caught the raised eyebrow from Nicole that spoke volumes of why Andre was half-naked in my room in a daze.

  The day at the hospital started about the same as yesterday, Nicole and I sat in the doctors’ lounge looking over the charts. I filled her in on what happened last night with Andre, and then with Brian. She told me about her conversation with Trent and the date she set up for Saturday. It was nice to see her so happy and excited about her date.

  We went through rounds at exactly seven am, and I nailed four out of the eight patients’ histories. It seemed my shyness about being a know-it-all was long gone. Bringing out my aggressive nature last night was helping me in my internship.

  “God job in there, Kelly,” Dr. Mike Malinowski—my resident—praised. “You’re in for all my surgeries again today. Study up and check the board, don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t, I promise. Thanks, Mike, I appreciate this. Let me know if you need anything else,” I gushed, heading over to the surgical board, wondering how far I’d be willing to go for that anything offer. Granted, I wasn’t willing to do anything immoral for him or to stand in on surgeries… That wasn’t what I meant. I knew it was his job but he was also teaching me a lot already and he would continue to.

  Wasn’t that something a person repays? Maybe wash his car?

  Mike was slotted for three surgeries. I took a look back at Mike and came up with a few other ideas besides washing his car. Someday I would need to get a handle on these vampire hormones. He was what I would call my type. He was tall, lean but muscular, blond hair, blue eyes, and an Indiana Jones smirk that just melted me.

  “Kiss ass,” I heard in a whisper from down the hall from a fellow intern.

  “What makes her so damn special? I mean she’s no better than anyone else.” another voice bitched. I obviously couldn’t comment, since there was no human who could hear that far.

  At least I identified they weren’t going to be friends of mine. I thought it would bother me, hearing what they said… But I wasn’t here to make friends, I was here to do a job. Besides, jealousy could make anyone ugly and I knew the second intern was lying, she recognized I was better than others.

  My ego did take over, though, and I made sure to walk by them, acting a little like Ms. America as I smiled and waved… One so fake it should have been in a parade. They did the same and when they thought I couldn’t see them—one flicked me off.

  Glass reflects, brainiac. I snickered and waved to them again in the reflection of the glass. The guy went pale and that pretty much made my day. Childish, and stupid, but what could I say, they pissed me off.

  I went and studied up on the surgeries, since they were back-to-back. I immersed myself in it for a few hours before I heard some confusion by the nurses’ station and decided to check it out. Andre was there with tons of flowers. “What are you doing here?”

  “You said to bring by the flowers,” he defended and then swore under his breath at a volume we could only hear. Andre ran his hands through his hair, staring at his feet. “I was distracted and wound up and still partly asleep before. I’m sorry if I misheard you and embarrassed you.”

  “Oh, yeah—sorry, just hand them out however you want.” I leaned in over the nurses’ station and winked at the hottest female there, testing a theory. “He’s trying to get in my good graces by handing out flowers to show he can be supportive and caring but I have to be in surgery soon. I’m observing three today. Can you throw the poor guy a bone and show him where to put them or where you’d like them to go? Who needs them today?”

  She snickered and nodded. “I can do that, Dr. Murphy. He does look pretty lost.”

  “Yes, well, thank you for making my uncomfortable moment so much worse, ladies. Very kind of you,” Andre grumbled but his eyes were shining so we knew it was really okay. Then he went one more and bowed to us. It was hard not to bust out laughing at that. “Can you spare a minute? I want to talk with you.”

  I followed him, curious and praying it wasn’t anything bad. He led me over to the stairwell and when the door closed behind us—he was on me. His mouth was needy and demanding, and I melted against him, feeling light-headed. God he was really good at that. I gave him a few minutes of kissing and groping before I pulled back from him.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since I met you,” he muttered against my lips, brushing his softly over them once more. “I’ve not kissed a woman in almost a century. I’ve not even wanted to risk it until I met you.” I wanted to ask what it was but he rushed on, seeming to realize he admitted so much. “I also want you to drink from me, it will help you today to have some elder’s blood in you. Take a few pints and I can drink some blood right away at your place.”

  I was so entranced by him, the way he smelled, the kiss he just laid on me, I wasn’t even thinking as I sunk my fangs into him. My hands ran all over his body, under his shirt, over his abs and back. I could tell he was just as excited as he was getting hard, his fangs running right along the dip in my scrubs top. I know I took more than I should, but it just tasted so good, it was like liquid fire in my veins.

  I stopped myself finally and let the power just fill me. “Sorry, Andre. I didn’t mean to take so much, it’s just—wow. Are you going to be okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m all good. You really liked it that much? I’ll be your blood slave anytime, if you’ll be my sex slave,” he teased, but there was hesitation in his eyes. Maybe he really hadn’t been with a woman in that long? It was hard for me to tell if someone was lying when I was all wound up. He started to wrap his arms back around me but I stopped him.

  “Okay, okay, Andre, I’m at work, and no sex slave. I’ll talk to you
at home, thanks for the donation.” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and got out of there, heading back to the lounge. Once again leaving him in the same condition I had that morning.

  Maybe I could really have fun being a vampire? It seemed to have upped my sex appeal. Hell, I was starting to feel sexy instead of a dork for once in my life.

  I could get used to this.

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  About the Author

  Flynn is a Midwest girl at heart, born a Chicagoan with the mouth to prove it, a loyal Cubs fan, but still a die-hard Green Bay Packers gal who cheers for her alma mater, the Illini from Omaha, Nebraska, where she lives. She has always been interested in the darker aspects of life and mythologies—especially vampires, shifters, the occult, and anything paranormal.

  To date, she has published over 100 paranormal books in different genres with dedicated readers who await each release to her numerous series under any of the three Flynn names she writes under.

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  Supernatural Script Inc.

  Other Titles by Flynn Eire


  Love’s Deceit

  Love’s Indecision

  Love’s Denial

  Love’s Abuse

  Love’s Neglect

  Love’s Confinement

  Love’s Distance

  * * *


  The Coming Storm

  Whirlwind Revolution

  Unavoidable Turbulence

  Misery Hailing Down

  * * *


  Recapturing the Illusion

  * * *


  Second Chance Bite

  Spencer’s Secret

  Dying Assassin

  The Final Addition

  * * *


  Shifters for Sale

  Double the Price

  Cost of Love

  * * *


  Avoiding Hell’s Gate

  Switching Teams

  Fighting Insanity

  Defeating Fear

  Becoming Family

  A Supernatural Script Inc. Book

  Copyright © 2014 Erin R. Flynn

  Warrior Camp 7: Love’s Distance

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-940036-36-6

  First E-book Publication: November 2014

  Editing by Jae Ashley

  Cover design by Pamela Sinclair,

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.




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