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Chasing Perfection: Vol. III

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by M. S. Parker

  The waitress’s mouth opened and closed several times before she spun around and walked away. We waited until she was out of earshot before we all dissolved into laughter. The last of whatever tension had been between DeVon and I melted away. I’d known he was confident in his sexuality, but this took it to a whole other level. And I knew he hadn’t just done it for himself; he’d done it for Landon, too. I had to respect that kind of friendship.

  Maybe this could work after all, I thought, as I ate my perfectly cooked medium-rare steak.

  Chapter 12


  There was nothing like the rush I got when I walked into the Grand Garden Arena. Adrenaline flooded through me, fueled by the excitement in the air. I wasn’t a violent person; intense and rough, yes, but not violent. I wasn’t the kind of guy who would stand around and watch a bar-room brawl, but there was something about sitting in a crowd and watching two skilled fighters go until a winner was declared. I’d always thought that it was the difference between enjoying gladiators killing each other as opposed to watching tournaments held by kings. One was brutal and cruel, the other just spoke to something primal in me that I couldn’t deny.

  I glanced over at Krissy as we walked towards our seats. I wondered how she’d react to what we were about to see. Some people didn’t see the difference between this and actual violence, though something told me that Krissy would understand. Still, she hadn’t mentioned anything about the fight itself, which meant I was left with my imagination, an imagination that had already been working overtime from the moment I’d seen her in that bikini earlier. The form-fitting black dress she was wearing now hadn’t helped matters much either.

  I kept telling myself how well things were going, how she and I were on our way to becoming friends as well as colleagues, and how I should just focus on that. She looked like she was enjoying herself. I’d known she and Landon would hit it off and the moment I’d seen them together, I knew I’d been right. I was glad I’d introduced them, and I couldn’t be jealous, at least not sexually, but I had to admit to myself that I was a little annoyed that she was paying more attention to him than to me. It shouldn’t have bothered me, I knew, but I wanted a chance to talk to her and not just to watch her laugh at whatever witty thing Landon had just said.

  “So.” I stepped up next to her and casually took her arm. She was between Landon and me now, our arms linked the same way as hers was with his so there was no mistaking the platonic nature of my gesture. “I’d meant to ask you before if you’d ever been to Vegas?”

  She shook her head. “It’s my first time and I’m absolutely loving it. It’s like an amusement park for adults.”

  Landon and I both laughed at her statement. She was right, though I’d never really thought of it that way before. I carefully maneuvered us to our seats without either one of us having to let go of her arms. I didn’t want to release her and I knew if Landon did, I’d need to as well.

  “What about this?” I gestured towards the ring as the three of us sat down. I tried not to acknowledge the pang I felt when she unhooked her arms from us.

  “You mean a fight?” She shook her head. “Another first.”

  “Well, I think you’re in for a treat,” I said confidently. “There’s a definite grace to the sport. It’s not all brute strength.”

  “Though there is that, too,” Landon piped in. “All those muscles and sweat.”

  Krissy grinned at him. “I wonder which I’ll enjoy more.”

  I didn’t have the chance to recapture her attention as the announcer walked into the ring. I really did want to watch the fight, but as the bell rang for the two men to begin, I found myself watching Krissy instead.

  I told myself it was just because I wanted to see her initial reaction, the same way I’d wanted to see how she reacted when she came into that hotel room and saw me with those women. I liked that first shock, the widening of her eyes, how her lips parted ever so slightly. How she caught her breath. I tried very hard not to compare it to how she’d looked the first time I’d kissed her, licked her, entered her...

  Landon started to cheer and I turned back to the fight in time to see Marcozo stagger back. I watched him and Whettle trade a few more blows, coming close enough that their sweat was practically dripping onto the floor at our feet. Then my curiosity got the best of me and I had to look at her again.

  Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes nearly black. For a moment, I was transported back to another time I’d seen a similar expression on her face. Fuck, she wasn’t just enjoying this. It was turning her on. I wondered if I touched her how she’d respond. Would her arousal be enough that she would lean into me? Would she touch me back?

  I saw her then, fucking Carter, that same expression on her face. Her mouth opening as she sank down on him...

  I shook my head and forced my attention back as we headed into the fourth round. It didn’t look like it would be long now. Whettle was obviously getting tired. That was good. I needed to get something to drink before the next fight began. I had to find something to get that picture out of my head.

  I barely registered Whettle going down or the referee declare Marcozo the winner. I cheered along with the rest, then stood up. “I’m going to go get a drink. Would either of you like anything?” I let my gaze slide over Krissy and stay on Landon. I didn’t want to see her face and think about how she’d looked with her hair spread out underneath her, her entire body flushed with her arousal...

  Fuck it. I needed to get out of there.

  “I’m good,” Landon said as I started past him.

  “Hold on,” Krissy said. She stood. “I need to find a restroom.”

  Dammit. I needed to get away from her. Still, I couldn’t just walk away, not when I was trying so hard to mend fences. I waited for her, but made sure not to look directly at her as we made our way through the crowd. It took more self-control than I cared to admit to not take her arm or put my hand on her back to keep her close as we walked. She didn’t seem to mind that I wasn’t guiding her, though, so I used that to remind myself that this was professional and nothing more.

  We were just a couple feet from the bar when all of the good that had happened today went to hell.

  “DeVon, you bastard! How are you doing?”

  I forced a smile as Carter walked towards us. I didn’t want to see him, let alone talk to him, but I couldn’t really do anything without having to explain myself, and that had less appeal than making nice for a couple minutes.

  “I’ll meet you back at our seats,” Krissy said, her voice strangely flat.

  I didn’t look down at her but I knew she was walking away. I didn’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to talk to Carter after I’d fucked him for a movie deal, either.

  Carter let out a whistle as he stopped next to me. His eyes were glued on Krissy. “Damn, that is one fine ass.” He called after her, “You wearing anything under that dress, babe?”

  “Leave her alone, asshole.” The words came out before I’d realized I was going to say them.

  “What’s got your panties in a bunch?” Carter asked. “You need to get laid or something?”

  My hands curled into fists. “Just walk away.”

  Carter had either had too much to drink to hear the edge to my voice or he was too arrogant and stupid to care. I was betting it was a combination of both.

  “Why don’t you follow her and get her to blow you in the restroom? Isn’t that how she got her job in the first place?”

  Everything went red and I swung. I felt the crunch of his nose as my fist connected and then the heat of blood on my skin. Carter went down and I leaned over, raising my arm for another hit. Someone grabbed me and I turned, ready to lay out whoever was trying to stop me. I froze when I saw Krissy staring up at me, her hands wrapped around my arm.

  “You’re finished!” Carter scrambled to his feet as I turned my attention back to him. “I’m going to sue you for everything you’ve got! You’ll never work in Hollywood again!”
  Considering how many people were still working after doing a hell of a lot more than punching someone, I doubted that. Even if it had been true, there would still have been something very satisfying about what I’d done.

  “Just because you fucked her doesn’t mean you get to talk about my employee like that.” I shook my arm free from Krissy’s grip and towered over Carter, seriously considering hitting him again, just on principle.

  “What are you talking about?” Carter’s words were muffled as he held his hands over his bloody nose. “I never fucked her.”

  He had to be lying. I turned towards Krissy. “You didn’t fuck him?”

  Her face was blank as she shook her head. I couldn’t read a single emotion.

  The blood drained from my face. I took a step towards her, my stomach churning as I realized what I’d done. Still, I couldn’t take all the responsibility for the assumption. She’d been in a robe, fresh from the shower.

  “What was I supposed to think?” The question was accusing. “You answered the door in a towel.”

  “I’d gotten into a car accident and I didn’t have anyone else to call. I don’t know a lot of people in LA, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to call you.” She held her ground. “Carter let me use his shower to clean up. He propositioned me. I turned him down.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?” I was vaguely aware that we were attracting attention, but I didn’t care. I needed to know.

  “Because I shouldn’t have had to. You assumed the worst because that’s what you do. You never consider the fact that someone could actually be...” She shook her head again. “You know what, I’m not doing this. I don’t owe you anything.”

  I stared, jaw hanging open, as she walked away. What the hell had just happened?

  Chapter 13


  I was in the lobby when I realized that I still needed to go to the bathroom. I slipped into the restroom and took care of business, letting my chaotic mind try to find some semblance of order to what had just happened. I’d known what DeVon had assumed, but I hadn’t expected him to actually care once he’d thought about it. I’d thought that his initial reaction had been just that, knee-jerk to something, anger because he hadn’t been the one who’d ended things. I hadn’t realized he’d do something stupid like punch Carter. After his reaction when he’d seen me in a robe at Carter’s house, though, it really shouldn’t have surprised me.

  I looked at myself in the mirror as the memory of that day came back.


  The noise of my bumper hitting the rear end of the cop car was deafening, so I couldn’t hear the pop of the airbag shooting out. Pain from the impact stung my face and my neck ached in a way that told me it was going to be worse tomorrow. My ears were ringing. Nothing else seemed to be injured, however, as I blinked to clear my vision. I could hear someone talking to me, but the sound was muffled, like I was underwater. Still, I turned my head towards the sound and saw what was unmistakably a police officer standing outside my door.


  I’d just rear-ended a cop car. Tears burned my eyes, the result of dust and my anger at myself. And at DeVon. I opened my door and stepped outside. My legs wobbled and I put my hand on the door to steady myself.

  “Are you okay, Miss?” The question was kind.

  I looked over at the cop who’d asked it. “I’m okay.” The words sounded weird to my damaged ear drums, but I could already tell I was starting to hear better. I looked at the back of the cop car. It didn’t look like there was much damage. That was good.

  “Have you been drinking?” Nice cop voice had given way to official cop voice.

  I shook my head, then winced. “No, Sir.” I was a great lawyer and I knew I probably could’ve eventually argued my way around whatever was about to happen, but I wasn’t going to. It was my fault. I hadn’t been paying attention. I was just lucky no one was hurt.

  “Do you need an ambulance?” the cop asked.

  I shook my head. It hurt but I ignored it.

  “I’m going to need to see your license and registration.”

  I was surprised at how polite the young man remained as he went over my information and then began to ask me questions. I answered them all honestly. As long as they didn’t try to get me for something I hadn’t done, I’d take whatever punishment they dished out. My stomach twisted when I thought about how much worse it could’ve been. When I’d been in third grade, a boy in my class had been killed by some stupid teenager who’d been playing with his radio instead of watching the road. I knew better.

  Once the report was done and the officer gave me my ticket, I realized that I needed to see what the damage was to my car. I walked to the front and started to breathe a sigh of relief when I saw that the bumper was barely dented. Then I saw the tire. I didn’t know how it had happened, but my front tire was twisted in such a way that I knew I wouldn’t be able to drive it.

  While I was waiting for the tow truck, I considered my options. I could ask the driver to drop me off at home, but that would’ve been both expensive and a little creepy. I could catch a cab and head home, or I could call someone to pick me up so I didn’t have to explain my disheveled experience to a complete stranger.


  His face popped into my head before I could stop it and I scowled. No way in hell I was going to call him. Not after how he’d behaved. Plus, this wasn’t exactly something I wanted getting around the office.

  Since my only other friends in LA were Taylor and Tracy, both of whom were also connected to Mirage, it looked like my best option was going to be a cab after all. I pulled my wallet from my purse to check if I had any cash. I was distracted from my goal when a small piece of white cardboard fluttered out. I stooped down and picked it up, flipping it over to see Carter Bilson’s name and phone number.

  I was wrong. I did have someone else I could call. Someone who most likely wouldn’t spread around Mirage that I’d rear-ended a cop car, especially if I charmed him a bit. Besides, I did still need to discuss casting options with him.

  The tow truck had already left with my car by the time Carter arrived. It wasn’t until I saw the expression on his face that I realized I must’ve looked worse than I felt.

  “I’m taking you to the hospital,” he declared before saying anything else.

  I started to shake my head, then remembered how much that had hurt. Instead, I used my firmest tone of voice. “No. No hospital.”

  “Then you’re coming home with me,” he insisted as he came closer. “You could have a concussion.”

  I wanted to protest, but I knew he was right. And I had a job to do. “Only if we discuss our casting.”

  “Agreed.” He took my arm and helped me to his car.

  I’d thought about refusing the assistance, but my legs were a bit wobblier than I’d expected. Neither one of us spoke on the drive, and I was grateful that he didn’t ask a million questions I didn’t want to answer.

  When we arrived at his house, he helped me from the car, but this time, his arm slipped around my waist, his hand resting on my hip. I cursed silently. I’d been hoping that I was too banged-up for him to want to fuck me, but apparently not. The gesture might have seemed like a friendly one, but I knew men.

  “You look like you could probably use a shower,” he said. “All that dust.” His eyes moved downward as he stepped around to face me. “And your clothes are covered with it, too.” His fingers moved towards my face but didn’t touch me. “I think the air bag bloodied your nose.”

  Great. Just one more thing to add to my list of wonderful things that had happened to me.

  “Why don’t you get a shower while I have my housekeeper wash your clothes?” His words were kind, but I could see the lust in his eyes. The hand that had still been on my hip slid down now to my ass. He gave it a squeeze. “And maybe I can join you once you get washed up.”

  I took a step back, giving him a polite smile. “I’d rather clean up on my own, t
hank you. But we can discuss our casting choices when I’m done.”

  His eyebrows went up. “I thought that would be our discussion.”

  I shook my head slowly and was pleased to find that it didn’t hurt quite as much. “I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression, but I’m not part of the bargain.”

  His mouth tightened and, for a moment, I wondered if he was going to try to force me. Instead, he moved away from me.

  “Fine,” he snapped. “The guest bath is through there.” He pointed. “There’s a robe on the back of the door you can use until your clothes are ready. Mrs. Reed can call you a cab when you’re done. I don’t think we have anything else to discuss.”

  I watched him walk away and wondered why I’d refused him. He wasn’t bad-looking and sex would’ve definitely been a way to get this shitty day out of my mind. Instead, I’d just pissed off a powerful man in Hollywood and declined an offer of commitment-free sex. What the hell was wrong with me?


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