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God's Shadow

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by Alan Mikhail

  Carson, Ben, 395

  Cartagena, Colombia, 162, 163

  Carthage, 97

  cartography, 310–13, 352–53, 356

  Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 142–43, 149, 158, 337

  Castile, 114, 166, 345, 373

  Crown of, 345

  Castro, Melchor de, 156, 157, 164, 387

  Catholic Church, 372

  hierarchy of, 352

  Luther’s views on, 370–71, 373, 375–81

  Protestant Reformation and, 370, 373, 375–81, 383–84

  Catholicism, 106, 113, 114–15, 118, 120, 270–71, 349, 384. See also Catholic Church; Christianity

  in Americas, 152

  enemies of, 370

  Catholic monarchs, 55. See also Ferdinand; Isabella

  Catholics, 396

  the Caucasus, 82, 84, 186, 187, 192, 194, 197–98, 250, 256

  Cem, 31–35, 31, 43, 50, 64, 242, 255, 275, 330, 350

  in Anatolia, 36

  Bayezit and, 31–59

  in Cairo, 38–39, 40–41, 51

  death of, 58

  Europeans and, 43, 44–45

  as governor of Konya, 33

  handed over to Charles VIII, 56–57, 56

  held captive by Knights Hospitaller of St. John, 48–49

  journey of, 52

  Kasıms and, 41–42, 44

  makes Hajj, 39–40, 49, 51

  Mamluk Empire and, 38–41, 44, 49–51, 53, 275, 350

  in Naples, 57–58

  piety of, 51

  proclaims himself Sultan of Anatolia, 36

  in Rome, 50–54, 55–56

  rumored conversion of, 51, 54

  in Syria, 36–37

  transferred to Rome, 50–54

  travels to Rhodes, 45–47, 47

  Central Asia, 5, 9, 250, 255

  Central Europe, 121

  Ceuta, 104–5, 113

  Ceylan River, 286

  Chaldiran, 261, 262–63, 264

  Chaldiran Campaign, 256–63, 256, 267–69, 274–76, 279–82, 288–89, 325, 327, 331, 343

  Charlemagne, 145

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 145, 146, 161–62, 329, 340, 345, 351, 373, 396

  Charles VIII, 56–58

  Chichimecs, 132

  Chinese Empire, 5, 17, 78, 86, 105, 358

  Christianity in, 93

  westward expansion of, 68

  Chios, 89, 97–99, 111


  in Americas, 136–47

  in China, 93

  Crusades and, 315

  impotence of, 372

  Judaism and, 179–80

  Native Americans and, 136–47, 136, 349

  weaknesses revealed by Ottoman Empire, 384

  Christians, 7

  captured by Ottomans, 20, 378–80

  Crusades and, 29–30, 283–84

  in Jerusalem, 296, 298, 351–52

  in Muslim lands, 65, 144, 379, 383

  in Ottoman Empire, 65, 379, 383

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 118, 296

  Church of the Resurrection, 296

  Circassian mercenaries, 317

  Circle of Justice, 69–70, 78, 85, 147

  circumcision festival, 24–25

  Cistern of Aspar, 361

  Civil War, United States, 391

  Civitavecchia, 372

  Cochin (Kochi), 314

  coffee, 319

  coffee trade, 318–20, 444–45n

  Colombia, slave rebellions in, 162

  colonialism, European–Islamic relations and, 396

  Columbian Exchange, 153–54

  Columbus, Christopher, 2, 7, 153, 155, 268, 284, 296, 386, 392

  administrative incompetence of, 138–39

  Crusades and, 103–22, 123, 146, 385, 390, 391

  death of, 139

  funding of his journey, 167

  Islam and, 89–102, 103–22, 123, 385, 390, 391

  logbook of, 124, 127

  maps of, 310–11, 312

  motivation for crossing Atlantic, 386

  Muslims accompanying, 425n

  Native Americans and, 137, 426n

  North Africa and, 335–37, 342–43

  Reconquista and, 166

  sets off on first voyage, 55

  Columbus, Diego, 139, 155, 157

  Columbus, Ferdinand, 100

  Conquista, 130–35, 136–47, 163–64

  conquistadors, 140, 349, 386. See also specific conquistadors

  Conrad, Joseph, 163

  Constantine the Great, 146

  Constantinople, 146. See also Istanbul

  conquest of, 7, 11, 25, 32, 53, 58, 64, 86, 89, 99, 106, 113, 120, 131, 173, 235–36, 261–62, 273, 305, 352, 371–72, 400

  Jews in, 173

  rebirth of, 29

  renamed Istanbul, 11

  conversion, 51, 379. See also conversos; Moriscos

  conversos, 167, 169–70, 177–78

  convivencia, 116

  Coptic church, 296

  Córdoba, 116

  Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de, 96

  Corsica, 112

  Cortés, Hernán, 129, 131–32, 137, 145, 295, 340, 349, 358

  Crete, 47, 174

  Crimea, 210–23, 210, 212, 265

  Crimean Tatars, 214–15

  Crooked Islands, 127

  Crusades, 29–30, 32, 38, 43, 46, 50–51, 53–55, 58, 101, 123–24, 283–84, 371–73, 375–77

  in Americas, 386

  Christianity and, 315

  Columbus and, 103–22, 123, 385, 390, 391

  Crusaders, 90–95, 351 (see also Knights Hospitaller of St. John)

  in North Africa, 336–39, 349

  Cuba, 127, 128, 130, 137, 138, 162, 222, 312

  Curzola, Battle of, 93

  Cushman, Robert, 388

  Cuzco, 134–35

  Cyprus, 328–29

  Çorlu, 227–28, 357, 359

  Battle of, 227–28

  Dakar, 150

  Dalorto, 95

  Damascus, 255, 285, 290, 292–93, 293, 294–97, 325, 381, 391

  Dardanelles, 17

  D’Aubusson, Pierre, 45, 48

  David, Siznado, 143–44

  Davis Strait, 101

  Dellys, 338

  The Desert Bride, 393

  devşirme, 20, 379–80

  dhimmis, 144

  Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 130, 146, 340

  Dimetoka, 239, 240

  Diouf, Sylviane A., 162

  Diu, 316

  Diyarbakir, 252, 267, 275–77, 282

  Djerba, 114, 350

  Dome of the Rock, 94, 285, 297–98, 297, 381

  Donation of Constantine, 146

  dragomans (interpreters), 352

  Dubrovnik, 172, 328

  Dulkadir dynasty, 276

  Dulkadir tribal confederation, 281

  Dum Diversas, 106, 108, 150, 151

  East Africa, 314

  Eastern Nestorian Church, 93

  Ebrahim, brother of Ismail, 194

  Edirne, 217–18, 224–27, 235–36, 239, 252–54, 325–27, 330–31, 333, 351–52, 354, 354, 355, 356–57

  Egypt, 130–31, 154, 282, 285, 298–302, 303–13, 316, 328, 329, 343, 348, 352, 388, 391–92

  Elbistan, 286, 288

  Elliott, J. H., 132

  Elmina, 109. See also São Jorge de Mina

  encomiendas, 137

  England. See Britain

  Enos, 98

  Enriquillo, 158–60

  Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 399–402

  claims Muslims discovered Americas, 401–2

  expanded powers of, 404

  political Islamism and, 402–3

  at Selim’s tomb, 404–5, 404

  Erzincan, 194, 195, 259, 260, 267

  Erzurum, 260, 261, 267

  eschatology, 29, 370

  Ethiopia, 315, 318, 352

  ethnic minorities, 79–80. See also specific groups

  Europe, 12, 122, 318. See also specific regions, nations, and empires
/>   in 1500, 18–19

  “Age of Exploration” in, 86, 108

  Americas and, 386–96

  anti-Semitism in, 171

  colonialism and, 396 (see also Africa; Americas; India; specific empires)

  conflict with Ottoman Empire, 2, 5, 32

  death of Mehmet and, 29–30, 32, 38

  eclipsed by Americas, 249–50

  European imperialism, 66 (see also specific empires)

  fragmentation of, 329, 374

  Islam and, 90, 386–96 (see also Islamic–Christian relations)

  Ottoman succession and, 29–30, 32, 38, 42, 44, 45–59

  Ottoman territory in, 17, 20

  persecution of Jews in, 170, 179

  portrayed ascendancy of, 4

  religious civil wars in, 349, 352

  Renaissance in, 371–72

  repression of Jews and Muslims in, 167

  trade and, 86, 95, 99–100

  violence against religious minorities in, 55

  European–Islamic relations. See Islamic–Christian relations

  exploration/explorers, 103–4, 153. See also conquistadors; specific explorers

  Eyüp, 36, 359

  Fatih Mosque, 28, 361, 362

  fatwas, 253–54, 257, 333

  Ferdinand, 2, 55, 110–11, 112, 114–16, 119–20, 122, 124, 127, 137–39, 180, 335–39, 347

  burial in Alhambra, 338

  death of, 345

  expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain, 172

  Reconquista and, 338 (see also the Reconquista)

  the Fernandina, 96

  Fez, 120, 171

  Firenk Suleyman Bey, 44–45

  Five Pillars of Islam, 39–40

  Florida, 396

  France, 42, 48–49, 170, 373, 387

  Francis I, 329, 373

  Franciscans, 118, 296

  Friedman, Thomas, 383

  Fugitive Slave Act, 161

  Fulani Muslims, 162

  Gabon, 106

  Gabriel, angel, 271

  Galway, 101, 102, 109, 117

  Gambia River, 150

  Gate of Tears, 314–15

  Gaza, 298, 299

  Genghis Khan, 214

  genízaros, 132

  Genoa, 90–92, 91, 92, 97–99, 139, 180

  Georgia, 198–202, 206, 207, 209, 221, 228

  Georgians, 333

  enslaved, 199–202

  Germaine of Foix, 345

  Germany, 170, 173

  al-Ghawri, Ashraf Qansuh, 255, 281–82, 289–90, 292, 296, 299, 308

  Gibbon, Edward, 5

  Gibraltar, 95, 338

  gift-giving, diplomacy of, 273

  Ginsberg, Allen, 393

  Giovio, Paolo, 360, 364

  Giray, House of, 215, 220, 227

  Goa, 314

  gold, 67, 95–96, 109, 126, 137, 153, 167, 285, 291, 311, 340

  Gold Coast, 109

  Golden Horn, 359, 361

  Granada, 55, 116, 119–21, 121, 132, 134, 152, 166–69, 337–38, 343, 345, 386

  El Gran Cairo, 304, 340

  Grand Khan, 93–95, 102, 105, 110, 117–18, 122, 124, 127–28, 138, 315, 334–35, 386

  Great Mosque (al-Masjid al-Nabawī), 40

  Greece, 38, 350, 358

  Greek Orthodoxy, in Ottoman Empire, 180

  Greeks, 6, 400

  Greenland, 101

  Grimaldi, Gaspare, 49

  Grislis, Egil, 373, 378

  Gritti, Andrea, 11, 28

  Guanahani, 126

  Gujarat, 314, 352

  Gülbahar Hatun, 15–17, 20–22, 25, 32, 64, 69–75, 77–78, 82, 113, 149, 245

  Gülbahar Hatun Mosque, 72–73, 73

  Gülen, Fethullah, 403–4

  Habsburg Empire, 352. See also Spanish Empire

  Habsburgs, 345, 352. See also Spanish Empire

  Hadım Ali Pasha, 206–7, 208

  Hafsa, 75, 213–14, 215, 216, 218, 361, 362–63

  Hafsid Empire, 96–97, 341

  Hagia Sophia mosque, 325

  the Hajj, 39–40, 49, 51

  Hama, 292

  Hamdani, Abbas, 353

  Hamon, Joseph, 175

  Hamon, Moses, 175

  Hamza Saru Görez, 253

  Hankins, James, 50, 371–72

  Hannibal of Carthage, 29

  harem, 20, 22, 24, 27, 37, 43–44

  Hasan Can, 356, 358–59

  Hasan Pasha, 225

  Havana, 130, 163

  head tax, 143–44

  Henry the Navigator, 105–6, 108, 109, 114, 116, 117, 150, 268

  Henry VI, 29

  Henry VII, 100

  Henry VIII, 222

  Hernández de Córdoba, Francisco, 130

  the Hijaz, 300, 308, 309

  Hindus, 370

  Hispaniola, 97, 128, 146, 148–64, 148, 312, 320, 352, 387

  plantation owners on, 152–53

  slave rebellions in, 155–58

  slavery in, 152–53

  Hizmet, 403

  Holy Roman Empire, 145, 373. See also Byzantine Empire

  Homer, The Iliad, 341

  Homs, 290

  Honduras, slave rebellions in, 162

  Hormuz, 268, 280

  Horn of Africa, 327

  humanists, 50, 372

  Hungary, 11, 50, 54, 173, 180, 263, 296, 328–29, 365, 387

  Hüsünşah, mother of Şehinşah, 82

  Iberia, 107, 113, 114, 131, 137, 334. See also Portugal; Portuguese Empire; Spain; Spanish Empire

  expulsion of Jews and Muslims from, 271, 337

  Iberia (continued)

  Muslims in, 114–22, 121, 335–38, 335–39, 343–44

  slave trade in, 151

  Ibn ‘Arabi (Muhy al-Dīn), 294–95, 325

  Ibn Iyās, 289–90

  Imbros, 98

  imperialism, 66, 68, 78, 86, 137. See also specific empires

  Incas, 17

  India, 66, 86, 250, 313, 317, 327–28, 340

  Indian Ocean, 12, 269, 282, 314–19, 314, 316, 327–28, 332, 341, 349, 360, 365

  Indonesia, 352

  indulgences, 375–76

  İnegöl, 36

  Innocent VIII, Pope, 50, 51–52, 53–54, 55

  the Inquisition, 55, 144, 167, 169, 180, 337, 379

  intra-Muslim conflict, Islamic law and, 252–53

  Ionian Sea, 372

  Iran, 3, 11, 69, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 185–96, 250–69, 318. See also Safavid Empire

  Shiite Muslims in, 402

  silk trade and, 254, 327–28

  Turkey and, 402, 403

  Iraq, 80, 331–33, 396

  Ireland, 101, 102, 117

  Irving, Washington, 392

  Isaac, prophet, 179

  Isabella of Castile, 2, 55, 110–11, 112, 114–20, 122, 124, 127, 137, 138–39, 155, 180, 335–37, 347, 385

  burial in Alhambra, 338

  death of, 337–38, 345

  expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain, 172

  last testament of, 337–38

  Reconquista and, 338 (see also the Reconquista)

  La Isabella, estate of, 155

  La Isabella, island of, 127

  Isabella of Portugal, 161–62

  Ischia, 350–51

  Isfahan, 251–52

  ISIS, 402

  La Isla Española, 128. See also Hispaniola

  Islam, 2–5. See also Islamic–Christian relations

  Americas and, 123–35, 148–64, 385–96, 401–2

  Columbus and, 89–102, 103–22, 123, 385–86, 390, 391

  constituent role in modern history, 12

  cosmopolitanism of, 40

  Erdoğan and, 401

  Europe and, 90, 386–96 (see also Islamic–Christian relations)

  fear of, 130

  influence on Luther, 370–71, 373, 375–81

  influence on sugar production, 153–54

  Judaism and, 179–80

  Luther’s views on, 375–81

  Native Americans and, 152
br />   predicted to supplant Christianity in 2070, 396

  projected onto New World, 130–35, 148–64, 385–96, 385, 401–2

  Protestantism and, 380–81

  Renaissance and, 50–51

  Spanish Empire and, 140–47, 385–88 (see also Islamic–Christian relations)

  United States and, 390–96

  in West Africa, 150–52

  Islamic–Christian relations, 89–102, 140–43, 165–68, 179–82, 198, 268–69, 296, 335–39, 343–44, 349–50, 356, 369

  Americas and, 123–35, 148–64, 385–96, 385, 401–2

  Columbus and, 89–102, 103–22, 123, 385–86, 385, 390, 391

  Islam projected to supplant Christianity in 2070, 396

  Protestantism and, 370–71, 373, 375–81

  Renaissance and, 50–51

  Islamic law, 382–83

  four schools of, 369

  intra-Muslim conflict and, 252–53

  Islamic law courts, 68

  Islamism, political, 402–3

  Ismail, 86, 190–93, 191, 194, 203–4, 207, 249, 250–69, 281, 282, 328, 333

  Istanbul, 7, 11, 22–25, 68, 230, 254, 265–66, 276, 324–25, 340, 343, 387–88

  Aleppo and, 278–79

  astronomers in, 261–62

  celebrations of Selim’s ascension to the throne, 238

  Hebrew printing press in, 175–76

  Jews in, 173–76, 179

  known as the Abode of Felicity (Dersaadet), 236

  rebirth of, 29

  Selim’s arrival in to take throne, 233–34

  Selim’s circumcision festival in, 24–25

  Selim’s journeys to, 37–39, 211–13, 220–23, 224–34, 226, 228, 236

  Italian Wars, 373

  Italy/Italian city-states, 11, 32, 42, 54, 56, 69, 150, 172. See also specific cities

  Jaén, 118

  Ja‘far Çelebi, 266

  Jamestown, 387, 388, 396

  Janissary Corps, 34–36, 79, 82–83, 132, 149, 206, 208, 220–23, 227, 274

  after Selim’s death, 361

  in Istanbul, 229, 231

  Selim and, 198–202, 220–21, 228–34, 236, 238, 279–80, 326, 361

  Java, 320

  Jeddah, 315–16

  Jerez, Rodrigo de, 127

  Jerusalem, 10, 42, 86, 131, 315, 325, 375, 381, 386, 388, 390–91

  campaign for, 283–85, 284, 296–98, 351

  Christians in, 296, 298, 351–52

  Church of the Holy Sepulchre in, 118

  Columbus and, 90–91, 94–96, 102

  Crusades and, 32, 46, 50, 54, 58, 90–91, 94–96, 102, 122, 124, 138

  Jews in, 179, 296

  Muslims in, 297–98

  Selim in, 296–97

  Jesuits, 162

  Jesus, 91, 179

  Jews, 165–82, 288, 370, 396

  banished from Britain, 170

  banished from France, 170

  in Cairo, 179

  European persecution of, 170

  expulsion from Iberia, 337

  expulsion from Spain, 55, 83, 125, 165–72, 165, 171, 271, 337

  flight to North Africa, 171–72

  flight to Ottoman Empire, 172–79


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