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My Immortal Playlist (The Siren Collection #1)

Page 18

by St. Clair, Julius

  “Henry, I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “Of course not. But that’s what it’s coming to. If Lucas ditches you tomorrow, tell me right now…what are my chances?”

  “I don’t want to lie to you…I…” I wiped my eyes. “Henry, you’re such a dear friend to me. I…”


  “Henry,” I tried to continue, but he stepped forward, grabbed my wrist and stood me up so that we were face to face.

  “I said, sing,” he pleaded with me, letting my arm go. “I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Okay,” I whispered. And so, I began singing, softly. Henry listened attentively with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths upon each sentence. Once I had finished, I looked up at him, and his eyes met mine. He shook his head and clenched his jaw.

  “There it is,” he said quietly. “Now I finally see you, the way you see me.” He reached down and pulled a backpack from under his bed and threw it over his shoulder. “Have a good life, Alexandra.”

  He stormed out the room and I chased after him. I couldn’t help it. It all happened before I even realized what I was doing. I grabbed his arm, but he yanked it away from me and kept moving, down the steps, out the door, and out of my life.

  I broke down crying on the steps, and I hoped no one could hear me.

  My Henry…I didn’t love him romantically, but I did love him. There was little I wouldn’t do for him, just to see him happy. And I didn’t even get to say a proper good-bye. He had left so abruptly, so cold and sharply…

  It took me a few minutes before I could make my way down to the basement. I made sure to stop by the bathroom first, to wash my face so I would be presentable. I wanted Noah to choose for himself, and not out of pity for me.

  The television was at a high volume, and it was playing a comedy from the sounds of it. I heard Noah chuckle once as I made my way across the room and I couldn’t stop a smile from erupting on my face.

  Once I entered the Prep Room, he shut off the television and gave me his full attention. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

  “So, what will your answer be?” I asked. Instead of speaking, he stood up, walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, nestling his head into my neck.

  I tried not to break. I grit my teeth. I bit my lip. I clenched my fists, but ultimately, it didn’t help one bit. I let the tears fall, and I wept into his arms like a baby. By the time he let me go, I was a mess. A blubbering, hiccupping mess, and I felt like I had lost a few pounds. Noah chuckled and led me over to the couch and had me sit down. He patted my leg and then sat down at my side, facing me with his legs crossed.

  “For the record,” he began to say, and I couldn’t help but laugh nervously. He laughed with me and tried starting over. “For the record,” he said. “I made my decision before you walked down here, so don’t think your crying changed my mind either way.”

  “Okay,” I sniffed, wiping my nose onto my sleeve.

  “I’m staying here, and I don’t want you to take the spell off me.”

  “But why?” I asked in shock.

  “Well, this is a cool place for one, and I’ve gotten more warmth here than when I was back with my own family.”

  “But you could still live here without the spell on you.”

  “Why would I do that though?” he laughed. “I’m saw enough reality before I became a vampire. It wasn’t great. Now? I just want to think about adventures, and battles and other beings I could meet, and I might even meet a girl someday I could spend immortality with. I did say I wanted a girl roommate here sometime, right?”

  “Yes, you mentioned that,” I giggled.

  “Yeah, so I’m done with humanity. And I don’t need anything telling me otherwise. That okay with you?”

  “I think I can manage,” I said, leaping forward and giving him a hug. “Henry left,” I found myself crying into his shoulder and he held me tight.

  “Aw, man. I liked that guy,” Noah said in my ear.

  “I did too,” I whispered back, and we embraced each other for another three minutes.

  TRACK 18 – That Just Happened

  “Alright, so this is it,” Elliot said as we reconvened at the kitchen table. “But that’s okay. I was sure Henry would ditch us, the coward.”

  “It’s not cowardice,” I said. “And I don’t want us to remember him as anything other than our friend.”

  “We may not have to remember anything after tomorrow,” Elliot sighed. “If we’re not entertaining the notion of running, then we must attack. Obviously, Alexandra, you’re going to have Lucas freed before we launch any kind of counter-measure. Whether he joins us or not, I’m not expecting much help from him.”

  “He would be more help than you,” Noah replied. “No offense.”

  “None taken. I see your point,” Elliot mused as he gave a sigh. “Perhaps his gang background will come in handy in the end.”

  “Assuming all of that was true,” I said. “We don’t know what Pamela forced him into. He might have joined against his will.”

  “There’s too many questions that won’t be answered until we’re already in the middle of conflict…but we did gain some valuable insight about this enchantment business. If Pamela is able to control Lucas, then that would mean anyone still under your enchantment, Alexandra, can be controlled too.”


  “In theory, you could control Noah, if necessary.”

  “Why would I want to do that?”

  “Yeah, let’s not give her ideas,” Noah said to him.

  “You may not have tried it before out of respect and how you view us as equals, but it should still be within your power. Why don’t you give it a shot?”

  “Noah? Do you mind?” I asked him. He gave me an uncertain look.

  “Fine,” he said. “But only when you have my permission please. I don’t want this becoming a thing. It gives me the creeps.”

  “I promise. Now, let’s see. Noah, dance on one foot.” Noah suddenly leapt from his chair and began dancing on one foot. “Are you doing that?” I asked him and he shook his head no. “How about you punch Elliot in the face?” He was just about to knock his head off when I yelled, “Noah, stop!” Noah halted his assault.

  “It works,” I said to Elliot happily.

  “A wonderful demonstration,” he muttered, eyeing Noah’s fist.

  “But how does that help us?” I asked, as I turned back to Noah. He was still in mid-swing, and glaring at me with crazy, wide eyes. “Oops. Noah, you’re free to do what you want.”

  “Finally,” he groaned, sitting back in his seat. “I swear I was getting a cramp.”

  “That’s impossible,” Elliot retorted. “But back to your question, Alexandra. This helps us because you’ll be able to override Noah’s will and have him act on your behalf should you be in a situation that he needs to act a particular way. You are two individuals. He may react in a way that you don’t need him to. This guarantees the conflict goes in your favor.”

  “Or she’s the one who’s wrong and we all die,” Noah said, shrugging his shoulders. “Just saying.”

  “Still, it’s good to know.”

  “I’m going to be up all night studying the music too,” I yawned. “Seeing if there’s a weapon I could use against her. I doubt it, but it doesn’t hurt to try.”

  “So what is our method of attack?” Elliot asked. “We should aim to take out her voice. Without her singing, she won’t be able to do much directly.”

  “Without that, she would be vulnerable,” Noah replied. “But then there’s those warriors she mentioned. You don’t think she gave them a call? I’m strong, but that’s against humans. Okay, let me take that back. Even Lucas was giving me a run for a little bit there.”

  “Then I guess we have the rest of the night to figure this out,” Elliot said. “Alexandra, I admire your fervor, but being dead tired when you meet up with Pamela tomorrow will be counter-productive. She will know you were up all night a
nd suspect an attack. Noah and I don’t need to sleep. We’ll figure out a course of action.”

  “Can’t say I’m going to complain,” I yawned. “But I have to be involved tomorrow too, guys. I don’t want to be on the sidelines.”

  “We’ll make sure you’re not,” Elliot smiled, as I stood up from the table. I rubbed my eyes and headed to my bedroom. Though I lied in my bed for the next two hours and I desperately tried to sleep, I couldn’t. How could I? I wasn’t even immortal yet, since I had not chosen a final form. I could easily be killed in the conflict the next day, and then…then…that was it!

  I rushed downstairs as quickly as I could, taking them two by two. I nearly tripped over my own feet once I hit the bottom. Noah came rushing to my side.

  “What’s all the commotion? Did you see something?”

  “No!” I cried out. “But I know what we can do! We have to force her into choosing a final form. That way she’ll be at our mercy.”

  “She’ll also be immortal,” Noah said.

  “What makes you think she hasn’t chosen a final form already?” Elliot asked me.

  “I think deep down she’s hoping to one day become a Goddess, and since that’s an advanced Siren, she has to remain in her Siren form. I don’t think there’s a sheet of music that lets you stay forever as a Siren, otherwise our people wouldn’t be so worried about the deadline.”

  “I doubt we could sing to her,” Elliot said. “So she has to be the one to choose. That will be very difficult, considering she has many songs memorized. She would have to sing the transformation of our choosing herself, and we would have to trust that she’s singing the proper one. Too much risk.”

  “Then we make sure she’s in a frantic position,” I said. “One in which she has no other choice but to make an uncalculated decision. Remember, until we actually achieve our final form, we’re as vulnerable as any human. We can be killed.”

  “Then that’s our course of action,” Elliot said. “Alexandra, I’ll have to ask you to refrain from your sleep. We need you here with us.”

  I never heard such beautiful words.

  * * *

  A knock came at the door, and I wearily opened it. Staying up all night was taking its toll and I had already called the school to inform them that I was sick.

  As expected, Lucas was standing in the doorway. His eyes were listless and his face hardened and expressionless. I nearly reached out to him, but I kept my hands to myself. I wasn’t sure what role he was playing.

  “Pamela wants to move the meeting to tomorrow,” he said. “After school.”

  “Any reason why?”

  “She needs more time to prepare in case you decide to turn on her.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, tell her that I don’t have any intention of doing so. I’m going to join her, and I want you freed.” He noticeably perked up at the last sentence.

  “Why?” he asked me in disbelief.

  “Because…I want the truth.”

  “You already have it,” he said, his face lighting up. “I…there’s another reason I’m here. Pamela has given you the chance to free me.” He reached into his jeans and pulled out two sheets of paper with lyrics upon them. I eyed them warily.

  “Why? What is this? A gesture of good will?”

  “No. It’s an even exchange. Henry came to Pamela last night.”

  I nearly fell to my knees. Just hearing his name nearly broke me down into tears again, and the tiredness wasn’t helping. But I knew I had to save face in front of Lucas, in case he was still Pamela’s eyes. I put a hand to my mouth in shock and then I put it back down. I tried to find some words to say, but I couldn’t. What was Henry doing with her?

  “After you freed him,” he continued. “He bartered for my release. I would be given to you while he would stay with Pamela. She cast a spell on me that enables you to free me if you so choose, but you have to do it within the next twelve hours.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would she do something like that? And why would she want Henry?”

  “He made the case that my heart wasn’t in her causes. That even though I may be bound to her, I will still fight her every chance I get. Henry said he wouldn’t. He would do her bidding willfully, and so she would gain a better warrior. Plus, I’m human, and he’s not. Already she gets someone stronger. He’s bound to her now.”

  “But she needed you so you could blend in with the rest of the world.”

  “She’s reaching the end of her patience,” he said, shaking his head. “She won’t need to be secretive soon.”

  “But…why would Henry do this?”

  “He told her that he was a zombie. He might as well start playing the part.”

  “But that –“

  “- but I know the truth,” Lucas said to me with a sigh. “It’s simple. He loves you.”

  “I don’t understand,” I said, my hand covering my mouth again.

  “He only talked to me briefly, a couple sentences before Pamela kicked me out the house. He said if you haven’t found it already, to go down to the Lyric Room, and find his letter.”

  “Noah!” I screamed, and he appeared by my side. “Will you watch Lucas for me? I’ll be right back. He can come in if he wants.”

  “Sure,” he said, extending a hand out to him. “Good to see you again.”

  “Is it?” Lucas laughed, accepting the hand shake. I ignored the exchange and headed down into the basement. It wasn’t inconceivable that Henry could have gotten into the Lyric Room. Noah had already done it once.

  I really needed to get better security.

  I unlocked the door and walked inside, seeing all of the sheets of music standing up on the shelves, but I saw the one that was out of place right away. It was lying in the middle of the floor. I picked it up and began reading immediately.


  If you’re reading this, then I’m gone. And if I’m gone, that means you rejected me. That’s okay. Don’t be upset about that. I’ll get over it eventually. But what I can’t get over is being around while you’re with Lucas. So I hope you understand why I got to go. If I can’t be the man in your life, then I can at least be remembered.

  I’m going to Pamela.

  But I’m going to try getting Lucas freed.

  If Lucas is freed, I’m hoping he’ll join you guys. Because here’s the thing. If he spent so much time with Pamela, I’m sure he’s learned a few songs, maybe a couple lyrics. And that’s all you need. You just got to get Lucas to sing to her. Can you imagine it? A Man. Singing a Siren song. She will lose it. And that’s your chance to strike.

  He’s your secret weapon. Don’t mess this up.

  And no matter how I feel about you. I will see you soon.

  I love you.

  - Henry

  Henry…he had joined the enemy to give us a shot. How could I ever repay him? How could I have been so cold to him in the past? I stood there in the silence, trying to gain my composure, trying to decide what to tell Lucas. I didn’t know what to do anymore. What the right decision was. Henry had sacrificed himself for us, and yet…I was still thinking about my own selfish desires.

  I knew that Lucas was expecting me to free him as soon as possible, but I needed him for tomorrow, and the best way to ensure he followed the plan was to keep him bound in some manner. But…if I did that, if I just treated him like a weapon, there really was no hope of our relationship ever being real.

  He might have been controlled, but he claimed his feelings for me were genuine. And I couldn’t confirm that without freeing him. But if I waited until after our conflict with Pamela was over...he would think that I didn’t care for him. I wasn’t being controlled by anyone so my actions were a hundred percent my own.

  And yet, I couldn’t let Henry’s sacrifice be in vain either.

  I sighed and ascended the steps, folding the piece of paper and putting it into my pockets. Noah and Lucas were talking casually as I opened the door. They both turned towards me, and I tried to plant a satisfi
ed smile on my face.

  “Found what you’re looking for?” Lucas asked. I nodded. He extended the lyrics in his hand to me and I accepted them. I gave them a quick scan. The lyrics were a lot more complex. There was no way to even begin deciphering their true purpose without a little time. It could be a trap. “She also gave me this,” Lucas said, reaching into his back pocket and producing a small journal. “It’s a key. You’ll be able to easily translate the lyrics with this.”

  I examined the small journal. It didn’t appear to have been created recently. The pages were faded and yellow. The edges were brittle and the cover itself had a number of bumps and blemishes.

  “Why would she give me all of this?”

  “She’s showing you a gesture of good faith,” he said. “She’s hoping that you’ll become her sister tomorrow, and not her enemy.”

  “Hmm,” I said.

  “Also,” he continued. “In private she said to me that it doesn’t matter what you do. It’s either you join her, or you will die. No amount of planning will change that fact.”

  “Nice to see she’s so confident,” I muttered. We stared at each other in silence. Noah cleared his throat and decided to leave the room.

  “So…” Lucas said abruptly,” what happens now?”

  “That is the question,” I chuckled nervously, feeling the music in my hands. “Do you want to go to the kitchen and sit at the dining table while I try to translate this?”

  “Sure,” he smiled, and he followed me to the dining room table. We were alone, but all I had to do was call and Noah would be right there so I wasn’t afraid. I sat down at the table and Lucas chose a seat across from me. He folded his arms and watched me as I worked.

  I handled the journal carefully. Most of it were notes and scribbles on the stories that Pamela told me when we conversed in her home. There were a few songs written down, probably what Pamela had recalled from memory, but from what I could see, nothing that would help me in a battle against her. There were a noticeable number of pages missing, and I could only imagine it was some of the weapons I could have used. The ripped out pages did tell me that the journal was basically authentic though. Why create a fake journal for your enemy and then rip out the pages?


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