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Tackling Tobias: A Big Sky Universe Novel (Lady Boss Presents: Big Sky Universe)

Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  “Thank you again.”

  “Don’t thank me yet—you haven’t met Tobias. There isn’t a cook he hasn’t run off.”

  “Well, I ain’t got anywhere to go, so he’s just going to have to put up with me.”

  “By the way, your bedroom is up the stairs and it’s the door to the left of the landing. The housekeeper’s room is usually down here, but he’s having it remodeled.”

  “Great.” We hug again and then she slips on her shoes and leaves.

  Chapter 3


  “Presents! Uncle Tobias, wake up! It’s time for presents!” Junior says, standing next to my bed with his face inches from mine. I jolt backwards, hitting my head on the headboard.

  “Santa came!” Brandon’s jumping on my bed near my face. Holy shit. What a wake-up call.

  “Boys! Leave your uncle alone,” Landon says from the doorway with a smirk on his face like a prick. He probably sent their asses in here.

  “We can’t open presents until he comes down,” Junior complains, but he follows his father’s gentle command.

  “What about you, boy? I haven’t had my coffee. It’s been a long time since I tackled anyone.”

  “Oh no. Daddy, help,” Brandon cries out, trying to crawl off the large bed but I’m too quick. I take him down on the mattress and tickle him until he calls out. “I sender. I sender.”

  Landon shakes his head. “Teach you to wake a grizzly bear. He’s in hibernation, boys.”

  “Come on, Uncle Bear,” Landon Jr. adds before following his daddy out.

  “I’m coming. I’m just saying there better be a big cup of coffee waiting for me.” Landon nods and leads the boys out.

  I look and the sun’s already out, which is late for me, but I’d been up for an hour waiting for them to rush in when I finally let sleep get to me. The boys usually get their parents first and then me. Grandma was the one to send them to wake me last year. Damn, I miss my mom.

  Hopping off the bed, I hit the little boys’ room. I brush my teeth and wash my face, slip on a tee shirt that matches all the matching pajamas Lara got us. My sister really loves the whole mom life. I’m actually jealous of my brother-in-law, having found someone perfect even if she’s my little bratty sister.

  “Good morning, Lara. Merry Christmas, little sister.” I pull her into my arms. She’s already in tears. Mom would have loved this set up. Their home is gorgeous and massive, but it’s warm and inviting.

  “Merry Christmas, big brother. I’m so glad you’re here with us.”

  “They’re here with us too. They’re proud and love their babies. So let’s remember that.”

  “Coffee and hot chocolate coming,” Landon shouts, bringing in a large tray. I take my cup off and take off one of the hot chocolates.

  “Which one does this go to?” I say, looking at the cup with the name on it. “Hmm…”

  “That’s mines,” Brandon cheers with his arms up waiting.

  “Let Uncle Bear set it down for you,” Landon warns Brandon, which reminds me that he’s not old enough to do a lot on his own. I set it down and then his daddy says, “Two hands.” He’s almost three. Smart, but he’s a wild one like my sister. Landon Jr. acts more reserved. I’m not sure if he got that from his father or my father and me. It’s a trait we share.

  “So what’s up with this present business? All this rushing and yet there’s no rustling of papers and oohs followed by aahs.”

  “You heard your uncle—pass out the first gifts, buddy.” Landon holds Lara in his arms as they sit on the large sofa together. I join the boys on the floor. I don’t get to see them often, so they tend to give me a little more time with them. It also gives them a little reprieve from parent duties. We’re supposed to have a snowball fight later. My flight leaves tomorrow, and I’m soaking up all these moments with them. I spend time with Greyson and Connor, John’s boys, but these guys I see twice a year.

  “Here. This is for you, Uncle.”

  “What’s this?”

  “I think that’s the point of Christmas. Tear up that paper,” Lara says.

  I rip it open and smile. It’s the last picture with me and my mother before she died. She got dolled up after one of the girls in town came down with my mother’s nurse, and then we had a great dinner. They took pictures of us, but I’d been too sad to look at them. There’s another with all of us as well. “Lara, this is perfect.” I wipe the tears that fall from my eyes. I give her a hug, then excuse myself for a minute. She was so animated and demanded that I find the love of my life and make Reynold’s Ranch a home again. “One day, Momma. One day.”

  I place it on my nightstand in the room, then head back to the family. They waited for me, I guess. “I’m back. You could have continued without me.”

  “Mommy had to tinkle.” Landon gives me a look that says all it needs.

  “Oh.” She came back, and I could see that she had fresh tears.

  “Enough of this, you two. The pictures are going to be total shit if you keep it up,” Landon reminds us. Lara will be pissed later if she looks a total mess in them.

  A memory hits me that still embarrasses Lara. “It will be like that time you hit me in the head with your barbie house because you didn’t get the toy you wanted. I had stitches and had been crying.”

  “Oh goodness. Dad spanked me good for that one. We spent the day in the ER. It was an interesting Christmas.”

  “Yep. You better watch out for that little one.” I point toward Brandon, who has a twisted intent look on his face like he’s up to no good. I see him swipe another cookie off the tray on the table.

  “Luckily we have plenty of bail money,” Landon says, handing his wife a present.

  “Hey, I was only picked up once. And they let me go as long as I promised to be on my best behavior.”

  “Oh Lord. I’m in trouble,” Landon teases, running his hand down his face. When he pulls it away, my sister’s staring up at him and I already know what’s going to happen next. A low guttural sound comes from him before he kisses her.

  “Okay, boys. Let’s open the gifts before they get carried away.” We spend the next hour opening gifts, laughing, and taking pictures. It’s a great Christmas despite missing our parents with us.

  I’m spending my last morning with my family before heading out. The boys are playing with all their toys and we’re talking around the table. Just then, my phone’s notification goes off. It’s not the usual text message. It’s the notification of my security system. I open up the app and watch the video while Landon and Lara continue chatting. “What the fuck?” I growl.

  “I think my stalker is in my bedroom.” I really need better damn security.

  “I thought she moved on by now,” Lara says.

  “I thought she did too, but who the hell else would be in my room?” Zooming in on the footage, I get a better look at my stalker.

  She’s a petite blonde, slender but with killer curves in all the right places, and she’s walking around my bedroom. She brings in my blankets and sheets and removes the old ones, then begins making the bed. I can’t help but keep my eyes glued to my phone and this woman’s ass as she stretches across the bed to add the fitted sheet. It’s pretty hard on a California King mattress, but after two tries she gets it. I should be fuming, livid as all hell, but I’m not. She stands straight, trying to stretch out her back, and that’s the first time I get a really good look at her face. She’s beautiful. Her eyes are light grayish blue and her lips are a pale pink, but she looks tired. She has dark circles under her eyes and irrationally, I feel bad for her. If her eyes are like that, it’s because she’s probably been busy finding a way to get into my house.

  “Let me see.” Lara stands over my shoulder, trying to get a better look at the little troublemaker. Over two years ago, I started receiving fan mail to my home. Most of it was standard post, but it made no sense because my address had mostly been private unless you knew what to look for.

  “Oh my God. I know
her,” Lara gasps, grabbing my phone out of my hands. I nearly snatch it back, but she moves out of my way. “I know her. Landon, we know her.”

  “Well? Who the fuck is she?”

  “Babe, what’s her name?” She hands the phone to her husband.

  “Oh, that’s…”

  He snaps his fingers as he tries to think of this woman’s name, but Lara’s the first to get it. “Oh, it’s Ava something.”

  “Oh yeah. I remember now. She’s Ava Henry. Her father’s a big-shot District Attorney in Indiana.” I’m trying to figure out if I’ve ever come across her before, and I can’t for the life of me. I would have known and more than likely asked her out.

  “Well, I don’t know her. I’ve never met her. Why is she stalking me?”

  “I’m actually shocked that she’d be stalking you. She was dating one of the guys we saw her with at the gala last time. Are you sure she’s your stalker?”

  “Why else would a woman who goes to parties with you two be in my bedroom?”

  “I don’t know, but somehow she didn’t give me that impression, and I don’t think that when I spoke to her I even mentioned I had a brother.”

  “Well, thanks, Lara,” I say sarcastically.

  “It’s so women don’t start fawning over your celebrity. You know you hate it anyway.”

  “I do.”

  “Funny, she made your bed and walked out. That doesn’t look like someone who’s stalking you.” I take my phone away from my brother-in-law. Irrationally, I’m jealous of him looking at her in such a private place. It’s my bedroom and she doesn’t belong in there, but then again, a part of me doesn’t want to let her walk out of the room.

  “Landon’s right. She would be rolling around in your sheets.”

  “Maybe she’s taking those as a souvenir or some shit,” I grumble. Why else would she be in there?

  “I don’t know, big brother.” She rubs my back as I stare at the still I captured on my phone.

  I try to call John, but it goes straight to voicemail. I try several of the guys, but I can’t get through to any of them. “Strange. I can’t seem to get ahold of a single employee and it’s not going to voicemail.”

  Just then, my phone rings. I answer, listen, and then hang up. “It’s the driver here to pick me up to take me to the airport.”

  “Are you sure you want to go to the house? You should call the cops first.”

  “No. I’ll call John and leave him a message. There was a strong storm. Maybe it knocked out some towers or the power.”

  “Honestly, I don’t think she’s a stalker. Why wouldn’t she find a reason to bump into you? She’s met us, and if she’s your stalker, then she knows Lara’s your sister. Besides, I’m a good judge of character, and she didn’t give me those psycho vibes.”

  As I’m getting ready to leave, John tries to call but it keeps breaking up. About two hours later, he shoots me a text right before I board my flight. Power out, charged phone in truck, taking kids to my in-laws. Down lines and trees. Gonna head back and work on restoring power. Sorry.

  As I sit in my seat, my thoughts go to my stalker. I really hope she isn’t because something’s pulling me to her. The thought of her long blonde hair wrapped around my fist as I thrust my cock into her does nothing to help me sleep. I can’t shake this woman from my mind the entire flight. When I fall asleep, I dream of her taking me deep. Thankfully, rough turbulence jolts me awake before I make a total ass of myself. Shaking my head, I try to remove this woman from my mind.

  Needing a drink, I flag down the flight attendant. I’m acting like a damn pervert. At least my dick is facing along the crease in my pants so that no one notices that I’m sporting a hard-on for a woman I don’t know, and I should despise.

  Six and a half hours later, I’m at the airport in Montana waiting for my ride. The storm cut off all the power and John is working with the guys to get all the backup generators working, so I take an Uber to the ranch. I had no idea if it would be safe or if there was good cause for concern.

  “The roads are terrible right now.”

  “Just take it slow.”

  “Thanks. People want to rush it, but it’s not worth ending up in a ditch.” All I can think about is my stalker and wondering if she’s still in my home.

  “I’m exhausted, and I can’t wait to get home,” I mutter to myself as we pull into the gate. I pay the driver extra because it’s the holidays and I bet he probably had to work yesterday as well.

  “Wow, thank you, Mr. Reynolds.” We shake hands and then I take my luggage up the porch steps when I see a cup of coffee on there. I didn’t leave coffee out when I left, did I? Could she still be here?

  Maybe one of the guys left it when the power went out, but I wonder what awaits me.

  I enter the house, but there’s only a couple of candles lit. We have multiple large generators, but I had no idea that they weren’t enough. Only the basic lights work. Most of the house has been rewired so that if a power outage happens, a lower voltage of lights kick in with the generator.

  Suddenly, I get a whiff of Italian food in the air. Strange. Setting my luggage off to the side, I follow my nose to the kitchen, trying to figure out who the fuck is in my house. Maybe it’s Louisa, maybe it’s my stalker. I can’t seem to get her out of my head.

  I nudge the kitchen door open to see the tiniest little woman with long blonde hair pinned up in a messy bun standing in front of my stove and singing. It’s the same fucking woman who was in my bedroom. A pair of tight black leggings encase her legs, hugging her thighs. She’s wearing a long sweater that acts almost like a dress. One side hangs off her shoulder. The hint of a pink bra strap is visible, and I want to bite that creamy skin between the fabric. “Fuck,” I groan out.

  “Ah,” she screams, turning with a spoon in her hand. I barely dodge most of the sauce that leaves the spoon with the momentum. “Oh my God. Who are you? What are you doing in here?”

  My brows rise up. If she’s my stalker, she should know who I am. Is this a game? Either way, I can’t seem to look away. I take in her fucking sexy face. Wide, bright bluish-grey eyes with dark eyelashes. Her perfectly pouty lips are parted in fear, and I want to kiss them. A few strands of hair slip out of the bun and frame her round face.

  Suddenly, I see a little girl who looks just like her. Fuck, I’m losing it. Then I remember that I’m supposed to figure out why there’s a sexy angel in my house cooking. God, please don’t tell me she’s a crazy fan turned stalker.

  “I’m in my home, as a matter of fact. Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing here?” I growl out, trying to fight the need to cross the room and dominate her.

  “I’m Ava. Your new cook.”

  “New cook?” I haven’t hired anyone. I wonder if she’s on the wrong ranch, and they told her to make herself at home here. No. That can’t be. I’m sure she can’t be confused. God, she’s beautiful.

  “Didn’t John tell you?” she says, putting one hand on her hip as she sets the spoon down on a little thing on the middle of the stove that I never noticed before. Something about the familiarity she has with John makes me angry. Yep, that’s what I’m feeling. How does she know him? Why is she here and so close to my foreman?

  “No. He sure did not fucking tell me,” I bite out, trying to avoid this pang of jealousy. First Landon knows her, then John too. This is some bullshit.

  “I thought you’d be old.” She looks a little bothered. Her brows knit together, and she frowns slightly.

  “Why would you think that?”

  “He said you were an asshole.”

  “Oh, an asshole?”

  “Not in quite those words, but something like that. He says you chase your cooks away.” I shrug because he’s absolutely right about that. I’m an asshole who chases shitty employees out, but this little thing can stay forever as far as I’m concerned.

  “And what about you, darling? Are you going to run?” I challenge, licking my lips like the big bad wolf. That�
��s when I notice that it’s not fatigue marring her eyes. She’s got one hell of a shiner.

  “Nope. Got nowhere to go. So I apologize about the pasta sauce,” she says, wiping it from my face with her hand. I’m shocked, and I’m even more shocked by my next move. I catch her hand and lift it to my mouth, sucking the sauce from her finger. A moan escapes me and then I turn on my heels.

  I step out of the kitchen to let out a harsh breath. I step back in and say, “You’re hired.” Then, I march right out the front door to find John. He and I are in need of a serious discussion. I stop mid stride, thinking about the mark on her face. Did I imagine that? Somehow I doubt it.

  Hurrying up, I see John approaching me. “Unless you want to get dropped, you better explain why there’s a woman in my house who seems to know you well.”

  “Are you insinuating that I’d cheat on Louisa?” he snarls out, narrowing his eyes at me. Damn. Okay, I asked the wrong motherfucking question. Not that he’d win in a fight with me, but I might push him to snap off on me.

  “What the fuck is it, then?” I growl.

  “We found her on the side of the road, sleeping in her car. Louisa and I thought she’d be a great cook. It’s only temporary. She’s only here until her birthday. She can stay with us if you don’t want her here. She’s a great cook, though.”

  “She’s staying right where she’s at. Why didn’t you tell me before I spotted her on my camera in my bedroom?”

  “Because you would have tried to fire her on Christmas. She was just trying to make it nice for when you got home. I told her afterward that you didn’t like anyone in your room.”


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