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After the Fall: Close and Confined (Taboo Erotica) (Eden Harem Book 1)

Page 6

by Merchant, Anya

  He was watching her out of the corner of his eye. As much as he wanted to put what Molly had suggested completely out of his mind, he couldn’t, and it manifested in the way he consciously interpreted her figure.

  Every little movement Rebecca made drew more of Jack’s attention to her body, her soft curves, beautiful long hair, and long slender fingers. She was smiling slightly as she went about her knitting, a real smile, beautiful and rare under the circumstances.

  “Mom…” Jack said, finally breaking the silence late into the day. “You aren’t going to… say anything, about it?”

  Rebecca turned and looked up at him. She was still his mother, and her eyes accepted him as her son, without judgment.

  “We don’t have to say anything about it.” She cleared her throat, as though trying to clear out the tension from the room along with it. “I know it’s a hard thing to talk about, or to even think about. Let’s just wait for now, and let things play out naturally.”

  Let things play out naturally? What the hell does that mean?

  Before he could ask, his mother had stood up and begun walking towards the kitchen.

  “I’m going to get started on dinner,” she said. “I hope you don’t mind canned soup because it’s just about all we have that I can serve warm.”

  Jack found another TV show for them to watch on the monitor, this time a comedy. Rebecca brought out the food once it was ready and wordlessly passed him a bowl. Jack glanced down at it and then back up at her, frustrated by how tense things had become.

  “Mom, I don’t want to be like this,” he said. “Why don’t we just pretend that Molly never said anything, and go back to normal? We don’t have to…”

  Don’t have to what? Act like we’re in the middle of an awkward hookup?

  “That’s one way for us to deal with the tension.” His mom smiled at him, as though she had a secret that she couldn’t tell him. “I’m not sure if that’s something we really can do, though, honey.”

  Jack felt his cock stirring in his pants like an unwelcome party guest.

  “So what do you suggest, then?” He felt stupid even just asking the question, as though he was dancing around the obvious.

  “Let’s just eat a nice dinner, and enjoy each other’s company,” said Rebecca. “And then we’ll head to bed and… enjoy each other’s company there, as well.”

  She can’t possibly mean what I think she means, can she?

  The silence returned. Jack ate his food as quickly as possible to avoid having to endure it for very long. After bringing his bowl into the kitchen area and doing his best to get it clean without using much of the water, he headed into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. The face staring back him in the mirror was still his, but it looked somehow different from how it had that morning.

  “Jack, sweetie, are you okay?” called his mom.

  “Yeah mom, I’m fine.”

  He splashed some water on his face, willing his cock to relax with all of his mental might. It had the opposite effect. Thoughts began pushing their way into his head that threatened to lead in dark, forbidden directions.

  It’s just the two of us here. It might always just be the two of us from now on, and she’s gorgeous. Maybe…

  There was a soft knock on the bathroom door.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to take what I said so seriously. I love you, Jack.”

  “I know, mom.”

  He hurried to brush his teeth and then headed back out into the main room. His mother was holding a change of clothes in her hands and stepped into the bathroom in his place.

  Jack walked over to the bed with slow, suspenseful steps. He slipped out of his t-shirt and pants and climbed under the sheets in only his boxers, feeling his hard cock straining against them.

  Nothing has even happened, and I’m already this turned on. What the hell is wrong with me?

  A couple of minutes later, the bathroom door opened. Jack was in awe at what he saw behind it.

  His mom had changed out of her day clothes and into a long, baggy pink t-shirt. It was almost big enough that she wore as though it were a short fitting dress. Jack could see little flashes of her panties with every step she took as she walked over to the light switch and flicked it off.

  “There we go.” Her soft footsteps closed in on the bed. “Jack, just relax. We love each other and that’s all that really matters.”

  “Mom, this is…” Jack felt torn between his objections and what his body was telling him that it wanted, needed, even. “This feels wrong. What about… dad?”

  It hurt to bring up his father, especially at that moment above all, but he had to do it. His mother sat down on the side of the bed and brought one of her hands down on his stomach.

  “I love your father, Jack,” she said. “But you know as well as anyone what our relationship was like. He just wasn’t that type of man. I loved him, but as a friend, rather than as a partner, at least in that way.”

  She slipped closer to him on the bed.

  “But even putting that aside, sweetie, that’s not what this is about,” she whispered. “This isn’t about repopulating the world, either.”

  “Then… what is it about?” whispered Jack. “Mom?”

  She slid under the sheets, her heat joining Jack’s in the bed. One of her hands cupped his cheek, and the other slid down to the waistband of his boxers.

  “I love you, sweetie.” Her words were infused with love, and nothing but. “I have so much love for you and I want to make you happy, even if it means exploring new places, and new feelings.”

  Her fingers traced a path over the fabric of Jack’s boxers, and he couldn’t stifle a moan.

  “Mom…” His words were hot, and full of treble. “That’s my…”

  “I know.” Rebecca softly gripped his hard on through his boxers with her thumb and forefinger. Jack felt it throbbing under her touch, bustling with sensation like a tea kettle nearing a boil.

  She’s really doing it.

  His mom leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Her breasts pushed up against Jack’s shoulder through her shirt, and he could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra. In all of his sexually inexperienced life, Jack had never even come close to feeling anything that could compare.

  “There’s no rush,” said his mother. “We can slowly get closer to each other, Jack. Take our time, and enjoy each other’s company.”

  She took one of Jack’s hands and slowly brought it to her breast. It felt soft under his fingers, and bigger than he had thought it would. Jack was groping it without her guidance after only a second.

  Rebecca ran all of her fingers under Jack’s waistband and then slowly began to pull his boxers down. She had to stretch it all the way to let her son’s cock spring out, and it vibrated back and forth, like a guitar string that she had just plucked.

  “Let me know if this is still too weird for you,” she whispered. “I mean, I am your mother.”

  Why did she have to say that? This is so wrong!

  As her hand closed around Jack’s cock, precum dribbled out of the tip. Rebecca ran her thumb over it, smearing it around the skin of his dick as though she was trying to polish it. The sensation was phenomenal, and Jack’s hips jerked up involuntarily.

  “There we go, doesn’t that feel good?” His mother was speaking in the same voice that she had used to comfort him as a kid, the same one that was soft and silky and reserved for things like back massages, and getting his hair washed in the bath, and having her put a band aid on a scraped knee.

  I shouldn’t be enjoying this. It’s sick and embarrassing.

  Rebecca slowly began to move her hand up and down his shaft, only making light, gentle contact at first. She adjusted her breathing to be in time with each stroke, as though she was turning the hand job into something almost spiritual, a form of meditation.

  “Mom…” whispered Jack. “This… this is…”

  What am I saying? I’ve never been more ashamed o
f anything in my entire life. I can’t let it feel good.

  “I know.” She pushed her body in closer to him and began to push forward each time she’d pump her hand down his cock. “It’s only natural. And we love each other.”

  She’s my mom. I love her, but this goes above and beyond that.

  “Just relax,” said Rebecca. “You’re allowed to enjoy this, Jack. I give you permission.”

  She tightened her hand around his cock a little, and Jack suddenly found it hard to stay quiet. Little moans began to escape his throat, as though drawn out by the intense pleasure his mother was forcing onto him. She was playing his cock like an instrument, lavishing him with music that typically went unheard, an off limits sonata of forbidden love.

  “It feels good.” The words came out of Jack’s mouth against his will. “Oh god, mom!”

  “Shhhhhh,” she whispered. “It’s okay, sweetie.”

  Her free hand caressed his cheek and then ran through his hair. She was pushing against him faster now, too, as if trying to dirty dance with the side of his waist. Jack turned his face towards her and buried it against her breasts as she intensified her pace, jerking him off with gentle determination.

  “Oh, wow…” Jack couldn’t believe how good it felt. “Mom!”

  This can’t be happening…

  He didn’t want to believe how good it felt, didn’t want to believe that such insane pleasure could come from something so taboo and disgusting. She was his mother, and after all the years of raising him and supporting him in life, she had crossed the ultimate line.

  “You don’t have to hold back now,” she said. “Whenever you’re ready, just go right ahead.”

  Jack was bucking his hips into the air furiously. It was too dark to see his mom’s face, but somehow, he knew that it was a mirror of illicit lust, just the same as his.

  We’ve been trapped down here, bored, this entire time, with this right under the surface.

  He wanted to hold out for as long as he could. He wanted to strip his mom’s clothes off, to kiss her deeply, to press his body against hers and feel all of her. But her hand continued to pump up and down, giving him the hand job of a lifetime, and Jack had reached his limit.

  “Mom!” He pushed his hips up one last time and began to blow his load. Rebecca had already pulled the sheets back, and she dutifully moved in closer to his cock as cum began to spray out, collecting it in her shirt. Pleasure coursed through Jack’s body as though he’d taken the ultimate drug, and he stared at his mother’s silhouette against the darkness.

  She’s still taking care of me. It’s almost like I have a runny nose, and she’s using her stained shirt to wipe it up with.

  “Just relax, Jack,” whispered his mom. “Don’t worry. This is a good thing. This is how it has to be from now on.”

  “Mom…” Jack could barely find the words for what he was feeling. All the guilt and shame that his lust had been pushing to the side during the act was hitting him like a ton of bricks. Rebecca continued milking the cum out of his cock, getting every last drop of it as Jack’s afterglow melted him into the bed.

  “I’m going to change my shirt,” said his mom. “We should head to bed now. Tomorrow is another day.”

  “Okay…” whispered Jack.

  She’s right, tomorrow is another day. And I’ll have to wake up and deal with what just happened.


  Jack was shaken awake, and it took him much longer than it should have to realize what was going on.

  “Earthquake!” He cast the sheets off himself and tried to stand up next to the bed, falling as his foot hit the shifting ground and slipped underneath him.

  “Jack, get away from the walls!” His mom was still in bed, as far as he could tell. All around them the stacked storage containers were falling, their contents spilling out as they crashed down.


  The shaking was at least as intense as any of the earthquakes in the days prior. Jack struggled to stand up and climbed back onto the bed, feeling through the dark for his mother and pulling him close.

  “It’s okay, we’re okay!” Rebecca pulled him in close against her, as much for her sake as for his. The reinforced metal roof above them was groaning, stressed to its limits, and Jack expected the worst.

  It was at least a minute before the shaking finally subsided. Jack was still clinging tightly to his mom, his heart beating as if in solidarity for the intensity of the quake.

  “Is it… over?” He asked, less to his mom and more to the ground. The emergency shelter was eerily still, as if nothing had ever happened to begin with. The room was silent, with only their intense, fearful breathing carrying over the air.

  “I think it might be,” whispered his mom. She set her hand on his head and squeezed him, her breasts pushing up against his chest and reminding him of the night before.

  This is life or death. None of that matters now.

  “I’m going to turn the light on,” said Jack. “We have to get a sense of what the damage was.”

  Still in his boxers, he stood up and made his way over to the main door that led up to the surface, pawing for the switch next to it. Nothing happened when he flicked it up.

  “What is it, sweetie?” asked his mom.

  “The power is out.”

  He remembered all of the times the power had gone out when he was a kid, cutting him off from the computer, or his video games, and almost smiled.

  This is about a thousand times worse than that.

  “The power is out?” asked Rebecca. “That means…”

  It means that we’re fucked.

  Jack bit his lip, unable to think of anything constructive to say. His heart was aching inside his chest, and part of him wanted just to sit down and give up. They’d already given up so much, to lose one of the few creature comforts that they had left was the ultimate demoralizer.

  “We can fix it!” announced Rebecca. “At least, I think we can. I saw some backup fuses, wires, and equipment in one of the storage boxes that might be able to help.”

  Jack’s eyes still couldn’t adjust to the darkness, which was total and all consuming. He pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and turned it on, the light from the screen giving it a use again at last.

  “Jesus,” he muttered. The main room was a complete mess. Clothes and supplies were scattered everywhere. Luckily, the roof was still in one piece, and without any cracks, as far as he could tell.

  “This is fixable,” said his mom. “I can clean all of this up. Getting the power back on should be our main focus.”

  Jack thought carefully for a second about what they needed to do. Slowly, he looked over towards the main door and the stairs.

  “Mom,” he said. “I’m going to go up to the surface.”

  He saw his mom shake her head in the darkness and stand up from her bed.

  “That’s ridiculous, Jack!” She started towards him. “You’ll end up-“

  “Molly said that the temperature would be low enough today.” Jack was already opening the door to the stairs. “I’ll just crack the top door open and take a peak.”

  “Jack, what is the point?” Rebecca’s voice was sad and almost defeated. “You’re just going to see…”

  I’m just going to see the destruction. Everything that’s been destroyed. I know.

  “Mom, it might not just be a wiring issue,” he said. “The shelter is powered by solar panels, remember? After what Molly told us about the fire that swept over anything, there’s almost no chance that they’re still working. This will be a good time to see if we can set up some of the replacement ones.”

  His mother didn’t say anything, but he could tell that she wanted to.

  “Fine,” she said softly. “But I’m coming with you.”

  The two of them took a minute to get dressed, a slightly frustrating task to have to do in the darkness, and then headed up the stairs. Jack felt as though every step made him a little more anxious, and he paused befor
e turning the door handle after gripping it.


  He felt one of his mom’s hands settle on his shoulder.

  “Alright, here we go.”

  He pushed the door open about a third of the way and flinched back at the light that streamed in. It was brighter than anything he had ever seen before, bright enough to make his eyes sting and give him a mild headache.

  “Jesus,” he whispered.

  “The air… It’s still breathable.” Rebecca slid her hand through the opening. “And it’s not that hot, at least not to the point of being dangerous.”

  The two of them waited for about a minute, letting their eyes adjust, and then Jack opened the door further. What he saw was completely different from the last time they’d been outside, right after the first earthquake and before the sky ignited.

  The cellar’s foundation was still there, but coating it was a thick layer of ash and ruin. The house that Jack had grown up in was gone, and in its place was nothing more than a several inch deep pile of soot and charred pieces of scrap.

  “This is unbelievable,” he whispered. Even after seeing the Earth from Molly’s perspective, and seeing the damage that the flames had done, it was still hard for him to process just how complete the destruction had been.

  “We’ll have to climb up carefully,” said his mom. “There isn’t really anything for us to get a boost on.”

  Jack glanced up at the sky as they walked into the empty cellar and over to the earthen wall on the other side. There were no clouds in sight, not even a hint of the smoke and smog that they’d seen when Molly had showed them her view. The sun hung against a brilliant blue backdrop, completely oblivious to anything being out of the ordinary.

  “I think I can make it up on my own if I get a running start,” said Jack. “Here, I can give you a boost.”

  His mom nodded, and stepped her foot into his clasped hands. Her sweatpants were tight against her thighs and butt, and Jack found himself shamefully aroused by the sight as she swayed right in front of his line of vision.


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