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Playing the Perfect Boyfriend (Gone Hollywood)

Page 9

by Julie Particka

  Bending over her, he kissed her shoulder. “I trust you completely. Do you still want me to go slow?”

  She twisted her face to the side, and he was nearly close enough to kiss, but not quite—almost like he was trying to torture her by staying just out of reach. “No. I want you to do whatever feels right to you.”

  His eyebrow shot up, and the devilish grin she loved so much made an appearance. “Oh really?”

  The next thing she knew, his hand was in her hair, fisting it right at her skull and drawing her head back enough to pull her upper body off the mattress. His other hand found her breast, pinching at her nipple as he plunged into her ass over and over again. Too much. Too much…

  The vibe. Get rid of that…

  But the instant she shifted her hand away from her clit, Dean put it right back. “I want you lost in feeling. I want you coming until you can’t orgasm anymore.” He thrust into her so hard her breath caught. “I want you drowning in sensation, just like I am.”

  She couldn’t speak, but her nod apparently told him enough because he rode her hard, thrusting into her ass with abandon, pulling her hair, fingers digging into her breast, teeth biting down on her shoulder. Jade didn’t know what sounds, if any, she made as his relentless assault on her senses pushed her to another orgasm and then another. All she knew for certain was she felt him everywhere.

  And it was the most erotic experience she’d had in her entire life.


  Dean had never felt so fucking alive before. Or so fucking tired.

  He curled next to Jade, tugging her close to spoon against his front. She murmured sleepily, “Not sure I can go another round tonight, tiger.”

  “Tiger?” He growled against her neck. “Since when?”

  “Since you left that delicious set of dental records on my shoulder.”

  He brushed her hair, still damp from their cleanup shower, off her shoulder, revealing the teeth marks. Damn. That was going to bruise. “I really didn’t mean to bite you that hard.”

  “Never ever apologize to me unless I actually sound mad, otherwise I’ll worry you didn’t have as much fun as I did.” She gathered his arm to her chest and kissed his fingertips one by one.

  Fun. He’d enjoyed the hell out of himself, but he wasn’t sure fun was the first word that came to mind when he thought about what they’d done together. It didn’t seem big enough.

  He’d known Jade was older and more experienced than him when they first hooked up, but he was starting to wonder if there was anything she wouldn’t try. Any fantasy he had, she’d likely offer to indulge, and the more they had sex, the more he started to think—to hope—that maybe, just maybe, when the time came, she wouldn’t want to give him up, either.

  Life in the system had taught him that forever was a pipe dream, but she was starting to make him believe that dreams really could come true. If they didn’t, he never would have found her to begin with.

  He didn’t know how to tell her how much what they had together meant to him. How much he didn’t want it to end. One thing he knew for sure was he never wanted her to feel taken for granted, not when she was with him. “Thank you for tonight.”

  Laughter shook her body. “Why are you thanking me for sex? I didn’t do that for you. I wanted sex, too. It was for both of us.”

  It was more than a little silly when she put it like that, and the last thing he wanted was for her to feel like sex was a chore to be gotten through. “Not for the sex exactly, more for not balking at me being a first-timer.”

  “Everyone is a first-timer at some point. I like that I was your first.” Her words were slow, drawn out with sleepiness.

  “I like that you were, too. Go to sleep, kitten.” He kissed her softly on the back of her neck.

  As she drifted off, he stared out the window at the lights of the city. He hadn’t lied—he was glad he’d been with her, but he couldn’t help but wonder how far into his bag of fantasies he’d have to dig until he found something where they could be each other’s firsts.

  It wasn’t anything he’d even considered wanting…until right now.

  Chapter Nine

  Three weeks.

  Three weeks of the best sex of his life.

  Three weeks of discovering Jade and reaching the conclusion that if ever there was a woman he wanted to spend his life with…she was it. And it was damn well time he started letting her know.

  After a long day of read-throughs and blocking, Dean strode into Jade’s studio, carrying a bottle of wine and a picnic basket. It was Friday night and, as far as he was concerned, they had an appointment with the sex swing downstairs in her on-site bedroom.

  When he stepped inside the building, he eased the door shut behind him. Jade’s rules: no interrupting work. She should have been done by now, but her assistant’s car was still outside, which probably meant the shoot was running late. He’d just hang out down here until…

  “And then my papa came outside, rattling a saber in his hand and shouting, ‘For the honor of the All-father!’”

  Women’s laughter rang out overhead, but Dean stiffened. What the fuck was Alfredsson doing here? Whatever the reason, it clearly wasn’t a photo shoot. He set the food down next to the stairs and jogged up to the studio.

  Inside, Jade stood near her computer while Lilah messed with the backdrops and props. Alfredsson, on the other hand, was right in front of the door, still talking about Norse mythology and his family while swinging an imaginary sword. “It was ridiculous, but he insists we… Oh, Dean. Hello.”

  “Isak.” Dean nodded as he stepped into the studio. “What’s going on?”

  “Jade had a last-minute cancellation, and I decided to fill it.”

  Yeah. That’s probably not the only thing of Jade’s you want to fill, jackass. He couldn’t say that, though. This was the time for unmitigated professionalism. “And did you get what you wanted?” He hoped to hell not.

  “Not sure. How’d we do, Jade?” Alfredsson strode over to the computer.

  “I don’t know about you, but I like these three best.” She clicked a few keys on her computer and backed away as he leaned in. She met Dean’s gaze across the room and gave a wan smile.

  That quiet expression and her distance from Isak put his stress and jealousy in check…a little. Not only was he out of line trying to keep them apart, she wasn’t acting as if she was trying to get together with him anyway. This was probably exactly what it looked like on the surface—a last-minute appointment with an old boyfriend. If he kept that in mind, staying polite wouldn’t be nearly as difficult.

  Then Alfredsson grabbed Jade by the wrist and drew her closer, murmuring something. And he didn’t let her go.

  Nope. Dean was wrong. Even the surface explanation sounded like bad news when the Swede touched her like that.

  Somehow since their dinner out with Alfredsson, Dean had managed to pretend there was no other guy, no plan, no risk of losing Jade because of anything other than his own stupidity. In this very moment, he realized he couldn’t do that anymore. He had to play this just right, at least if he had any hope of keeping Jade with him.

  Then again, he had the whole magical night with good food and the sex swing on the agenda. Alfredsson couldn’t exactly compete with that using nothing but a photo shoot and a hand on her wrist.

  “Actually,” the Swede said, pointing at the screen, “I think this one might be a better choice—a little more animated hero than romantic hero.”

  While Jade was busy dealing with the photos, Lilah came over and set down her basket of props. One at a time, she returned them to their proper places. “How have you been?”

  Her words drew his attention from Jade and Isak. “Huh?”

  “It doesn’t really matter what I said. I was just trying to distract you before you turn purple or dig your fingernails through your palms. There’s nothing to worry about over there.” She jerked her head toward the others.

  “How can you be so sure?” Dean forced hi
mself to open his fists.

  Lilah flipped golden blond hair over her shoulder. “Because they didn’t work. She dated him once upon a time, and it failed. Absolutely no point to the jealousy seething from your every pore.”

  Right. Lilah didn’t know Jade was trying to win Isak back. “That doesn’t mean they couldn’t get together again.”

  “But she’s with you, and it’s probably the happiest I’ve ever seen her.”

  Really? He knew things were good, but Jade hadn’t backed away from the plan at all. Dean wanted to believe Lilah, but he wasn’t going to be able to relax as long as Alfredsson was in town. And it didn’t help that the guy was standing so close to Jade, now with his hand on her waist like they were physically attached. He turned away and said, “Were you her assistant back then?”

  “Not officially. I did an internship with her for a couple months, during which time I realized I was a lot more comfortable answering the phones and setting appointments than I was manning the camera. I saw the end of their relationship, but we weren’t friends then. I was just the watch-and-learn girl.”

  So she didn’t know, not really.

  Which meant it was time for Dean to pull out all the stops. Food. Wine. Sex swing. And then showing her off at the Providence Academy screening party tomorrow. He was going to make sure Jade knew, without question, exactly how special she was to him.

  He’d get started on that…just as soon as fucking Alfredsson left.


  It was weird. Jade had been in Hollywood as a photographer for ten years and dating men in the industry for the better part of that. But this was the first screening party she’d ever attended as a guest.

  Actually, it was the first big party of any sort she’d attended in anything other than an official capacity. None of the other men she’d been with had considered her an important enough part of their lives to bring her out like this. Not even Isak.

  But Dean had.

  This wasn’t a see-and-be-seen event that would push her agenda with Isak forward. They were past that being necessary until the time came for things to fall apart.

  It seemed Dean wanted her with him just because he wanted her.

  The sensation was so foreign, she wasn’t sure how to deal with it, especially not when he was going out of his way to introduce her to everyone as his girlfriend. Granted, he had on his public face the whole time, but it was like that first night at the movie premiere, as soon as he touched her, he seemed to relax.

  “And this is my co-star, Brittany Larsen. Brittany, this is my girlfriend and photographer extraordinaire, Jade Easler.”

  The tiny brunette in a barely there mini-dress shook her hand as if Jade had something and it was contagious by touch. “You’re the girlfriend we’ve been hearing so much about?”

  He’d been talking her up on set? That was news to Jade. “Unless Dean can travel through time and hasn’t told me, I must be.” Jade shot him a look. “Though if you can travel through time and haven’t won us one of the big Powerball jackpots yet, we’re breaking up.”

  He laughed and pulled her closer. “No time traveling. You are definitely my girl.” Someone caught his eye, and his grip tightened—more schmoozing he clearly didn’t want to do. “Sorry to cut you short, Britt, but we have to go say hi to Jefferson.”

  Jefferson Caldwell, producer of Providence Academy, was a well-known feature in the teen drama scene, but this was Jade’s first time meeting him. Considering how uptight Dean seemed about the whole thing, she made every effort to be on her best behavior. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Caldwell.”

  “You as well, Ms. Easler. Your reputation precedes you.”

  Uh oh.

  “And which reputation is that?” She tried not to squirm as the pause stretched longer and longer. Never in her life had Jade been ashamed of her choices, but she didn’t like the idea that someone might have been spreading stories.

  Finally, Caldwell grinned, showing pearly white veneers. “As a photographer, of course. Your work is nothing short of inspired.”

  “Thank you.” The pause had been long enough, however, that she didn’t fully trust his words, and she was glad when they were finally able to move on. That encounter only proved how important it was she find one guy she could trust to stick around forever. If former flings were ensuring she had a less impeccable reputation, it would eventually affect her career.

  The career she was looking at largely abandoning to be with Isak.

  She tried not to think about it, but an hour later, when Caldwell asked to speak to Dean, she politely bowed out, claiming sore feet. The reality was, she’d rather be alone than be an object of scrutiny while Dean was working the room.

  What was she doing? She needed stability for her own sanity and to keep her career from going off the rails due to rumors. But the guy willing to provide that security lived on another continent. Sure, she’d be able to travel back for prime assignments, but how long would it be until she was forgotten in favor of someone new—someone present?

  Was she really the photographer people would cross continents to shoot with? She wanted to believe it, she was sure Dean would believe it of her, but when she thought about Isak, about what he wanted… Kids first, career second. That’s what he thought a woman’s priorities should be.

  What the hell was she doing? Giving up the security of her career for the security of a relationship? Did that even make sense? Did she want it to? Did some secret, quiet part of her crave being taken care of by a husband?

  She needed to sit down and desperately wanted a drink. Her ass had barely hit the chair to give her feet a break from the five-inch heels when a familiar brunette slid into the seat next to her. Jade had met her earlier, but there had been too many faces, most of them too damn new to the scene.

  “So, you’re Dean’s girlfriend.”

  It wasn’t a question, so Jade didn’t bother answering with a yes or no. Something about the way the brunette said it seemed like a judgment. Or at the very least a sizing up. “And remind me who you are?”

  “Brittany, and I’m trying to figure out what it is about you that he likes so much.”

  That’s right. Brittany Larsen—the actress playing the student in lust with Dean’s teacher character. And definitely judgey. Better to nip this in the bud now, especially considering Jade’s mood after the earlier conversation with Caldwell. “I suppose you’ll have to ask him.”

  “I have.”

  This was getting old fast. Blisters all over her feet would’ve been more fun. “And?”

  “He told me to mind my own damn business. So, here I am, minding.”

  Which meant Dean had told her to fuck off—politely. Jade wasn’t in the mood to play that nice. “Ah, but you’re minding my business rather than your own. He likes me. I like him. What more is there you really need to know?”

  “I don’t need to know anything, but I’m trying to understand. You’re old. You’re fat. And you’re not even famous. What the hell can you do for him?”

  And there it was, on the table—all the things the tabloids hadn’t been awful enough to mention yet. They probably would eventually, but for now she and Dean were seen as enough of a curiosity that their differences didn’t matter. Which was one damn good reason events like this probably shouldn’t be in her future. She didn’t want to deal with being some asshole reporter’s focal point.

  This chick, on the other hand, was here in person, and she wasn’t a power player. Jade had no problem dealing with her. “As the girl who’s supposed to be playing hot-for-teacher, you might want to take notes.” She ticked off items on her fingers. “First, age differences are sexy. Please see dozens of recent movies, shows, or books to catch up on that. Second, crazy as it sounds, he likes women with curves. He likes boobs, and he likes an ass that he can grab hold of. He likes the way my body looks in clothes and naked. Oh, and as for the clothes, he likes that I dress to flaunt my curves without looking like I charge by the hour. Which is mor
e than I can say for you. Beyond all that, we laugh a lot and enjoy the hell out of each other’s company.”

  Dean came back into the room, and Jade stood, ready to put some distance between herself and Brittany I’m-hot-so-I-can-be-as-bitchy-as-I-want Larsen, but the way he looked at her, like he was ready to leap across the room, pin her to the floor, and ravage her right here and now made heat rush to all the right places. Or the right places for their limo ride back to the W at any rate.

  Smiling again, she leaned toward Brittany and said, “Oh, and lastly, I rock his fucking world when we have sex. And we have sex a lot. Now that your business about us is all minded, you have a great night.”

  She didn’t bother giving Brittany a chance to get in another word. No matter how much she thought she’d like this whole cast party thing, there was one thing she knew without a doubt she’d like more. And it was coming toward her right now.

  Dean had picked up a couple glasses of champagne on his way back across the room, but she took them both from him and set them on a nearby table. “What do you say we get out of here, go back to my place, and watch a movie?”

  He arched a brow at her. “And by movie you mean porn?”

  The fact that they were so damned simpatico was the very best thing about their relationship.

  “And by watch, I mean re-create.”

  “Kitten, I swear to God, I thought you’d never ask.”

  Grinning, she turned toward the exit, but the next thing she knew, Dean had swept her into his arms. “What are you doing? I can walk.”

  “No you can’t. You’re limping. What the hell kind of asshole would I be to make you walk? Especially since I want you to leave those fuck-me heels on when we get back home.”

  Laughing, she buried her face against the crook of his neck. Screw Jefferson Caldwell and whatever he’d heard about her. Screw Brittany Larsen and her attitude, too. Jade had Dean, and that was all that mattered.


  Jade never had brought up Isak’s surprise photo shoot, and Dean was beyond glad. That conversation might have tarnished their incredible Friday night and potentially the electric night together after the screening party. The plan had been to take Sunday a little easier, spending some time lounging by the rooftop pool and going out to dinner, but there’d been an “emergency” call for an impromptu A-lister’s wedding, and it wasn’t the kind of job Jade could really pass up.


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