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Mr. Principal

Page 16

by Summer Cooper

  I’d never had a man do that to me before and I didn’t know how I felt about it. As his tongue brushed against my clit, I quickly changed my mind. I knew exactly how I felt about it. I liked it. And I wanted him to never stop.

  “Don’t stop,” I said growing bolder and spreading my legs wider on the narrow twin bed to give him better access.

  He moved then and kneeled between my legs to bring himself closer. I wantonly gripped his head and rode his mouth, rotating my hips against his lips as he sucked and licked my clit, my folds, and then penetrated me with his tongue, teasing my entryway until I was wet and dripping.

  He reached past me and opened a drawer. I realized he was putting on a condom. He quickly sheathed himself and then wrapped my legs around his hips.

  His body was against mine and I could feel his sex nudging at my folds. I greedily tried to rub against him, trying to tip my hips up so that he was inside of me.

  But he was determined to take his time.

  “Open your eyes,” he said, and not until that moment did I realize they were closed.

  Slowly, I opened them, and he took that moment to stroke the side of my face. And then with his eyes holding mine, he moved his hips and slid slowly into me.

  My breath caught, and I tossed my head back as he filled me and stretched me. My wetness tugged at him and he groaned and began to kiss my neck as he moved inside of me.

  It had only been a moment, but I was so turned on that I instantly began to come.

  “Already?” I heard him joke as my body began to shudder, and a scream tore from my mouth. He tried to smother it by kissing me, but it was too late.

  Someone pounded on the wall next to us, but I was beyond caring. I didn’t care if the whole campus heard us.

  Tom had never made me feel as good as Carter did. Sex with Tom had always been passionless and robotic. And now I knew that was probably because he was getting it from someone else, someone probably more experienced and sexier than me.

  But Carter made me feel sexy and desirable. As he continued to move inside me, I could feel my inner muscles clenching around him, holding him and squeezing him with every thrust.

  He seemed to like it, I noticed. And I laughed, feeling powerful and wanton. Two emotions I wasn’t used to feeling while making love.

  And I wondered if this was what it was for Carter. Instead of just sex. After all, when he said he loved me I believed him, because whether I admitted it out loud or not, I deeply loved him too.

  With that thought in mind, I focused on letting my body say the words I couldn’t speak. I let my hands wander across his shoulders, memorizing the feel of his warm skin against my palms. I dug my heels into this backside, wanting to feel him deeper inside me.

  And then I motioned for him to lean forward so that I could kiss him as he pumped into me, taking his time, as if he could do this forever.

  He pulled away just far enough to fondle my breasts and then he pulled one of my nipples into his mouth.

  “Carter,” I gasped, and he continued sucking on it until it was hard and straining towards him.

  With every tug of his mouth on my nipple, my sex clenched around him and before long, I was close to coming again. And I knew he was close too as his pace quickened and his thrusts deepened.

  “God, you feel so good,” he moaned. And then we came together, me shaking and moaning. And Carter burying himself into me one last time before grunting and collapsing against me. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled a little to his side so that his weight wouldn’t be too much for me. And we lay like that connected, just breathing. My head was pressed against his chest and I brought my hand up and just traced it across his shoulder.

  “Did you mean what you said?”

  “When I said that I loved you?”

  I nodded, suddenly too filled with emotion to speak.

  He stroked a hand over my cheek and then lowered his head to briefly kiss me on my lips.

  “I love you now, Dana. And I’ll love you forever.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I buried my head against his chest and let him just hold me. I knew in the light of day I would have to handle what I’d just done, but that evening I pushed all thoughts of Tom, infidelity—mine and his—away. Tonight, I just wanted to know what it felt like to be loved and desired.

  I said in a whisper against his chest with a boldness I wasn’t used to feeling, “Do you want to do it again?”

  His eyes shot open in surprise and I could feel him hardening inside of me again. I guess that was my answer.

  He reached for another condom and pulled out of me, quickly got rid of the old one and sheathed himself with the new one. I parted my legs and embraced him, groaning as he pushed inside of me, filling me with his heat, and his love.

  Story of Piper

  Dating Disaster

  Coming Soon

  Chapter 1

  “What in the hell are we looking at?” Dana asked me. She was clearly bewildered by the billow of fog in front of us courtesy of the fog machines placed strategically around the small, darkened, theatre. And then there were the pyrotechnics that scared me every time a flame flared up a bit too close for my comfort. I kept patting my hair and sniffing the air, hoping a strand or two hadn’t caught on fire. And of course, there were also the stage performers who went from sprouting poetry to doing back flips across the stage. Frankly, I didn’t know what was going on.

  But instead, I said, hiding a smile, “Clearly, it’s art, Dana.”

  She frowned while her eyes stayed glued on a performer who was now stripping off his clothes in the middle of the stage while doing some sort of odd interpretative dance.

  “Art? It looks like someone tried to recreate a Circque de Soleil performance but hired a bunch of high street artists.”

  That’s exactly what it looked like as I watched one of the performers belly crawl his way across the stage. That performer was my boyfriend, Jerry. I had no idea why he was crawling across the stage, but I hoped it was part of the performance, otherwise it would just be weird. Who was I kidding? ALL of this was weird.

  “It’s all very theatrical,” I paused trying to come up with the right words. “It’s supposed to be confusing…you know? Because it’s so profound.”

  “It’s not profound. It’s dumb.”

  She was right. I smothered a giggle as I looked at Dana, my best friend since college. She was right, it was stupid, but I was trying to do my best to be supportive of my boyfriend Jerry.

  He was an acrobat. A freelance acrobat he told me, and this was his first starring role in a theatre company which he co-owned with his best friend. I didn’t know if acrobats had “roles” per se, but I knew this was really important to Jerry. And there was that little known fact that I had invested in his theatre company which was strangely doing really well. I guess most people liked dumb shows. Before becoming a freelance acrobat, Jerry had been an accountant. I was pretty proud of him for pursuing his passion instead of doing the basic nine to five grind. I liked men who were different and as I watched Jerry, now wearing only his undies dancing across the stage like a Vegas stage girl, I couldn’t have been prouder.

  There must have been a look of pride on my face because I caught Dana staring at me with a look of bewilderment on hers.

  “What?” I said even though I knew where this conversation was headed.

  “I just don’t understand your taste in dudes, Piper.” She shook her head and then gestured at Jerry who was now doing handstands which wasn’t very flattering given that all his goodies kind of fell down south in that position.

  “Can’t you just date an accountant or a school teacher?”

  I made a face. “Jerry was an accountant. Operative word: was. He was bored to death. And a school teacher? Please.”

  I realized I shouldn’t have been so dismissive in my reply once Dana shot me an annoyed look.

  “Carter’s a school teacher, well at least he was. Remember? So, you’re saying your oth
er best friend is boring?”

  Carter was Dana’s husband. The three of us had gone to college together and had been best friends all four years. Carter and Dana had always had a crush on each other, but they hadn’t gotten together until years after college. And now they were happily married and had a total of three kids. One set of twins, who I think were toddlers or preschoolers now. I couldn’t really tell---All kids looked alike to me. I could never tell one age from another. I frequently mistook 6 years olds for 3 years and vice versa.

  And then there was my niece Meredith, Dana’s oldest daughter from her first marriage to my brother. Meredith was an absolute delight. I had loved that kid since I first laid eyes on her. They were just one big happy family: Dana, Carter, Meredith, and the twins. When I say that Dana and Carter were happy, I mean ecstatically happy. Dana was like a new person in comparison to the person she had been while married to my brother, Tom. The only good thing that had come from my best friend marrying my brother was my niece Meredith, otherwise, her marriage to Tom had been a waste of Dana’s youth.

  I felt that Dana had finally found herself and I was so proud of her for following her heart instead of her head. I never followed my head when it came to romance and I was fine. Just fine.

  Finally, the lights came on and sporadic, hesitant applause sounded across the theatre as the audience exchanged confused looks with each other. I owned one of those confused looks because I wasn’t sure if the show was over or if this was some sort of intermission. They had an intermission earlier which had caught all of us by surprise because the intermission included someone reciting poetry on stage which was part of, but not really part of the act. To be honest, it has just been weird and confusing. The show had only been interesting because we had no clue what was going to happen from one scene to the next.

  Dana, upon noticing that the show was indeed done, stood up happily and made her way to the exit. I trailed behind her trying to keep up. A group near me was murmuring in excitement about how much energy and pizazz the show had. I figured they were art critics because, to be honest, the show kind of sucked to everyone but art critics who wrote really positive reviews on it.

  When I caught up to Dana, she was shaking her head as if she couldn’t believe what she had just seen. “Maybe I’m a cultureless soul but give me Netflix over that any day.”

  “Dana, come on. You have to admit it was interesting.” I had to defend my investment, right? Even though it sucked?

  “Interesting in the way that decaying vegetables are interesting. Like when you find a rogue decaying vegetable in your refrigerator and you say to yourself, ‘Is that a furry carrot or just a new form of mold?’”

  “Are you comparing my boyfriend’s show to mold?”

  She thought about it and then said decisively, “Yep, I guess I am.”

  I reached out and tossed an arm around her shoulder. “That’s why you’re my best friend. I can always count on you to be painfully honest.”

  “I do my best.”

  “Don’t I know it. Let’s get a drink.”

  “We’re not waiting for Jerry?” Dana asked as we headed for the exit.

  I shook my head. “He said he needed to meet with the other investors---”

  “Other investors?” she stopped and looked at me. “Piper, tell me you didn’t.”

  I steadily kept walking, avoiding her eyes.

  She raced to keep up with me and it was only then that I realized I was practically running from the conversation I knew was inevitable.

  “You invested in his company, didn’t you?’

  I shrugged. ‘Maybe.”

  “Maybe. You can’t sort-of-kind-of invest in something,” She shook her head at me disapprovingly, “I wish you would have talked to me or Carter about this first.”

  “You guys would have just talked me out of it.”


  Sighing, I opened the door to the bar that sat a few doors down from the theatre. I was grateful for the crazy loud band that was playing up front. Now I could just have a drink in peace without worrying about a lecture. That sounded amazing.

  As soon as we settled at the bar the band announced that they were taking a break and would be back soon.

  Of course. I have the worst luck.

  “So how much money did you give him, Piper?”

  “Not much,” I mumbled.

  She gave me a skeptical glance. “Define ‘not much’. Is that more than 100 but less than a 1000?”


  She shook her head in frustration. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. “

  For some reason, I felt terrible. I was an adult. I ran a successful translation company and I had clients from three different continents. I could use my money any way I saw fit, but I felt guilty that I was funding yet another of my boyfriend’s crazy plans.

  I felt kind of like a pushover. Who was I kidding? I was a pushover. I was just too nice to say no to him. And he knew it. I guess deep down I felt taken advantage of, but I didn’t think the person I loved would take advantage of me. At least, that’s what I was convincing myself.

  “It’s fine. Really. I’m earning money from it already. So even though it probably wasn’t my smartest move. At least it’s not breaking me.”

  “That’s not the point and you know it.”

  “I invited you to have fun, not to be lectured about my life choices.” I was angry now. And I rarely became angry, but I felt like the odd woman out. To be honest, Dana’s life had been a mess before my brother divorced her. She had spent nearly a decade in a loveless marriage. And now she had the perfect family, the perfect husband, the perfect life.

  And I suddenly felt like the odd man out. My two best friends had married each other and now I was the sad friend who everyone felt sorry for. At least, that’s what it felt like. I was “Poor Piper”, who still couldn’t get it together.

  I guess Dana sensed my mood because she immediately became apologetic. “You’re right, you’re an adult. I’m sorry for trying to tell you what to do. I never listened to you and you gave me plenty of great advice over the years that I never took, so I’m not sure why I would expect you to listen to me.”

  “Maybe because I’m not stubborn and determined to the point of misery. You know, the opposite of you.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably it.”

  Our drinks appeared and we both downed them. We started talking about nothing interesting when someone slid next to me.

  The person touched me on the shoulder and I turned around and found a young lady about 18 sitting next to me. I was instantly confused. I didn’t recognize her and this bar was not for young adults really. At least, that’s what I thought.

  “Are you Piper?”

  “Uh, hi, do I know you?” I turned my body completely towards her to get a look at her.

  She shook her head and something about her eyes looked familiar. They were a strange light green with a hint of brown. Similar to Jerry’s eyes.

  “But that’s your name? Piper, right? You’re Piper? Jerry Lazarus’ girlfriend?”

  I instantly tensed up, “Is Jerry okay? Did something happen?”

  I started to stand up, when Jessica abruptly caught me around my wrist, stopping any further movement.

  I looked down at her hand and then back up at her. I didn’t understand her expression. I didn’t understand why she looked…furious.

  “I’m Jessica,” she said slowly releasing my wrist, “You probably haven’t heard of me, but I’m Jerry’s daughter.”

  Jerry had a daughter? No. He had never mentioned a daughter. That couldn’t be. This girl had to be wrong. This had to be some sort of ill-conceived prank. I frowned, “I don’t understand…I---he---” I looked back at Dana who was staring between me and the girl, trying to figure out the next piece of the puzzle. Well, she wasn’t going to find out from me, because I had no clue what was going on.

  The girl nodded to herself as if my reaction finally confirmed what
she already knew. Unfortunately, I was still very confused.

  “I guess that means you never heard of me. I figured that much,” she slid from the stool but didn’t immediately leave. She looked pensive as she grabbed her purse.

  This clearly wasn’t a prank. This lady was in pain emotionally. I could tell from her body language that she was doing all she could to not fall apart in front of us. Instinctively, I wanted to make it all better. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why Jerry never mentioned you---”

  “Maybe because he’s still married to my mom,” She said looking up from her purse to deliver the verbal blow that she knew would stun me.

  Stunned didn’t began to explain how I felt. Dana didn’t say a word, but she rested a hand against my arm. A silent but needed sign of support.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” was all I managed to get out.

  The girl reached into her purse and took out a photo. She handed it to me and said, “That was taken last week at my high school graduation.”

  With shaky hands, I took the photo in my hand and confirmed it.

  There was Jerry standing with a woman who was clearly the opposite of me in every way physically. She had red hair and was petite and curvy. They had their arms wrapped around each other and smiled towards the camera, while the young lady who stood before me now smiled big in between them. Now I knew why her eyes looked so familiar. She had her dad’s eyes.

  “Which high school did you graduate from?” Dana asked. I wondered why she was making conversation while I was trying to process that I was an adulterer.

  “Southlake Creek High,” the girl said. “Why?””

  “No reason.”

  “You think I’m lying or something?” Jessica shrieked. Her shoulders were tense and her breathing erratic. She was clearly getting more upset by the minute. I didn’t blame her. If the roles were reversed, and I had been the one to find out that my dad was cheating on my mom, I would be unable to keep it together.


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