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Rescue Bear: Cortez (Silvertip Shifters)

Page 9

by J. K Harper

  This man, this bear, was a warrior with a huge heart. He might be gravelly and angry and raging at himself under the surface, but that wasn't the real him, the only him. Deeper inside, in the part of him that was most honest and genuine, he was peaceful and kind and wanted nothing more than to help others. She could see that about him as clearly as anything.

  She fumbled with her bra, but he said, "Let me." His voice went quiet, so quiet in the room. He reached forward, put his hands around her back, undid the clasp. Gently slid the powder blue straps of her bra off her arms, letting the whole thing fall to the floor, leaving her bare in front of him. Exposed.

  It wasn't scary, having Cortez look at her. Oh god, no. It was sexier than anything. His gaze was utterly worshipful. "Damn, woman. Damn." It was all he said but all he needed to. His eyes went back up to hers as he reached down and undid the front of her pants, shimmying them down off her hips. She stepped out of them, kicked them aside, her breath hitching in her throat. He hooked his big thumbs on the other side of her underwear and slid it down as well, kissing her along the way. His lips on her neck, down to her breasts, first one, then the other, his tongue swirling and dragging across her nipples. A ragged gasp exploded out of her as his touch flamed across her body. Down he kept going, his mouth tracing kisses across her rib cage, over her belly, brushing one hip bone, then the other. He was on his knees now at her feet, grasping one ankle and gently encouraging her to step up so he could slide the underwear off her foot, then off her other one. He tossed them aside, and she was completely naked before him.

  "Cortez." Just his name, saying his name, ending it on rattling gasp that pushed out of her throat as the room seemed to spin around her when he blew a hot breath right against her sex. She cried out from the exquisite pressure.

  His hands reached up to hold her hips. "Steady, beautiful," he murmured, the word another sweet breath that tickled across her heated center. "I want to taste you here, Haley. Hold onto me."

  Yes, she had to hold onto him, had to grip his shoulders hard with her hands. She would fall over otherwise. He gently breathed against her again, then followed it with his tongue. Haley half gasped, half shrieked as he tasted her, slid his tongue through her wet folds, licked the sensitive little nub there, gently explored her and tasted her as he swirled his tongue around. She never wanted anyone like she wanted Cortez. She was so turned on, every nerve in her body exploding and singing, shaking and unsteady and filled with delirious joy at his touch.

  He held tight to her hips, his fingers pressing into the soft roundness of her behind, his face pressed right up into her sex as he licked and tasted and circled his tongue on her. Haley lost it, lost all sense of place and time and self. She only knew right here, right now, Cortez with his tongue buried inside her, stroking her with a strong, steady rhythm that would drive her over the edge. Soon.

  "Cortez," she panted, her fingers gripping his shoulders so brutally hard she knew there would be marks later. "Cortez, please." Her voice was a soft rattle in her throat, desperate with need.

  "Yes," he murmured, the vibration of the word against her clit threatening to toss her right over the gorgeous edge of ecstasy. "Yes, my sweet beautiful Haley. Yes. Come for me, beautiful."

  That did it, his lips vibrating against her, his tongue thrusting back in to stroke and taste. Her orgasm swept over her like a roaring firestorm as her voice screamed out into the room, a wordless cry as he buried his tongue into her again and again. She held his shoulders and he gripped her hips, holding her up while she shook and shook from the sweet, delirious force of it. The spasms spread out to every inch of her body, splintering through her with the ecstatic rush. Her ears banged, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and everything was light and stunning and good. Slowly, the spasms ebbed away, leaving her to fall limp against him, still gasping.

  Cortez held her, gently caught her in his powerful arms. Then he swung her up into them, accompanied by her small exclamation. Turning, he strode across the room toward a partially open door, which he kicked open to reveal a bedroom. “Need you now,” he growled into her ear, his teeth nibbling it after he said that, drawing another small moan from her. He went straight to the bed, gently set her down on it. Yanking his towel off, barely giving her time to widen her eyes at the sight of his hard body and that thick, long cock he'd been hiding under the towel, he pushed her back, slid his large hand between her legs, pushed them open. She spread herself open for him, willing, wanting. He pressed against her, his hips pushing into hers, his erection against her still slightly pulsing lips.

  Then he slid himself in, sweet glorious inch by inch, and she was in heaven again. “Hard,” she demanded, panting. “I can take you, Cortez,” she whispered as he paused, looking at her. “You won't hurt me.”

  To prove her point, she reached forward and nipped his neck, catching flesh with her teeth, gently tugging. Biting down, harder. Hers.

  He groaned, pulled back, then slammed into her with a guttural cry that she matched as he took her with all the strength she knew he possessed. In, back out, slamming back in. She was so wet he slid in easily, but he was still so big that she gasped from the pleasurable pain of having him fill her so deep. She slid her hand up behind his neck, holding tight. He found her other hand, laced his fingers into hers, held her tight back. Stroking in, he held her gaze as well. His eyes were wild, tender, craving. Bright with his bear, bright with his fierce desire. He held her down, pushed onto her and into her, guided this sexy ancient dance. Controlling with strength and protectiveness in a way she adored. Wild in his embrace, she arched against him, meeting him as he pushed himself into her again, the sound of their joining a rhythmic beat in the room. He would protect her and open doors for her and give her precious gifts, but here, now, he commanded, he ruled. He was in charge of her, dominating her with his entire glorious body.

  And she fucking loved it so much. His control gave her sweet, magnificent freedom.

  Slamming into her, bucking them both against the bed so hard the headboard started smacking into the wall in time with his thrusts, his breathing intensified, getting more ragged. He was heavy, heavy and hard against her, holding her, riding her to his own explosion. She saw it coming, saw the feral look ripple across his face, felt it as his dick swelled inside her even more. Suddenly, he reached down and lightly bit one of her nipples, then harder as she gasped her encouragement. He moved his head up, licked and bit her neck, her ear, her cheek, her lips. He never stopped sliding back and forth, in and out of her, and she was coming again. Yes, he was making her come again, the white-hot freight train of it slamming over her as she shattered again, her second cry echoing through the room. His dick suddenly throbbed inside her, huge, and he spurted into her, his roar joining hers, their cries slamming around the room as Haley's head about came apart from the frenzied ecstasy of it all, the wildness of it all.

  Cortez pumped into her again, again, his movements slowing as his orgasm faded off, each of them gasping so hard she thought their hearts might up and gallop out of both their chests. Finally, his pace completely stopped, and he laid his head against her still heaving chest, his fingers squeezing her hard and his breath hot against her breast. Even while his breath still came fast, he became gentle with her again, his touch tender, holding her as if she was precious. As if she was the most amazing thing he'd ever been near.

  She reached her free hand out to stroke his cheek, to feel that stubble against her palm. He still held her other one, their fingers still entwined, slick with sweat like the rest of their bodies. He made a deep “Mmm” sound of satisfaction as her fingers touched her face, smiled against her hand. His eyes were soft now, half unfocused, but present. He was with her. Right here.

  Carefully, he slid out of her, making her protest, but he immediately gently turned her so that he was spooning her, pulling her tight into his chest. Holding her close, his arms big and strong around her, his legs tangled in hers, his sheltering body molded into hers like they belonged
that way.

  Inside, she knew. They did belong together. Both of them hurting and messed up or not, they belonged together. Cortez was hers, she was his, and that was a truth she knew without a doubt was real.


  Cortez grunted as he heaved heavy bags of sand, lumber, and a smaller assortment of random supplies he'd picked up earlier at the do-it-yourself shop in town. Setting them down beside the bare framework of his cabin, he gave everything a once over, then nodded his head. He'd managed to pick up everything he needed. These were the items he had to have to keep working on the cabin. Not only had he blown off Beckett earlier this week, even if his friend had shown up to help him, they wouldn't have been able to do too much because Cortez also had forgotten to get new supplies. But now he had them, and he was ready to get working again.

  It sounded cheesy even in his own head when he said it, but he felt like a new man. All because of a beautiful, soft, funny, sweet woman who was now deep in his soul. He liked having her there. He felt renewed and refreshed just by realizing what he been missing all his life. Haley. He'd been missing her, and now she was here. It was that simple, and that stunning.

  He grunted again as he turned away to head back to his truck, but a grin pulled at his mouth. Yeah, he sounded like some sort of self-help guru now. So what. It was all the truth. The right woman really did change everything, as Quentin and Shane had often told him.

  As he reached for the handle on the truck, he caught a sudden whiff of something that stopped him in his tracks. Lifting his head, he carefully scented the area. Everything seemed like it should, but something bothered him. He slowly took his hand off the truck door and walked around the clearing, his steps very quiet despite his size. His eyes scanned the forest, his jaw tight, as he used his shifter senses to figure out what had alerted him. His senses in his human form were far weaker than his bear form, but still stronger than any regular human's. He didn't smell that strange cat again, or any other intruders, but something seemed a little off.

  Frowning, he wondered if maybe Beckett had stopped by after all to drop something off as some sort of peace offering. He quickly dismissed that thought. Sure, even if he was pissed at him, Beckett would die for Cortez if it came to it, just like any of the members of the bear clan here. But that sure as hell didn't mean that Beckett was a considerate individual who would go out of his way to run supplies up to Cortez's cabin without Cortez asking him first. No, Beckett hadn't been here.

  Who, then?

  Finally, Cortez shrugged, but he pulled his phone out of his pocket as he still scanned the surrounding snow-covered trees. Pulling up Quentin's number, he shot off a quick text.

  Think someone might've been to my cabin again. Not positive.

  He started to put his phone away, knowing Quentin was probably busy, but a response came immediately.

  I was just about to call you. Abby scented rogue wolf shifters nearby. Remember how much trouble all the wolf packs have been having with rogues lately? Seems like some are nearby. She caught scent of some other shifters too, cats and bears, but we can't say if they're guests or not after that big reunion.

  Cortez swore. A huge reunion this past week had been why he'd half killed himself with work and barely gotten to see Haley after their incredible evening together. The lodge had filled with shifters from all over the country who booked it for the entire week. There were tons of them running around, which made it hard to differentiate between them and other shifters who might have come into the area with intentions of starting some shit or generally being assholes.

  His phone jangled again. You know we wouldn't normally care too much, but some guy just called the lodge about five minutes ago and asked for you. Male, sounded aggressive. We told him you weren't working today, and he said he'd find you. Then he hung up. Wouldn't say who he was even though we asked. I don't like it.

  Cortez felt the hairs on his neck prickle even though he knew no one else was here right now. Even so, he turned in a slow circle, letting his baleful gaze pierce the woods around his property.

  Don't know who would be calling me up there, he sent back to Quentin.

  Neither do I. Stay alert. We're keeping our eyes open up here.

  Cortez inhaled deeply through his nose, pulling in all the scents around him again as he also strove to calm his bear, which was riled again. No matter what shit went down between him and Quentin, his brother had back just as much as Beckett did. If Quentin was wary, Cortez needed to be too.

  An image of Haley flashed into his mind, her beautiful face opening in ecstasy beneath him. His bear prowled watchfully inside him, rattling along Cortez's nerve endings. Hmm. Maybe that was all it was, he thought as he went back to his truck and slid in. Now that Haley was in his life, Cortez's bear would be feeling a hell of a lot more possessive and protective than usual. Any random thing would set him off, even though it had nothing to do with her. He threw his truck into gear and headed down the dirt road that led into town.

  Shaking it off, he instead focused on the evening ahead. He'd managed to snatch one evening with Haley since their first incredible night, but he'd been working hard at the lodge, and she had a new burst of self-confidence and enthusiasm for her book and had been writing like a fiend. But they both agreed to go and have fun tonight. It was Deep Hollow's annual tree lighting ceremony, dubbed the midwinter doldrums pick-me-up fest. Haley's best friend, Pix, had been in town for several days. Haley had taken a day off to go skiing with Pix, which Cortez thoroughly approved of. He'd met Pix and instantly liked both her forthright nature and her sheer zest for living, which was something he wanted Haley to gain more of as well. She had also mentioned that they had met Beckett in town the other night, and there had been huge sparks between his best friend and her best friend. She'd said with a naughty waggle of her eyebrows that maybe this town was magic and every girl coming through was going to fall for a bear shifter. That conversation had turned into an amazing episode of phone sex, which Cortez had never done before and neither had Haley. But hell yeah, was it something they both enjoyed immensely.

  When he got to his place, he showered in record time, dressed, and headed into the crowded bustle of downtown Deep Hollow to the tree lighting ceremony area. The event was not only fun for locals, but was hyped up at the lodge as well as several of the other small communities scattered within the remote county. Despite the sizable crowd here tonight, he had no problem spotting Haley almost instantly. She was a beacon to his senses. Probably to his dick too, but that was okay. Haley had told him a few days earlier that she was now basically a walking hormone. That just thinking about him got her so turned on it made her wet. After she'd said that she hadn't blushed, but instead seemed tongue-tied as she looked away and then laughed. He loved that about her. She wasn't like a cutesy girl who turned red, but instead she got so turned on by him that she couldn't find the right words to say. He had to admit it gave him a puff of manly pride.

  He went straight to her and pulled her in for a kiss, not caring who was watching. She returned it was just as much vigor, enough that when he gently pulled back to look at her, he said, "Feeling a little frisky, huh?" Her sweet peal of laughter said yes.

  Only then did he say hello to Pix, who stood nearby and wore a delighted grin. He sensed that Pix approved of him. He also figured she must hate Haley's ex as much as he did. But in the next second Pix's eyes went past him, an enormous smile breaking out on her face. He turned to see Beckett striding up to them. His buddy had eyes only for Haley's friend, though he greeted her without a kiss. Even so, Cortez knew full well when Beckett was interested in a woman. He hoped for Pix's sake that she knew the score with Beckett. He didn't have a good track record with women since his bear was so unruly. In fact, Cortez was half surprised to see Beckett willingly out and about in the large gaggle of people, especially one that included humans from outside of town who didn't know about shifters.

  Beckett finally looked at Cortez. No need to beat around the bush. Cortez looked
him straight in the eye and said, "Sorry I've been an asshole. That's changing." He didn't look at Haley as he said that, but Beckett briefly glanced at her before looking back Cortez. Clearly he knew why Cortez planned on shaping up. "I picked up some more stuff I needed to work on the cabin. You in for some hard labor maybe tomorrow or so? I'll be there. For damned sure."

  Although one eyebrow raised, Beckett just nodded. "Yeah. I gotta make sure you don't do anything dumb like drop a beam on your foot or something."

  "Uh-huh," was all Cortez said back. Cool. Things were good with him and Beckett again. He knew everything would've been fine eventually, but he had a sneaking suspicion that Beckett's magnanimous mood had a lot to do with Pix standing beside him looking like not only could she take him on, she might actually be more than a match for him.

  A gaggle of kids ran by, shrieking and giggling with excitement. Cortez had told Haley earlier that the event was most fun for the kids in town, because after the tree was lit up, all the kids were allowed to run up and grab one of the pile of presents tucked under the tree. They were just little things that all the locals offered up. Everyone made sure there was plenty since there were always a lot of visitors in town for this.

  As the four of them stood there, talking and sharing a thermos of hot cocoa for which Beckett had supplied marshmallow vodka for the girls to spike it up with, Cortez enjoyed watching Haley's pleasure at the simple, homey little town event. He had to admit he he enjoyed it too. This was his hometown, with friends and family scattered all throughout the crowd of people. He knew Jessie and Shane were around somewhere with Grant, and all sorts of others, humans and shifters, that he'd known since he was little.


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