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Rescue Bear: Cortez (Silvertip Shifters)

Page 14

by J. K Harper

  Cortez stayed still for a long time, working his jaw as he digested what Quentin had said. Full-time. He'd be busy. Really busy. He'd be working a lot. Long, hard hours. But he'd be working while having fun, taking other people out to have fun. He'd have enough money to finish the cabin in style. To treat Haley like she deserved. Not that she needed his help, of course. He knew her book was gonna kick ass and she was gonna make good money. But he wanted to bring something to the table. And now he could.

  This offer wasn't an afterthought or a condolence gift. No, it was the real deal. The only people ever hired at the lodge were those who could really pull their weight. Family was involved only if they really wanted to and if they really proved they would work hard.

  Was he really ready for this? Was this what he wanted?

  Softly, as if he could sense the battle going on in his brother's mind, Quentin said, "Cortez. You're a fighter, not a fuckup. You've never been a fuckup. You just weren't sure what you wanted. But you always come out on the right side. You're a decent person. You're the real deal, Cortez Walker, and I'm fucking proud to call you my brother."

  Then Quentin pulled him into a hug, holding him tight for a long minute. Cortez furiously blinked his eyes against the prickling there. Dammit. He mumbled against his brother's shoulder, "Thank you." Giving his brother a last squeeze, he stepped back and cleared his throat. "Yes, I will take the job. I'll be the best activities director the lodge has ever had."

  Quentin tried to shove down a grin but didn't quite manage. "There's never before been an activities director at the lodge."

  "See? Then I'll definitely be the best one we've ever had."

  First Quentin, then Cortez, busted up laughing. Okay. This was his home, and now this was his new role in it. It felt awesome. This was going to be a new chapter in his life, but with his mate at his side and his clan having his back, it was going to be a good one. He was damn well going to make sure of it.


  Haley thought her face might break from smiling so much, but she couldn't help it. Aside from sex with Cortez (super awesome), knowing that he was the most amazing man in the world (totally, definitely amazing), that he was hers (freaking unbelievably amazing), and after being turned into a bear shifter so she now was completely strong and badass and fearless (holy wow amazeballs amazing), this moment was by far the most magical thing that had ever happened to her in her life.

  A nighttime sleigh ride under the big starry sky with Cortez.

  The bells softly jingled in the night air, the sleigh runners making a soft swishing noise as they slipped through the snow. Cortez gently clucked to the horses, lifting one of the long leather rains and gently slapping it. Overhead, the dark sky dazzled with a bazillion bright stars on this moonless, totally clear night. She snuggled down deeper under the blanket and into Cortez's side.

  "It's so dark. Can they see well enough? Do they know where they're going?"

  He chuckled. "We run this track often enough. They know exactly where they are. Plus we've got just enough light so they can see what they need to, and me too." Pretty lights were attached on either side of the sleigh, beaming ahead in front of the horses and down to the sides.

  "This is the most magical thing in the world." Haley whispered the words, knowing Cortez could hear them no matter how low her voice, not wanting to break the enchanting quiet more than she had to.

  He leaned over to brush a kiss on top of her bare head. Another awesome thing about being a bear shifter was that she didn't get as cold anymore. She didn’t have to wear a hat in this cold if she didn’t want to. While it wasn't exactly like she could wear a bikini right now, she wasn't as completely bundled up as she would've been back when she was human.

  "Gee up there, King Lear. Let's go now, Paxton." Cortez clucked to the horses. They smoothly picked up the pace, their hooves trotting quietly on the snow, occasional snorts decorating the air. Haley felt so happy she thought she might burst. This night was perfect, this place was perfect, this man was perfect, and everything in her life had turned around a hundred and eighty degrees like a beautiful miracle. "Would you pinch me?"

  Cortez gave her a startled look, his face half visible in the sleigh's lights and the starlight. "Come again? Is this some kind of foreplay that you haven't told me about yet? Cuz I'm in if it is, but tell me more." He winked at her.

  She laughed and shook her head. "No. I just want to make sure I'm not dreaming. That this is really real."

  "Haley, beautiful woman. This is as real as it gets." His voice wrapped around her, as warm and cozy as the blanket. She sighed in contentment, snuggling in closer to him.

  “Are you going to tell me where you're taking me this time?" Cortez had been showing her all his favorite spots on the mountain since they first met. But this was the first time they'd managed to go on a sleigh ride. She'd had no idea it could be done at night. He said it was a very special trip, reserved only for the most special people. Which meant he was probably cheeseballing her, but she liked the thought of it anyway.

  "Almost there. I promise you'll like it."

  "I believe you," she said softly.

  He was right. In just a few more minutes, they passed around the edge of the trees and the horses trotted up a gentle hill. Cortez pulled them up at the top, which was flattened. In front of them was the most stunning view of Deep Hollow at night. Haley gasped. It was so beautiful, the little town tucked down there in the darkness, lights twinkling cheerfully, surrounded by these big mountains. "Home," she murmured, overwhelmed by that certain truth.

  "Yeah. Our home." Pride rang through his voice.

  Haley was officially still housesitting, and still would be until the elder Walkers returned later this year, but Cortez spent most nights with her. Sometimes she stayed at his little place in town, but she knew his cabin would be done sooner than later. He'd started working feverishly on it, with a renewed vigor that she knew came from everything. From his friends in the accident being able to move on with their lives, from her being turned into a bear shifter, from the entire community pulling together even more closely after the trauma of her insane ex and the dangerous, misguided shifters he'd gotten himself involved with and brought to their peaceful town. Most of all, Cortez was fulfilled with his new job at the lodge. She'd known that he could do anything he put his mind to, even if he didn't believe it. But seeing him absolutely shine in his new position took her breath away with how proud she was of him.

  “Oh yeah,” he added, very casually. “I think I'll join the search and rescue team again. They told me they'd kept a spot open for me, but I wasn't ready. But now,” he squeezed her hand, raised it to his mouth for a soft kiss, “I am.”

  Her heart pounding with pride and joy, she held his hand tightly while they looked down at the lights below. "I told you that you were worth rescuing, Cortez."

  "You can't rescue me, Haley." His voice was so low it was more like vibration than sound. "No one can."

  Haley's heart squeezed, exploded into beating, squeezed again. Breathless, aching, she choked out, "What? I refuse to believe that! You're not beyond saving."

  He shook his head and reached his other hand out to catch up both of hers. Holding them close, his palms against hers, his fingers gently squeezed and stroked her hands. "That's not what I meant. I mean that I'm the only one who can rescue me. I can't rescue you either, Haley. No matter how much I want to. Because I know that you're the only one who can rescue yourself. And you have the strength to do it,” he added firmly, smiling gently at her.

  Haley couldn't get any words out as she stared at him, the serious expression on his face at odds with the surge of hope in his eyes. "Then I don't completely understand what you mean,” she said cautiously.

  His teeth gleamed softly in the low light as he smiled. "I can only save myself, and you can only save yourself." Another tight squeeze on her hands. "What I'm hoping is that we can do that together. Side by side. I give you strength, and you give me strength. We'l
l battle our respective shit together, anything else that comes up. I'm with you every step of the way as you rescue yourself, just like you're with me every step of the way as I rescue myself.”

  He leaned over to brush his lips over hers, then murmured against her mouth. “You and me together, Haley. I believe in the power of us, together."

  Tears welled in her eyes, spilled over. Her throat was so tight, her chest full, her body overwhelmed by the astonishing joy that ripped through her. She managed to choke out, “So do I,” before the tears just flowed out of her eyes like someone had turned on a tap.

  He swallowed and muttered, “Ah, hell, woman, you're gonna make me get all mushy too.” But his face shone with a dopey smile and the sort of pure joy that was once-in-a-lifetime brilliant. “I love you, Haley.”

  “I love you too, Cortez,” she whispered back, tears running freely down her smiling face. Then she laughed and flung her arms around him, kissing him with all her strength as he kissed her back with all of his strength.

  Joyful and together forever with their once-in-a-lifetime love.

  Thank you so much for reading Rescue Bear! I loved writing about Cortez & Haley and their journey to love and self-acceptance.

  Miss the stories of some of the other characters? Find them in these books:

  Hunter’s Moon - Quentin & Abby

  Mountain Bear’s Baby - Shane & Jessie

  Taming Her Bear - Beckett & Pix

  What's next for the Silvertip Shifters? Riley Walker’s story in Ranger Bear.

  In the mood for something that’s sexy, sweet, romantic, but still scorching hot in the bedroom? Check out my Black Mesa Wolves series, which is connected to the Silvertip Shifters. Start with Guardian Wolf!

  For sizzling hot, super romantic dragon shifters, check out my Dragon Mates series. It’s the same world as Silvertip Shifters and Black Mesa Wolves, although the books are set in a big city! The first book is Dazzled.

  Sign up for my newsletter to find out when I have new releases!

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  Turn the page for a list of all my books.

  Also by J.K. Harper

  Black Mesa Wolves

  Guardian Wolf

  Alpha Wolf

  Hunting Wolf

  Wild Wolf

  Black Mesa Wolves Books 1 - 4

  Christmas Wolf Holiday Bundle

  Protector Wolf

  Fire Wolf (Dallas Fire & Rescue Kindle World crossover)

  Black Mesa Wolves Collection

  Rogue Wolf

  Dragon Mates




  Dragon Mates Box Set

  Silvertip Shifters

  Hunter’s Moon (Black Mesa Wolves crossover)

  Mountain Bear’s Baby

  Taming Her Bear

  Rescue Bear

  Ranger Bear

  Hotshot Bear

  Superstar Bear

  Wicked Wolf Shifters

  Surrendered to the Pack: Volume 1, Episode 1

  Claimed by the Pack: Volume 1, Episode 2

  Taken by the Pack: Volume 1, Episode 3

  Mated to the Pack: Volume 1, Episode 4

  Wicked Wolf Shifters: Volume 1

  Ruled by the Pack: Volume 2, Episode 1

  Hunted by the Pack: Volume 2, Episode 2

  Destined for the Pack: Volume 2, Episode 3


  License to Sass (Sassy Ever After Kindle World)

  Shifter’s Shadow (One True Mate Kindle World)

  Sign up for my newsletter for new release news!

  About the Author

  J.K. Harper writes about paranormal romance because despite a lifetime of wishing, all the cool supernatural book characters of her childhood just don't seem to be real. Besides, it's really fun to make stuff up. She lives in the rugged, gorgeous canyon country of the Southwest, which is a great place to let her imagination run wild.

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