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An Archangel's Ache

Page 27

by Leo E. Ndelle

  “You finally came through, Scribe!” Keerim said. “I’m impressed!”

  “It’s always great to see how you hold such high expectations of me,” The Scribe retorted with heavy sarcasm. “You just uphold your end of our arrangement.”

  “Oh, you do not have to worry about me now, Scribe,” Keerim replied.

  “I’m not worried about you at all, Keerim,” The Scribe remarked. “I’m just worried about what you’ll do when she returns, which may be a lot sooner than you were expecting, I’ll tell you that.” The Scribe smiled as he faded more and more into sub-etheric levels. “You know, given the most recent turn of events, that is…”

  Keerim knew The Scribe was correct and with this notion, his temporary feeling of peace disappeared without leaving a trace, just like The Scribe.

  The archangel who killed Jamael had not lied when he had said Kazuk had sent him to affirm Jamael’s non-association with Kazuk. It was not his fault that Jamael had been deemed too stupid and too high of a risk to keep around after stealing the Zarark. Jamael had played his role, and that was it. He was just another loose end that had to be tied. Nothing personal! The archangel presented himself to Kazuk’s inner council and introduced himself. He was given a warm welcome and asked to choose a new name for himself. Samael did not need to give it much thought. He had already chosen a name, even before he decided to join Hell Realm. Samael, an archangel from Michael’s inner circle, from then on would be called Devilus!

  Raphael looked around as a second set alarms went off. He gave a series of quick orders and then picked up Kazuk with his left hand and lifted Kazuk in the air as a foot-long dagger manifested in his right hand.

  “Bring him over!” Michael ordered telepathically.

  “But Michael-” Raphael tried to protest telepathically.

  “Now, Raphael!” Michael insisted. “We have a much bigger problem!”

  Raphael teleported himself and Kazuk to Michael’s domain. Michael walked over to Kazuk, who just stood there with an expressionless face. Without any warning, Michael punched Kazuk in the stomach and Kazuk doubled over, collapsing to the floor. He picked up Kazuk with his right hand, lifted Kazuk up in the air and slammed him on the floor. Kazuk was in severe pain, but he never resisted. When Michael knelt over him, Kazuk started laughing hysterically.

  “Where is it?” Michael hissed through gritted teeth.

  “It’s so good to see you too, Michael,” Kazuk replied as his body became awash with angel light and he healed himself.

  “I will ask you one more time, where is it?”

  “And if I don’t tell you, will you beat me to my end?” Kazuk mocked.

  Raphael made his spiked hammer appear in his right hand.

  “Let me finish him, Michael!” Raphael begged.

  “We need him alive!” Michael hissed and stood up. “For now!”

  Kazuk also stood up, summoned his wings and flapped them twice before dismissing his wings.

  “Why is that?” Raphael asked, but Michael did not say anything.

  “My dear Raphael, remember when I told you that I won’t need your permission to return to my realm?” Kazuk mocked. “Your superior will tell you when I am gone. And as for you, archangel supreme,” he added, shifting his attention to Michael, “I will return shortly to discuss the terms of our negotiation. For now, I will let you big boys brush each other’s wings. I have some celebration to do, if you don’t mind!”

  And Kazuk teleported out of Celestia.

  “What the flap is going on, Michael?!” Raphael demanded.

  Michael peeled his stare from the nothingness where Kazuk occupied a-blink-of-an-eye ago and gazed at Raphael. Raphael could see the anger, humiliation, and powerlessness in Michael’s eyes and clenched jaws. It had been many cycles since Raphael last saw Michael in this state.

  “Kazuk has the Zarark!” Michael replied.



  IN LEMURIA, MICHAEL was the original overseer of the Zarark by default. But Malichiel was later chosen as the overseer when he started having his visions. However, after the Great Rebellion, Michael resumed the role as overseer. So, when Malichiel, now Metatron, first proposed the plan to obtain the Zarark and move it to Hell Realm, Kazuk had thought that Metatron had finally lost his mind. But when The Scribe had proposed a similar plan and had explained how the plan could work, Kazuk had finally bought into Metatron’s insanity. And who else was better suited to be the overseer of the Zarark other than one who was a previous overseer himself? Well played, Metatron! Well played!

  Tipping the scales of victory in Hell Realm’s favor was Kazuk’s biggest pitch when he unraveled his preposterous-sounding plot about stealing the Zarark. To top it off, they already had an overseer lined up and ready to put the Zarark to work; Metatron! Nothing motivated the creatures of Hell Realm more than the notion of victory over Celestia.

  Hell Realm would no longer cower because of their smaller numbers and Celestia would be unable to build their numbers without the Zarark. Celestia would become weaker, while Hell would become stronger, thus tipping the balance of power in Hell Realm’s favor. When the question came up about how to deal with Michael, Kazuk told his inner circle to leave that to him. He had a plan in motion already. Michael was the highest-ranking archangel, but he was neither infallible nor omnipotent. If push came to shove, Michael would be unable to withstand Hell’s overwhelming numbers, which would be what the Zarark would offer Hell Realm. The close circle had bought the logic and had sworn commitment and secrecy to the plan.

  But even though Kazuk had been truthful about his intention, he had not subscribed to total disclosure. He deliberately did not mention the connection Michael shared with Metatron via the mark on the back of their necks. Such information in the wrong hands could be very dangerous, even to the King of Hell Realm. The only other creatures in Hell Realm who were privy to this vital piece of information were Lithilia and Metatron. Via this connection, Michael could easily harm or hurt Metatron and vice-versa. And while Michael had no intention of debasing himself with such cheap shots, Metatron held no qualms with doing just that, and more, to Michael.

  It was on this premise that Kazuk had worked with Metatron to execute the flawless plan at crippling Celestia. This was Phase One of the grand plan. Kazuk, the King of Hell Realm, would serve as the ultimate distraction. While Raphael and Celestia would be focused on him, Metatron would give Michael something to think about. In his distraction, Michael would not notice that the Zarark had been stolen until it was already too late. Kazuk would then have immunity and complete bargaining power because he, and he alone, would know the location of the Zarark. This was another part of the plot that only Kazuk and The Scribe were aware of. It was best that way. Kazuk loved the power he wielded as ruler of the realm. But mostly, he was all about survival. Who was to say what Metatron would do once the Zarark was in Metatron’s hands? Nothing wrong with compartmentalizing!

  Phase Two of the grand plan was the elimination of Michael. Needless to say, Kazuk’s inner circle, Metatron and even Lithilia were enraged when they found out that the Zarark was not being brought to Hell right away. They demanded answers and Kazuk delivered by asking a question of his own.

  “Tell me something,” Kazuk spoke calmly. “What would you do if the Zarark was brought here right away?”

  “I was under the impression we have a means of keeping it safe, my king,” Lithilia replied, careful not to let the rest of the council in on Metatron’s role.

  Kazuk’s inner council erupted in agreement, while Metatron and Devilus eyed Kazuk with caution. It was clear that Kazuk had a much bigger picture in mind and the council was too myopic to see right away.

  “Be that as it may, my queen,” Kazuk said, with polite sarcasm. “Have you thought about the implications of having the Zarark within our realm?”

  “Other than superior advantage?” asked an inner council member from the Realm of Kremus.

  His sa
rcasm was applauded by most of the inner council member.

  “You ignorant buffoon!” Kazuk spat. “Can’t you fools see that having the Zarark here is an open invitation for war with Celestia?”

  A deathly silence spread across the inner council as understanding dawned on everyone present. Stealing the Zarark from Celestia was a minor victory. Hell Realm had won a battle. But the war, which they were far from ready for, had not even yet begun.

  “I alone know where the Zarark is!” Kazuk continued. “For the sake of the realm, and all your sakes, it is best that way. Until such a moment when we execute Phase Two of the plan: eliminating Michael. Then, and only then, will I bring the Zarark to Hell Realm.”

  “But what makes you so sure they won’t attack us anyway?” an arachnoid creature from the Realm of Crappoxia asked.

  “See anyone attacking us right now?” Kazuk asked in return.

  “No! But that doesn’t mean that they won’t!” the creature rebutted.

  Murmurs of agreement with the arachnoid creature erupted around the council. Kazuk leaned forward and stared down everyone to silence.

  “Do you really think that an artifact as important as the Zarark gets stolen and Michael would just sit back and do absolutely nothing?” Kazuk asked calmly.

  The logic of his statement started sinking and everyone else started feeling foolish. It was a given Celestia would want to do something, but that would not include an all-out attack on Hell Realm because they had no idea on the Zarark’s location. Kazuk leaned back in his throne and let a few moments go by before he continued speaking.

  “When I say there is a plan and it has to be kept secret, for now, I mean just that!” his voice was nearing impatience, but it was just a show. “I can’t risk having you empty-headed fools running around jeopardizing a plan that is already working so well. You’ll just have to trust me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my king!” they chorused.

  “Good!” Kazuk said. “I’m pleased to announce the newest member to our inner circle, Samael. He was very instrumental in our recent victory. Everyone, give Samael a very warm welcome.”

  The council welcomed Samael.

  “Thank you, my king,” Samael said. “Respectfully, it is now Devilus.”

  “Excellent! So quick to adjust! Welcome amongst us, Devilus!” Kazuk said.

  “Thank you, my king!” Devilus replied.

  “Do you have anything to say?” Kazuk asked.

  “Not this moment, my king,” Devilus replied.

  “Very well then. You’re all dismissed!”

  Everyone left, safe for Lithilia and Metatron.

  “Do you have anything to say, Metatron?” Kazuk asked.

  “You have your reasons for hiding the Zarark, my king,” Metatron replied. “If I can’t sense it, then neither can Michael. My guess is that you hid the Zarark in a higher dimension.”

  “I’ll leave you to your guesses,” Kazuk replied sarcastically. “I wasn’t lying when I said my plan will remain a secret for security reasons.”

  “And by security, do you mean the security of Hell Realm or your personal security, my king?” Metatron asked.

  “Security is security! The rest is perspective,” Kazuk replied curtly.

  “I trust my king is making the perfect decision then,” Metatron said flatly, rising from his chair. “For the ultimate good of us all.”

  Metatron teleported away, leaving Kazuk and Lithilia by themselves.

  “I take it you won’t tell me where you hid the Zarark either, no?” Lithilia asked, desperately trying to conceal her anger.

  “No,” Kazuk replied flatly.

  “I can respect that,” she replied, reaching out and holding his hand. “I must say I am very proud of what you’re doing keeping us all in the dark. It is a real display of wisdom and strength,” she added.

  “Or common sense,” he interjected, sliding his hand away from hers.

  “Be that as it may, I say it’s been very well-played, my love,” Lithilia rebutted and stood up.

  Kazuk never looked at her. He stared blankly into space as if his mind were somewhere else. Lithilia understood that he did not want to be disturbed.

  “I’ll be at our domain whenever you’re ready,” she added and vanished.

  “I think your number of fans just reached a record high,” The Scribe said as he manifested from nothingness. “Where do I start? Raphael, Michael, Malichiel, Lilith and the list goes on and on,” The Scribe added, clapping his hands. “Bravo, Kazuk! Bravo!”

  “Is the Zarark safe?” Kazuk asked, ignoring The Scribe’s words.

  “Oh, so you don’t trust me as well? I’m a little offended, I must say,” The Scribe replied, faking being offended. “What did Metatron say again? That he could not sense the Zarark anymore?”

  “My trust in you is equal to my loyalty to Michael!” Kazuk scoffed.

  “And I know the only reason you could trust me with the Zarark was that the hiding location is as important to my plan as it is to yours, right?” The Scribe asked.

  Kazuk did not bother to reply. The Scribe stared at Kazuk for a moment and then smiled.

  Certain laws of Creation forbade any being from another dimension to procure and/or keep the Zarark of another dimension. However, these laws did not forbid a creature from accepting a Zarark offered to them, willingly, by another creature from the Zarark’s home dimension. This was a technical flaw. It was for this reason that The Scribe could not obtain the Zarark by himself. He had to get a creature from the Dimension of Lemuria to obtain the Zarark.

  Certain creatures in dimensions of higher vibrational frequency have the capacity of containing the Zarark of dimensions of lower vibrational frequency within their form. The Zarark releases pure consciousness in small doses, while in an idle state. These pulses of pure consciousness radiated from the Zarark while in an idle state help to bring balance to the psyche of the creature containing the Zarark within its form. It was for this reason that The Scribe gave Keerim the Zarark to harbor within Keerim’s form, thereby helping to stabilize Keerim’s psyche, which was becoming very unstable as the Great Reset drew closer.

  Keerim’s vibrational patterns were becoming very unstable because not only was Creation at the cusp of a new cycle, but the Cosmic Clock was about to go through a reset. As such, Keerim was experiencing high instability in his vibrational patterns, and his association with The Scribe risked becoming exposed. The Scribe could not let that happen. Thus, housing the Zarark within his form helped stabilize Keerim’s psyche and protected his association with The Scribe. Also, in housing the Zarark within his form, Keerim also rendered it undetectable to Michael and Metatron. And with that, Kazuk had leverage over both archangels.

  “You’re finally starting to look at things from a broader perspective, Kazuk!” The Scribe said, with a hint of admiration. “And you’re learning the basics of power and control. Bravo!”

  Kazuk still did not reply. The Scribe nodded imperceptibly and gradually vanished into nothingness.

  Back at their domain, Lithilia lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She was still wrapping her mind around the fact that Kazuk could be so smart as to outplay everyone. Granted, she had no interest in the Zarark; it was the look in her husband’s eyes that told her there was something entirely different about him. Perhaps it was not so much as different as any prior moment. Perhaps it had been there all along, but he had done a great job at concealing it. If that was the case, then he had won. He had surprised them all and put them to shame. At least, during his rise to power, Kazuk had been open about his intention, and his entire persona had zoomed in on that goal. It was there, and everyone could see it. So, his ferocity, passion, and ruthlessness were no surprise. But now, he was using more of his intellect and wisdom than anything else. Could it be that he suspected her of having ulterior motives? She was unsure. Yet, he was sending her and everyone else a message; and she had heard the message loud and clear.

  Metatron sa
t on his heels in silence. A few moments ago, his mind had been racing in every direction. But he was calmer now. Not yet calm; just calmer. Like Michael, he too preferred to be in control, and he was hoping the Zarark would lend him that advantage. He was now forced to rely on something else that would place him still at the mercy of someone else. It was better than nothing, though. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his mind even further. Any moment from now, Kazuk should be alerting him about their next move. Metatron could appreciate Kazuk’s wits. But there was no way Kazuk could have pulled this stunt by himself. Kazuk, therefore, had another player in his plot. Too bad Metatron had no idea who this player was!

  “I’m heading out now,” Kazuk’s voice called in his head. “Be prepared!”

  “Yes, my king,” Metatron answered and prayed, yet again, that it was the last time he would ever address Kazuk as such.


  “So, what now?” Raphael asked Michael.

  “We wait,” Michael replied. “Hell hasn’t attacked yet and Kazuk obviously wanted to have leverage for something bigger.”

  “Well, he has more than enough leverage now actually,” Raphael corrected. “I wonder what his grand plan is.”

  “We’ll know soon enough,” Michael replied as the other senior archangels appeared one-by-one in Michael’s domain.

  Samael was still to join them. They knew about the gravity of the situation, not just for Michael, but for Celestia as a whole. The inner council deliberated for several moments running simulations and counter-simulations, just in case. In the end, Michael stood up to speak.

  “We’ve run every possible simulation except for the most likely one,” he started. “What if Kazuk stole the Zarark because he wanted to use it against me? And what if he does?”

  “Stop this madness!” Gabriel rebuked Michael. “That won’t happen!”


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