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How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You

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by Leil Lowndes

  Otherwise the word wouldn't have slipped out.

  Now, suppose, instead of saying "At least it's good for the plants," she had said, "I know, it's like a tropical storm out there, isn't it?" Your Quarry has just given you the cherry to save the conversation: tropical storm .

  Say, "Oh, have you been to the tropics?" Chances are she has, or at least has a knowledge of them, or it wouldn't have

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  welled up from her subconscious when discussing the rainT.ropical, to you, may just be a way to describe a storm, but to the person who uttered the word it has a more intense connection. Learn how to be a word detective.

  Suppose she had said, "Because of the rain my dog can't go out," or "Yes, the rain has been dropping leaves in my pool." In this casedogor poolis your ticket to hotter conversation, at least for Ms.

  Attractive Stranger.

  How to Fool Your Quarry into Thinking You Two Are Already in Love

  If you eavesdrop on a man and a woman talking at a party, you could probably tell from just one minute of conversation how intimate they are. Are they new acquaintances? Just friends? Or are they lovers?

  You wouldn't even need to hear them call each otherdear, darling , or lambie pie . Nor would you have to see their body language to figure out their relationship. It wouldn't mattwerhat they were discussing, or even their tone of voice. You could just tell.

  How? By the level on which they were talking to each other. There is a fascinating progression of conversation depending how close two people are.

  Here's how it develops.

  Level One: Cliches

  Two strangers talking together primarily tossclichesback and forth. Let's suppose they are chatting about the universally recognized world's dullest subject, the weather. Two strangers would say,

  "Great weather we've been having," or "Boy, some rain, huh?" That's level one, cliches.

  Level Two: Facts

  People who know each other but who are just acquaintances often discussfacts . "You know, Joe, there were 242 sunny days last year," or "Yeah, well, we finally decided to put in a swimming pool to beat the heat."

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  Level Three: Feelings and Personal Questions Friends often express theirfeelings to each other, even on subjects as dull as the weather: "Gosh, Sam, I just love these sunny days." They also ask each otherpersonal questions , like "How about you? Are you a sun person?"

  Level Four: We Statements

  This is the level of intimacy that very close friends or lovers enjoy. It's not cliches, and it's richer than facts.

  It's even more than feelings. It'swe statements .

  Lovers discussing the weather might say, "If this good weather keeps up, wewill have a great trip."


  Create the sensation of intimacy with your Quarry even if you've just met minutes before. Scramble the signals in his or her psyche by skipping conversational levels one and two, and cutting right to levels three and four.

  Here's a technique that grows out of this phenomenon.

  Use it to make a new Quarry subliminally feel you are already a couple, already an item, already in love.

  I call it thperemature we , because you cut through levels one and two and jump straight to three and four. Scramble the conversational signals. Ask your new Quarry's feelings on something the way you would ask a friend. Uswee sentences that are usually reserved for lovers and other intimates.

  Say you're chatting with a new at a party. Elicit his or her feelingsthe way friends do. "Do you PLP

  enjoy parties?" Proceed to the lovers' level, we statements. "Yes, we've really got to have a lot of stamina to get

  through these holiday parties, don'twe?"

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  Normally, in a budding relationship, people don't feel they're ready fowrestatements. But when clever Hunters and Huntresses prematurely saywe, it subconsciously brings their Quarry closer.

  Get Even Closer by Giving the Gift of


  Here's another conversational trick to enhance intimacy. Usually, when talking with strangers, we keep our guard up. We don't readily disclose personal information about ourselves.

  But, gradually, as we become more intimate with someone, we give away little pieces of ourselves like a gift. We might tell a friend or lover that we have a terrible time trying not to bite our nails, or, isn't it awful, our hair is so greasy we have to wash it everyday.

  When you reveal little foibles like this to a good friend, chances are he or she will reciprocate by laughing and saying something like, "Oh, you thinthkat's bad? I go berserk keeping my hands off a zit," or "Your greasy hair is nothing. My barber asks me if I want a cut or an oill change!" That's how friends go on.

  Such revelatory repartee creates a bond, an intimacy between friends. By sharing a secret, or making a little confession, you show your Quarry that you're not on guard. You are being vulnerable.

  However, be sure you're on fairly strong footing with your Quarry before using this technique I call early-bird disclosure . If you sense he or she doesn't respect you enough yet, it can backfire. A

  fascinating study revealed that when a person of superior competence commits a social blunder, we like him or her more, but when a person of average competence makes a blooper, we like him or her less.24

  Revealing a small foible is endearing. A big one is not. For example, too early in a relationship, telling your new friend that you've been twice divorced, that you had your driving license suspended, or that you got turned down by a prestigious law

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  school could turn your new Quarry off "What a loser!" she might say to herself.

  The facts themselves may really be no big deal.

  Those may be the extent of the black marks on your otherwise flawless life record of solid relationships, no misdemeanors, and a great academic record. But this early in your relationship, she has no way of knowing that. Her instinctive reaction is, "What else is coming? If he shares that with me so quickly, what else is hidden? A closet full of ex-spouses? A criminal record? A wall plastered with rejection letters?"

  Lock your closet door and save your bigger skeletons for later. Now is the time to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. But do reveal a tiny foible.

  Your Quarry will find it endearing and feel closer to you.



  If you sense your conversation with a new Quarry is going smoothly, make aminorrevelation about yourself. It creates intimacy. Choose some tiny foible and reveal it like a confession, but make sure it's really minor.

  Make Your Lifestyle "Fit" Your Quarry's Lovemap

  One can debate whether, as Shakespeare suggested, all the world's a stage. But it's indisputable that when an attractive stranger asks you (usually in the first five minutes), "And what do you do?" he or she is auditioning you for possible friendship. How you answer this question can make a big difference in what role your Quarry will cast you in. Will you be a star or just a bit player in his life?

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  Are you prepared? Actors prepare audition monologues. Singers prepare audition songs. Just as experienced performers know that one song or monologue is not right for every audition, one standard answer to "What do you do?" is not right for all Quarry. You must first size up this attractive stranger before answering, then give what I call youNr utshell Resume .

  If you want this new person to fall in love with you, you must consider three factors before answering this question:

  1. You want to sound like the type of man or woman he or she could love. 2. You want to sound confident and enthusiastic about your life. 3. You want your answer to have a hook so your Quarry will keep talking to you. Number 1: "I'm the Type of Man or Woman You Could Love."

  Granted, when you first meet an attractive stranger, you know very little about him or her. But try to make your vocation or avocation in life fit what you suspect is appropriate to his or he
r Lovemap. For example, perhaps you sense your new Quarry wants a lover of high professional status. Make your job sound as important as possible.

  Perhaps your new PLP exudes libertarian qualities.

  Highlight the freedom aspect of your work. He or she is a workaholic? Underscore your dedication to your job and talk about how many hours you, too, put in.

  When you grasp what type of Quarry you have in your trap, feed her the lines you think she'd like to hear about your work.

  Number 2: "I Love My Job."

  Everyone is drawn to confident, enthusiastic people.

  Women especially want a man to be confident in himself.

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  Once I was writing an article for a men's magazine on what qualities women look for in a man. Instead of turning to psychotherapists and studies, I simply asked all my girlfriends, "What qualities do you most look for in a man?" Their answer? Overwhelmingly, the big turn-on was confidence. "I like a man to be confident," one of my girlfriends said. "He can be a turkey—but if he's a confident turkey, it's OK."

  Men, too, like a confident woman. Often, after my buddy Phil has a date, I'll ask, "How was it? Did you like her?" Phil, the typical alingual male when discussing relationships, usually just mutters, "Oh, it was OK."

  "Did youlikeher, Phil?" "Well, sure, but I probably won't see her again." "Why not?" "Well, she just didn't seem to have her life together."

  In other words, she didn't have a clear and confident sense of direction about her life. Men often make that complaint about particular women.

  The next time an attractive stranger turns to you and asks, "And what do you do?" make sure your answer exudes joy and confidence about your nine-to-five life.

  Number 3: "Let's Keep Talking."

  Say you've just met the possible love of your life.

  You've just said, "I'm a secretary," "I'm an attorney,"

  or "I'm a nuclear physicist."

  Well, that's nice.Now what does he say? Your one-word answer to "What do you do?" will probably leave him tongue-tied. What do you ask a nuclear physicist? "Uh, gee, what have you nuked lately?"

  Never just say the name of your job and let your Quarry conversationally sink. Throw him some introductory bait he can nibble on so the conversation doesn't die of starvation.

  You're a lawyer? Instead of just saying "I'm an attorney," expand on it. Say, for example, "I'm an attorney. Our firm specializes in employment law. In fact, now I'm involved in a case

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  where a woman was actually discharged for becoming pregnant and taking some time off work."

  Now you've given your catch some conversational bait. If you don't, he may swim quickly away in search of people to talk to where he feels more clever.

  Sooner or later another question that Attractive Stranger will ask you is "Where are you from?" Do more than just drop a one-word piece of geography in his lap. Prepare an interesting little hook about your hometown.

  For example, I'm originally from Washington, D.C.

  When asked, I tell people that, when I was growing up, there were seven women to every man because of the influx of female government workers. (A good reason to get out, right?) With a more artistic Quarry, I tell him Washington was designed by the same city planner who designed Paris. That increases the conversational options from just Washington to city planning to Paris. The more you throw out, the better conversational hit rate you get with your new Quarry.



  Whatever you do in life, wherever you go, don't blow what could be the biggest audition of your life—

  someone asking, "And what do you do?"

  Prepare an answer that fits your Quarry's Lovemap, is upbeat and confident, and casts some tasty bait to keep the conversation going.


  The Game Begins in Earnest

  The dance of love begins in earnest as you contemplate a date with your new PLP

  , but now the game is more dangerous. Starting with your first date, he or she looks at you through the eyes of an

  Olympic judge. Everything you say and do can give you points or ruin your chances at the gold medal, your Quarry's heart. Love is even more hazardous than the Olympics because, if you fumble on the first date, you don't get a chance to compete again next time.

  Olympic skaters study for years to achieve their dream, but when they are performing, their moves appear instinctive and seemingly effortless. That's how you should appear as you build your relationship—casual and relaxed. Let me give you the scientifically proved right dating moves to win in the game of love. Study them, but when you are with your Quarry, let them become second nature so you can perform with star-quality smoothness.

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  ''How Soon Should I Make My Move?''

  Whenever one of my actress friends tells me she got the part, I can always tell from the degree of delight in her voicehowshe got it.

  In the theater there is a custom calledtypecasting . It means getting cast in a movie or play just because you look the part. The traditional procedure for getting a role is going to an audition. If the producers like you, they invite you to a callback for a second audition. For big shows, there can be a third or fourth callback before getting hired.

  Actors and actresses like to feel directors cast them because of their theatrical talent, not just because they looked the part. When it comes to love, people feel the same way. . . especially women.

  Question: How soon after meeting your Quarry should you pop the question, "Will you go out with me?" Answer:Not until your Quarry feels he or she hasearnedyour interest.

  Gentlemen, let the attractive woman tell you of her extraordinary business acumebnefore you suggest lunch to talk about collaboration (i.e., ask her for a date). Ladies, let him tell you how much dead wood he's slashed while hacking and slashing his way through the corporate jungblefore you invite him to lunch to meet your uncle who might hire him (i.e., finagle a date).

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  Let your Quarry feel he or she earned your interest or attentions through her brilliance, his fascinating personality, her talents, his wonderful uniqueness.

  Then she'll value your company all the more.

  Because she got it the old-fashioned way. . .

  sheearnedit. Let your new acquaintance pass the auditionbefore you offer him the role of the romantic lead for the evening.

  Gentlemen, there is another reason you should not ask her out immediately. Before she invests an evening of her valuable time in you, she wants to know she's going to enjoy it. A woman needs more input. She needs to find out more about you. She's basing her "go/no go" decision not only on your looks but also on your personality, your intelligence, your wit, your

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  everything. Talk more. Reveal yourself. Give her more information so she can make an educated judgment about you before she must say yes or no.





  Hunters, don't ask a woman out too soon, lest she think you're only interested in her looks. A woman values your

  interest all the more if she feels you appreciate her other qualities.

  Huntresses, you can move a bit faster. Men are less accustomed to being treated as sex objects. In fact, some might enjoy it!

  "Playing Hard to Get—Should I, or Shouldn't I?"

  How many times have you sat by the phone offering your firstborn to the monastery if onhleywould call?

  Onetime offer, God. Act now. Please.

  Then the phone rings. "Hello?"

  It's him! It's him! God is good. "Would you like to go out with me Saturday evening?" he asks in dulcet tones.

  You suppress a double back-flip. "Would I like to go out with you? Yeeeeeeees, I wouldloveto go out with you!" But you decide against that wording. You resolve to be cool because you think

  perhaps you should play hard to get. You hem and haw a
few second s as though you're considering his suggestion, and then you say coolly, "Why, all right."

  Did you handle him right? Does playing hard to get pay off? The answer may surprise you.

  Let's go to the studies. Four highly respected social scientists, pioneers in the study of love, were firmly convinced, as

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  were their colleagues and the general public, that men like a hard-to-get woman better. After all, everybody values that which they have to work for, right?

  However, not to leave any stone unturned, they conducted an in-depth study called "Playing Hard to Get: Understanding an Elusive Phenomenon."25

  Researchers polled a group of college men on whether they preferred a hard-to-get woman, and why. The responses were predictable: "Well, sure, if she's hard to get, it must mean she's more sought after.

  Yes, if a girl is popular, she can afford to be choosy.

  Well, my friends will envy me: there's a lot more prestige in going out with a hard-to-get dame."

  At this point, the researchers felt going through with a field experiment would be practically worthless. It was a foregone conclusion that hard to get meant better. But, being responsible

  scientists, they put this theory to the test. They hired a group of young men and women who had signed up for a computer-dating program. The men were to call the women and ask them for a date. The researchers told the women that half the time, they should pause and think for three seconds before accepting the date, thus playing hard to get. The other half of the time, they should accept the date immediately, with enthusiasm, thus being easy to get.

  Afterward, researchers asked the men how they felt about the women. The results astounded them. In spite of what the men had said in the hypothetical situation, in reality they did not like the hard-to-get women any better. So much for that theory.

  The researchers tested and retested the hypothesis in five ways, and all five methods failed to change the result. Just as science destroyed the prevailing theories that the world is flat and that heavier stones fall faster than smaller ones, science has destroyed yet another myth: Playing hard to get with the man does not make him want you more. At least, not at first.


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