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Breaking the Violence (Hard Drive Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Tricia Andersen

  He followed her up the steps and unlocked the front door. He excused himself long enough to let Kinnick out of his kennel and shooed the dog outside. Before long Mark was settled next to Lexi on the couch and Kinnick was nestled the best he could in her lap.

  Mark took a deep breath and let it go. “I didn’t call you because I had to go back into my department.”

  “Why? Was there an emergency?” she asked, alarmed.

  “No. It was for me.” He carefully tugged off his shirt. His heart fell as he heard her gasp.

  “What happened?” Lexi skimmed a finger close to a discolored spot.

  “A couple guys jumped me in the parking garage. I’m sure it was random.”

  “Can you tell me what they look like?”

  “I can do you one better. Security at the hospital sent me an image of them.” Mark pulled out his phone and scrolled to the message the security guards had sent. He handed it to her.

  Her breath escaped her lungs in a rush. “Oh my.”

  Mark frowned. “Do you know them?”

  “It’s Derek’s brother and cousin. He sent them to hurt you. Just like he said he would,” she murmured.

  Mark turned her eyes to him. “He isn’t going to do anything else to me. I already filed a police report and they caught one of them. I’m going to be vigilant from here on. Do not worry about me. I’m fine.”

  Lexi forced a smile on her face and nodded. He knew she struggled to believe him. He continued. “Where’s Logan?”

  “With my dad, fishing. Dad is fishing. Logan would be watching the boats. He loves boats.”

  “Really, huh? Good to know.” He hugged her tight to him. “I don’t want you to leave. I don’t trust Derek. Do you have anything you can do here?”

  “My laptop is in my bag. I have the next book in my series to work on. My editor has been asking for it for two months now. Having to hide from Derek has kept me from finishing it.”

  “Good. I’ll walk you to your car to get it. Then you can settle in here. I’ll take a nap on the couch so you won’t be alone. Of course, Kinnick will keep you company too whether you want him to or not.”

  Lexi laughed. “Don’t you need some really good sleep? Don’t you need to go to work tonight?”

  “Joan found someone to cover my shift. Need a pot of coffee while you write?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Let me get that started then we’ll go get your laptop.”

  “All right.”

  Mark pressed a kiss to her lips and stood. As he walked to the kitchen he laughed. As he had guessed, Kinnick didn’t move an inch. He was way too comfy on Lexi’s lap. Glancing back one last time, Mark found her gently stroking the dog’s head.

  He picked up the carafe and filled it with water. Pouring it into the machine, he replaced it on the burner and slipped a filter into the basket. Before he could grab the coffee grounds, he felt his phone vibrate.

  He scooped it out of his pocket and answered it. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, Sweetheart,” his mom replied. “I have Cindy’s phone number. She’s excited to meet Lexi. So am I.”

  “Let me grab a pen and paper so I can write it down.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll text it to you. Cindy said she would be in town in a couple of weeks if you are free.”

  “I can ask to have the weekend off. I was planning on coming home anyway. I’ll see if Lexi and Logan would want to come too.”

  “When were you planning on telling me?” his mom questioned.


  “Sure, Mark. Give Cindy a call. And let me know for sure so I can get the guest room ready.”

  “I will, Mom. I need to go get some sleep.”

  “All right. Good-bye, sweetheart.”

  “Good-bye, Mom. Love you.”

  “Love you too, kiddo.”

  Mark quieted his phone and set it on the counter. He poured the grounds into the coffee maker, flipped it on to brew, and then strode to the living room. He held his hand out to Lexi. “Should we go get your laptop?”

  “Sure.” She looked down at her lap and laughed. Kinnick’s eyes shifted from her to Mark but he didn’t move. “But I’m not sure I can get up.”

  Mark snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor. “Come on, Kinnick. Get up.”

  The dog didn’t move. Lexi chuckled again. “Here. Let me try.” She carefully attempted to stand. Considering the size of the pit bull, it took some effort. Finally Kinnick got up off her lap and hopped to the floor. With a huff he wandered to the kitchen.

  “Stubborn brat,” Mark muttered.

  Lexi gave him a grin as she took his hand. “Come on. Let’s get my laptop so you can get some sleep. Even though I’m pretty sure if Kinnick finds my lap again I’m not going to get any work done.”

  Laughing, they stepped outside and journeyed to her car. They took a moment to enjoy the warm sunshine mixed with soft kisses before she retrieved her computer bag from the backseat. He led her back into the house.

  “I’ll get you a cup of coffee,” he offered. “I’m going to make myself some chicken breasts and egg whites. Want me to fix a plate for you?”

  “Yes, please. With everything that happened this morning, I never got something to eat. I’m starving. Can I come help you?”

  “You just settle yourself in. I got you. I precooked the chicken so it’s just a matter of warming it up and cooking the egg whites. I’ll get your coffee and hopefully your fuzzy assistant won’t interrupt you too much.” He flashed her a smile and stepped into the kitchen. He poured her a cup of coffee then added a touch of cream. He couldn’t help but chuckle when he found Kinnick nestled between Lexi’s outstretched legs draped across the love seat. Mark set the mug on the end table, pressed a kiss to her forehead and returned to the stove. He noticed as he stood still that his body still ached from the earlier assault, but he didn’t care. Being with Lexi made it all fade away.

  He handed the plate to her and settled on the couch. He took a few bites before he talked. “My mom talked to her friend. Cindy has time in a couple of weekends to sit down with you. I thought we could make a weekend of it if you were free. My parents have a guest bedroom with a queen size bed. You and Logan could sleep there.”

  Lexi looked up at him warily. “I’m not sure about talking to anyone. It’s not like I’m living with him. It’s not like he beats me daily.”

  “Look at your arm, Lexi. It’s enough. Come on. It can’t hurt to talk to her.”

  “That’s true. But…”

  “But what?”

  “Your parents. I’d be meeting your parents. Isn’t that a big step?”

  “Oh.” Mark set his plate down on the coffee table. He fought back his disappointment. “It’s just a place to stay while you talk to Cindy. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”

  “I just wasn’t sure where we were in our relationship. I didn’t realize we were at the ‘meet each other’s parents’ stage.”

  “We don’t have to be. Even though I have met yours.”

  “My dad loves you. Mom too.”

  He winked at her. “Helps that I’m a doctor, huh?”

  “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “And they’re all right with what I do for fun.”

  “Of course. It makes my dad love you even more. He knows you can protect me.”

  “Will protect you.”

  Lexi smiled at him. “I’m sure your parents aren’t going to be thrilled that I have a child.”

  Mark laughed. “My parents are going to give your parents a run for their money when it comes to spoiling Logan. My mom has already shifted into grandma mode. And she and my dad are dying to meet you.”

  Her face flushed pink. “Okay. Then yes. Let’s find a weekend and go. And not just to talk to your Mom’s friend. I want to meet your parents.”

  “Only if I get to meet yours.”


  “Awesome.” He finished his plate then stood and took her empty one. He s
et them in the kitchen sink with the pans and sauntered back to the couch. He kissed her, his lips parting hers to deepen it.

  “My morning was a nightmare,” she said as she sighed. “Now, I’m with you. Everything is better.” She paused then smiled. “Thank you so much, Mark.”

  “You are very welcome.”

  “Get some sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He nestled on the couch and watched her work. Kinnick yawned and snuggled closer to Lexi. Mark’s eyes grew heavy. The image of her working was the last thing he saw before he fell asleep.

  Chapter Six

  Mark opened the rear door of his quad cab and reached inside for his old football equipment bag. A warm, proud smile spread across his face as he watched Logan hop out of the passenger door and take his mama's hand. His heart raced unexpectedly. I hope he likes what I have in this bag.

  Lexi turned toward him. "Where are we going, Mark?"

  Mark pointed through the open doors of the truck to the sparkling blue lake. "Through the field past the machine shed. There's a clearing right behind it with some flat rocks. I'll grab the picnic basket."

  Lexi nodded and led Logan to the path through the long grass. Mark watched them for a moment. He couldn't believe this beautiful, incredible, talented woman was in his life. And he absolutely adored the little boy holding her hand. He didn't want to give either of them up. Ever.

  Mark frowned as he thought. Am I ready to be a father? The answer came to him instantly as Logan turned back to him. "Come on!" His little voice rang through the meadow. Mark chuckled. Oh yeah. I am as long as Logan is my son. He grabbed the picnic basket, shut the truck doors and followed, laughing as he heard Logan’s chatter to Lexi about the machine shed and contemplating the zombies that had to be hiding inside. Lexi looked at Mark apologetically. "Sorry. His imagination runs away all the time."

  "Like his Mom's?" Mark teased.

  Lexi cheeks flamed pink. The image turned Mark inside out. So beautiful. He was distracted by the hand tugging on his shirt.

  "Mark, what's the surprise?" Logan prodded.

  Mark smiled at him as he set the bag and basket down and unzipped the bag. Carefully he pulled free a remote control boat. Logan gasped in awe.

  "That is so cool!" Logan squealed.

  "You can watch while Mark drives it," Lexi instructed.

  Mark winked at her. "Nah. Logan's getting behind the wheel of this vessel."

  "Mark, that's expensive," she objected.

  "Lexi, it's just a toy. I can buy another. But to watch Logan play with it will be priceless."

  Mark climbed carefully to the water’s edge, balancing himself on the boulders until he got there. He flipped the switch on the boat and set it on the surface of the lake. He made his way back to mother and son and dug in the bag again before handing the controller to Logan.

  “Okay, captain. Take us out,” Mark instructed as he kneeled next to the boy.

  Logan pressed the controls a little harder than he should. The toy boat zoomed ahead, jumping the tranquil waves at a wicked pace. Mark reached over to guide him, and before long Logan had the toy under control. He giggled as he drove the boat.

  Mark stood up straight and wandered to Lexi perched on a rock, the picnic basket set by her feet. She smiled at him. “You know you probably made his year.”

  He sat beside her. “I sure hope I did.” He took her hand. “Are you nervous about talking with Cindy?”

  “Very. I’m afraid she’ll think I’m crazy. Or overreacting.”

  “You’re far from overreacting. And you aren’t crazy. I’ve known Cindy all of my life. She’s gentle and understanding. And if you want me to be there with you, I can be.”

  “No, it’s all right. There are still some things I don’t want to share with you yet. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just I’m afraid you’ll look at me differently.”

  “Try me.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Okay. Maybe later. Why don’t we eat now so you’re not late for your appointment?”

  “Sure.” Lexi picked up the basket and set it between them. She opened it and handed a sandwich to Mark. Then she turned toward the water. “Logan, come eat.”

  The little boy looked at her and then the lake with a confused expression on his brow. Mark laughed as he stood and set his sandwich on the rock.

  “Don’t worry, captain,” he said as his pace picked up to a jog. “I’ll bring the vessel ashore. You go do what your mama says.”

  Logan handed the controller to Mark, then wrapped his arms around Mark’s legs and hugged him. “Thank you, Mark. It was so much fun.”

  Mark thought his heart was going to burst. “Anytime, kiddo. We’ll do it again soon.”

  Logan scurried to his mother and took the sandwich from her. “Peanut butter and jelly. My favorite.” He bit into it and carefully climbed up the rock until he sat beside her. Mark laughed as he found a spot on another boulder to eat his lunch.

  The ride back to the city was quiet. Mark glanced frequently over to Lexi while he watched the highway. She wrung her fingers together as she stared at them. Mark wrapped his hand around hers. She was incredibly brave to do this in the first place. He’d give her some of his courage if he could.

  He stopped in front of the brick front house and hopped out of the truck. He opened her door and offered his hand to help her out.

  “I could open the door myself,” Lexi protested, her cheeks tinging pink as she slipped her hand into his.

  “I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman then, would I?”

  Lexi’s cheeks went from pink to red as she hopped from the cab. She only made it a couple of steps before the door opened and a woman stepped out, her silver hair tied up in a ponytail. Her flowing electric blue blouse flowed against her black slacks. She smiled. “You must be Lexi.”

  “And you’re Cindy?” Lexi asked timidly.

  “Of course. I’m excited for our chat. And you have nothing to worry from me. I’m as gentle as a mouse.” Cindy looked past Lexi to the truck. “Hello, Mark. How are you?”

  “Wonderful. And you?” Mark returned.

  “Wonderful, also. Thank you. You can stop back in an hour. Lexi and I are just going to have a cup of coffee and talk. We’ll see you in a bit.”

  “All right.” Mark waved at the two women and hopped into the truck. He glanced up at the rear view mirror as a tiny voice spoke. “Where’s mommy going?”

  “She’s going to visit the nice lady who lives in that house.”


  Mark swore he heard a whimper from Logan. His mind scrambled. It was true he was good with kids. But that was at work. Here, alone? He was about to be sunk.

  He wrenched himself around to look in the back seat. “How about some ice cream?”

  Logan’s tear glistened eyes met his. “With sprinkles?”

  “Anything you want, kiddo.”

  “Yay!” Logan swiped his hand across his eyes then clapped his hands excitedly. “Let’s go!”

  Mark turned back in his seat and fired on the engine of his truck. “Why do I think I just got played?” He shook his head with a laugh, shifted into drive and pulled into traffic.

  He only drove a few blocks before he reached the ice cream parlor. He unbuckled Logan from his car seat then helped him out of the truck. Holding tight to the little boy’s hand, he led the child to the window to order their treats.

  He looked down at Logan as the girl greeted them. “What do you want, big guy?”

  Logan hopped from one foot to the other excitedly. “Vanilla with chocolate sauce. And sprinkles!”

  The girl typed the request into the register. She glanced up at Mark. “And you sir?”

  Mark shook his head. “I’m good.”

  Logan tugged on his hand. “You’re not getting anything? You need a treat too.”

  Mark looked down into Logan’s pouting face. How could he explain to the little guy about cutting weight? It’s not even my ch
eat day. Guess I’m going for a run tonight. “I’ll have a small ice cream cone. Chocolate.”

  Logan fidgeted excitedly as the girl got their desserts, beaming up at Mark. It nearly made Mark’s heart explode. He always imagined he’d be a dad someday. And Logan was an incredible kid. How could someone turn their back on a kid like this? How could he treat Lexi the way he did? If it were me, I’d be thanking my lucky stars every day until I died.

  The girl handed the sundae to Logan and took the money from Mark. Once he had his cone, he shepherded the boy to a picnic table. Logan chattered away between each spoonful. Mark sat quietly as he listened, amused.

  Once they were finish, Mark helped Logan back into the truck. He glanced at his watch. Lexi would be done talking to Cindy in about fifteen minutes. His heart twisted in anticipation. How would she be after baring her heart to a total stranger? Would she be upset at him for suggesting it? Don’t be stupid, Mark. Just be there for her.

  As he shifted the truck into park in front of Cindy’s house, he noticed that the cab was mysteriously quiet. He frowned as he looked up at his rear view mirror and then chuckled. The image of a sleeping Logan met him. “Wow. I tuckered the poor kid out.”

  His head turned at the opening of the door. Cindy and Lexi stepped out onto the huge porch. Cindy had the pleasant smile she always wore, but Lexi’s face looked haunted. He opened the door and stepped out.

  “Hello, Mark,” Cindy greeted. “Right on time.”

  “Yep. Can’t be late,” he returned.

  Cindy turned to Lexi and offered her hand. “It was nice talking to you, Lexi. Please give me a call and we’ll do it again soon. Do you have my business card?”

  “Yes, I do.” Lexi shook her hand. “And I will call you.”

  “I look forward to it.” Cindy waved to Mark. “Good-bye, Mark. Drive safe.”

  “Will do.” Mark helped Lexi into the truck and hopped in the driver’s seat. He noticed Lexi gazing at her sleeping son in the backseat.

  Mark’s brow wrinkled as he watched her. “Are you okay?”

  She shook her head in response.


  “I’ll be all right, Mark. I just need a moment. Okay?”

  “Of course. I’m right here if you need me. I’ll be here forever.”


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