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Moon Claimed: Supernatural Battle (Werewolf Dens Book 2)

Page 28

by Kelly St Clare

  That got them.

  A wall of sour decay rose up from the one thousand stewards beneath me that consumed me.

  I swallowed hard, and a tear trekked across my temple into my hair.

  “The cameras confirmed my theory,” she said. “My sister was having sex with the monster who killed my father. Our beloved leader.”

  The crowd couldn’t keep silent anymore. They shouted, voices filled with fury and disgust.

  Not at Rhona.

  At me.

  The woman who would have sex with a werewolf.

  What’s our status? I asked. Did escaping even matter anymore?

  I’m trying.

  I know. Don’t worry. The damage is done.

  The crowd simmered down eventually. I inhaled their horror and disbelief, their nausea and hatred.

  “The day my father died,” Rhona shouted, “something called the capture meet occurred between Andie and the leader of the Luthers. She knew about this in advance and told no one. She knew that the Luther would attempt this meet in the grid, but she did not reach out for help or aid. She did not tell my father who came upon them during this meet. When Sascha Greyson immediately attacked, my father managed to draw his gun. Managed to fire shots into the beast. But it was too late. He’d arrived unprepared to fight because Andie never thought to tell any of us about the danger.”

  Some in the crowd were crying.

  Was Cameron down there?


  Pascal and Stanley?

  Eleanor and Heather?

  I’d never felt smaller in my life. I just wanted to stay up here in the cherry picker and crawl away when darkness fell.

  “Even then, I tried to convince myself it was all a mistake.” Her voice broke. “But excuses for her ran dry as I thought back through it all. I finally realised the person she was. The Luther might have snapped my father’s neck, but Andie killed him well and truly. Her own father. You’ve seen her attempts to shut me up since. You’ve seen the way she’s belittled and shoved me aside. But there’s one thing I will never give up fighting for—and that’s the wellbeing of this tribe. Andie Booker is no Thana. She is no sister of mine. Tonight, knowing all, I implore the Ni Tiaki to follow a new leader—their rightful leader. I ask you to follow me, and not this…”

  The cherry picker began to descend, and I squeezed my eyes tight.

  You can leave with your dignity, Andie Thana, my wolf hushed. Show them what a real queen looks like.

  Billy and Valerie climbed into the tray and dragged me upright.


  I stumbled into Billy, head thumping against his chest. He righted me, and Valerie jerked me back. The world spun, and I thumped against the railing and crumpled to the ground again.

  “What have you done to her?” someone yelled.

  I was dragged up again and, this time, held upright.

  Ugh, gross.

  Cameron shoved through to the front. “What did you give her? And why the hell is she tied up like that? Jesus, Rhona, you can disagree with someone without treating them like this.”

  “Cameron.” I licked my lips.

  She cut off, looking up at me.

  “It’s okay. Thank you, but I’m okay.”

  She scanned my face in a way that made me realise I must look pretty fucking rough. I inhaled, finding my feet.

  “Cam,” I told her, though others were bound to hear. “This one is on me. Stand down.”

  Tears coating her cheeks, Cameron nodded.

  I tilted my chin and regarded the tribe. The sour decay thing really wasn’t helping my wooziness. “I think you all deserve the truth.”

  “They’ve heard the truth,” Rhona said into the mic.

  I ignored her. Only because turning my head made the world wonky. Pitching my voice higher, I called. “I’m engaged in a series of meets with Sascha Greyson at the end of which I will be able to choose him or not choose him as a mate. He also holds the power of this choice.”

  No one made a peep. Probably because most couldn’t hear me.

  “That night in Sandstone, I had knowledge that could have saved the life of Hercules Thana. I made a mistake and live with that immense regret. In hindsight, concealing the truth of what happened from those who knew him best was cowardly. My only excuses are fear of your reaction and shame. I knew if the truth was known that I would lose a sister. I wanted to delay that moment.”

  “We’ve heard enough,” Rhona scoffed, turning away.

  “Just one more thing.” I shoved away every shred of my pride.

  Taking a steadying breath, I said, “I hereby abdicate the position of head steward and nominate Rhona Thana in my stead. In her, you will find a leader you can be proud of. But you must unite behind her. Enough of this mess. When you leave Sandstone today, forget your problems with those around you. Division has and will weaken this tribe. Support Rhona completely. Do it for her or do it for this land but ensure you do it.”

  I nodded to Valerie and Billy. “You can take me away now.”

  That earned me an angry shove from Valerie. I grinned as Billy released the ropes around my ankles.

  “Return her to that shitty car,” Rhona said into the mic. “Andie Booker, you have two hours to pack what you need. After that, leave this valley and never return.”

  Wow. She was exiling me?

  One tiny problem with that.

  I cast a look at Sascha.

  “See how she watches him?” she hissed.

  I met her emerald eyes, so like my own. “I love you, Rhona.”

  Her grip on the microphone tightened.

  Turning on my heel, I lead the way through the crowd. Valerie did her best to stride beside me, but Billy didn’t seem to have his heart in it.

  It’s over, my wolf said.

  It is. That was about five times as horrible as my worst fears.

  But it was over.

  My awareness of my wolf strengthened with every step. The movement was helping push the drug out of my system.

  We can free our hands if you want, she said.

  There was a slight push at the base of my nail beds. I could cut through the ropes with my claws, but there wasn’t any point. Nah, they’ll remove them soon anyway.

  We’re leaving? It’s a risk.

  No. We’ve got to find Wade. I won’t leave before then. After that… we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  I didn’t really want to see Sascha again before going, but I probably had to if I wanted to have the best chance at finding Wade.

  My wolf wrenched us to a halt.

  Her growl ripped through my mind, and then I smelled it too.

  “What are you doing, dog lover?” Valerie spat. “Keep moving.”


  The black wolf was here. Behind me. Behind the stewards. With the Luthers.

  As I inhaled again, my insides froze to ice.

  He was moving closer.

  To the scent of vanilla and cut grass.

  To Rhona.

  “Come on, Andie. We’ve got to go,” Billy said, half apologetically.

  Ears buzzing, I stumbled forward, hunching slightly as I extended a claw and began to saw at the ropes. The angle was awkward, but my claws were powerful and sharp, capable of slicing through bones.

  Picking up the pace, I sawed harder.

  “Slow down,” Valerie snapped.

  “I only have two hours. There’s packing to do,” I caught the ropes as my hands came free.

  Ready? I asked my wolf.

  Rhona betrayed you. Leave her.

  But my mind was cast back to that moment after Herc’s death when we sat together in his office, holding hands. The split second where Rhona decided to take a tranquiliser dart for me rather than save herself. We’d climbed under the blankets after scattering some of Ragna’s ashes and spoke of our mothers until near dawn.

  I can’t, I thought to her.

  Whirling, I ripped the guns from my captor’s clutches, bursting f
orward at a speed just within human confines.

  Their shouts rang after me, but I ignored them, sprinting toward Rhona.

  The spice grew stronger.

  He was closing in on her.

  The stewards turned at the shouts behind me, rearing back and eyes wide as I catapulted through their midst.

  “Move,” I told them in a voice only half mine.

  He was too close.

  But how was he getting so close to Rhona while Sascha remained back with the other Luthers?

  I shoved through the final row of stewards.


  The Luther marshal.

  His spice scent filled my nostrils. My body ached with the need to shift and protect.

  His yellowed eyes locked on mine.

  “Rhona,” I called low.

  She turned, furious as she spotted me.

  “Rhona. Run. Right now.”

  She drew herself taller. “The transfer of leadership is being witnessed. Leave this place.”

  The marshal picked up his pace, and I strode forward, throwing off hands pulling me back.

  “Rhona, I’m not kidding. Get away from him.”

  Looking at the Luther, I saw his sudden smirk. The same as in Water.

  With an explosion of cracks and pops he shifted into a black wolf.

  The stewards cried out, scrambling over each other to get away. I ran for my sister.

  “Run!” I screamed at her.

  The black wolf would reach her first. Unarmed, Rhona was turning to race backward to the tribe, but she wouldn’t make it.

  I wouldn’t make it to her in time.

  Not like this.

  My teeth set, and I picked up the pace beyond human capabilities. We need to shift.

  You’re sure?

  For Rhona? Yes. I’m sure.

  She was twenty metres away. The huge black wolf bore down on her as I threw myself headfirst in a spiral, sliding into my wolf form. We hit the ground on all fours, hurtling forward with supernatural speed.

  I soared over Rhona’s head and took the black wolf to the ground.

  Rolling to my feet, I dodged backward until I stood between my enemy and Rhona.

  The other Luthers were here now. Sascha had shifted and charged for me, but wrenched to a halt, gaze on the black wolf.

  Hackles raised, Greyson swung his head to me. Daniil has formally challenged you. I cannot interfere. Our lives will be forfeit.

  Are you fucking serious? I moved back from the black wolf. I’m not part of your pack.

  I’d never heard snarls of the like rip from him. A wall of wolves advanced to separate him from me and the fighting circle they’d formed around us.

  Glancing back, I noted Rhona sprawled on the ground and looking at me in horror.

  The tribe stared on with the same expressions.

  They knew what I was.

  Now, I was the monster.

  What if I lose? I asked Greyson.

  He can choose to spare you. He can choose to kill you.

  I knew even as the words left him that Greyson wouldn’t allow that to happen. He’d break tradition. He’d fight to reach me.

  I’ll need to spare or kill him? I asked.

  Yes. But we don’t know where Wade is.


  My wolf cut in. Are there any other rules we should be aware of?

  None, Greyson said.

  The black wolf and I circled each other, and though I had no idea how to fight, this was instinctual to my wolf.

  Giving her control of everything, I didn’t sit back but sat ready to assist when needed. As she’d done with Greyson, we danced back, darting in and out as the circling continued.

  My wolf’s assessment flowed into me. He’d be a slightly weaker opponent. He’d passed his prime years.

  He was older. In appearance too. Unmated.

  Not immortal.

  His yellow eyes bore into mine, and my wolf didn’t back down from the battle of will. It was crucial to win this too.

  We launched across the divide and slashed at his hindquarters. Rounding back, we slashed the other side.

  He was hot on our tail, and we faked one way, dashing around him. He didn’t relent as expected, continuing to chase us, a close match for our speed.


  My wolf changed direction, widening the distance. He wasn’t as agile on sudden turns. Spinning, she clawed down his side, eliciting a yelp.

  Teeth sank into our hind leg. Pain shot through us and we rolled away. As my wolf recovered, I slid forward into the driver’s seat and kicked at the black wolf’s underbelly.

  His fangs gleamed over us, and without thinking, I shifted to my much smaller human form. Staring up at his belly, I extended my claws and punched them into his gut.

  I rolled out and stood, naked.

  The black wolf staggered to the side, blood pouring from the deep puncture wound in his stomach.

  We could heal fast.

  So could he.

  “Where’s Wade?” I asked him coldly.

  He growled back.

  I slid into wolf form again and padded closer. She pressed our advantage, darting around him to inflict wounds meant to tire and weaken.

  He slashed back, returning the favour when possible.


  With no idea which of us said the words, we both leaped for our chance, pouncing to grip the Luther’s throat in our fangs.

  Where is Wade? I forced at him.

  His laughter rang back. He’s dead.

  I smelled the lie but couldn’t help tightening my fangs. His back legs folded, and I shook him roughly.

  Tell me now.

  If I tell you, I die.

  If you tell me, you live.

  The black wolf wrenched his body away, and my teeth tore through his fur and flesh. Blood coated our tongue, and we scrambled back in preparation of his attack.

  Red spurted from his neck.

  He killed himself, I gasped.

  The black wolf collapsed in a heap, and I approached warily to stand over him. Pressing a large paw against his bleeding throat, I lowered my head to stare into his eyes.

  This fucker couldn’t die without telling me what I needed to know. You will tell me where he is.

  I almost jumped at the booming quality to my voice.

  Some of the other Luthers skittered back.

  Had they heard it too?

  The wolf beneath me stilled, and I latched onto the power spreading in my chest.

  You are no match for me, old wolf.

  The marshal whined, trying to escape, but I didn’t release him from my stare, shoving the power inside at him in waves.

  It hurt him, I could tell, and I redoubled my efforts even as I could feel the toll on my body. My energy, or whatever magic made me a Luther, was flooding away.

  Like a shattering champagne glass, his mental defence shattered under my onslaught.

  We had him.

  My wolf rode my voice. Tell me where her Wade is.

  The answer came to me in a torrent of images, and I blinked through them, scenting their truth.

  Like the snap of a rubber band, I released him. He shuddered as a thick wave of blood pulsed from his neck.

  Life drained from his eyes. With a rattling breath, he was gone.

  Wobbling on shaking legs, I toppled into a heap.

  Ah crap, I said.

  Crap, my wolf agreed.

  Hands found me and my warning growl snapped off as warmth flooded through me. I stared up at a trembling Sascha.

  “You’re okay, brave wolf. You’ll be okay. Shift back now.”

  His voice soothed me, and though weak, I felt his power ready to help me.


  So slow.

  Pop. Crack.

  My legs lengthened and, in human form, I panted hard on the ground.

  Sascha scooped me into his arms, and I had nothing in me to do anything but rely on him.

  “She is to leave within two h
ours,” Rhona’s voice shot across the gap.

  Oh… apparently, I could hurt more.

  A savage snarl left Sascha’s mouth. “She is no longer yours to command.”

  “That’s Head Steward to you, Luther.”

  Sascha’s laughter rattled me. “No one believes that, young Thana. Not even yourself.”

  With that, he turned from her, carrying me away from my sister and tribe.

  And I surrendered to the darkness.


  A warm body curled behind mine. Scalding hands splayed across my lower belly. His knee was between mine.

  I forced my eyes open and took in Sascha’s bungalow.

  How long was I out? I asked my wolf.

  She yawned. It’s the next day. Nap time.

  The sun was at its highest. Her nap time, not mine.

  “I thought it best to keep close overnight—you know, with the healing thing,” Sascha said in my ear.

  I shivered. “Is that right? This was for medicinal reasons?”

  He hummed against my shoulder and I shivered again. “I’m not sure medicinal is the right word. How do you feel?”

  Fantastic. “Far better than expected.”

  It’s because we’re with him, my wolf said breathlessly.

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes, it’s because we’re with him.”

  “Yes, it’s because you’re with me.”

  Dammit. “I was speaking to someone else.”

  His shoulders shook. “Does she like me?”

  My eyes narrowed in response to my wolf’s exuberant yes. “She has a crush on you. I can’t see the appeal.”

  His hand swept down the curve of my waist and hip, coming to rest on my thigh. I resumed breathing a beat too late.

  “I have a strong feeling, little bird, that you can see the appeal.”

  I rolled onto my back. It should be illegal to be this close to Sascha Greyson. How the heck was a person meant to think straight? “I don’t think I’m head steward anymore.”

  He didn’t laugh as I’d intended, perhaps because he could smell exactly how I felt.


  Mostly, I just felt like it was justified.

  Sascha’s honey eyes burned. “No one deserves to be treated like that, no matter their circumstances. Your part in Hercules Thana’s death was miniscule to the point of insignificance. Rhona has twisted that night to her favour. She is playing on the guilt you feel. You don’t deserve this.”


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