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Dominion (Alpha Domain #1)

Page 10

by Arabella Abbing

  “God, yes.... Amber,” Allen ground out before he slammed hard into me one last time. A guttural groan slipped past his lips as he came and I let my upper body go slack on John’s legs.

  Once his cock stopped throbbing inside me, he slipped out and stepped back, still panting wildly. Before my mind could piece together what was happening, John sat up and put his hands under my armpits, lifting me up onto the bed to straddle him.

  “We’re not done yet, beautiful,” he whispered as he wrapped his cock in the latex condom. Once he was fully sheathed, he guided my hips up and positioned the head at my oversensitive opening. “Let me feel this hot little pussy.”

  With a groan, I let my hips fall, taking his girth inside me and shuddering from the sensation. While I desperately wanted to ride him and watch his eyes roll back in ecstasy, my body was too exhausted to move.

  John seemed to realize that though and he pulled me down until my breasts were smashed against his hard chest. He kissed me deeply as he slowly slid us further up the mattress, then tipped my hips up slightly before he began to thrust up into me.

  “Oh my god,” I breathed out as he immediately set a rapid-fire pace.

  “Sorry, baby, but I’m already close thanks to that sweet mouth of yours,” he explained between grunts. “But I want to feel you come on me before I blow.”

  Just as I was about to say I didn’t think I could come again after an orgasm like that—John proved me wrong. He snaked a hand between our bodies and easily located my swollen clitoris, flicking the rough pad of his finger over it rapidly as he continued to fuck me.

  “Oh FUCK!” I screamed as I tried to squirm away. “It’s too much, too much!”

  “No it’s not,” Allen’s voice whispered from behind me, grabbing hold of my hips and holding me in place while John continued to work me.

  I tried to squirm again, but I was trapped between their hard bodies and their tight grasps. My mouth dropped open and I let out a long, shuddering moan of ecstasy as electric shocks of pleasure started coursing through me yet again.

  “That’s it,” John grunted, his eyes wild as he felt my walls fluttering around him. “Come on my cock, gorgeous. Let me feel it.”

  As if my body was somehow in sync with his command, I came again. Allen let go and my hips rocked forcefully, grinding down on John as he thrust up. With a shout of my name, he let go, my walls clenching around him as he emptied into the condom.

  He stayed inside me while we came down from our post-orgasm highs, both waiting until our breathing was under control before he assisted me in gently lifting up and off.

  “Holy fuck, that was incredible,” John said with a harsh exhale, grinning at me as Allen arranged my body in the center of the bed and crawled up next to me.

  John rolled off the end of the bed and stood up, removing the condom and walking towards Allen’s bathroom to clean up. I allowed Allen to turn me on my side, making me face him.

  “Hi,” he said sheepishly.

  A light burst of laughter bubbled up and out. “Hi.”

  He grinned at the sight of my smile and leaned forward, wrapping an arm around my waist as he gently kissed me. I cupped his cheek in my hand and kissed him back, feeling the intensity beginning to grow along with his cock as he shamelessly ground it against my thigh.

  I pulled back and looked at him with wide eyes. “Again?”

  He chuckled and swept a few wayward hairs off of my forehead. “Sorry, I can’t help it. But you’re tired. Get some rest and we’ll continue this later.”

  I hummed in contentment and closed my eyes, burrowing closer to his chest and pressing my cheek against his heart. I didn’t miss the way it sped up under my touch nor did I miss his sharp inhalation, but I decided not to draw attention to it.

  Allen made his feelings for me clear many years ago and it was pretty obvious that he still had them. It was me who had been too much of an asshole not to admit that I was beginning to feel the same way.

  Guilt swept through me, but before I could apologize for my past behavior, John reentered the room and plopped down on the bed, snuggling up to my back.

  “Don’t I get some love, too?” he asked, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

  I smiled and turned over, leaning forward to kiss him and trying to ignore the way Allen tensed behind me. I frowned a little during the kiss, but it melted away when I felt Allen relax.

  He was trying very hard to be okay with this arrangement and I was grateful. Because while I could admit to myself that I always had feelings for Allen, I also had the familiar stirrings of feelings for John as well.

  As they both wrapped me tightly in their arms, I was nearly overwhelmed by the sense of safeness I felt. Even though I was still afraid of what they did for a living, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that neither of them would ever let any harm come to me.

  That fact was more than enough to allow my body to melt into the embrace and I felt a goofy smile stretching across my lips as I began to fall asleep.

  The smile faded the moment I heard the door slam downstairs, following by a loud thud.

  Allen and John tensed, tightening their hold on me.


  “On it.”

  I felt my eyes widen with panic as John let go and rolled off the bed. I tried to sit up to question what was going on, but Allen covered my mouth with his palm and held me close to his chest. I made a muffled sound of protest against it, my eyes following John’s movements through the bedroom.

  “Shhh, stay quiet, sweetheart,” Allen soothingly whispered in my ear.

  Fear turned to terror when I saw John pull two handguns out of a dresser, handing one to Allen before he silently crept to the door then disappeared into the hallway without a word.

  “He’ll be fine,” Allen whispered again, his hand still covering my mouth. “Just stay quiet. Do you understand?”

  I nodded and he removed his palm from my mouth. I immediately clenched my teeth together from screaming as he stood up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me off the bed and into the bathroom.

  “Stay here and don’t make a sound,” he instructed, pulling the door quietly closed behind him and leaving me alone in the darkness.

  I crossed my arms over my stomach and tried to stop my body from shaking with fear.

  Chapter Twelve


  Creeping around in the middle of the night butt-ass naked while Allen comforted our shared lover was a totally new experience for me. But I felt ready.

  Ready to beat the shit out of whoever interrupted the touching moment that had transpired between the three of us. I wasn’t a sensitive man very often, but even I couldn’t deny the swell of emotions that arose when Amber happily snuggled up between us, her striking blue eyes full of trust and her blonde hair spread over the pillows like a halo.

  Just thinking about Amber was enough to make my dick start to swell again, so I shook the thoughts from my head and focused on the mental image of beating whoever had broken into the house to a bloody pulp.

  There was a rustle coming from the kitchen and I slowly made my way to the stairs, avoiding the ones I knew creaked.

  Knowing every inch of this house inside and out was the primary reason why Allen and I were never confronted here. Not only that, but it was a well-known fact that we greeted all ‘visitors’ with lethal aggression.

  Only a man with a death wish would be stupid enough to break into this house.

  Of course, I felt pretty stupid to be creeping around with no fucking pants on. If I got into a fight, I had no doubt that they’d go right for my dick.

  Shit, I thought when I reached the landing of the stairs, glancing back up and considering going back. Another sound from the kitchen reminded me of the severity of what was at stake. Protecting Amber was more important than my junk.

  I silently made my way towards the kitchen until I was leaning against the wall of the doorway and listened. It was quiet except for the occasional rustle of clothing, signaling
that there was at least one person in the room. When I heard the unmistakable sound of a beer cap being popped off a bottle, I knew there were at least two.

  Who the fuck breaks in to someone’s house and goes for a beer?

  Rational thought started to creep into my head, but was swiftly shoved to the side when footsteps approached the doorway. With deadly accuracy, I balled my fist and swung—connecting hard into a jaw the moment the intruder stepped into my field of vision.

  “What the FUCK?”

  I roared and jumped into the doorway, aiming the pistol down at the guy as he landed hard on the floor. As the light poured out of the kitchen, I frowned down at the sight of Derek clutching his chin. A chuckle drew my attention up and my eyes landed on Mason, undoubtedly laughing at the sight of me standing above Derek in the nude.

  The tension left my body when I realized no one had broken in. Derek used his key.

  Shit. I just socked Derek.

  I leaned over and offered him my hand, helping him to his feet as he gripped his sore jaw.

  “Sorry, Derek. I thought you were an intruder.”

  He scowled and shook his head, stretching his jaw out a few times before he dryly said, “Really? So that’s not how you welcome all your guests? And why the fuck are you naked?”

  I glanced down and winced a little at the sight of my flaccid dick. I looked back up at Mason’s smirking face then to Derek’s unamused look.

  “It’s a grower.”

  “I’m sure it is, buddy,” Mason said with a chuckle. “Now where the fuck is Allen and why did he need us here?”

  “I’ll get him,” I said as I turned away and started making my way towards the stairs.

  “And get some pants while you’re at it!”

  I rolled my eyes and kept walking, frowning deeper with every step I took. Allen had obviously summoned them here and it pissed me off that he hadn’t mentioned it. I could’ve saved myself some embarrassment and Derek wouldn’t have a sore jaw if he had remembered.

  He’s blinded by the girl. Not that I can blame him.

  I let out a resigned sigh and started up the stairs. Halfway there, I noticed Allen loitering at the top of the staircase, obviously waiting for any intruder who made their way past me.

  “It’s Derek and Mason. Why didn’t you tell me they were coming?”

  His eyes widened and he lowered his weapon. “Shit, I completely forgot.”

  “I figured. Where’s Amber?”

  “I told her to stay in the bathroom.”

  I noticed the jeans covering his legs and gestured up the stairs with the pistol clenched in my hand. “I’m going to grab my pants, you head down to the kitchen. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He nodded and holstered his weapon and I grit my teeth at the fact that he also had time to grab his belt whereas I had gone down totally naked. Not that I was really embarrassed about my nude body, but it still grated my nerves.

  I had intended on just grabbing my pants and heading back down, letting Amber stay in the bathroom for the time being, but I changed my mind at the last second. I fastened the button on my jeans and made my way to the door, opening it slowly so as not to scare her.

  “Baby? It’s me,” I said softly once the door was cracked.

  “J-John?” her terrified voice came from the darkness, the sound pulling something tight in my chest. “Are you okay?”

  I opened the door further and stepped inside, finding her quickly even with the darkness hiding her from my vision.

  “I’m fine, sweetheart,” I said as I rested my hands on her hips. “Everything’s fine—It’s just Derek and Mason. Two of our employees.”

  I could hear her relieved exhalation and the fact that she so easily trusted me brought a smile to my lips. I guided my hands up her arms until I found the back of her neck and soothingly rubbed a circle there before I whispered, “Come here.”

  When our lips met, the tightness in my chest grew when I felt the wet tracks of her tears against my chin. I moved my free hand to her face and gently wiped the wetness away, kissing her softly while my heart beat pounded hard in my chest.

  No wonder Allen loved her. One night together and I was already overwhelmed by the need to hold and protect her. I had never felt anything as intense as the bond that was forming between us.

  As I recognized my growing emotions, I wondered if sharing her with Allen was a mistake. Would I be able to share her if I fell for her? Did she even want me to fall for her, or was she already too far gone with Allen?

  How the hell was this going to work out?

  She pulled back and let out a content sigh, then wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. It was then that I realized I’d have to find some way to make it work.

  Because I’d rather share her forever than lose her completely.

  * * *


  “What the hell happened to you?” I asked Derek, raising my eyebrows high when I saw him holding a bottle of beer to the side of his face.

  “Ask John,” he miserably muttered.

  “What’s going on, boss?” Mason asked from where he leaned against the counter. “Derek said it was important.”

  “You didn’t tell them?”

  “I thought it’d be better coming from you,” Derek explained with a half-shrug.

  I sighed and scrubbed a hand down my face before I asked, “Where’s everyone else? I don’t want to explain this twice.”

  Of course, I was aware that a few members of my team were away on various jobs, but I at least needed the remainder of them on my side for this. Going to war required manpower—more than John and I could provide ourselves.

  “Troy’s on his way,” Derek answered, pulling the bottle away and flexing his jaw. “He’ll be here any minute.”

  I eyed Mason as he downed the rest of the beer then leaned back against the counter, folding his arms across his chest as he stared blankly at the wall. Derek was relatively useful in a fight, but his specialties primarily lied outside of physical combat. For that reason, I was extremely grateful that Mason was still around for this.

  The man was probably the coldest killer I had in my employment. He handled the dirtiest jobs we got—all with a smile on his scarred lips.

  No one on the team knew how he got those scars besides John and I— and we had sworn to take that information with us to the grave. Even though I frequently caught the others watching Mason as if they expected him to either fall apart or blow the fuck up, I knew better.

  For all his murderous tendencies—Mason was surprisingly stable.

  The front door slammed shut and I frowned. “Didn’t you lock the fucking door?” I hissed to Derek, then poked my head out to shout, “Lock the door, Troy!”

  The man spun around and went back, joining us in the kitchen after all the deadbolts were securely fastened. He looked from Derek, to me, to Mason—then directed his gaze at me as he said, “Looks like a party.”

  “Not the fun kind, unfortunately,” Derek said.

  Mason raised a finger into the air. “That depends on who you ask.”

  Troy’s questioning frown deepened as he glanced around the room. “Where’s John?”

  Where was John?

  The bastard probably went to console Amber, I thought with a scowl. It’s not that I hadn’t wanted to console her myself, I just knew when the appropriate time to do so was and that was after this business was handled.

  Apparently, John either didn’t know or he just didn’t care.

  Like he knew I was thinking about him, John came strolling into the room a moment later, now fully dressed. I was painfully aware of my own shirtless state and the fact that my employees were regarding me with a confused curiosity.

  It probably didn’t help that John had just been down here naked moments earlier. Add me without a shirt and it sent all kinds of weird mixed messages. Derek was clenching his jaw just to keep himself from asking since he damn well knew better than to do so.

sp; “Alright, everyone’s here,” I announced, letting my voice morph from the sensual tone I used with Amber into one of authority. “The Sanchez family has declared war with us.”

  Troy blanched. “What? Why?”

  John cleared his throat and stepped forward. “We uh... We took something of theirs. Sort of.”

  Mason didn’t look all too concerned about the news, but he did raise an eyebrow at the vague explanation of why we were about to be involved in a bloodshed of this magnitude.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  I raised my hand to cut John off, ignoring the irritation that flashed across his features as I asserted myself as leader.

  “You all deserve full discretion considering what we’re up against. A woman who means a great deal to me was offered up as payment for a loan owed to the family. When I found out, John and I arranged to have her brought back here.”

  “And they saw you take her,” Troy said dryly, already connecting the dots.

  John nodded. “I didn’t have any options.”

  “Have you called Arnold?”

  “I did. He requested that I lose his number in fear of his safety.”

  An eerie silence claimed the group—each and every one of them aware of how severe the threat was if our mole had backed out. Arnold was paid very well for the information he fed us. The only reason he’d give up that paycheck was if he thought his life was seriously in danger.

  “So. War.”

  I turned my sharp eyes to Troy as he undoubtedly started running through multiple scenarios in his head. During his military years, Troy had been a high-ranked sniper in an elite unit who specialized in strategic maneuvering.

  Another man I was grateful to have around for this fight.

  “What’s the goal here?” Mason asked, his voice cracking through the silence.

  There was a pause in the room and John’s uncertain eyes flashed to mine. Allowing my leader mask to slip just a tad, I shrugged.

  “Keep the girl safe. That’s the objective.”


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