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The Donor

Page 17

by Lynn, Sandi

  “There are other things I love more. That company destroyed me.”

  “No, Grayson, your need for power and greed is what destroyed you.”

  “We better get you and Ellie back to the city,” he spoke. “Just let me pack a few things first.”

  Chapter 48


  I secured Ellie’s car seat in the back of my SUV and arranged for someone to pick up the rental car and return it. Harper sat in the back, never taking her eyes off our daughter. This reminded me of when I was a child. Sometimes on our way back from Montauk, my mother would sit in the backseat with me and she’d either read to me or we’d play silly games.

  Harper told me I had Ellie, but she didn’t say I had her, and I would not push it. She was right. It was my need for power and greed that destroyed me. I wasn’t that man anymore. Damon once told me that there was more to life than a high-powered company and money, and he was right.

  I pulled up to her apartment building, helped Harper out of the SUV and then grabbed Ellie’s car seat. Sammy held the door open with a wide grin across his face.

  “Harper. Mr. Rhodes. It’s good to see you both. And who do we have here?”

  “Sammy, I’d like you to meet Ellie Rae Rhodes.” Harper grinned.

  “So, Mr. Rhodes, is her father?” he asked in confusion.

  “Yes. It’s a long story, Sammy, but I am Ellie’s father.”

  “That’s wonderful news. She’s beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Sammy. One day I’ll tell you the story.” Harper grinned as we took the elevator up to her apartment.

  “Oh, Sammy. There are some bags in the car. Can you get them for us and send them up?”

  “Of course, Mr. Rhodes.” He nodded.

  The moment we stepped inside her apartment, I set Ellie’s car seat on the table. She was sound asleep and looked like an absolute angel.

  “I want to show you something,” Harper spoke as she took hold of my hand and led me to the nursery.

  “Wow. Did you do all this?”

  “I did. What do you think of the ceiling?”

  “It’s perfect. A room that is truly fit for a princess.” I smiled.

  “Can you watch her for me while I take a quick shower?” she asked.

  “Yes, of course I will.”

  Harper went into the bathroom and I unbuckled Ellie from her car seat, carefully picked her up and took her over to the couch.

  “My darling princess. Once upon a time, there was this beautiful woman who wanted nothing more than a family of her own. One day, she set out to make that happen and after it did, she met a man. A man who at first didn’t want the same things she did. But the more time he spent with her, the more he fell in love with her. This woman was so beautiful and kind-hearted that anyone who met her instantly fell in love with her. She showed the man the beauty of true love. She melted his frozen heart and showed him there was so much more to life than just work. She brightened up his dismal days and brought the man to life. This beautiful woman was the most amazing person the man ever met. She’s your mom, and you are incredibly lucky to have her. I’ve never loved anyone in my life the way I love her and you, my beautiful daughter. My angel. I promise that I will protect you, guide you, and be there for you when you’re down. I will never be too busy for you. You have my word. The only thing that matters in my life, are you and your mother, and I pray that someday she will forgive me for what I’d done and the pain I caused her.”


  I stood around the corner and listened to every word he said as tears filled my eyes. Even after everything that happened, I still loved him. I went into the bedroom and slipped into a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt.

  “Hey,” Grayson spoke as he stepped inside. “Did you call Laurel and Charlotte to let them know you and Ellie are home?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I can go if you want,” he said.

  I turned my head and looked at him.

  “Can you stay a while longer?”

  “I can stay for as long as you need me to. I do have to make a phone call, though.” He stepped out of the room.

  I quietly followed him and listened as he called The Plaza Hotel and booked a suite. Why the hell was he doing that?

  “Why did you book a suite at the hotel?” I asked.

  He turned and looked at me as he placed his phone in his pocket.

  “I rented out the penthouse for a year.”

  “What?” I cocked my head at him. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I didn’t have any plans on coming back here, so there was no need to keep it.”

  “Call the hotel and cancel your suite. You can stay with me until you find another permanent place. I’ll need help with Ellie and you’re her father, so it’s only right that you help me with her.”


  “Nope.” I put up my hand. “You’re staying here. You can sleep on the couch. Got it?”

  “Yes. I got it. But I’m sure your friends won’t be happy about that.”

  “I don’t give a shit. It’s none of their business. You’re Ellie’s father. If they don’t like it, then they don’t need to come over. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go blow dry my hair.”

  One Week Later

  Without Grayson knowing, I called his grandfather to come over so the two of them could talk and he could meet his great granddaughter. Laurel and Charlotte were shocked that I was letting Grayson stay here but they knew better than to say anything about it.

  I was in the kitchen when there was knock at the door.

  “Who could that be?” Grayson asked.

  “I don’t know. Can you find out?”

  He walked over and opened the door.

  “Grandfather. What are you doing here?”

  “It’s good to see you, Grayson.” He gave him a hug. “Harper called and told me that I had to come and meet my great granddaughter. Now, where is she?”

  “She’s right here?” I smiled as I brought Ellie over to him.

  “Harper, she’s beautiful. And look at you. You look like you were never even pregnant.”

  “Thank you. You’re too kind. Would you like to hold her?”

  “Of course.”

  “Grandfather, go sit down on the couch and we’ll hand her to you.”

  “Grayson, I’ve had children and a grandchild. I know how to hold a baby.”

  I laughed as I handed Ellie over to him.

  Chapter 49


  I smiled as I watched my grandfather with her. I’d never seen this side of him before. He was talking to her in a childlike voice. He handed her over to Harper and asked me to sit down. Harper took Ellie into the bedroom and left the two of us alone.

  “I have something for you,” he spoke as he pulled an envelope out of his coat pocket.

  “What is this?”

  “Open it and find out.”

  I opened the envelope, took out the papers, and read them. They were the papers appointing ownership of the company to me.

  “Grandfather, I—”

  “Stop right there, son. Whether you want it or not, the company is rightfully yours and I expect you to accept it and continue running it the way you had been. Seeing you like this, you remind me so much of your father, and he would be so proud to see what kind of man you turned out to be. Sure, you had a rough patch. Everyone does. But it’s how you come back from that is what matters. You were born to take over the family business, and I expect nothing less from you. You can have it all, Grayson. I did and so did your father.”

  “Grandfather, as much as I’d like to, I just can’t.”

  “For fuck sakes, Grayson, sign the damn papers,” Harper snapped as she walked into the room. “Do you honestly think I drove out to Montauk, got stuck in a storm, had our baby on the floor of your house, four weeks early may I add, just for you not to sign those papers. Hell, no! Now you will sign them, and you will go back to work and do what
you do best. You will not disappoint me or Ellie. Understand me?”

  Grayson stared at me for a moment and then looked at his grandfather.

  “I knew I loved this woman.” His grandfather smiled.

  “Yes, Harper. I understand. Can you get me a pen?”

  “I already have one in my hand.” She grinned as she handed me the pen and I signed the papers.

  After my grandfather left, Harper walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. It had been a long time since she’d done that.

  “I’m so proud of you.” She smiled. “You did the right thing.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not.”

  “No. You did. And as for tonight, you’re sleeping in my bed, and you’re going to hold me, and you’re going to get up with Ellie. Understand me?”

  “Can I just tell you that you’re so sexy when you order me around like that?” I grinned.

  “Good. Get used to it.”

  “Does this mean you forgive me?”

  “Not a hundred percent. But I’m getting there.” The corners of her mouth curved upward as she pressed her lips against mine.

  Chapter 50

  One Year Later


  I stood there in my form fitting, sleeveless white dress that was encased in crystals, kissing the man who was the love of my life and now my husband. I’d never forget the day six months ago, Grayson proposed to me. It was a beautiful sunny day when he took me to Bethesda Terrace in Central Park, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him in the same exact spot where my father had asked my mother. Not only did I spend the last six months planning the perfect wedding, Grayson and I also moved into a gorgeous sixty-five hundred square foot, five-bedroom, six bath townhome on the Upper East Side.

  For our honeymoon, we spent a week alone in Bali. As much as we loved our alone time together making love uninterrupted, enjoying great conversation and the beautiful sights, we couldn’t wait to get back home to our little girl. So we extended our honeymoon one more week by taking Ellie to Disney World.

  Even though she was only a little over a year old, she loved it. She loved meeting all the Disney characters, especially Mickey Mouse. We were walking down the street pushing her in the stroller when she kept pointing and saying “Da-Da.”

  “Da-Da’s right here, princess,” Grayson spoke.

  “Da-Da.” She kept pointing.

  Looking over, there stood Cinderella and Prince Charming.

  “I think she’s pointing at Prince Charming.” I laughed.

  “Huh?” Grayson looked over.

  “Da-Da,” Ellie said.

  “No way. I’m way better looking than that guy.”

  “Of course you are, but your daughter sees a prince and thinks it’s you. You should be flattered.” I smiled as I kissed his lips. “Because you truly are Prince Charming. You’re my Prince Charming.”

  “Thank you. But I’m still better looking than he is.” He turned the stroller around, so Prince Charming was out of his daughter’s view.

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  We ate dinner and headed back to the hotel and put Ellie down for the night. The room Grayson got us was a two-bedroom suite in the Grand Floridian Hotel, so we had our own room to ourselves. After making love for the second time that day, I snuggled against him as his arm held me tight.

  “I’ve been thinking about something lately,” he said.

  “What have you been thinking about?”

  “If you’re willing, I’d like to have another baby.”

  “Seriously?” I lifted my head and looked at him with a smile on my face.

  “Yes. Seriously. Don’t you want one?”

  “I do. But I have to ask. How would you like me to get pregnant?”

  “Huh?” His brows furrowed.

  “Do you want to do it the natural way this time or would you like to make a sperm deposit at the cryobank?”

  “Oh, you’re hilarious, Harper.” He rolled me on my back and hovered over me. “I’m going to make a sperm deposit all right and it won’t be through the cryobank. In fact, I’m going to make another one right now.” His lips brushed against mine.

  “Bring it on, Prince Charming.” I grinned.

  One Year Later


  I smiled as I held in my arms, my second daughter, Lily Marie Rhodes, who was named after my mother. She was perfect and born at thirty-eight weeks in a hospital. This birth was easier for Harper since she chose to get plenty of drugs to help her through it. I was a happy man. The company had excelled beyond my expectations. I had an excellent team behind me which freed up my time to spend with my family. I now understood what my grandfather meant about having a family by your side. All three of my girls were the love of my life and I couldn’t wait to see what magic the future held for us. Who would have thought my life would have turned out to be so perfect. A life that started out by losing a bet.


  I’d finally had the family I’d always dreamed of. The perfect man I’d searched for my entire life and two beautiful children. When I entered the cryobank for the first time, I never thought this is how my life would end up. I never thought Donor 137665 would turn out to be the perfect man and father who would make all my dreams come true.

  Then You Happened


  Do you remember when you played with your Barbies as a child? You had a beautiful, blonde-haired Barbie doll that you dressed in the most elegant dress because Ken, the hottest male doll ever made, was coming to pick her up and take her to the most magnificent ball. She’d be up in her room, in the townhouse, looking at herself in the full-length mirror. While butterflies stirred, Barbie would be all giddy with excitement for her date with Ken. The doorbell rang and Barbie would take the elevator down to find Ken, who was looking hot and sexy in his black tuxedo. He would lean in closer for a kiss and whisper in her ear, “Barbie, I’m going to marry you and buy you a dream house where the two of us can raise a happy family.”

  Barbie would smile at Ken as she jumped up and down in excitement, but still waited for that ring on her finger. She would hook her arm in his and off they would go to the ball.

  Once they arrived, Barbie would look around and thank Ken for bringing her to such a glamorous event. She would feel like the luckiest Barbie on Earth to be on the arm of the most handsome male of them all. Barbie was a queen and Ken was her king.

  All would go well until Teresa Barbie showed up at the ball with her long, silky, black hair and eyes like a cat. Her skin glowing with a luminous tan as she strutted her little body in her silvery, short, glittered dress past my king. I watched as his head turned and the smile on his face grew wide.

  “Excuse me, Barbie. I’m going to get us some drinks from the bar.”

  He walked away and I noticed he approached Teresa. Tears filled my eyes as I watched them talk and laugh. He grabbed her hand and off they went. My king, stolen by another woman. I ran back to my townhouse, as my world was now shattered. The love of my life. My king. My Ken, dumped me for another Barbie. My life would never be the same.

  And that was where it all began. Somehow, we knew, even as children who played innocently with Barbies, that men would ultimately betray us and fill our hearts with promises they never intended to keep, leaving us alone and wondering what the other Barbie had that we didn’t.

  * * *

  What’s the moral of this story, you ask? It’s simple. Men suck, Barbies suck, and there’s no such thing as true love. Does life go on? Sure it does, but with plenty of tequila. This is my story.

  Chapter 1


  I stirred when I heard my phone beep and I opened my eyes. The smell of his cologne first thing in the morning was nauseating. I rolled out from under his arm and picked up my phone, which I left sitting on his nightstand last night. Shit, I thought as I read a text message from Kirsty.

  “Where the hell are you? I’m at your house, sitting on your unslept
bed. Did you forget about the meeting you have this morning with the Dickson Brothers? They already aren’t fond of you. This is your last chance.”

  “I didn’t forget. Get out my black pinstripe pant suit and my black lace push-up bra. You know, the one with the extra lift? I’ll be home soon.”

  “Look what I found!” Royce said as he held up the leather strap.

  “Good times,” I said as I gave a fake smile and put on my bra.

  He got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom.

  “Grab a cup of coffee on your way out. My maid bought some to-go cups,” he said as he peed with the door open.

  I rolled my eyes at his generosity and pulled on my skirt, grabbed my purse, and put on my sunglasses.

  “I’m out of here, Royce. Thanks for last night.”

  “Have a good day, Sierra. We’ll talk soon. Last night was fun,” he yelled as I walked out the door.

  James, my driver, was waiting for me at the curb.

  “Good morning, Sierra,” he said as I took the cup of coffee he held in his hand.


  James had been driving me and my father around for the last five years. He was accustomed to me and my behaviors. The thing I loved about him was that he didn’t judge me, unlike my mother, Delia. He knew my patterns and he knew my men. Shit, he knew my secrets. He was there for me during the toughest times in my life and he got me.

  “Tough night, Sierra?” he asked.

  I yawned before I took a sip of my coffee. “Isn’t it always, James?”

  He cocked a smile and pulled up to my house located in the Hollywood Hills. As he reached his hand out the window and punched in the three-digit code to the gate, I watched as Kirsty came running out of the house with her hands up in the air.


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