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Black Girls and Bad Boys: Stealing Loretta

Page 4

by Neneh J. Gordon

  The biggest gamble was leaving out the part where he’d told Gina. She’d promised not to say anything to her father, but when she got herself worked up, all bets were off.

  “I appreciate you coming to me with this.” Ursino opened a drawer and brought out a sheaf of bank notes. “Take this for your expenses. There’s something I want you to do for me.”

  “Yes sir.” He took the money and put it in his pocket. He’d thought getting Ursino to listen would be the hardest part. Now he wasn’t so sure.


  Gina came off the phone with Daddy and typed out a text message.

  Finished with Jordan. On my way over x.

  He thought he was so smart. What he’d forgotten was she’d been dealing with over-confident toughs since she learned how to walk. It came with the territory when you were Vito Ursino’s daughter.

  She strutted down the road and got back into her jeep. The intuition that something big was about to happen settled on her shoulders. Turning on the stereo, she shrugged the feeling off.

  Of course something big was on the horizon – she was the one who’d set it in motion.

  It was a shame things hadn’t worked out with Jordan. The signs had been there from the beginning, but she’d wanted to be wrong this time.

  He was good fun, he looked great on her arm and the sex was up there in the top five. Top three if she was being completely honest.

  But he didn’t love her. He never would.

  Men like Jordan couldn’t love anyone. Now he was starting to pull away before she was ready. Well, she intended to make good use of him while she still could.

  The drive over had flown by. Gina pulled into an underground car park and killed the engine. The sound of her heels echoed as she made her way over to the back stairs and typed the code into the security panel.

  Three flights up, she left the stairs and took the door out to a corridor. Number fifty-two was the fourth door on the left.

  She brought out a key and opened the door. “Hello?” She walked inside and kicked off her shoes.

  “Hey, that was quick.” Bill brought her in close for a lingering kiss.

  She kissed him back, linking her arms behind his head. Bill may not have been as cute as Jordan, but he was a lot more interested in pleasing her. “Let me see your face.” She tipped his head to the side. His nose was turning a vivid shade of purple. “I bet that stings.” Taking care not to hurt him, she kissed the tip.

  “I’ve had worse.” He took her by the hand, drawing her further inside. “Coffee?”

  “I’ll make it.” Moving through to the kitchen, she plucked a couple of mugs from the rack and turned on the kettle. “What did Daddy say?”

  “That we’re going back in to empty the safety deposit boxes.” He followed her in and gave her a pat on the ass. “That was you on the phone to him, wasn’t it?”

  “Uh-huh. I told him about the safety deposit boxes. You were right about the woman. He said she was the manager. Tried to convince me he was only after her to pull another job.”

  Bill’s snort of laughter said what he thought about that.

  “He’s out there right now, trying to smooth things over with her.”

  “Do you want me to call him? Mess up his evening? I haven’t told him about the new plan yet.”

  Gina made the drinks and handed one to him. “Whatever. You might slow him down, but you won’t stop him. I saw the way he was looking at her.” It was just the way he used to look at her. Another sign things were as good as over between them.

  “I wish you weren’t so upset about that.”

  She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m done with him.” But it still hurt to know he’d already moved on to the next unlucky bitch.

  They moved through to the lounge and sat down on the couch together.

  “So, you’re going to make sure he pumps the bank manager for information?” She blew on her coffee.

  “Yeah. She won’t like that.”

  “Don’t be too sure. Charming his way into that bank won’t be much harder than charming his way into her panties. She didn’t look like she gets much male attention, if you know what I mean.” In her experience, men weren’t interested in girls who wore suits to work.

  “Okay. He finds a way in. Me and Danny do the job with him. You call the cops and he gets caught.”

  “Along with his new girlfriend.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Gina put her legs up on his lap and drank some coffee. “Make sure you play it just right.” There were too many ways this could go wrong. When she ran possible outcomes through in her head, most of the bad ones were down to Bill dropping the ball.

  “I know what I’m doing, Gina.”

  “Course you do.” She wasn’t sure how convincing she sounded, so she sweetened her words with a kiss.

  Bill kissed her back hard, putting down his mug and then doing the same with hers. It was nice to be wanted. His breathing came fast and heavy.

  “He must be some kind of idiot to let you go.”

  Exactly what she’d been thinking.

  Which was why she was going to teach him a valuable lesson.


  “Hey, wait.”

  Loretta heard him coming, but she kept her head down and carried on walking.

  “Loretta. Wait.” He ran up beside her.

  It took all her will-power not to look at him. He was nothing but trouble. She wasn’t going to do anything to encourage him.

  “Loretta.” He stepped in front of her and she walked around him. “I know what it looks like, but she’s not my girlfriend.”

  That got her attention. What did he think he could possibly say to explain the scene in the restaurant? “Go on then.” She stared him down.

  “She’s my ex.”

  She rolled her eyes and walked past him. Was that the best he could come up with?

  “Don’t you want to know why she can’t get over me?”

  Loretta laughed out loud in the middle of the street. “Seriously? Is that why you were kissing her?”

  “She kissed me. I don’t want to blow my own trumpet, but apparently I’m unforgettable.”

  She laughed till her belly ached and tears threatened. “Please, stop.” It wasn’t that funny, but she couldn’t control herself.

  “At least I can make you laugh.” He came around to stand in front of her again.

  Her laughter trailed off, leaving her breathless and embarrassed. “Forget it.”

  “I’m not interested in her.”

  “But you had your arms around her.”

  “I was trying to get her off me.”

  She wasn’t convinced. “It’s none of my business. It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does. I’m sorry. We didn’t even get to finish our meal.”

  “Shit.” She turned to look back the way they’d come.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t suppose you went back in to pay the bill before you came after me?”


  “Then we’d better go.” She started to walk. “I think I just did a runner.” She picked up speed and so did he.

  Now it was his turn to laugh. “You walked out without paying?”

  “My brain wasn’t working. I just wanted to get out of there before your girlfriend hit me.”


  She raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t quite managed to persuade her that was the whole truth. “Anyway, you were supposed to be paying for lunch.”

  “Do you think they get many bank managers in there who run off without paying?”

  “Assistant manager.”

  He grinned at her. “Same difference.”

  Bastard. His smile was contagious. “I didn’t do it on purpose.” She’d never be able to go in there again. Even walking past would make her want to die.

  She stopped. “We should go back and explain.”

  “Oh no. I know how that would work out. Call t
he police first, ask questions later.”

  “But if we tell them the whole story—”

  “Then they’ll take us down to the station to make a statement and spend the afternoon laughing at us. Sound good to you?”

  “No, but—”

  “But nothing. They overcharge in that restaurant anyway. Call it a blow for consumers.”

  “Oh my god. You have no shame whatsoever, do you?”

  He winked at her. “And you’ve got enough for the both of us.”

  Brilliant. Now he sounded like Sean. Did the whole world think she was too nice? “Well, thanks for the entertainment, but I’m going home now.” There was still enough of the afternoon left for her to salvage. She started walking and he kept pace alongside her.

  “Home? But we were just starting to have fun.”

  “Sorry, that wasn’t what I call fun.”

  “Then you need to broaden your horizons.”

  She needed to shake him off. There was no way she was going to let him walk her to her door.

  “I’ve got an idea. Why don’t I take you out for dinner? I’ll even pay before we leave.”

  “Very funny. I’ll have to pass.”


  “I know. I’m very boring.”

  “That’s just a front. Boring people don’t steal from French restaurants.”

  God, he was persistent. “I’m going home now. Goodbye.”

  “Can I call you?”

  She thought about giving him her number. Then she’d be waiting by the phone and hating herself for doing it. She shook her head.

  “Okay.” He rummaged in his pockets and found a pen. Taking her hand, he turned it palm up. “Hold on a minute.”

  She stopped walking. Taking his number didn’t mean anything. Once he’d given it to her, he’d leave her alone and she could go home.

  He wrote his phone number across the middle of her palm. Then he kissed it for good measure.

  “Don’t wait too long. I might get a better offer.” He folded her hand closed, turned and walked away.

  What? Like that blonde?

  She watched him go for a moment or two, telling herself she should leave before he looked back and caught her.

  She couldn’t do it.

  After a few more seconds, he stopped and gave her a sweeping bow.

  Loretta managed not to wave, but when she walked away, she couldn’t stop herself looking down at the number written on her hand.

  She wouldn’t call it. She wouldn’t.


  When Loretta got home, she changed into jogging bottoms and a t-shirt, threw together a sandwich and headed for the garage.

  Cheese and tomato wasn’t much of a lunch when she’d been expecting medium rare steak. The sandwich was gone in a few bites. Oh well, it filled a hole and it didn’t come with all the drama attached to the steak dinner.

  She pulled Edna’s tarpaulin off and thought about what she should do next. The new gauges she’d ordered had arrived on Monday. All she’d had time to do was get them out of their boxes and take a look.

  With the rest of the afternoon to herself, she decided to have a go at the tyre pressure gauge first. She got down to work and the hours slipped away like they always did. It was only when it got so dark it was difficult to see what she was doing that she realised how late it was.

  She hadn’t been hungry, but as soon as she thought about getting something to eat her stomach started to rumble. Better get cleaned up and search the kitchen.

  After putting everything straight and covering Edna up again, she headed for the shower. She turned on the water and waited for it to reach the right temperature.

  What a day. Armed robbery and lunch with the most infuriating man she’d ever met. Well, they’d almost had lunch. Apparently fate hadn’t wanted them to break bread together.

  Taking off her clothes, she threw them on the floor and climbed under the steaming water. Nothing ever felt as good as a hot shower after a hard day. She squeezed out a good measure of gel and lathered herself up. It didn’t take long for her to get started on a Jennifer Hudson medley, her voice bouncing back to her off the walls.

  Then she caught sight of the black smudge on her hand. The phone number. Shit, she’d forgotten all about it.

  She held her palm out of the water and tried to make out the numbers. It was pointless. Not a single digit was legible.

  Good, she told herself. He was a liar and a womaniser. She should have washed it off as soon as she got in the house.

  She started another song, but soon trailed off. It didn’t matter how much she rationalised it, her good mood was gone. Whether she liked it or not, there was something about Jordan that she couldn’t shake off. And now there was no chance she’d see him again.

  It looked like she was back to being a good girl.


  “I have to admit, there was a small part of me that thought you might be stupid enough not to show tonight.” Ursino stroked his beard and gestured for Jordan to sit down.

  There wasn’t a safe answer to that, so he kept his mouth shut.

  “Everything go smoothly?”

  “You know about Marcolini?”

  The boss nodded. Of course he knew, but there were set steps to this dance and Jordan had to place his feet correctly.

  “We managed well enough without him.”

  “So I see. Not quite the haul we were expecting though.”

  “Not far off. Everything they had in the tills.” But Gina would have told Daddy all about the deposit boxes and the bank manageress.

  “Expect a call from Marcolini.”

  He kept his expression neutral.

  “He’s got one last chance to redeem himself. I’ve put him in charge of the next job. Give him all the intel you get about the back room at the bank.” Ursino started tapping away at his computer keyboard. The audience was over.

  Jordan got to his feet. He was halfway to the door when he changed his mind. “Sir, can I speak freely?”

  Ursino looked up, his face unreadable. “Go ahead.”

  “Marcolini’s a hothead. He was this morning and nothing will have changed since then.” Going back into that bank with him at the helm was guaranteed to end with one or all of them in the dock. As he met Ursino’s gaze, he slowly came to the conclusion that was the whole point. But which one of them did the old bastard want behind bars?

  “He knows what’s at stake here. As do you. Find a way to handle him.”

  Trying to keep track of all the different layers of meaning in the conversation was making his head hurt.

  Ursino turned his attention back to the computer screen and Jordan made his way out.

  This was turning into a massive pain in the ass. How could everything have spun out of control so fast? Gina, Bill, robbery number two. Even his attempt to get Loretta into bed had gone wrong.

  He walked out to the street. The day had started so well. His phone rang in his back pocket and he pulled it out. It would be Gina again.

  But it was Bill. “Hey.”

  “How’s the information gathering going?”

  “Been spying on me, Bill?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re getting shy.”

  Enough of this bullshit. “What do you want?”

  “We’re going in Saturday afternoon. You’ve got till Wednesday to get us a way in.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I tell Ursino you’re a lying piece of shit who’s cheating on his daughter.”

  “I’ll talk to you Wednesday.” He hung up before Bill could get in another dig.

  It could have been worse. It was only Friday now. But if he wanted to pull this off, he needed to hit the ground running.

  Scrolling through his call history, he found Danny’s number. “Danny? I need to fill you in on a few things. And I need a favour.”

  He’d spent most of the afternoon hoping Loretta would call. Now he was hoping she wouldn’t. There was a lot to get done before he s
aw her again.


  Saturday morning found Loretta back at the bank ignoring Sean’s offer of a day off.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Hello to you too, Sean.” She walked past him and into her office.

  He followed her in. “I told you not to come.”

  From a man who saddled her with his work every chance he got, that was a very worrying thing to hear. “And I said I was fine to work.” She looked him in the eye, remembering her bluff about the tape. He was up to something. But then that was nothing new. “Have the police said anything?”

  “No. They took fingerprints and did all that CSI stuff, but they didn’t sound very hopeful.”

  She thought back to the kiss in the safety deposit room. His smell. His taste. She’d know those things if she ever experienced them again. But that wasn’t exactly likely. It’s not as if they’d call her in for a line-up and get her to kiss all the suspects.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” If she wasn’t careful, he’d make her take some leave. “I’m fine.”

  He stared at her and for the first time she could remember, there wasn’t anything lecherous in it. “Whatever, Loretta. Do what you want.” He walked out, closing the door behind him.

  So now what? On any other Saturday, she’d be working her way through emails and memos and preparing reports. She switched on her computer and tried to remember what she’d been working on the day before.

  The faint remnant of black ink on her palm kept distracting her. She licked her finger and rubbed at it, but it wouldn’t come off. What was the point of ink that couldn’t stand up to a shower but wouldn’t wash all the way out?

  She caught herself breathing hard and made an effort to calm down. It was ridiculous.

  Every logical fibre of her being kept repeating the fact she was better off without the temptation of Jordan’s phone number. But the rest of her just felt flat.

  Even the idea of working on Edna when she got home didn’t appeal to her and that never happened.

  That was the trouble when you let work become your life – when work wasn’t there, you had nothing to fill the gap.


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