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Flying Fawna

Page 6

by Rosemary Smith

  He trailed his lips down her stomach, his kisses sent her into spasms of groans and moans. He slipped off his pants and worked his way on top of her, pushing himself into her. She gasped in pleasure. His rhythm at first slow and easy, became more urgent.

  He picked up the speed of his thrusts until the bed frame pushed against the bedroom wall. A sense of ecstasy pulsed through both their bodies as they pushed towards climax. The two lay on the bed without any light in the room, peering out of her windows into the night. He turned and embraced Fawna, looking deep into her eyes. “I could never live if something happened to you. I love you so much Fawna. I want you safe—and with me always.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The mystery woman in Chaz Xanadu’s dream again connected. As he slept deep inside The Cave of The Ancient Rippers—this time, instead of beckoning him with a sensual finger pointing to an image he could not grasp, he watched as she danced a sexy salsa with someone he couldn’t


  He watched, floating above her as she made love to a stranger within whom he sensed nothing but darkness. He wasn’t the same person Chaz had dreamed she danced with, but he could not see either man. Both of them were clouded. His dream flipped characters in an instant with her crawling on the bed toward him, the other man had disappeared. Her long legs invited him in. She made sweet, sexy love to him, and at the dream’s end, they were dancing the salsa.

  His eyes jerked open, his manhood throbbed with want for her. She now visited his dreams with frequency. He longed for her. He didn’t understand yet why or how, but he knew their destinies were connected.

  “It is time for you to travel to the Earth Realm. It is there you will find your first assignment,” Rakawah Fee, a master trainer of the ancients told Chaz Xanadu. “You have trained well and earned your place among us. “You asked how you would know what to do once you travelled to the Earth Realm. Follow your heart. It will lead you to your mission.”

  Chaz packed his belongings and bid Rakawah farewell. While making his way out the deep woods in Magic, he kept seeing visions of the dark haired beauty. He hiked his way to Albuquerque, and caught a plane to Chicago.


  Fawna floated on a cloud and into O’Hare Airport to meet Brock. It seemed like just yesterday her love life had crashed in flames around her. She doubted she’d ever let herself fall in love again. Poof! A book appeared beside her—Alexandru’s Kiss, by S.E. Smith. She tucked it into her purse. She knew it meant she’d be getting in a lot of kissing and romantic reading on this rendezvous.

  Over the past few months, things had taken a turn for the better and restored her faith in happily-ever-after. Brock was the key. He’d turned her life around. She was in love again. He was so protective of her—sometimes she thought he was almost over-protective. He wanted her exclusively to himself. Sometimes, he even seemed jealous of the time she spent with Nell, her sister and best-friend. Fawna shrugged off her instincts.

  This time, it was with the right man. She was sure of it. He had to be the right one. He was the one she reasoned, who loved her as much as she loved him. He’d told her so often he wanted her with him always—forever and ever, she had no choice but to believe him. He wined her. He dined her. He romanced her and made her self-esteem shoot through the rooftops again. He and he alone restored her faith in her femininity.

  They’d spent many weekends flying to far away places, discovering new adventures. Her ex-husband, Stephen, had once said far away places only offered exotic ways to suffer. As a man who traveled the world on business overload as president of an international company, Stephen hated flying. Not Brock. He loved flying as much as Fawna. They were born to soar.

  She waved when she saw Brock at the gate waiting for her. They embraced. She felt so safe in his arms. “I have our tickets to Paris, my love.”

  Chills raced up her spine. He’d even made special arrangements for them to stay in the Shangri-La Hotel in a suite facing the Eiffel Tower.

  “Oooooh la, la,” she said sexily to him as they nuzzled close. “I can’t believe you pulled this off. Surprising me like this!”

  With the help of Fawna’s sister, Nell, Brock had made sure with Anna—her office assistant—Fawna’s work schedule was clear. He sprung the surprise on her by showing up at her office dressed in black pants and a striped white and black shirt with suspenders and a black beret atop his head—clutching a red rose in his mouth—dressed like a French mime. He’d mimed the surprise to her. She was bathing in romantic delight.

  Once they checked their bags, they walked hand in hand toward the boarding gate of the huge jet headed to the most romantic city in the world. Neither of them noticed the tall man who’d walked by them, sniffed, then turned around and began following. Once he watched them take their seats in the waiting area and used his super sonic vision to view their tickets, he went up to the reservation desk and purchased a ticket two rows behind the couple on the opposite side of the airbus.


  Fawna couldn’t quite wrap her head around how her stint in hell—her divorce—had led to this. A new life zipping around the world with the man of her dreams. The one who’d taught her how to fly. And now they were here, in first class together.

  The flight attendant showed them to their seats, he’d gotten them tickets in the first seats on the plane. “Impressive, she told him.”

  “We, we, madame,” he said in a French accent. I have connections.”

  She smiled and kissed him on the cheek and sat while he put their carry-ons in the overhead bin. She slipped her purse under her seat.

  She recognized the voice on the jet’s PA system—it was her friend, Captain Chavez. She thought back to how fun it was when he let her ride in the cockpit so she could see the city lights of Chicago that night before her world fell apart. “It’s my friend, Robert Chavez,” she told Brock. “I’d love to say hi and let him know I’m a licensed pilot now. He encouraged me to go for my dreams. I’d like to thank him.” Brock called over the flight attendant and he told them he would let Captain Chavez know they wanted to say hi.

  Once Captain Chavez announced the passengers could remove their seat belts and safely move about the aircraft, Fawna excused herself to freshen up and get a drink of water.

  The first class bathroom was occupied. She waited. When the man came out of the small bathroom, Fawna was struck at how handsome he was. He was tall, lean, unconsciously good looking, with an arrogant swagger. His flowing hair was sumptuous. He nodded and held the door for her. His sexy cologne lingered in the room. A rustic woodsy scent that spelled all man.

  Chaz Xanadu sat about two rows back from Fawna and Brock. He went to the bathroom because he wanted to get a better feel for the darkness he felt when they’d walked past him in the airport. The beast inside him growled with want for the woman. He sniffed. She was the one who haunted his dreams. He felt compelled to follow them.

  He’d just landed from Albuquerque and was getting ready to make plans to stay in Chicago awaiting the signs Rakawah Fee said would come to him on instinct, but as soon as they walked by him—his intuition told him to follow her. She’s walking arm and arm with death and she has no idea. He didn’t know what Brock had in store for the woman the beast inside him hungered for, but he knew she was the mission that Rakawah had sent him to Chicago to meet. It was time and all he could do was wait.


  His wait was not long. Soon after the woman came back and sat next to the man, he heard her tell the man, “just like me to be so excited, I forgot to take my purse in the bathroom with me. Oh well, I’ll freshen up later.” Soon after, the flight attendant invited them to the cockpit. He tuned into his shifter powers to listen.

  “Hello, Captain Chavez, remember me? I’m Fawna Zanobia. You did a huge favor for me when I chartered a plane in Chicago a couple of years back.”

  “Oh, yes, I remember. How are you, Fawna?”

  “I’m fine. I wanted to pop in and say hi and introduce you to my fri
end, Brock Adams.”

  “Hello, and welcome aboard.”

  “Thanks,” Brock said and held out his hand. Captain Chavez shook it then introduced them to the co-pilot.

  Fawna told them about getting her pilot license and Brock training her. They all made small talk before the co-pilot excused himself. “I need to stretch my legs a minute. I’m on a double-shift. I’ve been sitting for hours.”

  Once he left the cockpit and closed the door behind him, Chaz heard a commotion. No more talk. His Ripper radar went up. Something was happening. He heard dead silence.

  Sssssssssssssssssssst! The spray of pepper streamed into Robert Chavez’s face from a small can encased in a black pouch. Captain Chavez clutched his eyes and cried out in agony. Brock hit him with his fist, knocking the pilot out.

  “Brock! What are you...” Fawna grabbed out at him on instinct. He pushed her down into the co-pilot chair, then turned and locked the Kevlar-enforced cabin door. The third member of the crew, the flight planner was already outside of the cockpit talking to one of the flight attendants out of view of the cabin so he didn’t even notice the commotion. Only Chaz knew what danger the flight was in. He moved slowly toward the cabin, not wanting to panic the unaware passengers.

  Fawna was thunderstruck. She watched as Brock pushed the disabled pilot out of his seat and sat. He took control of the plane.

  “How did you get that on the plane?” She asked, staring at the small pepper spray pouch that looked more like an unassuming keychain.

  “I hid it in your purse. Most checkpoints never really inspect a woman’s handbag thoroughly. Especially when it’s someone they already know.” Fawna remembered she’d left it under her seat when she went to the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I told you—I want you to be with me forever. I’ve been waiting for the right moment. We’re going out in a blaze of glory. Everyone will remember this day!” He grabbed hold of the wheel and began changing the coordinates. He looked over at Fawna with a wild look in his eyes. He meant for them to crash into the ocean. Her heart stopped as she looked over at this stranger. He was about to kill her and everyone else on board!

  Chapter Fifteen

  She felt a fear like none she’d ever experienced. In an instant her entire body tingled and went numb at the same time. Here she was on a plane getting ready to crash because of some maniac with an agenda only he was aware of. I’m about to friggin’ die here! She almost chortled at the irony. Not only am I about to die—I’ve picked another loser. Sheese!

  She didn’t recognize Brock. She looked at Captain Chavez lying in a heap. She felt helpless. Her fear was paralyzing. She thought about the pictures he’d just shown her of his new baby. Oh, hell to the no—this bastard is not about to kill me, Robert, or anyone else if I can help it. Think, girl think!

  As Chaz stood at the door, the third flight officer finally stopped talking and walked over.

  “Can I help you?” He asked.

  “Can you open this door?” The officer looked puzzled.

  “I know you don’t know me,” Chaz said in a firm whisper, but we are in grave danger. Someone has hurt the pilot and taken this plane hostage.”

  The color drained from the flight officer’s face. He tried the door. It was locked. He started to bang on the door, but Chaz stopped him. “We don’t want to alarm the passengers. We just need to try and get in. Just knock and ask to enter.”

  The officer didn’t know who Chaz was or if he was in on the abduction, but he’d lived in silent fear of some terrorist taking a plane he was on. Every pilot or crew member lived in silent terror of another 911. He swallowed hard to try and keep it together and did as he was told. He knocked and asked to enter. His knocks became more frantic.

  “He’s trying to crash the plane!” Fawna cried out from inside the cockpit, trying to rush to the door.

  Smack! Brock backhanded her and pushed her hard into the co-pilot seat, almost knocking her out. She was dizzy and couldn’t get her legs under her to resist him.

  The plane began to bobble as if in turbulence and some passengers, the ones closer to the front, noticed the commotion. Chaz could feel the panic that was about to go down. By then the co-pilot had returned and demanded to know what was going on. It was time for Chaz to act.

  He looked at the panicked pilots, both sweating their fears of death. “I have no plans to die today, my friends.” He calmly stated. He held out his hand and produced a ball of light, throwing it toward the passengers on the plane. Everyone of them, including the officers and crew standing by him stopped in motion. He moved the two pilots away from the door.

  When Fawna came to, a book popped out of nowhere. The title? Single White Female. She looked out of the corner of her eye—Brock was busy trying to plug in the descent coordinates and not paying attention to her. She drew back her right leg and as hard as she could heaved it forward—piercing his hand with her stiletto like the sting of a scorpion’s tail.

  “Owww! God dammit, you! I’m trying to make sure we’re together forever! Why do you fight me? We belong in heaven together!” He reared his hand back and struck her hard just before the door blew inward toward them off it’s hinges. They both ducked as the large lion loomed and pounced onto Brock, causing him to release the controls.

  Dizzy from the second blow and the site of the huge animal lunging toward them, Fawna fainted, slumping into the co-pilot chair. Once Chaz had clamped Brock to the floor with his huge paws—away from the controls, he took human form to try and steady the plane’s descent. No time. He reached out to the residents of Magic, hoping one of them would hear his SOS in time to prevent the plane from crashing into the sea. Even though he had suspended the passengers, he’d not yet mastered his abilities to be able to weave a spell to level the plane. As for pilot skills—he had none. The plane was closing in on the water.

  Plunk! The plane landed with a soft thud. The passengers were still suspended in motion—unaware of the danger they’d just escaped. Chaz looked over at Fawna. She was out cold. He stole surreptitious glances toward her, but they told him nothing. He remembered the conversation he’d eavesdropped on with his super sonic hearing. He didn’t believe she could fein the type of surprise she’d shown when her friend had accosted the pilot.

  And when he sniffed her—he sensed no malice. He noticed the penetrating wound to her friend’s hand. Right now she seemed as passive, as immobile, as stone. Probably best if he left her that way. No harm should come to her now. He focused his thoughts on making sure Brock could do no further malice. He tied him up. And put the man, the woman and the unconscious pilot under the same suspended animation spell as the rest of the plane. Chaz looked out of the jet’s large windows and recognized the hand of a friend—waving at him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Oscar the giant, being the tallest resident of Magic, heard Chaz’s SOS call the instant he released it. Oscar met Chaz when he’d visited his house on the far east side of the mountain with Joseph and Jonah while he was recuperating from his bear attack.

  He was just bringing in laundry, as it looked like it was going to rain in Magic. The sky, typically good natured with brilliant turquoise colors and soft white clouds floating by, like the ones Mother Nature let Oscar blow out of his pipe when he visited her, looked upset and grey today—like a blanket of anger. He caught the jumbo jet in his hand and piled his clothes high so the plane’s passengers would not be jolted when he put it down.

  He was glad he’d just picked out and rounded his soft afro to perfection and he’d just put on his favorite dashiki. The bright colors complemented his Hershey bar complexion to perfection. He liked to look his best when meeting new people. And from the looks of the plane, he was getting ready to meet quite a few.

  “Good thing I didn’t have my headphones on” he told Chaz. “I was getting ready to play More Bounce to The Ounce, by The Zapp band. You know how lost I get into my music.”

  “I do, my friend. I’m very
glad you heard my SOS. Here.” He handed the wounded pilot, Captain Chavez, to Oscar who put him on a heap of clothes he’d separated from the ones the plane was on. “Now—help me down.” Chaz jumped from the plane’s exit door into Oscar’s outstretched hand. He was glad his friend was doing laundry today. The landing of the jet went soft as a feather.

  Oscar peeked into the tiny windows of the plane and saw the passengers stilled in motion. “They’re not sleep.”

  “No, I have them suspended. They’re not aware a maniac took over their vehicle on the way to Paris and tried to crash it into the ocean.

  “Why?” As big and powerful as Oscar was, his heart was as gentle as a child’s. He could never conceive of evil in anyone. Chaz Xanadu wished more of mankind had the tender soul of this gentle giant. “I wish I knew, my friend. I’ll have to contact your sheriff to have the man arrested. Maybe he can get to the bottom of his motives.”

  Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop. In popped The Fates—Nonny and Topper—descendants of the famous Warehausen family of witches, and Sophie and Tory, all who’d telepathically heard the SOS by now. Chaz Xanadu filled them in on what happened, then went to get the sheriff who secured an ambulance that drove the pilot to the Magic Hospital. He left the passengers as they were.

  Once Chaz and the sheriff had Brock off the jet and behind bars, they focused on what to do about 207 passengers running amok in Magic. The Fates suggested they call an emergency meeting of the townsfolk. Once they all came to Oscar’s, they decided to pitch in and offer lodging to the passengers. Each family took three to four passengers—keeping families together.

  The Fates decided they’d bring the passengers to and let them know what happened. Chaz wanted no part. He made plans to get back on a plane in Albuquerque, headed back to Chicago to await his next assignment.


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