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Princess in Lingerie

Page 8

by Penelope Sky

  “I know, sweetheart. Why do you think I’m enjoying it so much?” He moved his hand underneath my belly and snaked his way to my clit. His hand found the wet area, his fingers getting covered in the moisture that leaked from my slit. “Seems to me like you’re enjoying it,” he whispered into my ear.

  “I’m enjoying you enjoying me…”

  He rubbed his fingers hard against my clit, moving in a circular pattern to stimulate me as much as possible. His face hovered near mine, and he breathed hard as he thrust inside me, his cock continuing to hit me deep.

  The second his fingers touched my aching nub, I felt the fire in my belly. I was wet from feeling him enjoy me, and now that he touching me even better than I touched myself, I felt my body prepare for the climax.

  I couldn’t believe it. His enormous dick was practically ripping me apart, but that didn’t stop me from teetering on the edge. My body swayed closer to the finish line as his fingers worked. Coupled with his hot breaths in my ear, the effect was immediate. “I’m gonna come…”

  He moaned in my ear as he pounded his dick into me without mercy, taking me even harder than he did before. He shoved himself deep inside for the finish, coming far inside my ass while his fingers kept up the action against my clit.

  I came the second I felt him thicken and explode inside me. I couldn’t feel his come like I could in my pussy, but knowing he was filling me made my climax even stronger. The pain somehow made the pleasure even better, made my previous orgasms seem like nothing in comparison.

  “Fuck.” He growled in my ear as he finished, his cock twitching as he dumped every drop of his seed inside me. His hand stayed on my neck until he was completely done. When he started to soften inside me, he rested his face against the back of my shoulder, breathing heavily as he recovered from the pleasure we’d both experienced.

  My eyes were red and puffy from the tears I’d shed. Now that the sex was over, the pain from his spankings came back to me. The skin stung because of his powerful palm. My ass started to relax as his cock became smaller. Despite the pain I’d just endured, it ended with a climax that matched the intensity.

  He slowly pulled out of me. “Alright, sweetheart?”

  “I think so…”

  He walked away into the bathroom, and a moment later, the water was running. He came back to me and took me by the hand before we both stepped under the warm shower together. Once he was satisfied, he turned back into the man I knew, the gentle one with a kind soul. He grabbed the soap and rubbed it into my skin, showing me the right gentleness to balance out the harsh way he handled me before. Carter seemed to be two different men, one who cared and respected women, and another who wanted to be a tormentor.

  He faced me, the water dripping down his hard chin until it fell to the tile beneath our feet. “I’m sorry for being what I am. I’m sorry for getting off on your tears. A part of me is ashamed. Another part of me wants nothing more than to do it again.” He held my gaze like he wanted me to say something in response, as if he’d posed a question.

  I looked into his dark eyes and didn’t see a monster. Egor broke my bones and tortured me to a psychotic degree. Carter’s actions were tame compared to my former master. But I didn’t say that, not when it would only hurt him. “You don’t owe me an explanation, Carter. You told me what you wanted, and I accept that. You’ve shown me your good side. When I said no, you listened. When I asked you to help me, you did. After what you’ve given to me, I can give this to you.”

  He pressed his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. “I’m glad you don’t hate me.”

  “I could never hate you.”

  “A real man shouldn’t enjoy listening to his woman cry…”

  “You don’t. When I cried over Luca, you were there for me. You didn’t enjoy it. It’s a different situation.”

  “I’ve never been this way before. I’ve never wanted to hurt a woman before.” He lifted his gaze to look at me again. “When I saw the scars on your back…it started all of this. There’s something about you that makes me into a different man.”

  “A better man, I think.”

  He cocked his head, his eyes narrowing on my face. “How so?”

  “Look at everything you’ve done for me, Carter.”

  “I should do that out of the goodness of my heart, not for something in return.”

  “And you did,” I whispered. “I know I could say no at any time. You never told me that, but I know it’s true. I submit because I want to, because it makes you feel good. I enjoy turning you on, regardless of how sinister it is.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment, my words affecting him somehow.

  “What did I say?”

  He opened his eyes again. “Hearing you say you submit because you want to…is very sexy. You’re obeying me because you want to. You’re listening to me because you choose to. Makes me feel like less of an ass.”

  I moved into his chest and rested my forehead against his powerful body. The water rained down on both of us, the drops cleaning our skin and washing away the past. It was difficult to see Carter as anything but my champion. Without him, I wouldn’t have the freedom I was enjoying that very moment. “I want half and half. I’ll give you exactly what you want if you give me what I want.”

  “What is that, sweetheart?”

  I lifted my gaze to look at him. “The slow sex…”

  “You want me to make love to you.”

  “Yes.” It was exactly how I liked it, slow, deep, and gentle. I liked the kissing and the touching. I liked taking our time, my legs spread as he sank me into the mattress. It was the best sex I’d ever had in my life, having this powerful man on top of me. “You give me what I want, and I’ll always give you what you want.”

  “That sounds fair.” He rubbed his nose against mine.

  I rubbed mine back. “Yeah. I think it is.”



  When I opened the front door, I was greeted by Conway’s arrogant smirk.

  In jeans and a t-shirt, he was dressed casually since he was working from home a lot more often. He stepped inside without being invited and surveyed the large entryway with the double staircase. He whistled under his breath. “Of course, you buy the hottest piece of property in Tuscany when I’m trying to buy a place for my family.”

  “You shouldn’t have dragged your feet.” I shut the door behind him and followed him into the house.

  He continued to look around, impressed with the place. “This place is nearly the same size as my parents’ place.”

  “Still get lost.”

  “Why did you need such a big place? Got some kids I don’t know about?” He chuckled before he walked into the kitchen and helped himself to a drink from the bar.

  I would have a kid there very soon. “I bought it for the privacy. It has the large gate in the front, and the house is quite a distance from the road.” I grabbed a glass and filled it when he was finished.

  He took a drink as he stood with me at the kitchen island. “So what happened to your little pet? Egor picked her up?”

  I hadn’t mentioned this to him. He’d been busy lately, so we hadn’t talked about it. I swirled my drink before I brought it to my lips.

  Conway stared at me, his eyebrow slowly rising. “Carter?”

  I swallowed the liquor down my throat then rubbed my lips together. “It’s a long story…”

  “Alright.” He kept his focus on me, his black wedding band sitting on his left hand.

  “I didn’t give her back to Egor. In fact, she lives with me now.”

  His eyebrow inched even higher off his face. “What?”

  “I couldn’t give her back, Conway. Just couldn’t do it.” It would have haunted me for the rest of my life, especially knowing her son was alone because of my decision.

  “Did you kill him, then?” he demanded. “Or are we going to get shot at any moment?”

  “No, I didn’t kill him. I faked her death… It was an ordeal.�
�� I told him about the operation Griffin and I did together. “Egor bought it. Took the body with him. Then it was over. That was a few weeks ago.”

  Conway was clearly pissed, but he didn’t explode. “How are you sure?”

  “He took the body and hasn’t said anything. It seemed like he believed me.”

  “What if he sees her somewhere?”

  “Why do you think I moved way out here?”

  He slowly nodded his head in understanding. “I should have known…”

  “I just couldn’t do it, Conway. If I gave her back, I never would have stopped thinking about it. The guy is a psychopath.”

  “Well, if you’re in love with her, what other choice did you have?”

  “I’m not in love with her,” I said quickly.

  He turned back to me, the anger emerging again. “You risked your life and the rest of the Barsettis for a woman you aren’t in love with?”

  “She has a son,” I snapped. “When she told me that…I couldn’t go through with it.” I knew the mention of a child would calm Conway down since he was about to be a father. “It would have been wrong. Everything worked out fine, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “It better have.”

  “The Skull Kings have been taken care of, and Egor has more important things to do. If I keep her hidden for a while, we’ll definitely be in the clear.”

  “So, what’s the plan? Her kid is just gonna live here?”


  He chuckled. “You’re kidding me. You’re gonna live with a kid?”

  “The place is three stories,” I said coldly. “I told her to keep him out of my way.”

  “But still,” he said. “I haven’t even had my kid yet, and I’m freaking out about it.”

  “Well, I’m not going to be a father. The kid is her problem, not mine.”

  He kept up his hostile stare, looking me in the eye like he saw something.


  “And you think you aren’t in love with this woman?”

  “I’m not.”


  “I’m really not,” I hissed. “I brought her for my own reasons.”

  “What reasons are those?” He finished his glass then crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Not that it’s any of your business…but I have a special kind of relationship with her. A relationship that involves whips and chains…”

  He nodded slightly in understanding. “So you rescued her from that asshole so you could replace him?”

  “Not exactly…but yes.”

  “Must be one hell of a woman.”

  “She is,” I blurted, picturing that brown hair and beautiful skin. “So, how’re Sapphire and the baby?”

  “We aren’t done talking about you, asshole.” He slammed his glass onto the counter. “You’ve gotta tell your dad or my dad what’s going on. They just cleaned up our mess, and they have the right to know if there’s another potential situation on the horizon.”

  I didn’t want to bring my father into my personal life, but due to the events of the past, it would be the right thing. “I’m going to talk to my father when I see him.”

  “Good. Thought I would have to argue with you more.”

  “Griffin already made his case. Said I needed to do it.”

  He nodded in approval. “I used to hate that guy. But now…he fits right in.”

  “Yeah, he does,” I said in agreement. “He was the one who helped me, got the body to replace Mia. Burned the house for me…did everything.”

  Conway leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “You can say this woman doesn’t mean anything to you, but you put everything on the line for her. I didn’t tell Sapphire I loved her until much later, but the moment I paid a hundred million dollars for her, I should have known. This is no different, Carter.”

  “I didn’t drop any money for her,” I countered.

  “But you put a dead body in your house and burned a bedroom. The damages alone are gonna cost a hundred grand.”

  “You think a hundred grand means anything to me?”

  “It’s still inconvenient.”

  Mia had a significant impact on me, made me feel things I’d never felt before. I’d never wanted to fuck a woman the way I did with her. I pounded into her ass last night and enjoyed every single second. I’d never gotten that much pleasure out of someone before. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. “She’s a good person. It was the least I could do. I bought women in the past with the intention of saving them, not giving them to their tormentors.”

  “So, what’s the plan? Just let her live here?”

  “She cooks and cleans. She’s basically the maid.”

  “Who you screw at night.”

  I shrugged, not sure what else to say. “We’ll see what happens…”

  “I’m not sure what our parents will think about this.”

  “It’s my life, so I don’t really care what they think.”

  He narrowed his eyes on my face. “Cut the shit, Carter. We both care. When I told my father the truth about Sapphire, I was fucking terrified. Not scared of him punching me, but of him being disappointed in me. He’s made a few comments to me in the past…and they always make me feel like shit. Don’t expect your parents to be happy about this. They’ll probably be livid, honestly.”

  I didn’t want to admit that I put our family in danger, especially after everything that happened to us. But I didn’t want to live by their opinions either. What was done was done. I couldn’t go back and change it.

  “And they aren’t going to be fine knowing you have a slave.”

  “She’s not a slave,” I countered. “It’s not like that.”

  “That’s not what you said to me earlier…”

  “She’s treated well, and she has nowhere else to go.”

  “She said that?” he asked.

  “No…but I can tell.” She’d been a prisoner for three years, and she was just getting her son back. After everything she’d been through, she wouldn’t be able to just go back to work like nothing happened. She had to focus on her relationship with her son. And the schools in the area were some of the best in the country. “One day I’ll get tired of her, and she’ll leave. And if she never wants to leave, I need a maid anyway.”

  Conway kept looking at me, the judgment in his eyes.

  “And you think you’re any better?” I asked incredulously. “You did the exact same thing with Sapphire.”

  “And I fell in love with her. Sounds like the same thing is happening to you.”

  I refilled my glass so I would have a reason to break eye contact for a moment. “If I felt that way, I would just say it. But I don’t. My livelihood doesn’t depend on my sex life, so whether I’m monogamous or not, it doesn’t matter. I’m not interested in being a stepfather, and I’m not interested in love either. I care about her…a lot.”

  “Enough to put everything on the line.”

  I ignored his jab. “But I don’t love her. Think whatever you want, Con. That’s the truth.”

  He kept his arms crossed over his chest, watching me like he didn’t take me seriously. “Whatever you say, Carter.” A slight grin came over his face, like he couldn’t wait to tell me I was wrong when the time was right.

  “Can we talk about your wife now?”

  His grin became wider. “Yes, my pregnant wife…she’s doing alright. She’s about to pop any moment, so she’s a bit…how do I put this politely…difficult. She can’t sleep, has a hard time eating, she’s not in the mood for sex anymore…”

  “Maybe that’s because of you, not the pregnancy.”

  That wiped the smirk right off his face. “It’s the pregnancy, trust me.”

  “Seem a little defensive about that.”

  “Shut the hell up, Carter.”

  “If she’s about to pop, what are you doing over here?”

  “Came to check out your new place. Seems like we haven’t talked in a while, and
obviously we haven’t because your life has been pretty damn interesting the last few weeks.”

  “Exceptionally.” After last night, my life got even better. Something about Mia drove me crazy, made me into a different man. I’d never been into dominance or anything kinky, but now I wanted to tie her up and fuck her like a psychopath. “Got names picked out?”


  “What are they?”

  “Not gonna say until the baby gets here. Depends on if it’s a boy or a girl.”

  “I’m excited,” I said. “We have another Barsetti on the way.”

  “I’m excited too. But also fucking terrified.” On the surface, he seemed so calm and self-assured. It was a great poker face, his professional expression that kept all of his models and employees calm right before a show. “All this time, I’ve been focused on making sure Sapphire is safe, comfortable, and healthy…but now the baby is actually coming. I have a whole other person to worry about every single day.”

  “You do great with Sapphire, so I’m sure you’ll be fine, man. If anyone can hit this out of the park, it’s you.”

  He gave me a slight nod. “Thanks, man. I’m glad we’ve decided to move here since my parents will always be around to help out. They’re pretty excited about it. My mom wants another baby around the house.”

  “Where are you guys going to live since you don’t have a place? You guys are welcome to stay here if you want. Staying with your parents for the past month must be taking its toll.”

  “We found a place we like, and now we’re in the process of purchasing it. But it’s not gonna be done until after the baby comes. No need to rush at this point. So we’re gonna stay with my parents. There’s no possible way that my mom would ever let us stay with anyone else. She wants to be part of everything. I think it’ll be good for Sapphire anyway. It’ll let her relax while we have an experienced parent take care of the baby. Sapphire can sleep, and I can get some work done.”


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