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The Judah Black Novels: Boxed Set of books 1-3

Page 23

by E. A. Copen

  “I know that,” Ed said back sheepishly. “This is the real deal. You take care of him.” Ed turned back to me and frowned. “Let's get a bandage on that so I can have my shirt back. Then, I'll take you wherever you need to go. You're not in any shape to drive.”

  He opened the door to the shed. Outside, it looked as if only minutes had passed since I'd stepped inside, even though I knew it had been hours. I stole a glance back at the door Zoe had gone through only to find it gone. It finally dawned on me how she'd come and gone out of there without having to go through the other werewolves first. Zoe had used a Way.

  So, that is how they're doing it, I thought. It's also how they could stand by unnoticed and listen to everything I was saying to Donald Summers. They're using the Ways. Somehow, they were able to predict when and where the doors would open, giving them access to anywhere at any time. Zoe and LeDuc had control over the Ways, maybe every single one in Paint Rock.

  “Any idea where they might have taken him?” Ed asked as I stepped back out into the sweltering heat. It felt amazing, considering I'd been shivering only moments ago.

  “No,” I said. “But I know how to find out.”


  Ed wore sunglasses that were popular in the late nineties when he drove, probably on the misconception that doing so somehow made up for driving a Prius. The thing got fifty plus miles per gallon and was eco-friendly but the powder blue finish was as unmanly as one can manage in a car. All the tree hugging, hipster bumper stickers on the back didn't help, either. None of that stopped him from cruising with his windows down and cranking his Indie-French techno up so loud it made my brains rattle. Kids these days.

  I was glad for the ride, though, so I couldn't complain too loud. He was right when he said I wasn't in any shape to drive. Rattling brains and all, I passed out in the passenger seat almost as soon as we got moving. Thankfully, I'd had enough sense to call Reed ahead of time and arrange for him to meet us at the church.

  Hitting the curb on our way into the church lot woke me up. “Ungh,” I said and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I was thankful it was dark out because I didn't have to deal with the glare of the sun. Ed's headlights reflecting off the pavement had already made my head pound.

  Father Reed was waiting for us in the parking lot with a big gym bag slung over his shoulder. He adjusted it when the Prius stopped and ducked into the back seat without speaking. Ed leaned on the steering wheel. “Okay,” he said. “Why did we pick up a priest and what's in the bag?” Reed unzipped the bag and rolled the top part down, revealing the hilt of his sword. Ed whistled. “Damn. Or... er... I meant darn. I guess you're our back up?”

  “I've dealt with this particular group of miscreants before,” Reed said calmly and zipped the bag back up. “Any word from Robbie?”

  “No,” I said and settled more comfortably into the front seat. “We're going to go get the information we need, whether he wants to give it or not. This might not go well for us, father, and I wouldn't want you to have to act against your religious conviction so if you want to sit this first part out, I'd understand.”

  “Robbie Fellows has built his fortune by trading in sin. The Lord will be his judge for that. I’m here to help you find information that will bring those children home safe. If Robbie stands in the way of that, I have no convictions against doing what must be done.”

  Ed tugged at the collar of his bloodstained t-shirt. “Damn, padre. You're as cold as ice.”

  “Just take us out to Aisling, Ed,” I said and rested my head on my hand.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  My eyes were closed all of three seconds before Ed shook me awake. I sat up and tried to blink away the rainbow of neon that assaulted my eyes only to find that it was the signage up around the club. The parking lot was three times as full now as it had been the last time I’d been there and Ed had been forced to park his Prius on the edge of the lot. A crowd of scantily clad women in fairy costumes, complete with iridescent wings, stood outside the front door, sifting through a line of customers waiting to get in.

  “Just look at that line,” Ed said with a whistle. “This is going to take all night.”

  “It's not going to be a problem,” I said, digging around in my purse for the VIP packet I'd acquired earlier that day. “You two just stay close to me and make sure you don't make eye contact with any of the employees. Don't accept anything they offer and, more importantly, don't thank them.”

  Reed climbed out of the car, a dark look on his face. All told, he looked pretty menacing for a priest. I turned to glance at Ed whose stained up shirt hung off his skinny body, serving only to make him look even less threatening, despite the fact that the stains were blood. No one was going to let him into a club in that, especially one that was frequented by vampires. The crowd might literally go crazy.

  I unbuckled my seat belt and reached into my purse again. From it, I took my trusty nine millimeter and made sure she was loaded and ready to go. “Ed, how long do you need to Change?”

  “Change?” Ed's voice squeaked. “Like change how?”

  “You'll look a lot more threatening if you're a wolf instead of a younger, skinnier and geekier version of Keanu Reeves.”

  “You're joking, right? She's joking. Lady, I don't know if you noticed, but it takes more than a snap of the fingers to make that happen.” Ed was quiet for a minute. “Valentino's a mental mess and a good distance away. Sal's in lock up. Your boy's missing and Chanter...” He trailed off. “I guess that technically makes me top dog at the moment.” He started chuckling and then launched into a laugh so loud and obnoxious that Father Reed turned and frowned at him through the glass.

  “Why is that funny?”

  “I'm about as threatening as a pet rock. Normally, if Valentino even looks my way I gotta roll over and play puppy or he'll come over and snap at me. No one's ever even suggested that I could look threatening. Not in real life.”

  “Can you do it or not and how long's it going to take?”

  “Shouldn't be any reason I can't, given the circumstances.” He shrugged and we both got out of the car. “Give me fifteen minutes and a little privacy, though.”

  “Do it in ten,” I said. “And the back seat is as private as you're going to get.”

  “I can't do it sitting down,” he whined.

  “Sorry about your luck, Ed.”

  “Fine, fine,” he grumbled and fumbled with the silver ring in his ear. He stripped off his blood-stained shirt and started undoing his belt but stopped and frowned at me. “Do you mind? Unless you want a show, that is.”

  I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and got out of the car to stand with Reed. “So,” said the priest after a short pause. “What exactly is your plan?”

  “Well, I was kind of hoping to just walk in there and demand to speak with Robbie like I did the first time. That worked pretty well.”

  “And if he continues to stonewall you?” Reed turned to look at me, his expression unreadable.

  “I just need to convince him that risking the wrath of his superiors is preferable to the unpleasant sensation in the moment.”

  “Torture,” said Reed and then nodded. “Simple and brutal. I like it.”

  “You don't have to be so approving, Torquemada. Geez.”

  “I recognize the necessity of it given the situation. Enough time has passed already that we have to make the most of every second. Lives are at stake, lives that someone like Robbie would probably trade away for the right price.”

  “You seem to think pretty little of Robbie Fellows.”

  Reed gave me a heavy look. “When human lives have a finite value and occupy little more than space on a ledger, you’re not capable of empathy.” He bowed his head. It took me a minute to realize he was praying.

  I gave him another minute before I leaned in closer. “You okay, Father?”

  “I'm a priest about to walk into a strip club with a sorceress and a werewolf.” He turned and cast me an amused glance with one eyebrow ra
ised. “What do you think?”

  I chuckled. “I think maybe that vow of celibacy is probably something you've already regretted more than once or twice. But hey, who am I to start casting stones? Just don't forget why we're here.” Reed laughed at that. I frowned and pressed, “Why is that funny?”

  “Nothing. Just memories, Judah.”

  Something about the way he said that made me even more wary of the priest.

  Ed's paws scraped against the passenger window accompanied by a pathetic whine. I opened the door and he bounded out with a big dog harness in his mouth that he spat at my feet. It took me a little longer than I thought it would to get him all hooked up so that he could look like a dangerous guard dog but, as soon as he was suited up, the three of us went straight to the entrance.

  One of the fairy girl bouncers looked up and batted her extended eyelashes at us. “Ooh,” she cooed and slithered over to us, putting her hands all over Father Reed. “What's this? You looking for a naughty nun, sweetie, or maybe a confession?” Another girl giggled and left the group to come over and caress him.

  Reed looked uncomfortable for a moment before he raised both hands, putting one on the shoulder of each woman, pushing them gently away. “Excuse me, ladies. I'm here on official church business. I'd be more than happy to take individual confessions within the proper confines of the confessional on Friday and Saturday afternoons between three and five.”

  Those poor girls, they were stunned beyond words when he walked right past them and waited for Ed and I by the door. Father Reed was a saint, recruiting strippers for confession. A real servant of the faith, though I didn't miss the way he tugged at his collar once he was free of them.

  One of the strippers he'd snubbed crossed her arms and stepped up to me. Ed let out a low growl and I patted him reassuringly. “No dogs allowed.”

  “He's my mobility assistance dog,” I said with a smile. “He helps me get past crowds of annoying fairy wannabes.” The girl started to gesture to a big, burly bouncer standing by the door but halted when I pulled out my VIP card and flashed it in front her. “The priest and the werewolf are with me. Robbie is expecting us. He'll be pretty upset if he finds out we've been delayed by the help.” I tried to sound as snooty as possible, though I didn't think I could pull it off in my sweat stained clothes and bandaged up neck. The girl gave me an irritated look and stepped aside, waving us on in with her chin. “See?” I told Ed, patting him again. “It pays to know people.”

  The lobby was more alive than it had been earlier, too. Lots of bored looking people stood around holding drinks wearing everything from your standard club fare to full body fetish gear. We drew lots of stares from the onlookers as we pushed our way up to the coat check desk where I'd met Al earlier. He wasn't manning the desk anymore. In his place was a woman in a latex dress with purple eye shadow and those stick on gems all over.

  “Welcome to Aisling,” she said in a professional tone, “where your fantasy is our pleasure. May I see your membership cards, please?” I showed her my VIP pass. “I see,” she said and I heard the sound of a keyboard clicking behind the desk. “I'm sorry. I don't seem to have a pleasure profile for you yet, Ms. Black. I'll get someone on that at once.”

  “Actually,” I said, interrupting her as she picked up the phone. “I'm here to see Robbie Fellows.”

  “Mr. Fellows is indisposed for the night,” stammered the latex clad woman. “If you would care to leave a message I could...” She trailed off when Ed rose up on two legs and planted his front paws on the top of the desk, his teeth bared in an attempt to look ferocious. He wasn't threatening, not to someone who'd spent the last few days dealing with werewolves but, to the woman behind the counter, he might as well have been Jaws.

  “Just tell us where to find him,” I encouraged, patting Ed on the head. “I promise I won't tell him you're the one who interrupted his private party.” She pointed toward an ornate door behind a set of velvet ropes. “Thanks, doll.”

  “Are you sure that was wise,” whispered Reed as we closed in on the door. “If she suspects we mean her employer harm, she'll call security in to interrupt.”

  “Don't worry,” I said back in an even quieter whisper. “This won't take long.”

  Walking through that door was like stepping back in time. The VIP room she pointed out was dark and full of the most amazing sweet-smelling smoke I'd ever smelled. Normally, I'm not a big fan of dark, smoky rooms but this place had an energy that was hard to hate. A club remix of something Madonna vibrated through the room, the lyrics spoken at a volume that existed so far below the bass that only the most attentive listeners could have heard what the queen of pop was saying. Leather upholstered seats lined the walls occupied by men and women, nearly all of whom were engaged in some level of sexual activity.

  I scanned the room for Robbie's familiar, fiery red hair and spotted him sitting alone at the far end of the room, the bright red flame of a lighter illuminated against a wall of gray. An empty shot glass sat in front of him. “All right, Ed. Get your game face on.” He growled and put his ears back the way he had out in the parking lot. “Padre, you hang back and keep an eye on the door, just in case.”

  Robbie didn't notice us as we closed in. He was too busy sucking on a big, long pipe, his head thrown back and eyes closed. I waited until he had a nice, big mouthful of smoke before walking up and saying, “Hiya, Robbie.”

  Robbie coughed and choked, gasping as he sat up and started waving the smoke out of his face. He gave Ed and I a look of surprise and then glanced back down at his pipe. “Now I know this is some good shit because you two cannot be in here.”

  “Oh, we're here all right,” I said, sliding into the booth across from him. “And you're out of time. You're going to tell me where Maria is right now or else.”

  “We've been over this,” said Robbie, rolling his eyes. “I fucking can't.”

  Ed growled and put one paw on Robbie's chest, pushing him back against the seat. The fae immediately went stiff and raised his hands in surrender when I sat my gun on the table. “Easy!” he pleaded. “Easy, love! I'm being straight with you. Words going around that you’re poking into the Kelleys. I’ve got more than my business to worry about now. I’m not about to piss off my business partner. She’s a fucking vampire and she’s a right mean cunt when she wants to be. If I even think about talking, she’ll be here faster than you can say Bob's your uncle.” He drew a finger across his neck. “I'll be short one head I can't do without.”

  “Allow me to rephrase.” I pushed myself up and climbed up on the table. Robbie's eyes went as wide as saucers at the sight of me approaching. He stammered over another excuse while I squatted down and pressed the barrel of the gun against his nose. The barrel, being largely composed of steel derived from iron, sizzled when it came in contact with his flesh and he jerked his head to the side wincing. “I want to speak with Maria now.”

  “I can't,” he stammered. “And you bloody well know it.”

  Ed growled and moved his paw up to Robbie's throat, glancing at me afterward for approval that I gave with a slight nod of my head. I trailed the gun down his face, leaving behind a path of red, blistering skin. He still didn't budge, not even when I reached his bare chest. All he did was grit his teeth and stifle a few grunts of pain... until I pushed the barrel between his legs. “Fuck, woman,” Robbie hissed. “I can't just clap my hands and make it happen, you know,”

  I pushed the gun against him harder. “You've got exactly three seconds before I blow your dick off. One... Two...”

  “All right,” Robbie cried in desperation. “All right, I'll do it just don't pull the goddamned trigger!” I pulled the gun away and waved to Ed who shrank back but not out of range of snapping at Robbie if need be. At least he had some sense. Robbie scrambled to adjust his pants. “Jesus fucking Christ. You ever consider a career as a dominatrix? There's some blokes that'd pay good money for that treatment, love.”

  “Where is Maria?” He rubbed at a line of bur
ns on his stomach but didn't answer me. “Robbie. Where is Maria?” The way he looked up at me, rage burning in his eyes just below the surface, I knew I was going to pay for his help and I wasn't going to like what it cost me down the road. That's fine, I thought. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  “I can take you to her,” he said after a long pause. “But that will require me to alter our original agreement, since I'm taking a much more significant risk this way.”

  “Whatever you want, consider it done.”

  Ed whined at me. Even he knew how dangerous it was to write a blank check to a fae like that but what choice did I have? Every minute that I wasted negotiating with Robbie put me that much further from Hunter. Time was the more immediate enemy.

  Robbie grinned. “You must be truly desperate. You're getting sloppy with your words, Agent Black. You don't even know what I want yet.”

  “Fine. What do you want?”

  “A lock of hair and an ounce of blood.”

  “No,” I snapped without thinking, even though I'd already agreed to it. “That's two things. I only owe you one.”

  Robbie tapped a finger to his chin and leaned back against the booth provocatively. “This is my master that I'm disobeying, love. The Master won't take lightly to it. Fine. If you'll only part one with one, I have more use for an ounce of blood than a lock of hair.” I started to roll up my sleeve. “Oh no, love. That's not how we're going to seal this deal.”

  He motioned for me to bend down with two fingers. Ed immediately jumped up between us, his growl more genuine than I'd heard all night as he took up all the space between Robbie and I. Robbie's eyes changed color from their normal light blue to a sparkling indigo. “Down boy,” he commanded. “The adults are sealing a deal. Let the lady do as she pleases.”

  “Ed,” I said in a cautious tone. “Please.”

  Ed whined at me, tucked his tail and slinked off the table.

  “Now,” said Robbie with a smirk. “Where were we? Oh yes. Sealing the deal with a kiss.” I took a deep breath and thought about the worst kiss I'd ever had. A harmless kiss and an ounce of blood seemed a small price to pay to get my son back. I would have paid a lot more. “Tick tock, Judah Black.”


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