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Mr. Mistake: A Fake Marriage Romance (Mr. Mistake Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Karice Bolton

  After a few more seconds, I felt my three best friends nearly tackle us.

  “You’re going to make Maddox one happy man,” Winter mumbled into my hair.

  “I hope so.”

  And I really did. I’d spend a lifetime repaying him for this, but I was relieved it wouldn’t cost me a lifetime to pay for this dress. It was way under my budget, and if I were lucky, this entire prank wouldn’t require a year’s salary.

  My mom and friends broke from our bear hug, and I noticed Maddox’s mom was nowhere to be found.

  “Did she say she was going somewhere?” I asked my mom, and she shook her head.

  As I made my way back into the dressing room, Dorothy returned, smiling.

  “Thank you for including me in this. Not having a daughter always left me out of certain occasions I’d kind of always wanted to be a part of.”

  I rushed back out of the dressing room and hugged her. “Absolutely. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.” I stepped back and pushed the guilt away. I really wish he’d told his mom.

  “Well, Maddox wanted me to let you know that he’s covered the dress.” She smiled, and my jaw dropped as I shook my head.

  “No, he can’t do that. He’s already done too much.” I looked down at my ring and back at his mom. “I can’t let him.”

  She grinned. “He said you’d say that, which is why it’s already been taken care of.”


  She shook her head. “No buts.”

  I gave her a quick hug, and my mom looked completely surprised as she took a seat. There was something on her mind, but I couldn’t tell what, and she immediately snapped out of it when Maddox’s mom sat down next to her.

  Selma followed me into the dressing room and helped me out of my dress. “Wow. I can’t believe that.”

  “It’s a very nice gesture.” She smiled.

  “He’s a very nice man.” I nodded. “So, can I have this dress, like off the rack? I’m getting married in less than a month, and it seems like it fits.”

  She chuckled and nodded. “It’s pretty close, but I can have our in-store alteration person finish it up for you. She’s not in until tomorrow, but I can make an appointment for you to come back so she can look at the alterations that need to be done.”

  I drew a deep breath and nodded. “Thanks.”

  Selma left the dressing room as I pulled on my clothes. I sat down in a fog and stared at the mirror.

  Ever since I met Maddox, my dreams were coming true, and life events were revealing themselves everywhere I turned, and yet, it was all under a ruse.

  A ruse I wanted to believe could turn into reality.

  “You okay in there?’ Winter tapped on the door.

  “Yeah. Totally. Come on in.”

  Winter slowly opened the dressing room door, and her gaze turned serious as she sat down next to me.

  “I’m so excited for you.” She smiled. “I really am, so don’t get me wrong.”

  “What?” My brow arched.

  “I just don’t see what the rush is about.” She folded her hands in her lap.

  “A month isn’t that rushed, and it’s like we’ve known one another for—"

  “But that’s precisely the problem,” she interrupted. “You haven’t known each other for that long. It doesn’t matter what it feels like. Fact are facts. You barely know Maddox.”

  “But you’re the one who presented this whole challenge.” My brows furrowed naturally. “You kept saying how I needed to find someone by my birthday and get married and start popping out babies. Well, I found someone, so why wait?”

  She let out a disgruntled sigh. “What if I was wrong? What if you should be sticking to a guy who doesn’t push you out of airplanes? Maybe you just need the man who watches you fall off a golf cart. Maybe plaid and argyle aren’t so bad.”

  I stared at her in confusion. Granted, this was kind of the outcome I was hoping for with this prank, but I didn’t understand what else was behind Winter’s sudden change of heart.

  “What’s really going on?”

  She sucked in a deep breath and locked her hands together. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to have your heart broken by Maddox McKenzie.”

  I didn’t say anything, but my gaze fell to the floor.

  “I think the argyle men won’t break your heart. I think you knew yourself and were right all along. This was a silly idea, a bad idea to bring up our pact from when we were teenagers,” she scoffed.

  I leaned against the wall and looked at the sad-looking wedding dresses drooping on the hangers that I’d never even tried on.

  “I don’t want to admit this, but I think it’s good that I finally let myself date a kind of bad boy. I’ve always been attracted to them, but I was too afraid. I didn’t want to get heartbroken, but after meeting Maddox, I’d rather risk the heartache so I can at least experience the man.”

  Her eyes locked on mine, and she let out a slow breath.

  “What’s this really about?” I prompted.

  “I just don’t want to have to pick up the pieces because I was the one who started all this. It would be my fault that you got into this situation, and all the repercussions are because of me. It’s scary.”

  And then it hit me. Winter was having a meltdown more about someone she might have met than me.

  “Have you met someone who actually pays rent and has a job?”

  She blushed as she shook her head frantically.

  “Right. I don’t believe it.” My brows rose.

  “I haven’t met a soul,” she insisted, standing up quickly. “Maybe I need to go call that bartender back or—"

  I laughed. “No need on my account. I’ll let it go.”

  She tugged on her skirt. “You do that.”

  “And I promise I’ll be careful with my heart.”

  “Good.” She turned on her heels and opened the dressing room door, not wanting the questioning to make a U-turn again, and I followed her out.

  “Well, this has been the best afternoon I’ve had apart from when my son asked you to marry him this weekend.” His mom stood up and gave my mom a hug. “But I have to meet my husband for dinner, or he’ll never forgive me.”

  “Thank you again for coming.”

  Dorothy nodded, and we hugged briefly before I watched her trundle out of the store.

  “What’s next?” Arie asked, slapping her hands together. “Bridesmaid dresses?”

  I flashed a smirk and shook my head. “Who said I was having any bridesmaids?”

  Arie pretended to sulk, and Samantha just chuckled.

  “What are your colors, at least?” Arie asked, and my eyes widened.

  I hadn’t given it any thought.

  Oh, geez.

  My mind quickly whirled together a time, place, and setting for my nuptials, and I stared at Arie.

  “I’m thinking all colors.”

  Her brows shot up. “Like a circus?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Like wildflowers. I want things simple and maybe just some loose bouquets filled with wildflowers.”

  Samantha nodded. “Where?”

  “We’re thinking of a park on Fireweed.” Actually, we haven’t thought about anything, but this sounded lovely.

  “That fits.” My mom smiled and winked at me. “Well, honey. It’s time for me to take off. Rush hour has already started, and I don’t want traffic to get even worse.”

  She gave me a kiss on each cheek and trundled out of the store as if this had been any other day, my secret safe with her.

  “Since we’re not doing bridesmaids today, I guess I should head home too.” Arie looked at me for one last hint, and I shrugged.

  “I’ll let you know the details this weekend. Besides, why not enjoy another day out? This was fun.” I grinned, realizing just how much fun I’d had.

  “Just remember, we’re the ones planning your bachelorette party and—”

  “Whoa. Who said I
wanted that?” I laughed, cutting off Winter.

  “Doesn’t matter if you want it, my friend.” Winter chuckled. “It’s all about us on that night.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Sounds about right.”

  “Since it seems we’re disbanding, I might as well take off for the next ferry so I don’t have to wait again.”

  “Why not just head over to Maddox’s place?” Winter asked. “Isn’t it just a few minutes away? I thought you’d be staying there.”

  “Or he’d be staying with you,” Arie added.

  “Oh, right. Yeah.” I smiled, realizing that would be the next logical step if we were dating. I’d want to see him. Why not drop in on him?

  My friends exchanged an odd look, and I laughed.

  “Sorry. It’s all happening so fast, I’m not even sure I remember half the time.”

  Winter sucked in a breath to say something and then held back.

  “Off to Maddox’s apartment.”

  “Soon to be yours,” Winter added.

  “I guess.” I nodded, wondering how Maddox would take my stopping by.

  He knew I was trying on wedding dresses today, obviously, but we hadn’t talked about getting together again.

  But I should thank him.

  In person. Right, I should thank him in person for buying my wedding dress, and I should also let him know he’s not spending a dime on the wedding or reception.

  “You okay?” Winter waved her hand in front of my face.

  “Oh, sorry. Just thinking about Maddox.”

  “To be in love.” Arie let out a wistful sigh as we headed out of the bridal boutique.

  “Okay, I’ll keep you posted.” I smiled, hugging all my friends. “I’ll group text when I figure out what I want to do about bridesmaids.”

  “Hardee-har-har.” Winter laughed, making her way to her car parallel parked down the street.

  Samantha and Arie gave one last wave as they crossed the street when the crosswalk turned, and I let out a breath I’d felt like I’d been holding in for hours. I stood for a few seconds and got my bearings.

  I didn’t have to go to Maddox’s. My friends were out of sight, and they’d have no idea whether I did or not.

  I scratched my head and looked at the parking garage my car was parked in. It was a good parking spot and should be safe for a little bit longer.

  Fine. Decision made. I would go visit Maddox, thank him, and sail back to Fireweed. It was a short walk, and it would clear my mind.

  On the way there, I noticed quite a few sketchy characters lurking in the shadows and loitering on the corners, and my stomach knotted. It was odd that even in parts of the city where they could charge exorbitant rent prices like here, there was so much crime. Another reason I loved Fireweed. I quickened my step and let out the breath I’d unwillingly been holding once I reached his building. I quickly texted him.

  Thought I’d stop by. Just finished dress shopping, and I wanted to say thank you in person.

  It only took a few seconds before he responded.

  Coming down now.

  Reading those words felt like Christmas morning. Seeing Maddox McKenzie had become my gift.

  I walked toward the elevators, and the far one opened. Maddox McKenzie walked into the corridor, turning in my direction.

  “Maddox.” I waved and hopped up and down like a cheerleader.

  His eyes connected with mine, and he smiled, coming my way. He scooped me into his arms, and his mouth met mine. I tasted a hint of caramel on his lips, and my world melted into his once more. It was as if nothing around us existed.

  Maddox traced his fingers up my back, and my body trembled from his touch.

  “Your place? Now?” I breathed, and his gaze darkened with desire.

  We walked into the open elevator along with another couple, and it was all I could do to stay away from Maddox. I took a deep breath as the elevator went up and waited for the doors to open, letting the other couple off.

  “Two more floors,” I hummed, and Maddox laughed.

  “And then what?” he teased, bringing me into him.

  “You make passionate love to me.”

  The elevator opened on his floor, and his hand linked with mine as we stepped off. We quickly made it into his apartment, where he pushed me up against the foyer wall.

  Maddox dipped his head and brought his mouth to mine, kissing me softly before working his lips along my neck, his tongue bringing my body heated desire.

  My knees trembled as he slowly undressed me, leaving me in my bra and underwear. I felt so exposed, vulnerable, and wanting so much more. Never had I felt such a need in my life.

  I ran my hands under his shirt as he unbuttoned it quickly, dropping it to the floor. His mouth worked his way up to mine once more.

  Tangling my fingers through his hair, I felt the length of him press into me. My body ached as I unfastened his jeans, and he slid them off as he unfastened my bra before it fell to the ground. He slowly raised my arms above my head, and a little groan escaped my lips.

  Maddox smiled and placed his hands in mine, pressing me against the wall as he kissed the side of my neck, kissing and breathing me in as if he’d waited a lifetime for this moment.

  His lips moved lower, circling my breasts, sucking gently as my nipples hardened. He traded his mouth for his fingers as he slid his lips lower, tugging at my underwear.

  He took everything slowly, the anticipation nearly killing me. I could barely stand as he ran his mouth across the fabric, his finger sliding just under the lace.

  “Maddox,” I breathed.

  He ran his fingers under the fabric, along my slit. My legs trembled with want. He kissed me softly over the material. Leaving my underwear in place, he stood, moving his hands to my hips, his tongue entering my mouth, soft as velvet but full of the same need I craved.

  My hands wrapped around his shoulders, fingernails digging deeper into his neck the more he teased.

  Maddox brought his mouth close to my ear and whispered, “I promise to go slow.”

  His words sent me over the edge as his hands clasped my hips and he lifted me against the wall as he moved my panties to the side.

  Feeling Maddox’s length press into my thigh nearly did me in as I wrapped my legs around him and he slowly slid into me. I tightened around him as he went deeper, and my world started to spin.

  “Maddox,” I breathed, panting as he moved in and out of me.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned, kissing my neck as my body moved with his.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t handle anymore, he withdrew and took a step back, sliding me down the wall.

  I couldn’t believe how gorgeous his naked body was, the definition, peaks, and valleys of his abdomen, the thickness of his thighs, the width of his shoulders. I spotted a tattoo along the exterior of this thigh and tilted my head as I tried to breathe.

  “The tattoo?” I asked, trying to regain my consciousness.

  “Another bright idea in college. It’s Leila, the dog I had for sixteen years.”

  I ran my fingers through his hair, relieved it wasn’t a woman’s name, and smiled.

  “And you’re sweet.” I ran my fingers along his chest.

  “And you’re so beautiful.” His blue eyes were now dark with desire. “Your body is everything I’d imagined and more.”

  “You’ve imagined me?” I asked, feeling the ache grow stronger.

  “From the moment I became your Mr. Mistake.” He smiled, kneeling in front of me.

  He slowly parted my legs as his tongue traced up my thigh, and the warmth and rhythm of his mouth sent me into ecstasy with moans that I didn’t know were possible.

  Maddox slid upward along my body when I didn’t think my legs would hold me any longer, and he carried me into his bedroom, laying me on his bed as he hovered over me. He reached for my hand and held it as he kissed me, using his knee to nudge my legs apart.

  When he looked into my eyes, his fingers rubbing and sli
ding along me, I knew the night was only beginning.

  Chapter Sixteen

  We were sitting outside on a bench toward the bow of the ferry, the breeze tangling my hair and saltwater splashing below as we chugged through Puget Sound on the way to Fireweed Island. I nuzzled my nose into the crook of Maddox’s neck, my hand on his chest, feeling the beats of his heart as he held me close. This was a fantasy I didn’t want to end, but as Winter started to break early, so did I.

  But what we shared last night still took my breath away. Every time my mind wandered back to—

  Who was I kidding? I couldn’t keep my mind off having sex until the wee hours of the morning with Maddox McKenzie. Since waking this morning, all I wanted to think about was having sex with him.


  And again.

  Technically, had we had sex once or several times? I let out a blissful sigh and watched birds sitting on the railing, catching a ride and enjoying where life took them.

  “This is my idea of heaven,” I whispered.

  He loosened his arm slightly, and his gaze fell to mine. “Which part?”

  “This.” I looped my arm around his waist as his gaze grew intense, and I kissed his mouth softly. He kissed me back with the same need as last night, and I knew I’d better pull back or we’d never make it off the ferry without public indecency charges.

  After his lips broke from mine, his eyes stayed on me, and he smiled. “Mine too.”

  Hearing those words should have made me feel free, excited, and like I’d finally found what I’d been searching for, but I hadn’t been searching, and I’d only managed to confuse what could have been a typical start to a relationship. And now, we’d finally crossed the friends with benefits barrier. I had official benefits, but I knew secretly that it wasn’t enough.

  “It’s hard to believe we’re on the way to pick a place to say the I-dos.” I shook my head. “When we reveal everything at the reception, I wonder if my friends will ever speak to me again.”

  I honestly had no idea how mad they would be at me, and after Winter finally began worrying about my decision-making skills, I started to feel guilty about fooling her.


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