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Page 11

by Ky Crossfire

  — Really? ‘Cause I think I look really hot. — I run my hands down the airtight costume and stare Nicolas down again. — Now, if you’ll excuse me, I don’t want to make Logan wait.

  I keep my head high and my back straight, feeling Nicola’s eyes burn me as I get out of the house. From a distance, I see Logan leaning back against a black Maserati. His short hair was softly spiked up, and he was even hotter than I remembered, and I didn’t even thought that was possible! He was dressed in all black, a dark dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a equally dark pair of pants. As I got closer to him, I could see all the details in him better: Logan had become bulkier, his masculine face was even more defined, and then, he smiled as I reached the front gates. His white, perfect teeth contrasted against his slightly dark skin, and his eyes were as dark as mine.

  — Isabel! — Nicolas growled soon as I put my heels out of the gates.

  My body shivered at the sound of his voice, and memories from the day before came to my mind at full strength. “No, Isa, no! No, no, no, don’t look back, today you’re going to win the fight against him!”

  I walked towards Logan, ignoring Mr. Bad Wolf’s call.

  I greeted him with three kisses on his cheeks and smiled, playfully hitting his arm.

  — That ain’t fair! — I tease. — Where’s your costume?

  — Long time no see! — He hugs me again and twirls me in the air. Seeing that, Nicolas’ mouth foams in anger. — How beautiful you are! — He says in and accent I can’t really figure the origin, but I do figure that I like it.

  — I think he wants to talk to you. — He whispers in my ear and his breath tickles my neck.

  I turn around to look at Nicolas, and hook my arm in Logan’s before waving at him.

  — Don’t worry, boss. — I smile. — I got my purse with me. — I wink at him a show the picnic basket, and turn my attention back to Logan.

  — Of course, mademoiselle. — Holding me by the waist, he leads me to the other side of the car and opens the door for me to enter.

  What a gentleman! I smile, putting on my seatbelt. Logan gets in the car and smiles too.

  — Ready to go, Red?

  — Oh, I was born ready! — I say, smirking.

  In your face, Nicolas Reis! Right in your face! Bastard dog! Know you’re gonna learn I do know how to fight fire with fire!

  Chapter 13

  — A penny for each of your thoughts. — He smiles and shifts to the fourth gear, taking me away from Mr. Big Bad Wolf more and more.

  “Wait there! Why in hell am I thinking of Nicolas with Logan right by my side? He wants to know what you’re thinking about, Isabel, answer right away, and don’t you dare answer it’s about the Wolf!”

  — A penny for each of my thoughts!? — I laugh. — You’ll be going broke then.

  I make myself comfortable on the seat and glance at his the shape of his face: manly features, a square-shaped jaw covered by a well-trimmed dark beard.

  — You tricked me with this whole costume thing, right? — I caress the red shirt and watch out to not touch the stockings. I’m not used to wearing pantyhose and stuff, but this shit pisses me off, because even if the smallest thing happens, say goodbye to it, there goes a pulled up thread! But today, as in a miracle, these white stockings are lasting!

  — And who said I didn’t? — He smirks and nods his head, gesturing me to look at the rear seat.

  I bend myself and see a trident, a red and long one.

  — The Devil! — I exclaim and seat again, laughing out loud. Hell’s gonna be crowded that way! — I felt the evilness.

  — Evilness? — He accelerates the car and turns the attention back to the traffic. — I’m an angel, Lil’ Hood. — He moistens his lips and smiles again. — A fallen angel, but still an angel.

  — Yeah, yeah. You know you can take me to hell, I’m in for that, you hunk. — Logan parks the car in front of the restaurant.

  — We arrived! — He turns the car off and bends himself to get the trident behind him.

  He gets out of the car and goes around it to open the door for me. I get out of it carefully to not show my panties, seeing that my skirt is not very decent. With my wicker basket on my hand, I accept holding his hand.

  . — What a gentleman, Mr. Devil!

  — Allow me to show you my kingdom — he jokes, looking me in the eyes.

  “Oh, Mr. Devil, it will be my pleasure.”

  Different from the Wolf, he invites me and flatters me, while Mr. Wolf only ever dominates and possesses me mercilessly, no invitation needed.

  “The Wolf fucks you best.” I hear Nicolas’ voice inside my thoughts again. Bastard, you won’t ruin my night! You can bet on that, you won’t!

  A line could be seen going around the corner, but we entered right away when the host saw Logan.

  — Good evening — he saluted us politely and cleared away the red stripe so we could pass through.

  Outside, the neon lights adorned with blazes were very alluring, even from a distance. Good taste and style; whoever is the responsible for the design deserves some applause. It was even prettier inside than outside, all in black and red shades, it recalls hellish depths, which I, particularly, found flabbergasting.

  Even with all the tables occupied by fairies, devils, catwomen and Disney princesses, there was a table booked for us. I, of course, glanced around to check if there weren’t any other Little Red Riding Hoods in the house. Nope, and no Big Bad Wolves either.

  And there was Nicolas in my mind again. No, I wasn’t going to think about him tonight, but when I order my brain to not think about wolves, it automatically floods me with Nicolas, laying on the bed, naked, arms crossed behind his head... shirtless Nicolas, hands full of grease... Nicolas, wearing a wet shirt tight on his body...

  “DAMN YOU, ISABEL! With a hot Devil like Logan by your side, you’re still thinking of the Big Wolf?”

  Logan gently pulls the chair for me, and I sit down. I leave my basket on the table’s edge, while he rests his trident on the wall. Then, he sits in front of me, letting his elbows over the table, holding his hands, crossing fingers.

  — I was surprised when you texted me, and even more surprised by meeting you again tonight.

  — A good surprise? — I smile when I notice that there’s no engagement ring on his finger.

  — A great surprise.

  Logan wiggles his head and raises his hand in a quick gesture. Seconds later, a waiter pops up at our table with two menus.

  — If you would let me suggest you something — he talks in a husky voice, looking at me check the menu. I raise my eyes. — We can start with the Oignon D’or, followed by a Steak du Chef.

  Not understanding shit of what he was talking about, I raise my eyebrow and nod.

  — Fine by me, ok, as long as it’s not something like those slugs we see on movies.

  He laughs and scratches his square-like chin.

  — Don’t worry about that. It’s a huge, juicy grilled steak, with the house’s special sauce.

  Special sauce... that reminds me of how I spat on that sandwich after washing the lettuce leaves in the toilet. My face twitches instinctively, and Logan notices it.

  — Not a meat eater? — He asks, worried. — I could recommend you a poultry or seafood dish.

  — No, not at all. — I interrupt him. — The meal seems amazing. — I smile. I really hope it is not just a blob of food barely big enough to even get the plate dirty, ‘cause I’m starving.

  — And what do you wish to drink? What about some artisanal draft beer? — He asks, caring.

  — Seems perfect. — I sigh.

  Logan orders our food and, a couple minutes later, the waiter is back with a keg of ice cold beer and two mugs. He serves us and excuses himself before leaving

  — So, tell me what was your exchange program like. — I ask, curling a dark strand of my hair around my fingers.

  Logan excitedly tells me about his travels and the places he visi
ted, and I listen to all of it in wonder.

  — Wow, so many different countries. — I smile, picturing all of it.

  The waiter returns and sets over our table a kind of giant flower, seriously, this thing is huge.

  I let him take a piece first, and he pulls out the first petal of the appetizer, which seems to be deep fried. He dips it in a small bowl filled with artisanal rosé sauce. I mimic his movements and eat my first petal. It’s a fried onion! I admit that I’m not too fond of onions, but this one is delicious, and the sauce is marvellous.

  Not long after, the waiter struts back to our table balancing the tray that carried our plates. I smile at the sight of the huge chunk of meat on my plate: the size of steak is equal to the size of my hunger.

  — Throughout all my travels, I still couldn’t find anyone who could bake a mango tart like you. — He praises me, cutting a piece off his steak.

  I swallow and smile, seeing he still remembered the sweets I used to prepare in my teenage years. But how could it be any different? Only a guy as sweet as Logan would give me a gift like the cupcake pendant I was wearing tonight. I touched the delicate adornment, and he followed the movement with his eyes, but said nothing about it.

  — It’s a very traditional recipe: it will die within my family. — I drink a gulp of the ice cold beer and resume eating.

  — You know, I’m the king of the Underworld. — he plays, looking at his trident leaning against the table. — If so I wish, I might as well use my trident to take the recipe from you, but, of course, I would rather you give it to me by your own free will.

  I laugh loudly.

  — Take the recipe from me? You can try that. — I tease, already wondering about which tricks he willing to use on me.

  — As a man, I can’t back away from a challenge like that.

  I roll my eyes and laugh again, sipping a bit more.

  — But seriously, I love the decor in this place, it looks amazing. And not to mention the food, the taste is magnificent.

  He wipes his mouth using the linen cloth napkin, and, with a proud look in his eyes, looks around at what he has created

  — Thank you, Isa, I’m glad you like it. — He takes a sip of his drink.

  My curiosity sparks up when I see some couples go up the stairs to a second floor. White smoke floods the steps a vampire and a Cinderella walk up slowly.

  — What’s over there? — I ask, curious.

  — A dance floor.

  — Hum… — I mumble, interested.

  I see a waiter call Logan with a discreet sign of his hand.

  — Will you excuse me for one second?

  — Of course, Satan, but don’t forget your trident. — I joke.

  — I’ll be right back, and keep your eyes open, you never know when a wolf may show up.

  My heart skips a beat at the possibility of Nicolas showing there. Fuck, Logan… I was doing so well with the hard task of not thinking about Mr. hairy, raging wolf.

  I see Logan walk away: he is taller than me, but seems to be slightly shorter than Nicolas. The difference between them is unmeasurable: while one had hair close to being shaved and redbone skin, the other had wild hair reaching his shoulders, in light brown waves, and not to mention those eyes. Logan had barely black eyes, almost as dark as mine, but Nicolas had big blue eyes, the kind of blue that seemed to change according to the day or the clothes he was wearing, not that I cared about that too much. And the way they kissed… Nicolas, when he kissed me, did it like he was going to eat me, his kisses were raging, hot and demanding. Much different from the kisses Logan would give me, soft and sweet like any first kiss should be.

  “Stop it, Isa! Stop it right now! Just look at the Devil’s ass!” Yeah, ok, that’s a good strategy. Logan has a damn fine ass. I have no idea about what’s he’s talking about with the waiters and the bartender, but I keep concentrated in the details of his athletic shape.

  — Get up now, I’m taking you home. — Nicolas grunts.

  I gulp down my second tequila shot and smile, looking towards Logan, who gives the barman a couple instructions at the other side of the restaurant.

  — Aren’t you listening to me?

  — Actually, I am. — I talk back, turning around to face him again — I just rather ignore it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I wanna dance.

  Nicolas Reis

  One hour before...

  I go back inside the house pissed the fuck off after seeing Isa hugging Logan, and how the slut kissed him three times.

  My phone rings.

  — What? — I growl.

  I hear the loud sound of kissing, followed by Rico’s laugh.

  — Hold on a bit, babe. I gotta talk here! — He asks, and I hear Diana’s laugh. — Wassup, dude!

  — Say it, motherfucker. — I answer, pacing around the living room.

  — I need a favor from you.

  — I’m not on the mood, Rico. — I answer, on all edges.

  — How come you didn’t call and tell me Isa was going out with those clothes on?!

  I grip the phone tighter.

  — And you think that little demon listens to anyone? I even told her to put on some decent clothes, but you know what she’s like.

  I hear him laugh.

  — I’m kinda busy here. — He says, and can hear giggling in the background.

  Yeah, very fucking busy, I can see.

  — And what does that have to do with me?

  — Well, c’mon, just take pay a quick visit to Outside, for your bro. — He laughs again. — Do that for me. I know Isa only did that to make Jorge jealous, and it can get her in trouble.

  Well, she isn’t trying to tease that motherfucker Jorge exactly.

  — Just keep an eye on her, what if he tries to make a scene with her…

  I huff, raging.

  — Got it. I’ll pay a quick visit.

  — Thank, super bro! I’ll owe you one.

  I turn off the phone and google the restaurant’s name, looking for the place’s address. I’m going after that hinny, gonna bring Red Riding Hood home even if I have to drag her. I take my car’s keys and my wallet.

  Ignoring every red light I see, I reach the front of the restaurant. Without even bothering to parking my car properly, I walk towards the door, but I am stopped just as I am about to enter, ignoring the line.

  — Sorry, mister. — The bouncer puts his hand on my chest a and stops

  me. He must be about 6 inches shorter than me at least. — Were booked full. The waiting time in the line is about 2 hours, and entrance is solely permitted if in costume. Sorry.

  — You don’t know who you’re talking to. — I snarl.

  — Get on the line, big guy. — I hear a couple voices protest.

  But I don’t even bother answering.

  — Look, buddy. — I growl, trying to hold my tone. — I didn’t come to stay, I’m, only here to get my wife. If I need to run you over, I will.

  The bouncer looks me head to toe and says, low-voiced.

  — Do it quickly. — And allows me to pass.

  I walk through the place and see that I’m the only person not in a costume. It doesn’t take me long to find my Little Red Riding Hood. I walk towards Isa and stop right in front of her.

  — Get up now, I’m taking you home. — I demand, not raising my voice yet.

  She drinks a tequila shot and smiles towards Logan.

  — Aren’t you listening to me? — I ask, louder this time.

  — Actually, I am. — The snarky bitch talks back and turns her eyes to me — I just rather ignore it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I wanna dance.

  Isa gets up and walks away, swaying her hips towards Logan. She whispers something in his ear and smiles. The motherfucker grabs her waist tightly and whispers back.

  As I walk towards her, she runs away from me with a satisfied look on her devilish face. She goes up the stairs, and I follow her.

  — Isabel! I growl. — I’m talking to you, dammit!

  I grab her in a tight hold, and she finally looks at me, eyes filled with spite.

  — Let me go, Nicolas, or I’m going to scream. — She threats. — I’ll such a fucking scandal your “all mighty CEO” image is going to be ruined!

  — Your brother asked me to come fetch you!

  She laughs, but the sound of it is muffled by a bass-filled song that starts blasting through the speakers spreaded around the place.

  — Fuck it! She curses. — Now, if you’ll excuse me, I love this song.

  Isa Oliveira Brandão

  I pulled myself free from his grasp and ran to the dancefloor, disappearing among the people dancing to “Telephone”:

  “Boy, why you blowin' up my phone

  Won't make me leave no faster

  Put my coat on faster

  Leave my girls no faster

  I shoulda left my phone at home

  'Cause this is a disaster

  Calling like a collector

  Sorry, I cannot answer”

  I twirled around, my arms raised, rocking my moves and my ass shake. I didn’t need no man to tell me what to do nor to make me happy, and I was as happy as it gets tonight!

  When the chorus hit, I threw my hair, dropped it low and danced ‘til I could feel my legs hurting.

  “Stop calling, stop calling, I don't wanna think anymore

  I left my head and my heart on the dancefloor

  Stop calling, stop calling, I don't wanna talk anymore

  I left my head and my heart on the dancefloor.”

  Nicolas grabs me by the arm soon as I stop dancing: his grip is stronger than before and his eyes burn my flesh, raging and hot like I’ve never seen before.

  — “I don’t wanna talk anymore.” — I sang, teasing the bastard.

  — If you don’t leave this place in a nice way, then you’re leaving the bad way: you have two seconds to get hell out this hell or I’ll drag you out myself. If you want to make a scene out of it, then be my guest, but I’ll throw you over my shoulder and drag you home whether you want it or not. Let’s see what your little friend thinks of that. One... — He growled, looking like a possessed man.


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