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Page 30

by Ky Crossfire

  Girl? What girl?

  — Really? Who?

  The doctor adjusts her glasses to her face and flips through some of the sheets attached to the clipboard.

  — Isabel. Isabel Brandão. Is that name familiar to you?

  Course is. Was Isa with me during the raid? I force myself to remember. I hadn't heard from her since she married that asshole Jorge.

  — Where is she?

  — Honey, I already arranged for the hospital to send me the costs of hospitalization, you don't have to worry about that now.

  I ignore Diana's pleas and face the doctor.

  — Take me to her. — I demand.

  The girl with dark skin and black hair seemed to be just sleeping. I took a few steps and walked over to the bed.

  — Can she hear me? — I ask the doctor.

  — She had to be induced to the coma state at the time of the surgery. The fact that she can breathe without the devices is already considered a victory.

  I touch the lock of her hair between my fingers.

  — Really? Wasn't she supposed to be awake already?

  — We are doing everything for her and the babies, Mr. Reis — the doctor explains patiently. — She’s stable now.

  Children? Is Isa expecting children from that moron?

  — And where is the husband who is not here? — I ask.

  — Honey, that's none of our business. — Diana meddles in the conversation.

  I shoot Diana with my eyes, and she is silent.

  — The hospital has already contacted the family. I sent her picture for them so they could see if it’s really her.

  I move away from the bed and approach the doctor.

  — I will be grateful if you can keep me informed of any changes too —I ask.

  Diana fits her arm in mine again.

  — Nicolas and I have a very strong bond with our employees. — She smiles. — We are almost a family. Don't worry, honey, I've already left our numbers. I'll make sure that Isa and her babies won’t be let in need.

  As soon as we got home, I tossed my blazer on the couch and headed straight for my office. I sat in my armchair and started to turn my desk over looking for some clue about what I had done in the last few months, there were receipts, catalogs and photographic books of some models.

  — Honey, it's too soon to go back to work — Diana calls me standing at the door.

  — I want to be alone, Diana — I say sharply, but she doesn't seem to mind.

  I needed to get my head in order, but it was difficult, especially with Diana constantly watching me as if I was going to run away any minute.

  — Do you know what you need? — Her voice is soft.

  I lean back and squeeze my own temples, keeping my eyes closed for a few seconds. I let out a heavy breath when I feel his hands tighten on my shoulders.

  — A massage that only I know who to do. — Diana nibbles on my neck.

  — No, not now —I growl. — What did you mean by our employees? Isabel worked at the agency?

  Diana sighs, but doesn't stop the massage.

  — No, honey. She was our maid.

  Maid? Mental confusion still clouded my mind and none of it seemed to make any fucking sense.

  — And why the hell was I with a maid in the car, Diana?

  I took her hands off my back and made her stand in front of me. I wanted to look her in the eye, because I had the impression that there was a hole in this story.

  — You were lovers, Nick — she confesses. — First, she started working here because of her friendship with Rico. You had sex a few times. That was one of your most expensive whims, even a bakery you set up for her.

  — And how do you know all this? — I insist, trying to find the loose thread.

  — I'm not stupid like Luciana, dear — Diana defends herself. — I always knew about her and the others. Faithfulness was never your strong point. I also never bothered to share you.

  Diana runs her hands through her golden blond hair, pinning it behind her ear.

  — There's something I need to tell you, Nick. — Diana sits on my lap and slides her fingers over the buttons on my shirt. — Maybe you don't remember, but I changed a lot after I found out I was expecting your child.

  Fuck. A thousand fucking times. I couldn't be that stupid to make the same mistake again.

  — Not a son this time, but a daughter — she corrects herself and smiles sweetly. — I think it's a girl.

  She smiles again.

  — Have you ever imagined a cutie blondie girl with your eyes? Oh... I'm thrilled to imagine. — Diana sticks her mouth on mine and kisses me. her thin lips part and the warm tongue enters my mouth. She wraps her arms around my neck and smiles. — Ah, my love, our wedding will be wonderful.

  Isa Oliveira Brandão

  — Mom, I want to see Nicolas — I demand — Where’s he?

  Every word I say makes my throat hurt.

  My mom fixes my hair and gives me a concerned smile.

  — Don't think about it now.

  — What do you mean, mom? Where the fuck is he?! And Nick? Where are they?! — I pull the threads and needles connected to my arm and get up from the bed with a lint of strength.

  — Isabel! For God's sake, calm down.

  — No! I will not calm down until I see both of them well! - In the second step that I take towards the door, my body is taken by a whirl of vertigo and I feel my father's arms grab me before I reach the floor.

  When I open my eyes again, I feel a twinge radiate just below the breast when I force myself to sit on the bed.

  — Either you quiet down there in bed, or I'll ask the doctor to have you tied up there — My father scolds.

  I see on their faces the sleepless nights and some extra wrinkles.

  Why didn't they just tell me where the fuck Nicolas was!?

  I take a deep breath and look at the doctor.

  — How are you feeling, Isabel? The dizziness you felt an hour ago is a reflection of the days you were in a coma. Your body will have to get used to a gradual exercise routine.

  — And Nicolas. Where is he?

  — Mr. Reis was discharged three weeks ago. His fiancé calls my cell phone every day wanting to know about your condition.

  The room started to spin and, even though I was sitting on the bed. I felt the dizziness come back, but this time followed by a strong nausea. I leaned to the side and vomited on the floor. The lush, acidic liquid made my throat hurt even more.

  — Morning sickness is more severe at this time of pregnancy. I will ask the nutritionist to prescribe a light diet so that she gradually begins to return to her normal diet.

  — Pregnant?! — My voice fails.

  — You hadn't started with the follow-up yet, prenatal care?

  — No! I didn’t even know!

  — But I knew it. — My grandmother brags while eating sweet popcorn. — I told you that you were pregnant.

  — The cardiac rhythm of the three of them is normal and, according to the ultrasound scans, there was no detachment of the placenta with the impact of the accident.

  My mom hands me a disposable glass of water, and I drink it all at once. My hands are still shaking.

  — I'll ask someone to clean the room.

  As soon as the doctor left, my mother sat on the edge of the bed, holding my hand. Mew dressings had been made in place of the old ones.

  — Congratulations, sweetheart. Three little babies. I'm going to be a grandmother!

  —Me too. — My grandmother smiles proudly.

  — Mom, I want to talk to Nicolas. I need to talk to him.

  — Okay, Izzy, don't think about it now. Try to rest, for you and the little ones. — She puts her hand on my belly and smiles with emotion.

  I managed to stay awake for a few more hours before falling asleep again. My body was so tired. I needed to stay awake for when Nicolas came to see me. I wanted to keep my eyes open, but the exhaustion was stronger, and I fell asleep.

/>   When I opened my eyes, I came across Diana using her cell phone.

  — What are you doing here?! — I try to sit on the bed, but I feel a twinge in my rib and give up changing my position.

  She puts her iPhone in her bag and rests her hands on her hips.

  — People can say whatever they want, but poor people just don’t die.

  — Listen to me, bitch... — I start cursing, but she interrupts me.

  — No, you listen. Nicolas finally returned to normal and stopped letting his dick make important decisions. I came here to make sure you stay away from my fiancé.

  Diana raises her right hand and displays my ring. The ring Nicolas had given me was now with her.

  — I had to have it adjusted, but didn't it look good on me? — She teases me and smiles. - You know I won't even bother to let you have that little bakery. What is the name again? — she scoffs. — Hinny’s Cakes?

  — I'll tell Nicolas everything, you stupid bitch.

  — Tell him what? I already did that and told him everything in case you had this idea. Now he’s focused on work again, and women. You know... Nicolas is insatiable.

  I feel the blood boil and a hatred that seems to consume me, I wish I had more strength to fly on that blonde hair and make her shut up.

  — Now if you have cultivated any kind of affection for this — Diana looks at my belly with disgust on her face — Maybe you should reconsider. Don't try to remind Nicolas. Who knows what kind of misfortune can cross your way. Rio de Janeiro is a very violent city...

  She doesn't have to finish saying.

  — Don't worry about hospital expenses. Nicolas and I already paid for everything — She announced before she left.

  The day I was discharged from the hospital, I made sure my father made one last stop. I got off Little Carol’s and went straight to Nicolas's office. It felt like we had been apart for a lifetime. I walked quickly through the agency. The loose dress I wore moved with my legs, and the light fabric made my belly showed up. I went into Nicolas's office without being announced.

  He was as imposing as the first time I saw him sitting in his office. Tense jaw. The exceptionally beautiful and striking manly features.

  — How are you, Isabel? — His neutral tone made my chest bleed.

  — I needed to see it with my own eyes — I replied, feeling my chest almost crushed.

  Nicolas dropped the pen on some papers, stood up and walked over to me.

  — I'm glad you were discharged. Will you stay at Rico's apartment while he's in the United States?

  I shake my head in denial.

  The way he looked at me was killing me.

  — How could you forget me. — My voice comes out almost in a whisper. — You can't have forgotten about me. You can't have forgotten about us. — My voice sounds choked by crying that I refused to drop freely.

  I only needed to kiss him once. I knew that if our lips came together in a passionate kiss, that nightmare would be over. I needed him, our children needed him too.

  So, I kissed him.

  Chapter 40

  Isa Oliveira Brandão

  He kisses me back. He wrapped his arms around my body, his hands sliding down my back, squeezing my flesh, down to my ass, where the grip intensified. I groan with my mouth glued to his. His tongue slips back into my mouth and curls up to mine in a possessive, fiery kiss.

  Nicolas takes a few steps forward and corners me against the wall.

  — I knew you would remember us — I say, smiling, my hands holding his face close to mine. — You couldn't have forgotten that.

  He gives me short kisses and mouth and neck bites.

  — Not yet... but, kissing me like that, I remember what you want - he jokes and his hands roam again my body.

  — Wait. — I push him away, placing my hands on his chest. — Are you not feeling anything?

  — Anything? — Nicolas puts my hand on his erection. — I wouldn't say anything. Why don't we go to a more intimate place where we cannot be interrupted?

  I hit him hard in the face and walk away from him, shaking with fury.

  — Isn't that what you came here for? — He roars.

  — Fuck you, Nicolas! Argh! — I run my hands through my hair, pulling them back in a desperate gesture.

  — What do you want from me, Isabel? Did I promise anything before this fucking accident? Refresh my memory. What did I say I would give you? A house? A car? What do you want, Isabel? If you need any help that to raise these children, you have to ask for Jorge's fret!

  I wish I had more strength to jump into Nicolas' neck! He didn't remember anything and still believed that something like that Happened. At the very least, he had believed the lies of that bitch.

  — I want you dead, Nicolas! I want you to go fuck yourself, bastard! — I said with teary eyes and I smashed the door with as much force as I could.

  Three days before ...

  — You didn’t have to come — I say, fiddling with the daisies wrapped in brown paper he had brought me.

  — Of course I needed, Isa. I came here other times, but your parents wouldn't let me in the room — Jorge confessed sitting on the edge of the bed. — Even if it didn't end in the best way, I still worry about you.

  Hearing Jorge regret our end and gently caressing my hand only made me think about Nicolas. Why didn't he come to see me? We've known each other since childhood, at least one visit I deserved.

  Jorge wiped away a tear that ran down my face.

  Fuck. I almost never cried and now I cried for everything.

  — Are you in pain? I can call a nurse.

  I shook my head and sighed. It was not a pain that would go with painkillers.

  — No, it's just the hormones messing up everything — I explain. — How did you know I was here?

  — I saw the accident on the news.

  He looked at my belly and smiled.

  — Do you know that I never touched the belly of a pregnant woman?

  That silly boyish way he had made me laugh. Look at the hormones fucking my emotional again ...

  — So do it now, man.

  I felt his hand on my belly, but it wasn't his hands I wanted on me.

  — OK. Stop before it gets weird. - I mock and adjust myself on the bed to sit.

  Jorge takes his hands away and gets up.

  — Let me help you with that. — He leans and his arms surround me, one on each side. He relocates the pillow so that I'm more comfortable. However, he does not back down.

  He kisses me. His lips touch mine slowly, first the one below, then the one above.

  — Stop it! — I say when remorse tightens my chest. I didn't want Jorge, damn it. I wanted Nicolas. — You should go.

  When he left, I took my mom's cell phone from the tray with the breakfast still untouched. I dialed Nicolas's number, but gave up calling, the things that needed to be said couldn't be said over the phone. To distract myself, I sent a whatsapp to Bia.

  Me: Ungrateful bitch, when are you coming to visit me? Your friend almost dies and you don't even move that ass to return to Brazil?

  We had been exchanging messages daily since I came out of the coma.

  Beatriz: Your brother is driving me crazy here. I already have my ticket purchased; we will return to Rio next week. Promise you. Kisses.

  Nicolas Reis

  Four days before ...

  — Do you think I don't know what you did to my daughter, hairy bastard? — Henrique remains adamant without giving me a ticket. — You are going to me marry to someone else and having an affair with Isabel?

  — Mr Brandão, I need to speak to Isa. I can't remember the last few months because of the accident — I insist, trying to get through him.

  — If you take another step, I will bring you down here, hairy. I am used to taking down much larger horses.

  Feeling irritation simmer, I restrain myself.

  — You’re already old — I argue. — I don't want to argue with you. I just came t
o talk, see how she is.

  — Get out of my here, hairy — He growls. — You better start to respect me or I will forget that we’re in the hospital and give the beating you deserve.

  Three days before ...

  With the help of the nurses on duty, I asked them to keep me informed and, when the opportunity arose to go and see her without having to run into Henrique, I took advantage.

  The bedroom door was unlocked. Jorge and Isabel were talking in a low voice. I should have come in, but seeing him with his hand on Isa's belly made my stomach turn.

  I looked back, as I heard Henrique's voice arguing with one of the nurses, when I looked back into the room, he was already kissing her. My body stiffened and everything made sense.

  I left there blinded by rage, determined not to return.

  Isabel's visit the day before was still on my mind. I tried to stay focused on the church. My gaze was lost among the hundreds of guests who filled the cathedral. All the cream of Rio society was present there. The horde of reporters photographed and filmed everything and everyone. That wedding would further increase the value of the agency's shares and also prevent Diana from leaving with my daughter. My father, Matty, was beside me at the altar.

  — You look like a prince v he praised, placing his hand on my shoulder. He looked at the altar when the wedding march began to start. — Nicolas will enter with the rings?

  — No. Diana said he refused to come — I whisper.

  We both stopped talking when the little girls came in, gracefully dropping white rose petals. Diana steps in slowly with her arm hooked on my other father.

  The veil she wears covers her face. The traditional march continues to resound through the cathedral when it reaches me. The flashes of the photographs make the embroidery stones shine even more.

  My father hands me the bride and positions himself a little more to the side when the ceremony begins. He makes the sign of the cross and begins to speak.


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