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Wingman (Woman)

Page 18

by Bella Jewel

  “You’ve already tried to ruin my relationship with him by telling him what you heard, now you’re trying to play his emotions by putting a baby in the mix.”

  “I didn’t ask for this baby,” I scream. “Now leave my damned house. You’re a filthy, pathetic, lying whore. He will find out what you did to his baby, and he will see that he’s wasted his time believing you’re a good woman.”

  “He will never find out what I did to that baby, because if I see you near him again I’ll make it end.”

  I hear the sounds of boots crunching, and I see the exact moment Slutena spins around and is faced with Spike, Cade, and Muff. Her eyes widen and she places a hand to her heart, clearly shocked. Spike’s eyes flicker down to me, and the blood sliding down my face from the split under my eye, then he looks back up to her with rage in his gaze.

  “You fuckin’ put your hands on this girl?” he barks.

  Slutena backs up. “Ah, I . . . I don’t know . . .”

  “Did you fuckin’ put your hands to her?” he roars.

  She squeaks and starts to cry.

  “You think we didn’t hear what you just said?” Muff says, grinning, but it isn’t a nice grin—it’s more a feral baring of his teeth.

  “I don’t know who you are, but this is a private conversation.”

  They all laugh. I push myself to my feet. Pain shoots through my spine. I take the door handle and hold it, keeping myself upright. My other hand protectively cradles my stomach. Cade steps past Spike and Muff, and his arm goes around my waist. “You hangin’ in there?”

  I nod, swallowing. “I think . . . I hurt my back.”

  “We’ll get you some help, yeah?”

  I nod again and turn my eyes back to Slutena who is staring at Spike and Muff, trying, no doubt, to find a way around them.

  “It ain’t a private conversation when you’re layin’ your hands on Reign’s woman.”

  “She isn’t Reign’s woman, I am,” she screeches.

  Spike laughs. “He been puttin’ his cock in you, sweetheart?”

  The way he says sweetheart has me shuddering, because it isn’t nice.

  “No, but that’s because of her!”

  “Well,” Muff says, his face hard as he steps forward, “he’s been puttin’ it in her, over and over, because he fuckin’ wants her. You’re a pain in the ass who needs to take a fuckin’ hint and leave.”

  “She’s a liar,” she cries, crossing her arms. “Now she’s pregnant with his child to trap him. You know nothing.”

  Cade looks down at me. “That true?”

  “Which part?” I whisper.

  “I know you’re not a liar, Tia. About the baby?”

  I nod. “But I’m not trapping him, I was trying to avoid all this. I don’t want it in my life.”

  He looks sympathetically at me. “You definitely need to see a doctor then, you had a hard fall.”

  Spike takes a step towards Slutena, his big hands clenched. “What I know,” he barks, “is that you’re a money-hungry, expensive, skinny piece of ass that clearly can’t accept she’s lost her man. If you didn’t want to lose him, you could have kept your goddamned legs closed. Your time is up; he don’t belong to you anymore.”

  “He loves me,” she snaps.

  “No.” Spike laughs. “He thinks he loves you. He thinks he loves you because he’s holdin’ on to the fact that you were pregnant with his kid. We all know you took matters into your own hands and killed that baby. He don’t know that because you’re a fuckin’ liar, but he’ll find out. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Slutena turns to me, and bellows, “You’re telling the world I had an abortion. You fucking bitch!”

  Cade’s arm tightens around my waist and he shoots daggers at her.

  “Listen to me, lady,” Spike roars, causing her to flinch and turn back around. “You so much as come near this girl again, I’ll put you six-feet under. You’re a waste of precious air and you’re never going to get your claws into Reign again.”

  “You c-c-can’t threaten me,” she rasps. “That’s illegal.”

  Spike laughs. “Look at me, do you think I fuckin’ care?”

  She blinks a few times at him, before turning and rushing down the driveway.

  “I meant what I said,” Spike yells after her. “Don’t come back.”

  She gets in her car and speeds off, tires squealing on the wet road. Spike turns to me and his eyes go to my cheek. “You good?”

  I nod. “I need to see Reign.”

  “You’re angry, Tia,” Muff says. “Probably not a good idea.”

  “I. Need. To. See. Him,” I grind out.

  “Don’t bother arguing with her,” Cade says. “It won’t stop her.”

  “Fine,” Spike mutters. “But you’re goin’ to the hospital first. Then we’ll go over and show him what we got.”

  “What we got?” I ask, confused.

  Spike reaches into his pocket and pulls out his iPhone, pressing a button. I hear the conversation with Selena and him playing back, even the moment she admits to her lies and the abortion. I have everything I want in that recording, yet hearing it only makes my heart ache.

  “No,” I say, hanging my head.

  “Babe, we have the fuckin’ evidence,” he says, shaking his head in confusion.

  “Yeah, we do,” I whisper. “But you have to understand that I can’t let him come back to me just because of that. I don’t need him being with me out of pity. He needs to make this choice, Spike. He needs to do it without that evidence. If he chooses not to believe me and to believe her, then I’d rather he stays there. I’m not going to force his choice.”

  “Shit, Tia,” Cade mutters. “You’re too good.”

  “I just need this to be real? Can you understand that?”

  I give them all a pleading look. With a sigh, Spike nods and the others follow. “Let’s get you to the hospital.”

  I nod weakly and follow them out.

  I hope I’ve made the right choice.



  I pace the office, my fists tight and my heart feeling like someone has ripped it out and crushed it. Pregnant. She’s pregnant. The very thought has my head spinning. I don’t know how I feel about it, fuck, I don’t know how I feel about anything. I’m in a fucked up place, and the entire situation is causing a world of fuckin’ hurt for everyone.


  I hear Selena’s soft voice and turn to see her standing at the door, giving me a gentle expression.

  “It ain’t a good time,” I mutter.

  She walks in, closing the door behind her. “I heard what happened, I was in the office next door when Tiani got sick.”

  Fucking perfect.

  “Then you’ll know it ain’t a fuckin’ good time.”

  Her eyes grow soft and I want so fucking much to believe it’s genuine, but the seed of doubt has been planted now. She walks over, placing a hand on my arm. “I know how this must feel for you, after everything you’ve been through. I’m so sorry, Reign.”

  I nod stiffly. “Thanks.”

  “After we lost our baby, I saw how you suffered. Now this is being put in front of you and I have no doubt you’re confused. You have every right to be. If you need to talk, I’m here for you. I’ll help you through this. Tiani, too.”

  I lift my head and stare at her. “Thanks,” I say again.

  “Listen, you need some fresh air. You look like you’re about to pass out. Come for a walk to the coffee shop down the road. We’ll talk about it, see what we can work out.”

  I’m in a desperate place, and she’s right, I need to get out. She’s not exactly the person I want to be with right now, because I can’t get Tia out of my head. I can’t stop seeing her hurt expression when I sent her home. But I need a break and I know I can’t get rid of Selena easily. Not to mention, I need to talk to her about this for a final time.

  I know a choice has to be made.



  “How are you feeling about everything?” Selena asks, sipping her coffee.

  I stare down at mine, knowing it’s going cold.

  “How the hell do you think I’m feelin’, this wasn’t meant to happen.”

  “Do you think she did it on purpose?”

  I snap my head up. “No.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  I glare at her. “Because I know Tia.”

  She stares sympathetically at me. “How is this going to affect us, Reign?”

  “How can I answer that for you?” I snap. “I don’t even know how it’s going to affect me.”

  She gives me a sad look. Shit.

  “Sorry,” I mutter.

  “I know we’ve been going backwards and forwards over this for weeks, but we can’t keep sitting on this fence. You need to make a choice Reign. I love you, but I can’t keep feeling like this.”

  I sigh, because I know she’s fuckin’ right. I have to make a damned choice. I lift my head and say in a clipped tone, “Why did you do it?”

  She looks confused.

  “Why did you fuck him?”

  Her cheeks grow flushed. “We were in a bad place and I was lonely and depressed.”

  “So you felt it was okay to fuck another man?”

  “No, Reign,” she cries. “I told you it was a mistake. One I am living with every damned day.”

  “Tell me why you love me, Selena.”

  She looks puzzled. “What?”

  “Tell me.”

  “Because you’re...kind, and handsome...”

  “That’s it?”

  She begins looking flustered. “I just do, Reign. There doesn’t need to be a reason.”

  But there does. If I asked Tia that, she would tell me it’s because I make her smile, it’s because I make her laugh, it’s because we have a connection that goes so much deeper than just friendship. I look up at the woman over from me and the only thing I can think about is the one who isn’t with me. I miss her laugh, her smile, her sassy nature.

  “If you could name your pussy, what would you call it?”

  Selena’s eyes widen and she looks around in horror. “Reign, what’s wrong with you? Who asks something like that?”

  “Answer the question,” I bark.

  “I will not!” she gasps. “You’re asking me to behave like a silly child and I won’t.”

  “It’s not silly, it’s funny,” I growl. “It’s called having fun.”

  “No,” she bites out. “It’s called acting like a teenager.”

  “If I come back, can I eat pizza in bed?”

  Her eyes widen. “Reign, my sheets cost me over five hundred dollars each. You know the answer to that.”

  “Yeah,” I snort. “You’re right, I do know the answer. Fuck, I’ve known the answer all along; I just couldn’t see it. You know what, I think this has all been a mistake. We’re not right for each other, Selena. We haven’t been for a long time. I thought I was in love with you, but you know what? I was in love with the idea of you. I was in love with the past. The man I was cared about you, but he’s gone now.”

  “You’re only saying this because of her,” she cries. “Think about this.”

  “No,” I say, standing. “I’m saying it for me. It’s the first fuckin’ thing I’ve done for me in a long, long time.”

  “Reign,” she yells, rushing after me. “You can’t make a decision based on such a simple, stupid question.”

  I spin around. “I can, Selena. I can because I’ve changed. I’m not the uptight asshole I was six months ago. I laugh now; I have fun. I see life through the eyes of someone who is such a breath of fresh air, I never want to lose her.”


  It feels fuckin’ good to make a choice. I can’t believe I didn’t see it earlier. I was so hung up on a woman I thought was what I wanted, and I stopped seeing what was right in front of me. No longer.

  I have to find my girl.


  After the hospital and a few stitches, we drive over to the offices. I charge out of the car before Spike has even come to a complete stop, anger and rage welling inside me. I’m so disappointed in Reign, so hurt, so tired of not having my say. This ends, and it ends now.

  I come to a skidding halt before I even reach the door when I see Reign coming towards me with...Selena following closely behind him. Everything in my world comes to a screeching halt. I’ve been in the hospital because of her, and he’s...hanging out with her.

  He notices me and his face becomes tight when he sees my eye. I charge towards him, devastated, hurt and tired of feeling like this. He opens his mouth when I get close enough and starts to speak, but I raise my fist and I punch him so hard his head swings to the side. “What. The. Fuck?” he barks.

  “I’ve put up with a lot of shit in the past few months, Reign, but this takes the cake. How dare you, how fucking dare you go to her after everything that has happened? This is my baby,” I scream, “my lifeline, and you turn to that slutty piece of shit instead of talking to me? I’m tired of it, do you hear me?”

  “Shit, Tia—”

  “No,” I bark. “I’m not going to sit around and take your crap anymore. It’s clear to me you can’t get your head out of your ass long enough to see what’s right in front of you. That woman is a liar, a cheat and a snake.”

  “Tia-” he tries again.

  “No!” I screech.

  Spike appears behind me, glaring at Selena. “I thought I told you to fuck off.”

  She slinks behind Reign, her eyes wide.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Reign asks.

  “Your woman there,” Spike nods towards Selena. “Showed up at Tia’s house earlier, threatening her. Then she had the audacity to lay her hands on your pregnant woman’s face.”

  Reign’s eyes flash with anger and he spins around. “You fuckin’ did that?”

  “Reign, it wasn’t...” Selena begins.

  “Yes,” I snap, cutting them off. “The precious, perfect, love-of-your-life did that to the woman carrying your child. All because you couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut and be a man.”

  Reign turns back to me.

  “If you’ll just fuckin’ listen...”

  “I don’t want to listen,” I growl. “I’ve spent the last six months being second best, and I’m fucking done. I’m done with you, I’m done with your job and I’m done with everything that comes with it. I am the idiot that fell in love with a man that was never going to see me. I might be second best to you, Reign,” I cry, my voice shaky. “But I will never be second best to this beautiful baby we created.”

  I turn on my heel and charge towards the SUV.

  “Cade, take her home,” Spike orders. “I’ll talk to Reign.”

  Cade nods and follows me to the car, getting in after I do.

  “Time will fix this, Tia,” he says looking over at me.

  “I wish I could believe that.”


  I have Cade take me to Addison. I don’t want to go home, and I can’t get hold of Autumn. The minute he relays to Addison what happened, she takes me into her arms and holds me close. “We’ll get her back for hitting you, that horrible, selfish woman.”

  I shake my head. “I’m done, he can have her. He deserves her.”

  Cade brings out a glass of iced water and hands it to me. “You need to calm down from this and then talk to him, Tia. You can’t pretend this doesn’t exist. You’re pregnant with his baby.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t understand, I can’t...I just...can’t. How can I bring a baby into the world with a woman that so easily hit me? Imagine what she would do to my baby if he or she was with Reign.”

  “Reign would never let anyone hurt that baby,” Addison says softly. “You know that, honey.”

  “Do I?” I whisper. “Because I thought he’d never let her hurt me either, but he did.”

  She gives me a sad look. “All kids need thei
r fathers.”

  “I know that,” I say, my voice shaky. “But right now it’s the most terrifying thing in the world for me to offer up my child to him when he’s around...that...thing.”

  “You don’t have to make a choice now. Does Reign have any family that you can maybe talk to?”

  I shake my head. “Reign’s parents are dead, he’s got no siblings. I think it’s why he holds on so tightly to Selena. I think she was literally all he had.”

  Addison nods, understanding.

  The front door opens before she manages to answer, and Spike walks in. “Thought you might be here,” he says to me, walking over.

  “I didn’t want to go home.”

  “You need to,” he says simply, stepping over the coffee table and sitting in front of me. “You need to talk to Reign.”

  “What?” I gasp. “You saw what happened?”

  “He heard the tape.”

  “So now suddenly he wants to talk to me,” I croak. “No, Spike.”

  “If you gave him a chance to talk, you would have known he’d already made his choice. You need to talk to him, to hear him out.”

  “To hear him tell me he’s chosen her,” I protest.

  “You owe him this,” he barks. “Now I’ve had your fuckin’ back 100% on this, but he’s not in the wrong right now. You’re going to have his child and you can’t run from that. You need to go and talk to him, because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Jesus,” I say standing. “You don’t hold back.”

  “Trust me on this, Tia,” he says, leaning back. “For once in your life, just do as you’re told.”


  He glares at me. “You’re a smart girl, I’d like to think you’re not one of those chicks that’s going to hide from him for two weeks, not talking to him, even though you know you have to. You’re mature and you’re a damned good girl. Don’t be that girl, in the end you will still have to speak to him and you’re not goin’ to escape that. If you trust me with anything, trust me when I say you need to hear him out.”


  They don’t go easy.


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