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Descend (Celestial Academy Book 2): A Reverse Harem Romance

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by Maya Nicole

  I leaned over and whispered in Oliver's ear, "I bet watching you eat an oyster will make Dani extra horny for you."

  A blush creeped up his face and the tips of his ears turned the color of the cocktail sauce. He looked over at Danica and then ate his oyster without another complaint. The table next to us clapped and I scowled at their intrusion. Oliver didn't seem to notice or he just didn't care.

  He narrowed his eyes in contemplation and then grabbed another.

  "What'd you say to him?" Danica asked, lifting her water and taking a drink.

  "I told him that if you saw him suck down an oyster it would make you horny for him." I shrugged and took a bite of crab.

  She turned her head to the side and started coughing as she choked on the water. Her eyes teared up. Tobias, who was next to her, patted her back. She continued to cough and splutter.

  "Excuse me, I'm a mess," she barely managed to say. She stood and headed inside the restaurant.

  "I should go make sure she's okay. After all we've been through, can't have her die choking on her damn water," I said before following her inside the noisy restaurant.

  I turned the corner to the hall with the bathrooms and pushed the women's bathroom door open.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, peeking my head inside. She was in an open stall and there was no one else inside.

  I walked in and flipped the lock on the door. Women tended to freak out finding men in their bathrooms. Not that I had any experience with that. Nope, none at all.

  I heard the toilet paper dispenser and she walked out of the stall wiping her eyes and nose.

  "I swallowed wrong," she said clearing her throat several times.

  I bit my lip, trying to hold back the comment I wanted to make. I had been binge watching too much of The Office and really wanted to say, "that's what she said."

  She threw the toilet paper in the trash and then washed her hands, watching me in the mirror. She had a contemplative look on her face but said nothing as she turned around to face me.

  "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. We're your guardians and all. Can you imagine us calling Lucifer and telling him you died from choking on ice water?"

  "Is that why you followed me into the women's restroom and locked the door?" She closed the distance between us and put her hands on my chest. "My hero, saving me from the evil ice cubes."

  I chuckled and put my hands over hers, moving them down to my growing erection. I had honestly followed her to check on her, but now that she brought it up, my dick was pretty happy to have her in a locked bathroom.

  She stared back at me and raised her eyebrows as her hand began stroking me through my jeans. The bathroom wasn't the most appropriate place to get it on, but my dick didn't seem to care and neither did Danica.

  Our lips met in a fevered kiss that left my brain feeling like mush. It was hard to put into words what kissing her was like. Whatever had been on my mind was forgotten and my sole focus was on her.

  She deserved more than a quick bathroom fuck and I was about to pull away, but she was already unbuttoning my pants. We needed to be quick, but my brain wanted to kiss her for days.

  I unbuttoned her pants and pulled them and her panties down past her ass. She insisted on wearing skin tight jeans so I moved her towards the sink and bent her over with her hands on the edge.

  "Next time wear a dress or a skirt when we go out." I ran my hand over the smooth, milky skin of her ass and gave it a little pinch. Her breath hitched and she looked in the mirror and met my eyes.

  "Next time don't follow me into the bathroom and my pants wouldn't be a problem." She cocked an eyebrow at me. She looked so damn sexy looking at me in the mirror, bent over, that I damn near came before I even got my dick out.

  I pulled down my pants just enough so my cock sprung free. I put the tip against her ass, just to gauge her reaction. I hadn't broached the subject with her yet, but Toby and I had discussed it at length. She didn't need to know that though.

  "I think we need some lube and foreplay for that." She bit her lip and reached her hand back to grip my cock.

  I moved my dick to its intended destination and pushed the tip in. Fuck, she was tight from not being able to spread her legs wide. On second thought, she should always wear tight jeans.

  "And how would you know that?" I teased her pussy by barely pushing the tip in. I gritted my teeth and felt like my eyes wanted to roll back in my head.

  "I've had anal a few times," she said with a shrug.

  I thrust into her with a groan and bit down on the inside of my cheek. Her words alone were enough to make me come. I wanted to question her about her experiences with that, but our time was running out.

  She gripped the edge of the counter as I increased my pace. The only sounds in the bathroom were our heated breaths, the smacking of our skin, and the bustling restaurant on the other side of the door.

  I was so turned on and so into what we were doing, my brain just ignored the knocks on the door. I felt my orgasm creeping up on me. I slid my hand to Danica's clit, and worked it in quick strokes until her mouth opened in a quiet scream.

  As her legs went weak and her body shook with release, I came inside her, her pussy milking every last drop from me.

  I leaned into her to keep myself from falling over, because God damn that was good. Whatever worries had been on Danica's mind earlier, seemed to disappear.

  "People keep knocking, we better get out of here before they start peeing themselves," she managed to say between breaths.

  I pulled out of her and she went into a stall to clean herself up. I heard her zip up her pants and took that as my cue to leave the bathroom. Luckily no one was standing there as I exited. It was doubtful they would say anything anyways.

  When I got back to the table, Tobias raised his eyebrows and then shook his head. I bet he wished he had been the one to follow her to the bathroom.

  "Is Danica okay? You were gone an awfully long time," Oliver asked, seeming to have no clue what had just gone down.

  "She's definitely okay, angel baby." I slapped him on the shoulder and then left my hand there for a few seconds longer than necessary.

  I was pretty certain I was going to corrupt him.

  Chapter Four


  Group dates needed to happen more often, and not just because of the impromptu bathroom sex Asher and I had. It was unexpected and quite the rush. Experiencing life like a normal person made me forget about everything else.

  At least for that moment.

  On the way back to Montecito, I let Tobias drive my car. Somehow, I managed to talk the angels into driving instead of flying. Olly insisted on sitting in the back with Asher, even though there wasn't much space for his legs. When I picked out my Nissan GTR, I never imagined I'd be cramming three full-sized men inside of it.

  "Are we just going to go over to John's house and beat him up? Or should I text him and get him to meet us somewhere?" I asked as we drew closer to Montecito. My stomach was in knots thinking about seeing John again. If I had it my way, I'd never see him again.

  "I don't think going to his house with three angels is a good idea. Maybe your old high school's parking lot? It'll be deserted," Asher suggested. I could hear him popping his knuckles in the back.

  I turned and gave him a pointed look. "You aren't fighting so stop that."

  "None of us should be fighting," Tobias warned as he merged onto the highway.

  "How about this. You guys hold him and I'll throw the punches." It was a fair compromise. I had been the one beaten to shit by him; I should be the one to deliver the blows. Plus, I had no wings to lose.

  I took my phone out and hesitated after pulling up John's contact information. Talking about kicking his ass was one thing, but actually doing it? I wasn't so sure if it was even worth it.

  "What if he brings other people with him?" It was highly unlikely he'd just show up to meet me without backup. He wasn't an idiot.

  "Then we kick all their
asses," Asher replied and Olly agreed. I was surprised Olly was on board with the idea.

  "Maybe this is a stupid idea." I closed out of the contact and put my phone in the cupholder.

  So many things could go wrong. John could recognize Asher and then would know I was involved in angel business. If he already knew, he did a good job of hiding it. I couldn't risk him finding out.

  "It is," Tobias mumbled under his breath.

  The last thing I needed was to look over my shoulder every time I was at home. If we beat up John, he would continue to come at me. Who knew what he was capable of since he was raised by a deranged doctor.

  I turned and looked at Olly and Asher in the backseat. They both jerked their hands into their laps at the same time. I raised my eyebrows and smiled at them. They really weren't fooling anyone. We saw them touching all the time. It was subtle, but it was hard to miss. Plus, Olly looked at Asher the same way he looked at me.

  "I appreciate that you two want to deliver justice, but if we beat him up, then he's going to come at me worse the next time I see him. This is a small suburb. I'll probably see him on occasion." I shuddered at the thought of always wondering when John would strike next.

  Asher grunted and crossed his arms over his chest, but nodded in agreement.

  "What are we going to do then? It's not even close to nine yet." Olly had a point; it was too early to go back to my house.

  I looked over at Tobias. "Home Depot is still open."

  "No. We aren't going to do that!" Tobias sounded like he was reaching his limit of bad ideas on my part. I couldn't help it. My mind was stuck on it. I had to know if everything was true.

  I turned and looked at Asher and Olly again. "How do you feel about digging up my mother's grave?"

  I sat cross-legged on the damp grass watching three shirtless men as they shoveled dirt over the side of the hole they were in. Angels might not sweat, but apparently they got hot. Or maybe they just wanted to give me a show. I wasn't complaining in either case.

  They were all covered in dirt thanks to Olly's inability to consistently get the dirt outside the three foot by seven-foot hole they were digging. They were only about four feet deep and they'd been digging for an hour.

  Of course all of this would have been easier had we told my dad about it. He could have signed paperwork to exhume the body and they would have used a backhoe to get the casket out. Going down the legal route would take way too long though, and I had a feeling he wouldn't be onboard with us digging up the love of his life.

  So naturally, instead, here we were in the darkness of night digging up my mother's grave.

  Totally normal activities to pass the time.

  I looked over at the black granite headstone.

  Lily Judith Gardner

  April 30, 1975 - January 20, 2001

  Viva La Vida

  On both sides of her name were Viva La Vida lilies. 'Long live life' was rather fitting considering my father was practically immortal. She might even be immortal too.

  "I think I'm getting a side cramp. I knew those oysters were a bad idea," Olly moaned, snapping me out of my trance. I had been doing a lot of that lately, zoning out more than usual, my mind thinking of a million different scenarios. Not something I needed more of in my life.

  "I'll give you a side cramp," Asher mumbled under his breath as he dug his shovel into the dirt and flung a pile out of the hole.

  I laughed at their exchange and pulled my knees to my chest, resting my chin on my folded arms. How had I gotten so lucky to have three men in my life that would do anything for me? I thought I had lost them for good, but now that they were back I didn't plan on letting them go ever again.

  Unless they wanted to go.

  My head was still spinning from the information they came back from heaven with. All signs pointed to my mother being the Lilith. If her casket was empty, I would be ninety-five percent sure of it. The only true confirmation would have to come from the woman herself. If she were still alive, did I even want to meet her?

  The fact that this was all part of some end of the world prophecy made things a little bleaker. At least that's what I assumed "saving the light from the dark" meant. Whoever decided it might be up to me, had to be on some serious crack.

  "I don't think I was made for manual labor," Olly said, flopping down next to me and leaning back on his forearms. I hadn't even noticed he had climbed out.

  "The hole wasn't big enough for three of us anyways." Tobias had his back to us but I could imagine him rolling his eyes.

  "That's what she said." Asher laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world. I sincerely hoped he wasn't going to start saying that phrase all the time.

  Olly sat up and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I leaned back and tried to relax.

  A lot was riding on this little field trip to the cemetery. The files were one thing, but verifying if she was in her grave was the real proof I needed. It would also mean my father was duped twenty years ago into falling in love and having me. I was pretty sure hell would implode if it were true.

  Lucifer adored Lily. Her betrayal would most likely break him in a way I didn't want to be near him for.

  "I'm worried about you Dani." Olly put his lips to my temple. "I wish what I gave you was enough." He was referring to his ability to calm people's nerves with his touch. It worked for Asher, but not for me, at least not as much as I needed it to.

  Before I was expelled from Montecito High and sent to the Angel Academy, I was blissfully unaware of what the true hardships in life were. All along I thought hardship was homework, suspensions and detentions, and a seldom seen father. Those were the hardships teenagers should have to face.

  Now I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and I didn't quite know what to do with that. I didn't even know what the weight of the world entailed just yet.

  "We hit something," Tobias called out, his head the only thing visible. "Did you want us to look first?"

  I nodded in response and then realized he couldn't see me. "Yeah." It was eerily silent besides the sounds of scraping and prying coming from the hole.

  "Holy shit," Asher said. "Oliver, get her back to the house."

  My heart seemed to stop for a few beats before beating wildly in my chest. I jumped up, but Olly grabbed me around the waist and started leading me towards my car. He had an unfair advantage of height, weight, and angel strength. He easily pulled me away.

  "It's my mother's grave. I deserve to see whatever it is that's in there!" I yanked away from him when we got to the car, which was a short distance away.

  Olly reached forward and I stepped back. I was acting unreasonable considering I didn't even know what was in the casket. They wouldn't have just sent me away unless it was serious, but at the same time it better be a damn bomb.

  He ran his hand over his face and frowned back at me, an uncommon sight from him. He stepped forward and put his hands on either side of me against the car, trapping me.

  "Sometimes we don't like what's best for us." I narrowed my eyes at his serious tone. "Sometimes what's best for us can end up changing our lives forever. Now let's do what Asher asked."

  I looked up into his blue eyes which seemed a shade darker than their usual ocean blue color. I bit my lip and looked down at his lips, his bottom slightly bigger than the top, just begging to be kissed. Now wasn't the time or the place.

  I pushed him away and opened the door, sliding into the driver's seat. Olly walked around and climbed in, sliding the seat back so he'd have more leg room. He hadn't asked to drive my car again; I think he was nervous after our run-in with a truck full of Fallen.

  We rode to my house in silence. When we got inside he followed me upstairs to my room.

  "How long do you think they're going to be gone?" Olly asked, looking around my room and walking over to a large bookshelf. He picked up a few pictures on the shelf and examined them.

  "Probably a while. They aren't just going to leave an
open hole." I sat down on the edge of my bed and watched as he squatted down and pulled a box from the bottom shelf. "You sure are nosy. What if I have top secret love letters from past boyfriends in there?"

  He shrugged. "Your past boyfriends have nothing on your current boyfriends. Did you save notes from your boyfriends?"

  "Of course I did. They’re in my closet somewhere though. A well written note is something to be cherished. People just don't write each other notes anymore." It was true, I had saved every note ever passed between not only me and Ava, but anyone else too. It was fun to look back at them to see what ridiculous things they wrote.

  "I know I've been in your room at school before, but that doesn't count. This is your actual room. The one you grew up in, right?" I nodded in response as he lifted the lid off the box and his face lit up. He emptied the box on the floor and grabbed a Ken doll.

  How embarrassing.

  "Just so we're clear, these are from when I was a kid." I sat on the floor next to him and grabbed a naked Barbie I had given a bad haircut to. "Poor Jessica. No one told me the hair on these things didn't grow back."

  "Jessica? They have names? Are you sure they’re from when you were a kid? You still have them," he teased.

  "It's hard to get rid of something you spent a lot of time playing with. And yes, I named them all. You are holding Jessica's super rich, trust fund boyfriend, Trent. He likes long walks on the beach, working out, and kissing Jessica under the stars."

  He raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling in amusement, and looked at me. "Kissing? That's it? With these abs, you'd think she'd be in his pants." He slid the board shorts that were on the doll off and laughed. "Although he doesn't have much to work with."

  "I remember the first time I saw a penis, I freaked out. I thought everyone had vaginas because Trent looked just like Jessica. They still had the Barbie equivalent of sex though. Face smashing." I grabbed his doll and smashed his face into the Barbie. If they were real people there would have been lost teeth and bruised faces. Maybe a concussion or brain bleed too. "Trent really knew how to give it to her."


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