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Flat Line

Page 14

by J. M. Madden

  "You have cost me the lives of my family. My children, my wife, they are all in custody now because of you."

  Andromeda shook her head. "No, because of Mozi, your son. He told us where they all were."

  The old man clenched his teeth. "Harum zadeh. He is no son of mine. Do not even mention his name to me again. Step forward."

  Al Fareq pressed the muzzle into Roz's temple harder, making her whimper.

  Andromeda held up a hand in supplication and took a small step forward, then stopped.

  That seemed to satisfy al Fareq because he gave her a grimy smile. "Now, I'm going to give you a chance to get out of this."

  Parker felt his fear spike for Andromeda. He knew she would do anything to get Roz out of this, even at the expense of her own safety. He glanced at her narrow back, almost directly in front of him.

  "You have one chance to lift that gun and take a shot at me," al Fareq told her. "Assuming, of course, you don't shoot your friend in the process."

  The old man chuckled. Parker knew Andromeda's face had to be fearful, but she shook her head.

  "I'm not going to do that you fucking asshole." Her voice had taken on a thread of steel. "Instead, I'm going to give you one chance to surrender your weapon and let the woman go."

  Parker's heart began to race and he reached out toward Andromeda. He had to be ready for anything.

  The old man barked out a laugh. "I admire your courage, Prosecutor Pierce, but I decline your offer. Now what are you going to do?"

  "Nothing," she said softly. Then she tossed Parker's gun toward al Fareq's feet.

  Everything slowed down to microseconds. The old man's eyes followed the path of the gun as it arced toward his feet. As soon as it hit the floor the gun went off, because Parker had lightened the trigger pull. The apartment echoed with the sound of the gunshot, which had struck off in the dark somewhere. Parker reached out and grabbed the Glock from the back waistband of Andromeda's sleep pants, even as she dove to the side to get out of the line of fire. As Parker raised the dead man's weapon, Roz's fist shot out and down, hitting the old man in the crotch almost perfectly, but the more devastating strike came from Mac. The former Army Ranger's ham sized fist struck the old man's temple from behind, knocking him out cold. He hadn't even seen him coming.

  Parker jerked the gun up and away without firing a shot.

  Roz staggered but Mac was there to catch her, wrapping her into his massive arms. She sagged into him instantly.

  Parker dropped the gun and went to Andromeda. She sat up, tears streaking down her face as she realized it was over. She staggered to her feet and lunged at Roz, hugging her from behind. The two women turned to each other, and Parker held his fist out to Mac. Knocking bruised knuckles, the man grinned at him.

  "That felt good," he rumbled.

  Chapter 17

  To say that her apartment was in an uproar would be an understatement. Suddenly she was smack in the middle of a crime scene.

  The police department arrived first, because they were already on scene, technically; they just hadn't been in exactly the right places. While they'd been in the parking garage and at the secondary exit doors, the terrorists had walked into the front door and simply overwhelmed the guard, stealing his master key card. Hampton would probably be fine, but he was on his way to the hospital with a severe concussion.

  Ali al Fareq lay quietly on the floor, still unconscious from Mac's fist to his head. Parker had tied his hands behind his back with an electrical cord after he'd checked him for weapons, but he hadn't so much as twitched yet. Andromeda doubted that he would for a while. Paramedics were checking him over and Parker's impromptu restraint was being replaced by actual handcuffs, thanks to a Columbus PD officer. The officer looked dazed, like he didn't even know where to begin.

  Andromeda glanced at her phone. Creeping toward four a.m. It had been forty minutes since everything had gone down, and she was still shaking. Mike was on his way, as was the FBI. She'd sent him a recording of the entire incident. Actually, when she'd been so sharply woken, it was like the adrenaline had kicked her brain into gear as fast as possible. Not even thinking about it, she'd grabbed her phone and keyed up the camera to video. You couldn't see anything through the fabric of her sleep pants, but the conversation came through crisp and clear.

  The four of them sat on the barstools at the kitchen peninsula. Parker held her hand in a death grip, and she allowed him. She needed that connection right now.

  Roz sat on her other side holding Mac's hand, though she still wiped away tears occasionally. After being attacked before, Andromeda had a feeling it would take her a while to get over this incident.

  Andromeda needed to do something, rather than stare at the paramedics checking al Fareq over. "I'm going to make coffee," she said abruptly, sliding off the stool.

  The cop looked at her in alarm, but Andromeda waved him away. "We need coffee," she grumbled, "and the kitchen is not part of the crime scene."

  Okay, technically it probably was, but she needed coffee. They could growl at her later.

  She started running cups under the single serve Keurig and changing pods. She had an actual pot somewhere, but she couldn't even begin to remember where she'd put it. She never used it.

  She sugared and creamed Roz's cup. Left Mac's black, just the way he liked it, and gave Parker a black with sugar. Then she made up her own, with an extra heavy splash of cream. And she returned to her stool, where they waited for people in charge.

  The police officer's sergeant arrived first, then the Chief of Police. The big man went to Parker first, shaking his hand.

  "Tell me what's going on."

  Andromeda thought it was telling that he went to Parker before even one of his own officers. He knew to get his information from the horse's mouth.

  Parker recapped everything and asked for Andromeda to play the audio. After she swiped the phone off, the chief shook his head at her. "That was smart thinking."

  She sighed and nodded. "I knew it would need to be airtight if any of this went to court."

  "I don't know many women that would have thought that far ahead in the situation you were in."

  Andromeda laughed. "I'm a prosecuting attorney. Of course I did."

  Mike arrived shortly after that, then a whole slew of crime techs and photographers. She wanted, needed, clothes, but they wouldn't let her into her bedroom. It was a crime scene. Instead she went into the entryway closet and dug through spare clothes she had stored there. She found a pair of jeans that were a little tight, a bra in a plastic bag that hadn't made it to Salvation Army yet, and a gray sweatshirt from the same bag. She was pretty much set.

  When she returned to the living room, there were even more people in her house. She wove through them to get to Parker, and he gripped her hand.

  He was a port in a storm, standing so strong against everything going on. She climbed up onto the stool and waited to be interviewed.

  Chapter 18

  Parker lost track how many people asked him the same questions over and over again, but he understood the reasoning. They had to get everything exactly right. If they let even one terrorist or unexplored connection fall through their fingers it could mean more deaths, and no one wanted that.

  Ali al Fareq was transported to the hospital, and his son Ibrahim was carted off by the coroner. Parker's weapon was logged into evidence, after they allowed him to make the weapon safe. He sighed as he watched the tech carry it away. Hopefully he would get it back soon. He really liked that gun.

  Andromeda disappeared for a few minutes and when she returned she had changed clothes. She looked warmer and more secure in herself, and she didn't sag once as she repeated the same details he had about what had happened. Andromeda stood with Roz as she was interviewed, holding her hand tightly. When the detective interviewing her asked Andromeda to step away she told him he could go suck a dick, because it wasn't happening. She wasn't leaving her best friend.

  Mac's story was the only on
e that changed. It wasn't until the coroner was leaving that Mac mentioned the other body in the office. The responding cop turned red because he hadn't known about the third assailant, and it made him look like a putz. Mac had shrugged when asked and explained that after he'd struck the man's gun hand away, he slammed a fist into the man's chest. He explained rather clinically that it had apparently stopped the man's heart. He'd read about the technique but had never actually tried it himself.

  Parker snorted. Mac actually sounded impressed that it had worked. He was very thankful for the man's big hands tonight.

  Okay, that sounded weird.

  Mac now sat on the couch, holding Roz against his side. He seemed to be willing to do anything for her, and it made Parker’s heart happy.

  Andromeda was talking something over with Mike, their heads bent over her computer, which had thankfully been out here. The chief had pulled some strings and let the techs give him his cellphone.

  "There's nothing you need it for," the man had growled when one of them had argued.

  It rang in his pocket now, and Parker knew who it would be before he even looked at the screen.

  "Yes, Commander."

  Lambert chuckled on the other end of the line. "How did you know it was me? You didn't even look at it."

  Damn this guy was spooky. Parker glanced out the lightening wall of windows looking out over the Scioto River. "You always call me at the worst times."

  Lambert chuckled. "Why is it the worst time? You're one of the heroes of the hour. I saw some of the crime scene photos. That was a hell of a shot. Right through the heart. There was no saving him. And the punch that Ranger gave the old man actually left divots in his skull. They're not sure if al Fareq is going to make it or not."

  "Hm," Parker responded. "No loss if he doesn't."

  "Well, I hope he does. We have a place we can take a man like him to get answers." He paused. "You did a good job, Parker. Better than I expected."

  Parker snorted. "Gee, thanks for the compliment."

  "I mean it. You took out a huge cell of terrorists. ISIS will feel this. It's one less foothold they have in America."

  "Yes," Parker sighed, "I suppose you're right."

  Suddenly he felt tired. Bone deep weary. And there was no end to this mess in sight. They needed to come up with a place to stay tonight for the four of them. And they needed clothing and all the other little stupid stuff they couldn't get to.

  "Is that all you needed, Lambert? I'm pretty tired. Gonna get my girl and find us a place to chill for a few days."

  "Already done. That's why I called. I rented you a couple of rooms at the Westin Columbus, just a few blocks away. Presidential suite and a junior suite right next door. They're awaiting your arrival. There's even a car downstairs to take you all there. I assume Ms. White and Mr. Mackenzie will be going with you."

  Rather than fight the inevitable, Parker decided to accept the gift graciously. "I appreciate that, Lambert. That's very human of you."

  Lambert chuckled. "Enjoy yourself, Parker. You've earned it. I'll be in touch."

  Parker was sure he would.

  Andromeda seemed relieved to have a place to go, but she didn't want to take the car provided. She wanted to take her own Range Rover. Parker didn't blame her. Her apartment would be off limits indefinitely and it was hard to tell when they would allow her to get anything from it.

  Mike went down in the elevator with them as they left. There was a police officer in the monitor on the elevator.

  "I need to check on Hampton," Andromeda murmured.

  "I'm sure he's fine."

  She didn't seem convinced. She and Parker got into the Range Rover, and Mac took the keys from Roz for her vehicle.

  "It's just at the Westin, Mac,” Andromeda told him. “Directly east."

  He saluted and helped Roz up into her truck. The woman still seemed dazed, but she would rally.

  When Parker went to the front desk of the Westin, they were greeted like rock stars and shown upstairs almost immediately. Mac escorted Roz into the suite beside theirs. "Let's chill out for a couple of hours and meet for a late breakfast."

  "Sounds good," Parker told him.

  Lambert hadn't been lying when he'd said they'd taken care of everything. Inside the suite there were clothes and toiletries, snacks and beverages, alcohol, everything imaginable for a traveler in need. Andromeda looked at the stuff scattered around and shook her head. "How?"

  "My former boss," Parker said simply. "He's trying to make our life easier."

  "That's awful nice of him," she murmured. "Your former SEAL boss?"

  Parker sighed. "Well, kinda. He's actually working for the CIA right now."

  Her dark brows shot into her hairline. "CIA?"

  Parker nodded grimly, and Andromeda laughed.

  "Did the FBI know you were working for the CIA?"

  Parker chuckled with her. "Hell, no."


  Crossing the room, she dropped down onto the long, overstuffed gray couch, then dragged a blanket down over top of her. Parker sat down beside her and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm emotionally wrought," she murmured. "I want all this to go away but I know it's not going to."

  He stroked his hand through her hair. "You've done an excellent job, with everything. I meant to tell you that earlier. The gun in your back waistband was inspired. If Mac hadn't have intervened I would have had to, and it may not have turned out as well. I'm a good shot, but that would have been difficult. It's been a while since I was in a situation like that."

  "You did just as well. I had no idea what to do but you kept everything controlled. And you saved my life." She pulled back to look at him. "I never thanked you for that."

  Parker pulled her to him, pressing a kiss to upturned mouth. "I had to save you. We have a lot of unfinished business."

  A slow smile spread across her lips, then a shadow slid across her expression. "I kind of don't want it all to end."

  He pulled back in surprise. "What?"

  She heaved a breath.

  "I don't want you to leave," she admitted finally.

  Parker's throat tightened, and it was all he could do to swallow. "I know what you mean," he whispered. "I want us to make do with what we have now. I'm not leaving tomorrow. I'll stay at least a week, even if I have to take vacation from my other job. It may take that long for a lot of things to happen. We'll know more about al Fareq's condition, all of the warrants will have been served by then, hopefully. I have a feeling I have a lot more work to do before I can get out of here."

  She nodded, giving him a playful smile. "Then I suggest we take advantage of it. I've been looking at your half naked body all week and I haven't been able to do anything about it. Can we make something beautiful come out of this morning?"

  Damn, she really knew where to hit Parker where it hurt. Right in the heart. "I think that's a wonderful idea, but..."

  "No buts, damn it. I've been waiting patiently while you recovered, and then you were tired, and then we had to kill people. We're as secure as we're going to get, aren't we? And I'm too amped up to do anything else."

  Parker laughed as she shivered, but the smile abruptly faded from his face as she went to her knees before him. She braced her arms over his thighs as she began to push the t-shirt up his abs. Parker shifted and tugged the shirt over his head, tossing it away. His side hurt, but less than it did the day before. He was getting stronger with every hour and he wanted to be everything he could be for her.

  "I have to warn you," he said eventually as her fingers stroked down his center line. "I'm not as pretty as I used to be."

  Andromeda grinned up at him. "Pretty, huh? You weren't handsome?"

  "I was both of those things, but that was before Yemen. I'm serious, Andromeda. He fucked me up everywhere, not just where you can see."

  For a moment her eyes hardened with anger, then she smiled at him. "It won't bother me, Parker. I'm just glad you're here. You have to know that."

  "Yeah," he sighed. "I know."

  And honestly, he was glad he was here too, even though he was feeling very exposed. Even as the thought registered, he reached for the remote on the table beside him and closed the blinds, sealing off the view of the city. Andromeda would probably think it was because of his scars, but it was more because of Lambert. It was hard to tell what the man would spy on if he thought it would serve a purpose.

  Andromeda sat back on her heels to untie his boots. She tugged them off and tossed them away, then moved up to the zipper of his BDUs. Before he could delay her any more she had unzipped his pants and was working to pull them down his legs.

  Parker lifted his butt to help her out, then watched as she tossed those away as well. He hadn't time to pull on underwear in the midst of the attack, so he was bare to her and the world. Before he could cover himself with a hand, she'd parked herself in the same pose as before, arms over his thighs and her leaning between them. Her eyes rested on the mass of scars on his lower belly, then down his length.

  “Even here?” she whispered.

  Parker sighed as she stroked a finger over the faint tracing of white lines down the most sensitive part of him. “Yes. Those healed well, though.” He rested a hand on his lower belly. “These took longer because they got infected.”

  She cupped Parker's hard length in her hand and leaned forward to press kisses along the length, smiling slightly as he hardened even more in her hand.

  "He's still happy to see me,” she murmured.

  "Of course, he's happy to see you. Plus, well… it's been a long time."

  Her golden eyes looked up at him, considering. "How long has it been?"

  Parker made a face. "Well, I hadn't been with anyone for a while before Yemen, so it's been at least five years."

  He shivered as she pressed her lips to the thick vein running up the underside. "Oh, babe. No wonder why you are so hard."

  Parker let his head fall back against the couch cushion as she explored him. He knew he wasn't as visually pleasing as before, and it worried him. Andromeda was a beautiful woman and she deserved to have someone at her side equally as beautiful, but there was no way he was going to give up this time with her. He would fight through his embarrassment and give her all of the pleasure he possibly could before he had to leave.


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