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The Fourth Ceremony: The Sacrifice Trilogy

Page 5

by K. M. Ashling

  “By the Gods, this is amazing!”Alessa exclaimed. Then, she turned and hurried off towards the first ride that she wanted to try. Alessa knew that she was leaving Camden behind, but the excitement of the Carnival overwhelmed her as she took off to explore it. She could faintly hear Camden calling her name as she ran away. He caught up to her while she stood in line for her first ride, a dizzy looking contraption that spun three different ways at once.

  “What the hell are you doing?”Camden asked her. His eyes were wild and it was a rare moment where true emotion was etched all over his face.

  “I wanted to get started. I wanted to act like a normal girl at the Carnival.”She put her best innocent face on as she gazed up at him through her lashes.

  “Listen, Alessa.”Camden lowered his voice, which forced him to put his face up close to hers.“I will treat you as normal as I can, but I am still charged with protecting you. I can’t do that if you run away from me. You know that Khilyn would absolutely kill me if anything happened to you today.”

  He seemed so serious. Alessa immediately felt chastised. She guessed that he was taking his job seriously for the day even if she was not sure of his ultimate intentions.

  “I understand. I won’t run off anymore. Bore!”She felt the need to add the tease at the end so that she didn’t simply give in to his demand. Alessa was sure that having the upper hand with Camden was going to be a constant battle and she was not going to give up on it easily. She won a smile out of him for her quip.

  “Move it or lose it, missy, it’s our turn!”he shot back.

  They climbed into the seat of the ride together and Alessa felt all of the nervous and excited energy of anticipation. Alessa grabbed for Camden’s hand without thought as the ride started to spin. The spinning and rushing of the air whipping her face made her gasp for breath and she squeezed harder on his hand as the speed of the ride quickened. He returned the pressure of her grip, much to Alessa’s satisfaction. When she took an instant to glance over at him, he smiled and laughed as she did while the ride spun on.

  When the ride came to a stop Alessa was sure that her head would never stop spinning. The attendant removed the strap holding her to the seat and Camden hopped easily out of the ride. He turned back to her and looked expectantly.

  “Just give me a minute.”She said breathily as she pressed her hand to her forehead.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re going to throw up.”Camden looked at her while barely containing his amusement. He held his hand out to her as his body shook with silent laughter.

  “No! I just want to stop spinning, thank you very much.”Alessa took strength from her indignation and pushed past his proffered hand.

  Alessa thought that she had managed the perfect scoff at his expense until she wobbled on her feet after the first step. The spinning ride still had its grips on her balance. Camden immediately held her arms on either side and pulled her close to his body.

  “Hey, are you okay?”He actually looked concerned. Alessa couldn’t help the spike in her heart rate and hoped that all of the lights of the carnival concealed the flush that she felt rushing to her face.

  “Yes, I am perfectly fine. That was a blast! I just have to get my feet under me. Remember, I don’t have a whole lot of experience at the Carnival.”

  That pulled a laugh out of Camden as he kept one hand on her arm and walked with her towards their next ride.

  The hours that came after rushed by in a dizzy and exciting whirl. Alessa and Camden ran, rode, and laughed their way through almost the entire Carnival. It became easy to grab his hand during the rush of the rides and to lean on him after the dizzy dismounts.

  “I’m hungry. Do you think we can buy something to eat?”Alessa asked Camden as they left one particular ride that they had decided to enjoy three times.

  “Sure, if your stomach can handle it!”He gave her a gentle prod in the abdomen. His casual touches had increased in number, but they were still calling a blush to her cheeks every time. She knocked his hand away with a laugh.

  “I can handle anything!”She retorted.

  “Go stand in line. I’m going to the restroom right over there.”He pointed to a doorway directly across from the food stand line.

  “I’ll be fine, go!”She rolled her eyes at his caution and walked away from him to the food stand line.

  Waiting in line was a new phenomenon to Alessa. She had never had to allow others to go before her in her life. She was deciding that she enjoyed watching the people as she stood in line. It was relaxing for her to have nothing to do but stand in the line and wait for her turn. It allowed her to examine her surroundings. The people bustling in the Carnival were full of vigor and enjoying life while laughing with each other and running towards their next adventure as they pointed out rides. After a few moments of people watching, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a short and stout woman behind her with a kind face.

  “Excuse me, dear. Has anyone every told you that you look exactly like The Sacrifice?”She had open curiosity on her face as she examined her. Alessa felt panicky. If the people at the Carnival found out who she was, not only would the crowd bombard her, but the Government would find out that Khi let her go without closing down the Carnival and everyone would be in trouble.

  “Oh, you know, I do hear that all the time, but from what I understand she’s a lot taller than me.”She hoped that since she was never allowed in public that the lie would hold up to the woman’s scrutiny.

  “It’s just, I’ve seen pictures of her and you could be her twin, I swear it.”The woman was relentless.

  Just then, Camden came walking through the crowd.

  “You haven’t made it to the front yet, Al—“Alessa shot him a look and shook her head slightly as the woman turned to look at who was speaking.

  “Al—uh, Allison.”He cocked his head to the side as he silently questioned her. They spoke with their eyes over the short woman’s head.

  “Oh, you’re name is Allison? I have a daughter named Allison.”The woman exclaimed, and just like that her attention was diverted. The woman launched into a description of her daughter, Allison, who had apparently recently had a child.

  “Oh how great, I’d love to meet her.”Alessa was grasping straws to take this conversation as far away from her and her Status as possible. She caught sight of Camden’s raised eyebrow and looked back into the woman’s kind face.

  “She didn’t come with us today sweetie, but I will tell her I met the most delightful girl that shares her name. It’s your turn. You two kids have fun!”

  Alessa spun around thankful for the end of the conversation, and walked to the food stand to order her snack.

  Alessa and Camden found a table not too far from the food stand.

  “What was that all about?”Camden asked, concern wrinkling his brow.

  “She recognized me.”Alessa started, and then backtracked at the sight of his startled response,“I mean to say, she almost recognized me. She had started to argue a little, and then you came up and called me Allison and it was all over. No harm done.”

  “We should probably leave soon.”Camden stated flatly, his brow still furrowed.

  “Oh no, please Cam, let’s stay! I haven’t been on the giant wheel thing yet and I am dying to try a game or two, please.”Alessa realized a little too late that she was begging. It was not like her to beg, particularly with someone who so easily disarmed her. She kicked herself again. She needed to watch her mouth more closely where Camden was concerned.

  Camden laughed a little,“I suppose you must really want something to come down off your high horse like that.”His jab hurt.

  “You think I’m on a high horse?”Alessa tried to keep her tone mocking, but she suspected she betrayed herself.

  “Well, I don’t know how you couldn’t be with being the sacrifice and all.”Camden answered, watching her closely.

  “That shows just how little you know about me or my position.”Alessa was indignant. She ros
e from the table and stalked away. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she needed to get away from Camden and his superior attitude. She certainly didn’t want him to realize that his jab had hurt her pride. She didn’t know why she should let someone whom she barely knew bother her in the first place, but he did, in more ways than one.

  Alessa felt him behind her, heard him call her name, but she continued to weave through the crowd. He had uncovered some of her innermost insecurities. She had certainly been spoiled, it was the way of the Sacrifice, but she did not believe herself to be rude or inconsiderate. At least, not since her last Ceremony. Her father had made sure to show her how blessed she was, and Khi’s love and friendship had given her stability and grounding. Alessa was hurt that Camden did not understand that. She realized, logically, that she had been haughty and condescending to him, but she had expected him to see through that.

  After walking for some time, Alessa found herself watching the remnants of a brilliant sunset over the top of a makeshift dance floor. A band played well-known songs at the front of the stage while people were just beginning to take to the floor for dancing. Alessa watched the sun fade into the horizon and she enjoyed the brilliant reds and oranges of the falling star. Then, she turned her attention to the dancers on the makeshift floor. They all seemed to be so happy, shouting and laughing with one another. Some held each other tight, as lovers do. Others were more friendly than intimate. Still more kept a stiff distance from each other, as if nervous. Throughout her dissection of the interactions on the floor she could feel Camden’s eyes on her, but he kept a safe distance away. She supposed he wanted to allow her some space. She continued to watch the dancers while allowing herself to sway slightly with the music.

  “That was uncalled for and I am sorry.”She was startled to find that he had walked up right behind her and spoke softly in her ear. Yet again, she was frustrated by the ease with which he seemed to unnerve her.

  “I would kindly request that you keep your opinions of me to yourself.”She said curtly as she stared him straight in the eye.

  “What if I told you that I thought you were gorgeous? And smart? And funny?”His list made her heart skip a beat. Alessa was at a loss for words. She reminded herself that he couldn’t have her reporting to Khi that she had an unhappy time. She supposed he was trying to save his skin by throwing in a little flirting.

  “You can keep those to yourself as well.”She said, but her words lacked the bite she was trying for and she could not keep her eyes on his.

  They stood in silence for a moment as they watched the couples dance on the stage. The song was fast and the dancing was intense. Some couples looked as if they might start kissing there on the dance floor. It made her wonder what it would be like to kiss Camden. Then, as usual, she chastised herself for thinking such. She reminded herself of his earlier comments, but the compliments that followed snuck in to soften the blow. She heard the band begin a slower song and watched as the intensity flowed out of the dance floor to be replaced by an easy flow of affection. She longed to be a part of it.

  “Let me make it up to you. Dance with me.”Camden whispered in her ear. This time he had to have felt her shiver because he had his hands on her back and arm propelling her towards the floor.

  “No, no. Cam, I can’t. I don’t know how to dance.”Alessa protested. She certainly could not let Camden see her ineptitude at this skill. She had never truly danced in all her life.

  “It will be fine. It’s much like your combat lessons. You follow my lead. The only difference is that instead of moving away from me,”he paused where they were on the edge of the dance floor to pull her close to the front of his body,“you move with me and closer to me.”The whisper of his last words caused another spike in her heart rate.

  Before she knew it, Alessa was swaying to the music encapsulated by Camden’s arms. She placed her hands tentatively on his shoulders at first and, when he pulled her closer, she wrapped them around the back of his neck. She could not understand all of the emotions flowing through her, but she was certain that joy was among them, along with curiosity. She wasn’t sure when her unease had given way to simple wonder, but it had. His body was hard yet his touch was gentle. She felt all of the muscles in his upper arms and shoulders as they turned around their little corner of the dance floor. She glanced up at him and caught him staring at her with an intensity to his face that she could not possibly comprehend. She heard him sigh and then he pulled her closer until their bodies were flush against each other and her head rested on his chest. Alessa imagined that she could stay like this forever, but all too soon the music ended. The band announced that they were taking a break and another song, this one faster than the last, had started up before Camden pulled away from Alessa. He kept her hand in his and pulled her away from the dance floor with him.

  “This way,”Alessa noticed that his voice was slightly deeper and raspier,“There is one more ride you haven’t tried.”

  Alessa knew that he was guiding her to the giant wheel that seemed to disappear at the top of the sky. Camden had said the whole day that you must go on this ride after the sun had set and promised her that it would be worth the wait.

  They stood silently in line. Camden never dropped her hand, and he occasionally rubbed circles on the back of it with his thumb. Every time he did, Alessa swore she stopped breathing. She no longer cared about her appearance or proving her dominance over Camden. She wanted only to remain this close to him. The rapid shift in her feelings towards him gave her pause, but she reminded herself that she was safe with him tonight. Crowds of people surrounded them and Khi was expecting a full report. She would relax and worry about repercussions and interpretations in the morning.

  After what seemed to be the shortest wait in the park, although she knew the line was the longest, Alessa climbed into the seat next to Camden. The metal was warm and the contraption swung even as they sat at the bottom of the giant wheel. Alessa caught her breath in surprise as the wheel ascended quickly, and grabbed for the sole bar across their laps that locked them in place.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Look out over the carnival.”Camden said as he unhooked one of her hands from its death grip on the bar in front of them and held it tightly in both of his own.

  Alessa finally obliged and gasped in awe. Someone had obviously planned out where they would place the giant wheel. All the lights of the Carnival were laid out in front of her along with the lights of the city. She could swear, if she looked hard enough, she could see the whole Empire. All too soon, they were on the descent, and the lights were no longer visible.

  “Is that all?”She asked, unable to keep the disappointment from her voice.

  “No, of course it’s not. We will go around almost a dozen times, and if you want to we will ride it again and again.”He blazed a brilliant smile at her. She gave him her best smile back.

  True to his word, the ride continued for minutes going around and around. Each time, the spin and view simultaneously took her breath away. Then, suddenly, the ride slowed and halted with Alessa and Camden at the very front of the ascension.

  “Oh, no! Is it broken?”Alessa’s voice was thick with disappointment.

  “No, no, they are letting people on and off.”Camden said with a laugh.“In a moment, we will stop at the top and will get to look around for real while they let the people off directly opposite us.”

  “Oh, okay!”Alessa said with exuberance. She knew that she sounded like an overexcited child and she did not care. This was the most amazing time she had ever had, and she would likely never experience it again. The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Are you cold?”Camden asked, this time he seemed genuinely concerned,“The Carnival can get chilly at the top of the wheel.”And he pulled her close to him with an arm around her shoulders.

  Alessa was certainly not cold, but she wasn’t going to say that now. She glanced up at him,“I’m fine now.”She threw him a sweet smile as she congratulated herself on her fl
irtation skill.

  They stared at each other for a moment. Alessa felt that all the air had been sucked out of the area and they had been left in a vacuum. She could scarcely breathe. Camden brought his other hand to her face, barely skimming her cheek with the tips of his fingers. His face came closer to hers as she caught what little breath her lungs would take in. She closed her eyes as his lips found hers in the softest press she had ever known. It was over almost before it began, but where he had touched her lips with his a blaze burned on her skin. Instead of pulling away, he dropped his hand to her neck and pressed his forehead against hers as if to maintain the connection between their bodies longer. Quicker than she would have liked, he pulled away. She started to protest, but he began to speak.

  “Look, we’re stopped at the top.”He pointed out over the air and turned his face from hers. He did, however, reach for her hand and begin to draw small circles on the back of it again.

  Alessa looked out over the Carnival in awe. She had never seen such a sight. All of the people milling about, the lights, the sounds, it was all so beautiful and fleeting. Alessa knew that she would not live to see another Carnival come through, whether she was allowed to go to it or not. She felt a single tear slide down her cheek before she could try to stop it. She wiped at her face and glanced quickly at Camden to see if he had noticed it. Sure enough, he had. His face darkened with concern, but when she turned away from him to hide her emotion he closed his mouth from whatever he had been about to say and simply pulled her back into his chest. They sat that way for the rest of the ride down to the ground. When the attendant moved to let them out of the seat at the bottom, Camden moved her only far enough to pull his wallet out of his pocket. After passing a bill to the attendant without a word, they began the journey to the top of the wheel again. They spent the remainder of that ride in the silent tangle of each other’s arms.

  The journey back to the Manor was a blur for Alessa. She stayed connected to Camden the whole time, whether by holding hands or under the circle of his arm. When they arrived at her bedroom door, Alessa was surprised by the amount of space between them. She moved to close it, but Camden put his hands on her arms and pressed her softly away.


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