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Wanting It All: Michael and Sarah

Page 5

by Steele, C. M.

  “If it is not the most beautiful woman in the world.” He came up and pulled me into a hug and squeezed tight before setting me down. We hadn’t seen each other in years because both of us were so busy. I had been away at college while he was working hard to make his business thrive.

  “David, it is so good to see you.” David looked at me and could tell that I was about to cry.

  “What is the matter, Sarah? Did Jason contact you?” He grasped me by the chin and had me look at him in the eyes. “What happened?”

  “Nothing.” He looked at me like I was so full of shit.

  “What happened? Really.”

  “It wasn’t Jason. It was Michael. He is still seeing his ex-girlfriend, Brandi, and I just saw them together. He lied to me. He told me he was going to be in a meeting with the tech team today and he was at the jewelry store with her. He just used me.”

  I knew my friend too well, and when everyone thought Michael was a man whore, I knew he was completely the opposite. There had to be some explanation for it. I am sure that Michael could give her one.

  “Sarah, there was no way he was intentionally with her. He wouldn’t betray you. You have no idea how insane the guy is about you. I think you just need to talk to him and get it straightened out. I have known him since college, and he has never even had a real girlfriend. It wasn’t until he met you that he wanted more than the annual one night bed partner.” I wrapped my arm around her waist and hugged her as I looked down at her.

  “You don’t worry about it, baby, you are gorgeous.”

  “What the fuck are you doing with your hands on my woman?” He walked towards us with rage in his eyes, but I didn’t care, he had a lot of nerve.

  “David, you wait until I am out of the office to pounce on my woman? Get the fuck out!” He looked like he was going to deck David.

  “Michael, you have some nerve. David, let’s go. Michael, I am moving back to my apartment. You can send my things to my place.” I walked to my desk outside of his office and started packing my things. He could manage for a few days without an assistant, or he could have his bimbo help him. I was obviously not enough. I grabbed my things and walked away from him

  “What the fuck makes you think that I am going to let you leave with him?” Michael grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving before he turned to David, “After all these years, this is how it goes down, David?”

  “Mike, calm the fuck down and don’t fuck up a good thing. It so happens I came to talk to you and you weren’t here and Sarah was near tears and it is all your lying ass’s fault. I tried to tell her you wouldn’t cheat on her, but by the lipstick on your collar, I beg to differ.” David gripped the edge of his collar and there was a bright pink lipstick stain. I had to hold back the tears.

  “You saw me?” Michael looked as though he was defeated, which only meant that he was guilty, and my heart started to break. I walked away as he kept coming near me.

  “That is all you can say? You were back with your whore and all you can say is ‘you saw me’? Stay away from me.” Oh god, she is looking at me like I am the biggest creep. I have to fix this. I can’t lose her. Then I’m going to find Brandi and choke her.

  “It wasn’t what you think. I lied, but for a good reason. Brandi must have followed me in there, because no one knows of the place where I buy my mother’s gifts from. She tried to tell me that she missed me. I told her there was no way I would have anything to do with her. Then she tried to kiss me. When I moved, her lips grazed my collar, which seemed to piss her off. I am truly starting to think she is more like Jason, and missing a few pieces.” I need her to believe me. Damn it, if she leaves me, I won’t know what to do.

  I wasn’t going to let her get away from me. I had an idea. I came up to her and gave her a fast but thorough kiss on her lips. “What do they taste like, babe?”

  “Like the coffee you were drinking before you left.” She looked confused.

  “See? I wasn’t kissing up on any woman. In fact, wait and follow me.” I walked to my office and called security. “I think I can prove it to you.” My head of security sent the video to my computer from the outside cameras.

  “Look, baby, we have a camera that faces away from the building and towards the store. The owner happens to be a friend of mine I met when I first came to America.”

  I cued up the video to about half an hour earlier. You could see me crossing the street and going into the store. It doesn’t look like anything is about to happen, but out of nowhere comes Brandi out of a nice SUV. She looks around, then looks into the store. She waits there until I walk out and wraps her arm around my arm.

  “That is what I seen right here.” She had tears coming from her eyes, I didn’t like that shit, not one bit. The tape shows me quickly unhooking myself and moving away as she tried to kiss me. Then you could see me yelling at her to stay away and she told me something.

  “What did she say to you?”

  “She said I couldn’t get away with using her just to make someone jealous. Then I walked really fast back into the building.”

  I pulled her back into my arms and looked down at the love of my life. “I know it looks bad, but I promise there is no one but you. I would have never seen more than one woman at a time before and those were meaningless women. You are mine. I would never do anything to lose you.” I tipped her chin, what I needed to say would scare me, but it needed to be said, “I love you, Sarah. Nothing can change that.” She looked as though her world had brightened with just those words. She hadn’t returned the sentiment and it was making me nervous, so I jokingly added, “Even with this fuck trying to pick you up.”

  She shook her head and smiled at me. “Michael, I love you, too.” Fuck, she said the words I hoped she would. I had forgotten David was there when I kissed her lips, letting my hands slide in their usual position, one on her waist and the other cupping her hair. God, I loved this woman.

  “Michael, I was just hurt because Jason cheated on me and that is why we broke up. I thought you were doing the same. I wanted to deck you”

  “Baby, please don’t ever compare me to that fuck. He is as fucked up as they come, but I understand what you mean. I am sorry, but you have to trust me.”

  “You are talking about trust, but you lied about where you were. Why?” The no nonsense Sarah was back.

  “Amore, it’s a surprise. I promise you will understand soon, but you have to believe me. I beg of you, my love.”

  “Sarah, I told you he wouldn’t do that to you. I have known him for so long, and I know that would be so beneath him. Don’t let the broad ruin what you two have.”

  “Michael, I just feel hurt right now.”

  “David, can you excuse us for a moment?” David bowed his head slightly in agreement and left my office, closing the door on his way out.

  “Sarah, did I not spend all last night making love to you? Leaving my mark on your body as a way of letting you and anyone else know that you belong to me?” She nodded.

  “Sweetheart, I need you more than you can possibly know, and I wouldn’t do anything to fuck that up.” I sat in my chair, taking her into my lap. “This is the item I wanted to give you the other day, but it was that day. I bought it before I came to your apartment the day the bastard almost…Baby, just open it.”

  It was a necklace that had two charms. There was an initial on each. “Michael, it’s beautiful… but it has the wrong initials, mine are SO not SV.”

  “Amore, you need to think, baby. My last name is Vitale. What I was trying to say with this, is that I think of you as my other half. One day, when you are ready, I want you to be my wife. I just wanted to let you know that it is going to happen. You will be my wife.”

  “Michael, I don’t know what to say. This is special and I threw a fit.”

  “Baby, I can’t blame you for your jealousy. I used her at the party as a buffer and it backfired on me. She won’t give up and you think that I am seeing her, but I am not. I wasn’t then and I’m n
ot now.”

  I pushed her hair to the side kissing her neck. I whispered, “I love you Sarah so unbelievably much. The thought of not being with you hurts. Hell, I threatened my best friend since college for hugging and protecting you just because you too knew each other and he thinks you are hot.”

  “Michael, when I saw you texting, all I thought was that David’s friend has a cute butt and his body looks like my boss’s. All I thought about was what I wanted you to do to me, but I thought you didn’t want me.”

  “I have wanted you from the first time I saw you. I wanted to take you away from him and carry you off to Sicily, but then again, that is a bad idea. There are way too many good looking and flirtatious Sicilians.”

  “I love you, Michael Vitale.”

  “I love you, Sarah. Now I hate to be an ass and kick you out, but David wants to talk to me.”

  “No, that is perfect. I have some work to do. My boss is a slave driver.” I swatted her ass as she tried to get away from me.

  “God, my dear, you have no idea how bad I want you, please send Mr. Montgomery in.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Just wait until we get home.” I smiled at her with lecherous intent.

  “Yes, sir.”

  She swayed her hips as she walked out the office, fucking brat. I had to adjust myself. I watched her walk up to David, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  “Michael wants to see you.” She seemed happy, but I had to ask.

  “Are you two okay?” I was truly worried. I knew that Michael needed Sarah.

  “Yes, we are good. We have some trust issues, but we will work on them.”

  “Well, don’t give up on him. He is a really good man and he adores you.”

  She hugged him and I walked up on them two, but this time my jealousy wasn’t as strong. Granted, it would never go away. Any man that wasn’t related putting his hands on what’s mine might be on the receiving end of an ass whooping.

  “Really, I am getting tired of you trying to grope my woman. Miss Owen, don’t you have some work to do?”

  “Grrrr, you are lucky I think my boss is sexy.” She huffed away and back to her desk, damn, her ass was sexy as fuck.

  David and I walked back to my office and David closed the door.

  “Before you jump down my throat, let me say something. I know you have had issues with trust and shit, but I have been nothing but your friend for the last decade. I would never intentionally hurt you. At the club, I didn’t know that little Sarah, the one I knew as a teenager, happened to be your tormentor. I hadn’t seen her since their freshman year. Plus I was drunk, too. You need to tone down your green-eyed monster. I would never do that to you.”

  “I know that, but the thought of another man touching her drives me insane. It doesn’t help that you thought she was hot before you knew she was mine, because that still doesn’t make her not hot.”

  “To me it does. She is pretty to me, but now I see her just like I did when she was younger, like a kid sister. We have been like brothers and I don’t want that to change. Sarah is a great woman and you are both lucky that you have found each other. Am I still going to be invited to the wedding?”

  “First, I have to ask her to marry me, if you don’t mind. I already told her she was going to be my wife and she didn’t fight me on it, so I take that as a yes. I would appreciate it if you would be my best man, though. Do you think you could handle that?”

  “Of course. Give me a hug you big dummy.” The two guys hugged and I walked in just in time to see it.

  “Oh I see how it is, Michael. You weren’t jealous that he was trying to take me but upset that he wasn’t trying to flirt with you. David, you’re a whore. I am telling your sister.” I theatrically said with a big harrumph while attempting to keep the smile from my face.

  “Shush, it’s our secret,” Michael said as he walked up to me and kissed me on the lips.

  “You think you are funny, don’t you? Didn’t I already warn you?” He looked at me, attempting to be stern, but it wasn’t working.

  Batting my lashes and with a coy smile I replied, “Yes, sir.”

  “Enough you two, I am about to vomit.” David pretended to stick a finger down his throat.

  “You don’t like it, you can leave. I need to ravish my sexy assistant.” I was ogling Sarah’s breasts, thinking ravishing her would be a good idea.

  “Actually, Mr. Vitale, you can’t right now. You have a conference call in about two minutes. That is what I came in here to tell you.”

  “Come, David, let’s leave the boss man to do some work.” I watched as she pulled David by the hand and out the door.

  “You could close the door. Can’t get good help these days!” I shouted out to Sarah as I rose to close the door.

  “Add it to my list of infractions.” I couldn’t help but laugh as I closed the door.

  “You two are suited for each other. It is rare to see that man laugh. So let me ask. Is my sister going to have to go on a diet any time soon?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean to fit in her bridesmaid dress.”

  “Hahaha, so funny. I am going to tell her you said that, but I don’t know.”

  “Why not? You two are perfect together. The chemistry is exploding when you two are around each other.”

  “It’s not that, he hasn’t really asked me. Although I don’t think I have a choice in the matter.”

  “See? You might as well prepare my sister in advance. She is going to freak out if it is short notice, and knowing Michael, it will be. Hell, he might kidnap your ass and take you to Vegas.”

  “He probably would if I make him wait. Which I might do just to annoy him. Actually, I am scared, I am too happy and with Jason out there, I am afraid something will happen to take away my happiness.”

  “Don’t let that bastard ruin your life. Stacy always said she couldn’t believe you were dating that asshole anyway. When she told me, I was pissed. I wanted to kill him myself. I am glad Michael got to wail on his ass. Just don’t forget to live, because if you do, then he is taking more from you. If you need to be with someone while Michael is working or something, you could stay with me or Stacy.”

  David left and reminded me that if Michael or I needed anything to give him a call.

  Chapter 13:

  “Michael, I have to go shopping with Stacy tomorrow for the charity event on Friday,” she said as she was climbing into our bed.

  “I remember, babe, but you need to take Paul with you. You know that fuck was bailed out by his parents yesterday.”

  “Yes, I know. I was there when the detectives called me.” She was getting annoyed, but after hearing the fucker was free on bail, I had laid down some fucking ground rules, whether her ass liked them or not. Her safety wasn’t up for debate.

  “Keep it up and we just won’t go Friday. Do you think your safety is a joke to me? Damn it, Sarah!” I pulled her to me, holding her tight. I didn’t want to lose her and fuck if I was going to make it easy for someone to get at her.

  “I don’t, but I am not a child. I was planning to have Paul with me since I will need to take a half day anyway.” She rolled her eyes at me for the millionth time since we met, and it didn’t make me mad, it made me fucking horny.

  So what was a guy to do? I fucked her so hard I nearly broke our bed and gave her several fucking orgasms.

  It was about noon the next day when Paul escorted my girl to meet David’s sister in the truck. I didn’t know Stacy that well since I had always been busy. I hardly ever had the chance to hang out with David’ sister. She was a sweet girl, but I saw her more like a sister and nothing more. Which sucks because then I would have met Sarah sooner. I knew they would be safe. I gave Sarah my credit card and after a brief argument this morning, I fucked her into accepting the inevitable. I am in charge, and though I love her and am willing to let her get her way in some shit, her safety and spending my money was not something that was up for questioning.

  “Okay baby, give me a kiss and I will see you at the house.”

  Paul was waiting for her by the elevators and I gave her another kiss and went back to my office.

  “Good afternoon, Paul. How are you doing?”

  “I am doing well. I didn’t get to say this yesterday but I am glad that the two of you worked out your problems. It was like I said it was, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes it was. How did you know?”

  “Don’t tell Michael I told you this, but he used to make any excuse to mention you to your aunt, any chance he got. The night at the club I heard the voicemail he left you. They didn’t have the partition up. Top that off with the fact that he is a really good man. I would say there could be no doubt about his fidelity.”

  “Thank you for the insight into Michael. You are right, it is just a woman thing, hysterics and all.”

  “Ha, it is not just a woman thing. I would want to kill my woman if I caught her hanging on to some guy.”

  They arrived at the Water Tower Place to find a pretty dress. She knew that it would be a simple but formal occasion, so a little black dress would be great. Stacy was waiting inside the front doors for her. “Hey Sarah! Are you ready to shop? I am so excited to shop. Let’s go spend some or all of your hard earned money.”

  “It’s not mine, it’s Michael’s money. He gave me a card to by the dress and stuff because it’s a company sponsored event.” I was feeling resentful about it, but I know that men like him feel it’s a man’s job to provide for his woman.

  “Honey, I think it has nothing to do with the company. I think the man would give you the world if he could. When we were at the club, it was like a caveman exploded out of his fine ass body. I have known him a long time and he has never acted that way before with so much energy. I know he loves you. David and I had a talk earlier this morning because of the fight between Michael and him, and he was hurt. Michael would have never let a woman come between them. They have been friends when David didn’t have anyone. I am so glad they made up.”


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