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Their Naughty Student

Page 4

by Nicole Edwards

  Did that mean he had to touch me? No.

  However, it did mean he couldn’t intend to keep me at arm’s length. That wasn’t fair.

  Knowing I would get nowhere voicing my opinion on the matter just yet, I turned my attention back to Cav. He seemed rather interested in my reasons for being here, and as far as I was concerned, he would be the one who would open doors for me this evening.

  “So, no to the sharing?” I repeated, more so to get a rise out of them than anything.

  Cav grinned. “Oh, we’ve been known to share, sugar.”

  The way he used the term sugar sounded very generic, as though he used it frequently. I understood the use of pet names, both in relationships and in BDSM. Master or Sir, known as honorifics, were used as a way for a submissive to convey respect, to acknowledge who had the power in a relationship. Some Dominants preferred the use of them, others—like my brother—did not. However, it seemed to be rather common for a Dominant to give a submissive a pet name. Like sugar, in Cav’s case.

  “Why sugar?” I asked.

  Cav frowned. “What?”

  “Why do you use that endearment when you talk to someone you deem to be a submissive?”

  He stared at me for a moment, confusion warring with amusement in his pretty blue eyes.

  “Because you’re sweet,” he said simply, smirking.

  “So why not something else? Like cupcake?”

  His smile intensified, reaching all the way to his eyes. “My apologies, cupcake.”

  I laughed, but my amusement was smothered by a warmth that ignited in my core. I liked hearing him call me that, but I didn’t know why.

  There was no denying that I was innately curious about everything, but mostly about people. The things they said, the things they did, the reasons they did them. Since a very young age, I’d wanted to know what made a person tick, including myself. I’d been the annoying kid who could spew a million questions and irritate anyone within earshot. That was a trait I still had, one I wasn’t going to apologize for.

  “When you say share, do you mean dinner and drinks?” I kept my expression neutral. “Or submissives?”

  Cav leaned in, his eyes locked with mine, that drawl suddenly thicker than before. “Let’s just say, I’m open to sharin’ everything with Edge.” His smile turned mischievous, his eyes glowing. “But that’s on our terms, cupcake, not yours.”

  Hmm. That tone set sparks off inside me, made heat coil in my belly. I liked the fierceness in Cav’s gaze, the look of a Dominant who did not make excuses for his desires. It was the same ferocity I’d glimpsed in Edge’s eyes earlier.

  Exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to study them, to see their interactions with others.

  I took a sip of my Sprite and allowed my thoughts to gather. I was inquisitive by nature, but I knew I had to go at this slowly. I didn’t want all my answers to be verbal in nature. After all, that would defeat the entire purpose of me being here.

  Granted, I’d never had the opportunity to pick a Dom’s brain. My brother certainly wasn’t the sort to answer my questions when it came to the inner workings of a Dominant’s mind. In fact, he’d once mentioned he would rather have his tongue cut out than do so. Always dramatic, Zeke was.

  “How long have you two known each other?” I asked, aiming for something innocent to throw them off their game.

  “Since college,” Edge stated, his gaze shooting to Cav’s.

  “Really?” That didn’t surprise me. “Which college?”

  Cav’s smile was sinful. “Columbia.”

  I tried to hide my surprise but couldn’t. “Columbia? As in … New York?”

  “One and the same,” Cav stated.

  I was sitting here with two Ivy League graduates.

  “Surprised?” Cav teased.

  Yes. “No.”

  Okay, yes, but I had no idea why that was. It wasn’t like me to be quite so presumptuous.

  Edge chuckled. “Don’t worry, Miss Lautner, most people have that reaction.”

  I opened my mouth to say something but closed it. I felt rather shitty for my reaction.

  “We won’t hold it against you, cupcake,” Cav said softly.

  Yeah, well, I would.

  The two men shared a look I couldn’t decipher. Figuring the only way to get out of this was to forge ahead, I waited until both men turned their attention back to me before I said, “How long have you been in this scene?”

  Cav answered first. “About a decade.”

  His answer triggered my next question. “How did you happen upon this lifestyle?”

  “Stumbled,” he said simply.


  Edge groaned, as though not liking where this was headed. “In a sense.”

  While it appeared Cav was willing to open up, it was obvious Edge wasn’t interested in sharing these personal details if the look he gave me was any indication.


  “No,” Edge barked quickly. “Not together.”

  Hmm. I got the feeling there was something more to the two of them than just Dominants sharing a submissive. It sparked my curiosity and made me want to dig deeper, to learn more about them.

  “Enough about us,” Cav stated. “Let’s hear more about you.”

  I grinned, took another sip of my Sprite. “What would you like to know?”

  “How old are you?”

  “Above the legal drinking age.”

  Edge groaned again.

  I peered up at him. “Is there a problem with that?”

  He shook his head but didn’t respond.

  “How old are you?” I asked, my attention darting between them.

  “Thirty-five,” Cav said easily. It was obvious age was merely a number to him.

  I lifted one eyebrow and waited for Edge to answer.

  He sighed, but eventually said, “Thirty-six.”

  I wondered if that was what his problem was. Considering he was more than a decade older than I was, it was possible he had an issue with the age difference. It was something I hadn’t expected, honestly. Not from him.

  “How often do you come to the club?” I asked Cav. I knew Edge managed Dichotomy for Trent Ramsey, so he was here quite often. Probably every day if I had to guess. “To play, I mean.”

  “It’s been a few months for me. I don’t get by as often as I’d like.”

  “Do you live here in Chicago?”

  Cav shook his head, then smiled. “I’m not sure right now.”

  Frowning, I waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t.

  I wrapped my lips around the tip of my straw and turned my attention to Edge, waiting for him to say something. His eyes shot down to my mouth, and I could see heat flash in the electric-blue irises.

  When his gaze lifted to mine again, he stood up straight. “Why don’t we continue the tour?”

  How did I know he was going to say that?

  For the next hour, the conversation remained at a minimum. Every so often, Cav would ask me a question. I would answer, then ask one of my own. He was always quick to respond and there was no shame in anything he said, while Edge kept mostly quiet. He would shift me toward another scene, then stand silently behind me while we watched.

  To be fair, my mind had drifted away from most of the interactions rather quickly. While they were interesting enough, I couldn’t seem to stay focused on what was taking place in front of me. Instead, I internalized my thoughts, trying to identify what I was feeling about these two men I was with, wondering why the thought of role-playing with them was so intense.

  Yes, both of them.

  As the minutes ticked on, I found myself more and more interested in seeing what it would be like to be shared between these two Dominants than in understanding the rationale behind their actions. No longer was I simply curious as to what a club was like, what took place behind the closed doors of the theme rooms, the interactions of the occupants, or how it felt to be dominated by one alpha male. Here I was con
sidering how I could convince these two Dominants to take me on simultaneously.


  Yeah, probably.

  I still wanted answers to my questions, to get an in-depth understanding of the power play between these individuals, but I also wanted to know how I would respond to being tied up, perhaps being spanked, maybe even experiencing those nipple clamps I’d watched a Dom place on a submissive earlier. And try as I might, I couldn’t help but think about what it would feel like to have two men focused entirely on me.

  And fine, perhaps I was getting ahead of myself. I was, after all, still a virgin. So, technically, I didn’t have a clue what it felt like to have one man focused on me, much less two. Yet I was anxious for us to move on to the next phase of tonight’s activities.

  Unfortunately, I got the feeling Edge wasn’t going to be on board with any extracurricular activities.

  Nothing past the point of watching others do their thing, anyway.


  WELL, IT WAS OBVIOUS EDGE WAS IN rare form tonight. Rather than jump at the opportunity to dominate a sweet, eager submissive, he was keeping this one at arm’s length. He’d seemingly adapted to this role as tour guide, and to be honest, I wasn’t all that fond of it. The guy was wasting his talents if he thought standing behind her and watching scenes play out was an appropriate way to spend his time.

  Not to mention, it wasn’t giving Jamie a clear idea of what it was like to be with a Dominant of Edge’s caliber. He was going out of his way to be courteous and proper, and personally, I thought it was diminishing the experience for everyone involved. How was she supposed to understand the inner workings of a kink relationship? Hell, if Edge had his way, the only thing she’d have any idea of when she left here tonight was the technical terms for the equipment.

  I wasn’t willing to let that happen.

  Which was why I’d questioned her earlier. I wasn’t sure I’d ever forget the way Jamie’s dark eyes lit up when I mentioned role-playing. To hear her revelation about gravitating toward the Teacher/student scenario had been enlightening to say the least. For whatever reason, I could absolutely see her in the role of the naughty student. And I wouldn’t deny the idea of paddling her ass for being bad made my dick stand at attention.

  Having her call me on my use of sugar was, quite frankly, hot. A little forward for a submissive, but I didn’t mind. Not yet, anyway. And yes, it was true, I called all submissives sugar. A habit I’d established early on. Some Doms referred to them as pet, others as sub. I’d gravitated toward sugar.

  Not with Jamie though. I would be referring to her as cupcake from here on out. It suited her.

  However, it wasn’t until her reference to sharing that I really started to get an idea of the direction her thoughts were headed. If I had to guess, she’d fantasized about what could happen between the three of us at least once since that conversation. I certainly had. Yet Edge was pretending not to notice.

  As we observed Jane restraining a male submissive to a St. Andrew’s cross, Jamie turned to Edge. He leaned down so that his ear was close to her mouth.

  “Could we speak in private?”

  I was standing directly behind them both, which was the only reason I’d heard her.

  When Edge stood tall again, Jamie’s eyes shot to me. The quick smile she offered was both flirtatious and slightly shy. A very sexy combination.

  “Of course.” Edge glared over at me, then motioned for Jamie to head toward the stairs.

  If he wanted me to stay behind, he was likely disappointed because I was hot on their trail. If nothing else, I wanted to know what she had to say, and what his response would be. No doubt in my mind, Edge had every intention of sending this sweet girl home alone tonight.

  Again, another injustice he was doing her. She’d come here for a reason; she’d voiced it rather clearly. And still, Edge was practically keeping half a room between them at all times.

  It was sad, really. And a bit depressing, to boot.

  “We can go up to my office,” Edge told Jamie when we reached the second floor, which held the various themed rooms.

  Edge motioned toward the stairs that led to the third floor, where his office, the training rooms, as well as the men’s and women’s locker rooms were.

  Jamie stopped suddenly. “I would prefer one of those rooms.”

  This sexy woman wanted to check out the theme rooms, all but handing herself to us on a silver platter.

  I peered over at Edge, then back to Jamie. Back to Edge and smiled. This was fucking interesting.

  “Those are—” Edge paused because she obviously knew what they were based on the gleam in her eyes. He swallowed hard. “Fine.”

  When we started toward one of the private aftercare rooms, Jamie stopped once again. This time, she didn’t say a word, she simply walked in the opposite direction. I chuckled when she walked into the nearest vacant room. The Wild West room.

  Yep. I liked this girl.

  Edge was right behind her, grumbling something I couldn’t make out.

  Not wanting to intrude too much, I remained at the door, leaving it open. Jamie’s gaze shot to where I was standing, and a small mischievous smile tilted her lips. She probably thought she was hiding it well, but I could tell she was definitely working toward something. Edge glanced over his shoulder at me and I gave him an approving nod, encouraging him to ignore me.

  A silent conversation, something that had been a thing between us since almost the day we met, ensued:

  Edge: You do not know when to leave well enough alone.

  Me: You’ve got that right.

  Obviously realizing I wasn’t going away anytime soon, Edge turned back to face Jamie. “Is there a problem?”

  “Yes,” Jamie stated simply.

  While Edge appeared to have stopped breathing, I couldn’t help but be amused. Jamie was attempting to sound serious, but I could see the sassy gleam in her eye. She was pushing Edge’s buttons and it was working.

  “Hey, Cav. Could you give us a few minutes?” Edge phrased it as a question, but I knew it wasn’t.

  I peered over at Jamie. “Would you like me to leave?”

  “You can stay,” she stated firmly.

  I saw the moment Edge’s dominant instincts rose up. He would only allow this to go on for so long before he took control. I was actually surprised at how much he’d allowed her to get away with thus far. I knew the man often tried to put new submissives at ease, but he didn’t let them get away with being disobedient. He was quite passionate about his lifestyle, for the most part exuding that distinct alpha persona from every pore.

  Edge slowly turned to face Jamie again, his shoulders squared, hands clasped behind his back. His abs contracted, his pecs protruding. He had assumed the position that generally had submissives dropping to their knees.

  The smile on Jamie’s face said she knew exactly what her tone of voice had done to him, but the grin didn’t last long.

  “I’d like a minute to speak freely.”

  “Fine.” He nodded. “You have exactly one minute.”

  Oh, yeah. The Dom was definitely in the room, and to be honest, it was nice to see. I hadn’t had the opportunity to play with Edge in a while—and by play, I meant take a submissive between us—so I missed these moments.

  Jamie’s shoulders relaxed and a soft sigh preceded her statement. “I get that you’re doing this as a favor to my brother, but would it be possible for us to forget Zeke made the request?”

  Even she had to know that was easier said than done.

  “You’re treating me like I’m here to do an inspection, not here for the experience. While I appreciate you allowing me to watch the various scenes, it’s not quite the interaction I was hoping for.”

  “What exactly were you hoping for, Miss Lautner?”

  Oh, boy.

  “I know I’m only here because you volunteered.”

  Edge shook his head. “I did not volunteer.”

  Jamie’s expression s
hifted from determined to … it could only be described as hurt. She seemed rather disappointed to know Edge hadn’t made the offer to give her the tour.

  “I apologize then,” she said quickly. “That certainly explains a lot.”

  “How so?” Edge probed, his eyes narrowed on her face.

  She squared her shoulders. “Well, I mean, I didn’t expect you to be attracted to me just because you … were told you had to show me around.”

  “I wasn’t told, either,” he clarified.

  Jamie sighed. “Fine. Whatever. Zeke coaxed you into it. I don’t care. And like I said, I don’t expect you to be attracted—”

  “No one said I wasn’t,” he noted.

  I held back my grin. Edge wasn’t the sort who liked confrontation. I figured, because of his position as head Master of this club and the one we’d previously been members of, he didn’t get much of it. That didn’t seem to be the case here.

  Jamie’s hands dropped against her thighs, a reflection of her frustration with this conversation. “Fine. I don’t expect you to be turned on by me simply because I’m here, but—”

  Edge held up a hand, cutting her off. “First of all, this entire conversation is moot. Me being turned on by you has nothing to do with any request your brother made.”

  I bit my lip to keep from smiling. Had he realized he’d just given himself away?

  There was another gleam in Jamie’s eye. Clearly, she’d picked up on that, too.

  “I’m doing a favor for a friend, Miss Lautner,” he clarified, his words flowing smoothly. “I agreed to give you an introduction. I feel as though I’ve succeeded. You’ve seen a variety of scenes tonight, as well as gotten a general feel for the atmosphere.”

  “I agree. You have.” Jamie moved one step closer, and I felt the air in the room heat a few degrees. “But I have another request.”

  Edge’s muscles tightened, his head tilting down slightly as he stared at her from beneath his lashes. “And that would be?”

  “Since you know my brother, you can imagine what it took to get him to finally agree to let me step foot in the door here. Now that he has, I owe it to myself to grab hold of this opportunity as tightly as I can.”


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