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Rising Sun (New Moon Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Belle Harper

  “It is a rare stone. From the underworld. If you look closely, you will see it is not just a stone.” I looked closer. This stone was from the underworld? What the hell? Were demons real? But before I could ask, I saw inside the stone, looked like a… galaxy. I had felt Galen move in to get a closer look. But inside the stone it was moving, swirling around a glow in the centre. I gasped, my eyes going to Eiji’s purple ones. From this close I could tell his eyes weren’t just purple, they held some blue flecks in there. They were mesmerizing.

  Galen must have noticed my distraction. He cleared his throat. “I had heard of them; from the mage I did my time with. Dragonor right? I have never seen one. Is it true that if you make a few smaller ones from a larger stone that it communicates with the others?”

  Eiji sat back and nodded.

  “Yes, this is why Cate has given this to you Lexi. She wants you to wear it. If you are ever in danger again, it will call to her as you need it. She will expose herself to her father to protect you at all costs.

  “She hopes to one day meet you, and your family here. But until we can find a safe way for her to travel… well, I hope it will be soon.”

  I nodded, I didn’t want her to expose herself to him if he wanted her for something bad. I didn’t even want to think about what they could be; I wanted her to stay safe, and hopefully I could meet her when it was safe. Or couldn’t he use his powers?

  “Ah… I see the question in your mind. And the answer is no. I am extremely powerful in my own right, but there are others in the world, older and more powerful than I. They work for your grandfather; he is not an angel of life. He is the bringer of death. Most know him around the world as ‘Diablo Angelo’ or The Devil Angel. Because that is exactly what he is.

  “I hope you never have to meet him in your lifetime, that you will be here. Safe. You have a good bond with your mates. I can sense this. This is a good place for you and your future. Now I must go, before I am tracked.

  Eiji stood and took a few steps back. He smiled and tipped an imaginary hat.

  “It was a pleasure doing business with you, Lexi. Until we meet again.”

  The bright light flashed for only a second and Eiji was gone before I could even thank him or say goodbye. I had so many questions still, but I knew that it was for the best I didn’t know too much about Cate. I assumed Eiji was her warlock? Boyfriend? He was hot.

  “Hey… those thoughts better be for me,” Galen teased, and I laughed.

  “So I still smell good to you?” I wanted to make sure I wasn’t too different. Hell, I never asked Eiji that. Would the guys not feel the same way?

  “Hey, you honestly don’t smell different to me. I know Eiji has changed your scent to others, but Tobias made sure it wouldn’t change for us… Raff, Ranger and Mav and I. Okay?”

  I nodded as I let out a deep breath and looked down to the Dragonor stone in my hand. I was glad Tobias made sure I wouldn’t change for them. And I hope I am never in trouble and need to call on Cate. But I hope to one day meet her, she sounds amazing. I clutched the stone to my chest and laid my head against Galen’s chest.

  “Can we go to Jack and Grayson’s house? Do you have their number?” He stroked my hair, and I felt him move slightly, then handed me his iPhone.

  “Tell me, why do you own a phone if you never take it with you?”

  I laughed, “ah… well, I guess that’s because I will get to see the messages from the guys having a great day at school while I’m stuck here.” I heard Galen make a mock gasp, and I chuckled as I elbowed him in the ribs.

  “You know what I mean, I love being stuck here with you.” I kissed him and looked back to the phone.

  “What’s the password?” When he didn’t answer I thought he must have something bad on there, he didn’t want me to see. I looked at him and he was blushing, well as much as a vampire could blush. “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing, it’s five, three, nine, four.” I typed them in and unlocked it. Nothing bad was on his screen, just a photo of the beach. I was thinking he had a photo of me on there. Oh shit, we didn’t have any photos together. I pushed the camera app, and the screen popped up and I spun the camera around to be facing me.

  “Selfie time.” I didn’t give him time to react as I leant back and took a photo. I sat forwards and had a look. I laughed, and he snatched the phone out of my hand.

  “Hey, that was cute. You look scared. Like it will take your soul.”

  “Maybe it does take my soul?” His brows wiggled at me as he pulled me back to him and took multiple photos. I was giggling and poking my tongue out. Kissed him on the cheek, I liked his expression on that one. He looked so happy, we both did.

  “Okay, call Jack. So, we can go see Joshy and watch cartoons.”

  And hopefully, Grayson bakes muffins.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I got to Jack and Grayson’s house just before school pick up. I was excited. I wanted to surprise Josh. Galen said he would wait with Grayson and help cook some after school muffins. I loved that, and it made me giddy inside that Grayson was so eager to teach him. Made my little heart burst. I quickly kissed Galen and ran off to the car with Jack.

  “I am so glad you came over today, Lexi. And that you felt comfortable bringing Galen. You know we accept him as your mate the same as we accept the other three. Don’t need to hide your mates from us. They are just as welcome in our home as you are.”

  I laid my back on the headrest and glanced over to Jack. The sun made his salt and pepper hair really shine. I smiled.

  “I know. Just… now with Tobias and you and Grayson—”

  “No, don’t you worry your little head over that, we will be whatever you need us to be, okay? We will always think of your as our girl. We will never treat you any different. Tobias is a good man… angel. He came to see us yesterday. He thanked us for being there for you. Even though it was only a short time, he made it clear that he wasn’t trying to push us out from your life. He wants to be a part of your life, Lexi. He just doesn’t know how.”

  Wow, I didn’t know that. My throat felt a little tight. I hadn’t been the friendliest to him; I guess I never was. I never wanted to let my guard down and let someone into my life that will then take me away, disappear. I learnt to keep people away… I would try to let Tobias in. I think the fact he was my real father scared me more than anything. If he was to just leave, my own flesh and blood… I never wanted that feeling. I quickly changed the subject.

  “So, Harry and Jaxon have gone back to their mom, Grayson said as I was leaving.” Jack nodded.

  “Yes, that had been the plan since day one. They haven’t been here too long; they were in a pack from New York. There were issues with drugs among the family, and their kids ended up in the system. But their mom is now free of it all, did rehab, and has been accepted by a pack down in Nevada. She has the support she needs down there.

  “Not all packs are bad with rogue wolves. I know it must seem that way here at times. Especially with Rafferty, but we take in shifter kids, they are part of the pack here even if it doesn’t seem like it at times. Kiba, Rawlins and Kenneally all take in lost cubs. Some stay, some leave. But they are all loved and wanted.”

  I reached over, grabbed his hand and squeezed. Fuck, they were amazing. Those boys were so well cared for, and I was glad they were now with their mom. But what about Josh? Oh my god, I never thought. Was he… he going to leave me?

  “Joshy? Is he leaving?” I felt a lump form in my throat at the thought. I felt like I was waiting forever for Jack to answer. He squeezed my hand back and dropped it to use the indicator as he turned into a street.

  “No, but we would love if you stay for dinner. We have some… news.”

  That didn’t sound good, but before I could say something, he quickly added.

  “We’re here.”

  I watched as all the kids were walking through the big blue doors at the front of the school. This was a much smaller school than
I had realized.

  “It’s a Kiba school, the packs don’t mix the young ones up. Would be helpful if they did, so there was less… aggression, fighting. You have seen the way they act at high school; it might stop some of that if they were able to socialize early.” And he was right. That would maybe help with the crazy teen hormones that I guess mixed with the fact they just started shifting. Might stop some of the hate and fighting.

  “Oh, there he is…” I looked over where Jack had pointed and little Joshy was walking with his big bag on his back. Oh my gosh, he was just the cutest. His dark hair whipped around to see something behind him when a big kid came out of nowhere and shoved him to the ground.

  “What the fuck?” I opened up the car door and I could hear Jack hot on my heels after witnessing the same thing. When I got over to Josh, more boys had surrounded him. One of them kicked him.

  “Hey, who the fuck do you think you are? Get the fuck off my, Joshy.” I shoved the kid out the way, I didn’t care that I was older and I cussed. Little asshole was picking on a kid half his size.

  “Lexi?” Josh’s little sad voice almost broke me as Jack picked him up.

  “Boys, this will be reported. You have been warned. Stop with this bullying behaviour.” A teacher came out from the big doors— a little too late if you ask me. She started asking questions and taking names as Jack let Josh down to go to me, I hugged him tight. I wasn’t letting him go. Ever.

  “Hey buddy, I’m staying for dinner. Wanna go watch our cartoons?” His little face lit up as he sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. I kissed his hair and shook it out with my hand. I didn’t want him to see the tears that were forming in my eyes. Fuck, why do kids have to be like this.

  “Yeah, just you and me. And Teen titans go!” I laughed and nodded. I held his hand and started to head towards the car, Jack was still talking to a teacher when one of the asshole kids ran past us.

  “Watch out orphan boy.”

  I felt my blood boil as I watched the back of his head as he disappeared around the corner.

  That kid was going down… hard.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I left before they had their meal, Jack and Grayson were going to share some news with Lexi, and I thought it would be best if I left them all for a while. So, they could be together as a family. Plus, to give Lexi some space. I was sure she will see too much of us before long and want some space. I know I do like space at times. Hell, never had this many people around me at all times since she got here.

  I drove around a while, lost in thought until I ended back at the diner, the same one I had taken Lexi to the night she ran away. The memory made me smile. I proved to her she wasn’t just team wolf. Fuck, my life had turned around so much in the last month. I didn’t realize how mundane everything had become. How I had shut myself off from so much.

  I had so much fear in me, that no one could ever love me. Not fully. So much hate for the monster who scarred me. My scars were my punishment for being an arrogant asshole, thinking the world owed me because of my status among my peers. That was another time, another place. But that was the true reason I was a vampire. And why I had for so long felt that I wasn’t worthy of love, why I was drawn to the wrong people in the past. Because I believed they would be the only ones who could love me. I was wrong… and Lexi proved that to me.

  Life became the same routine. School, home, school—Ranger shifting in front of humans— compelling them to forget. Home. I hadn’t had a close friendship, ever. I spoke to Shelly and Ben, but not often enough to be a good friend. Lovers, I hadn’t had sex in a long time. Shit, if I truly thought about it, it had almost been a decade since I had been with anyone. Felt touch from someone. Even a hug.

  The last woman I was with, she was a night vamp. She was envious at my walking in the sun; she was demanding and cruel at times. Mocking and making fun at my scars, telling me that no one would love me like she did. But in the end I walked away, but not before I lost all hope in love, being loved in return. When I look back, I didn’t love her. I knew that then and I can call it for what it was, an abusive relationship. I stayed so long with her because I just didn’t want to be alone. She broke what little faith I had in relationships. Smiles and happy times. They were not for me, not for the broken.

  It all turned out for the better, though. At the time it didn’t feel like that, it felt like another failure in my life. But what I didn’t know was it was the path I was meant to walk. Of all the places I could have gone in the world, I ended up in this small town in Washington State.


  When I got here, I was a mess. But I met Laura and Alaric, of Pack Kiba. And their five sons. All little mini clones of their father. They invited me to their house; they knew what I was. Can’t hide the smell of a bloodsucker. But they let me stay at the cottage for a few days until I knew where I was going. The same one that was now my home. I couldn’t believe these people would offer me this. And of all people… shifters. I was at my lowest point then, but Laura didn’t care. She treated me as if I was… human.

  I travelled a lot after that, between homes. I have places in different parts of the world, most of the time I lease them out when not in use. But no matter how hard I tried, I always ended back at Kiba. It was like I was drawn here. But at the same time, they were good to me. Laura especially. She didn’t ever treat me differently; she knew what I was, and she saw me at my lowest. I knew what she was, and we never spoke of it. It was something we silently agreed on without ever bringing it up. Equals.

  I would visit with Ben, then come up and visit for a few days with pack Kiba every year for five years. And when I was here, it was the first time I felt like I could breathe in a long time.

  I was always living on the edge, looking over my shoulder, not knowing if I was going to be killed. I hated living like that. Shifters of any kind didn’t like vampires. I guess if there was a possible threat living near you, you would remove it. But vampires were just as bad.

  When I had heard from Shelly that Alaric needed a vamp at Kiba. And that he was looking for me, I didn’t hesitate to go. I had a good relationship with Alaric already, but I was shocked and saddened to hear about Laura. She truly was an accepting woman, sweet and beautiful. Her life ended too soon. She would have loved Lexi. I would like to think she was looking down at her boys and proud of the men they have become. All of them. Even Ranger, who was so much like her at times.

  Alaric needed me here, keeping the packs safe from other vamps, like those who had killed Laura. And at school, to keep the secret safe from humans when teenage boys shifted in front of them. They had managed quite badly before I was on the scene. But no other shifter was as bad at keeping his wolf under control like Ranger Lovell. I chuckled out loud. He was the real reason I was hired, no other packs had a shifter like him.

  In the last five years had had to clean up after Ranger more than anyone else. The only other Lovell I had to help was Jett. But that was something different.

  Alaric had asked me to stay on at Kiba for protection after I told him my intentions with Lexi. He wasn’t happy with me being part of his sons’ packmates. But he wouldn’t voice that. They were men. And it wasn’t his place to say. They could make up their own minds, because I was staying with Lexi for the rest of my life. She was my life now.

  I think the real issue lies with Maverick, his feelings towards me. It was not the fact we were both male and attracted to each other, that has never been an issue among the shifters. And I really was attracted to him, he was gorgeous. Everyone could see that. But the fact I was a vamp, and he was shifter, had everyone so caught up on. Especially him being the alpha son.

  I knew this was going to be new for a lot of shifters; I was happy to wait it out on Mav’s timeline. But he set that in motion, and we were moving forward. Shelly and Keene were out in the open about their relationship, but I had never seen how his own pack responded to that. But they had been working with Shelly for a centur
y, maybe even longer. But he was the first shifter she had dated from their pack.

  Alaric asked if I could find a replacement day vamp for the school. Until I could find someone, he needed me to go there and fix up the mess made by the shifters. Well… let’s be honest, it was going to be Ranger problems. I didn’t think there would be many problems, to be honest. He had been pretty good lately.

  At the rate I was striking out, I would probably end up back there in the new school year. When Lexi graduates. Not that I want to go back, I actually enjoyed the larger role I had been given with the pack and with the research at Bardoul.

  Trying to find a vamp was proving to be impossible. For one, they had to be a daylight vamp, and they made up maybe a quarter, maybe even less of us vampire’s. They would have to move to Washington and be part of a wolf shifter pack. That was not the friendliest environment. Also, work in a high school with assholes… I mean shifter teenagers. But in return they could live here safely, not worry about being jumped by other supes.

  Plus, you were paid very well by the packs. I was paid by all three for my working at the high school. And from Kiba, for my work there. Not that I needed any more money. I was trying so hard to give it to Lexi. I was glad she used the credit card I gave her yesterday, even if it was only a small amount she spent. I have enough money to last many, many lifetimes.

  I sat in my car for an hour, watching the patrons enter and exit the diner. Some families, some truckers… some lowlifes. I was hungry; I didn’t drink Lexi’s blood today. I had some older blood in my basement fridge. It wasn’t nice, but it filled me. But I needed to eat before I returned to Lexi. I waited and until I saw a young waitress emptying some trash out the back of the building, and the dark figure of a man walking towards her.


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