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Luvin' the Son of a Savage

Page 7

by Tina J

  “You better not ever come around me again or I’ll fucking kill you.” I told her and watched her piss on herself.

  One thing I don’t play is disloyalty and this chick showed hers. How she applying for stuff when I paid for everything? I’m not saying it to brag because like I said, as her man I’m supposed to take care of her. But how do you shit on the person doing the most?

  “I’m pregnant Antoine and...”

  “And get rid of it.” I threw five hundred dollars at her.

  “You don’t know who the daddy is anyway. Stupid bitch.” I gathered up as much mucus as I could and hock spit in her face before locking the door and leaving. She didn’t have the keys so she wouldn’t be able to get back in.

  That was the last time I saw Sharika until the night I proposed to Vanity. I wasn’t sure she returned but when she showed up at my wedding, it was confirmed. I’m still unsure of why she came back and waited to tell me about the kid. So what if I threatened to kill her; he’s my son and it was her responsibility to mention it.

  I finished playing pool and drinking with my cousin and drove home. I hadn’t told my wife yet because it came in the mail today and she’s been at work. I could’ve gone to her job, but I wasn’t about to make her have a bad day.

  “Vanity.” I shouted when I stepped in the house. She didn’t answer. I locked the door, checked downstairs and then the bedroom.

  “I’ve been waiting for you baby.” My wife was spread eagle on the bed smiling at me.

  “Damn.” I bit down on my lip and watched as she gave herself pleasure, while I stripped out my clothes.

  “You better not cum.” I told her tryna hurry up.

  “You’re taking too long.

  “Vanity don’t play with me.” I climbed on the bed and stuck my face in between her legs. She exploded instantly. We carried on in the bedroom for hours off and on. Why couldn’t she be my kids mother?


  “Now what?” Vanity asked after I mentioned Ant being mine.

  “Is it fucked up of me to say I don’t wanna be bothered?” I had my head rested against the cabinet. We were in the kitchen.


  “I’m saying Vanity. I don’t know him and...”

  “And he’s your son. Baby look.” She walked around the island and stood in between my legs.

  “I’m not upset and I’d never ask you to turn your back on him.”

  “She should’ve told me.”

  “You’re right and it’s nothing we can do about it now.” She kissed me and went back to cooking.

  “He may not be my kid but I’m not tolerating disrespect. When you finally decide to get him, I think you should make it clear.”

  “I wouldn’t let him talk shit. I wanted to beat his ass that day at the jail.” She laughed.

  “When are you gonna get him?”

  “I’m not.” She looked up from the stove.


  “If I go over there, she may not make it.” She started cracking up.

  “I’ll get him but babe you have to try bonding with him.” I loved my wife and really appreciated her for not holding a grudge. Not that it would make sense because I didn’t know but she could’ve said not to bring him around too.

  “Whatever.” I really didn’t want any parts and the only reason I am, is because of my wife.

  “You lucky I love you otherwise, I wouldn’t be bothered.” I kissed the back of her neck.

  “Talk shit all you want but we both know you’d never be a deadbeat. Mrs. Ang would kick your ass.” She’s right. My mom would have a fit. I can’t wait for this kid to meet my pops. Boy oh boy. That’s gonna be funny.


  “Can I help you?” Sharika answered the door with an attitude.

  “Move bitch.” I wasn’t about to sit here and play no stupid ass games with her. I pushed past her with Harlow and Brielle in tow.

  I was gonna come alone but I felt it wasn’t a good idea being I wanted to beat her ass for keeping the baby. I’m pregnant myself and can’t take the chance of losing my child over her ignorance.

  “Excuse me. You can’t just barge in…”

  “Where’s the kid?”

  “My son is upstairs but why are you here? The agreement was for his father to pick him up.” I laughed.

  Two weeks ago, Antoine found out the child was his. He didn’t wanna be bothered but I wouldn’t feel comfortable with his child being around without a father. I understood wholeheartedly why my husband felt the way he did. Shit, this woman disappeared with this baby and showed up years later assuming Antoine is supposed to be this instant family with her. I think not.

  Anyway, I made him get her phone number and contact her to set up visitations. She tried to give him a hard time until he shut it down. Therefore; Antoine is going to have the child every other week and is responsible for taking him to school and any needs he has while he’s with us.

  The other times he’ll be with her and since she has a job, he isn’t helping her with bills, a new house or car. We not about to take care of a woman because she has his son and I say we, because my name on all his shit.

  He didn’t wanna come because he knew she’d act stupid which is how she’s acting right now by trying not to call the little boy down. What’s even more crazy is she knew today was the first initial pickup date and here she is barely dressed. The tight ass shirt and yeast infection booty shorts only proves she wanted to fuck. I swear women can be desperate as fuck.

  “I am his stepmother and he will be coming with me. As far as my husband, you and I both know the best thing for him is to stay away.” I gave her a fake smile.

  “ANT.” Sharika shouted while Harlow walked around the place being nosy.

  I met them when Antoine and I got together, and we’ve been rocking ever since. Between these two, Armonie and Ariel, I didn’t need any more women in my circle.

  “What?” The little nigga shouted from his room.

  “Come here.” She called out for him.

  “I’m playing my fucking game. I told you not to bother me when I’m playing it.” All three of us turned and looked at her.

  “Oh, he doesn’t speak to you that way huh?” I asked.

  “He’s only doing it because you’re here.”

  “Yea ok. He doesn’t even know we’re down here. Tell that lie to someone else.” I started walking up the steps and she grabbed my arm. I punched her dead in the face and kept hitting her. I didn’t care about shit at the moment. Who the fuck she think she is touching me?

  “That’s enough Vanity. Let’s get the kid and go.” Harlow pulled me away and Brielle dared Sharika to move.

  “Got me fighting because you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

  “This is not ok. I’m calling Antoine.” Sharika said as if I cared.

  “Put him on speaker.” I stood there waiting for him to pick up.

  “Tha fuck your stupid ass want?” He answered.

  “Why did you send your wife and then she gets here and starts fighting me? Antoine this is not….”

  “Bitch, you lucky she didn’t kill your dumb ass.” He hung up on her.

  “You thought he’d be mad? Nah, my husband knows what it is.” I turned to go up the steps and Harlow told her she better not move.

  The three of us went in the room to get the boy and this bastard was on the edge of the bed with an iPad in his hand watching porn. The other hand was in his pants which means he’s jerking off. I thought about walking out but nope. I’m gonna let him have blue balls. What is a child at his age doing jerking off anyway?

  “YO!” He jumped and turned.

  “What the fuck you want?”

  PAP! PAP! PAP! PAP! I smacked him over and over in the mouth.

  “YO! Bitch.”

  PAP! PAP! I smacked him again and when he tried to charge me, I yoked him up by the shirt, turned him around and slammed his face in the bed. His arms were behind his
back and he was struggling to move.

  “Give me some soap.” I told Harlow who went in the bathroom and came back with a bar. I rammed that shit in his mouth.

  “Every time you curse, I’m gonna wash your mouth out with soap like your mama should’ve been doing.” He started choking so I tossed his ass on the floor. I’m not abusing him at all but his ass gonna learn today.

  “Now get your shit so you can meet your father.” He didn’t move and sat there crying.

  “NOW!” I shouted and he jumped off the bed.

  “What did you do?” His mother came in and he ran to her.

  “Move it. You babying him is what’s wrong.” Brielle separated them and I grabbed the back of his shirt.

  “Get your stuff, kiss your mother goodbye and I better not hear you curse again. Are we clear?” He didn’t answer.

  “ARE WE!”

  “Yes.” He did what I said and walked down the steps with no problem.

  “You’re too violent and my son shouldn’t be…” I turned and Sharika shut right the fuck up.

  “He’ll be back Sunday. Have a good day.” I pushed him towards the car. Brielle and Harlow were cracking the fuck up.

  I absolutely love kids and can’t wait to have my own but what I won’t ever tolerate is disrespect; especially, from someone else’s kid. This boy is gonna learn to respect adults and whether he continues to curse his mother out, isn’t my issue. He won’t be cursing around me that’s for sure.


  “So you like to run your mouth and curse huh?” Antoine’s dad asked Ant who wouldn’t move from the door.

  Antione asked me to bring him to his parents so they could meet. I had no idea his aunts, uncles and cousins would be here. Ant was petrified when he saw all the people, and even more scared once they asked if he cursed at me.

  I’m not saying every child needs a man in his life to raise him, because millions of women raise great young men alone all the time, but this bitch Sharika, did a horrible job. Antoine should’ve been in his life or her stupid ass should’ve gotten rid of the baby like she told him she did. I don’t know if I’m more upset, she waited to tell him and ruined my wedding or the fact she believes this will bring her and my husband together. Whatever the case, its nothing we can do about it now.

  “You got one more time to disrespect my daughter in law and I’m gonna knock your got damn teeth down your throat. You understand me boy?” Ant looked at me.

  “Don’t look at my wife nigga. Answer your grandfather.”



  “My mom said I don’t have to apologize to people if I don’t want to.” Antoine snatched him up quick as hell.


  “Antoine, don’t you dare say it.” He was about to curse her out in front if him.

  “When you’re around us, you will respect everyone in your presence and if you do things that require an apology, you will say it.” All of us stared at this kid. Its sad he had no home training and had to be roughed up just to learn respect.

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Vanity.” He started crying.

  “Good. Now lets fucking eat.” Mr. Miller said and grabbed Ant to go with him. I couldn’t stop laughing.

  “He’s gonna make me kill him.” Antoine said grabbing me from behind.

  “He just has to be taught honey. And just so you know, he speaks to her the same way.”

  “Who the fuck cares?” I turned to him.

  “Baby, she is still his mother. You have to not only try and bond with him now but show him how to act.”

  “Vanity, I…” I shushed him with a peck on the lips.

  “It’s going to be hard but you have to try. Antoine he can’t see you treating his mom bad because then he’ll assume its ok to do the same.” He was big mad.

  “Whatever.” He took my hand and led me in the dining room with everyone else. Ant was sitting next to Mrs. Miller quiet as hell. I tried to get my husband to sit next to him, but he wasn’t having it.

  “Baby steps Vanity.” He said and I laughed.

  “You are a mess.”

  “Why aren’t you with my mother?” Ant asked and the entire room got quiet. Antoine’s leg was shaking so bad, I had to place my hand on it.

  “First of all, you need to stay in a child’s place and not question an adult.” Brielle said and he looked over at her.

  “I wasn’t talking to you.” He mouthed off.

  “I was talking to you though and like I said, stay in a child’s place. If you wanna know the truth, ask your mother why her trifling ass was sleeping with two men and didn’t know who the daddy was. She kept you away for her own selfish reasons.”

  “BRIELLE SANTIAGO!” Her mother Rakia yelled, and Antoine had a big ass grin on his face.

  “No ma, he disrespectful as hell and somebody needs to keep putting him in his place until he learns. Tryna be disrespectful to Vanity. He knows she’s his wife.”

  “Can I go home?” He requested and I stood up.

  “Ant let me talk to you for a minute.” I moved the chair out the way and told Antoine to come with us. I know this kid sees how my husband is acting and probably feels he’s unwanted.

  “Have a seat.” I pointed to the couch. Antoine sat next to me.

  “Ant, this whole situation is very uncomfortable for all of us and I’m sure you’re very confused, the same as we are. However; it doesn’t give you the right to speak any way you want because its what you’re used to. We’re trying our hardest to get to know you but you’re making it hard.” He didn’t say anything.

  “We’re sorry you didn’t know about your father and its unfortunate you were kept away all this time. We can’t erase the past but we can try and work on building a better future.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  “Then beat it nigga. We’ll go on not knowing about you…”

  “Antoine stop it.” He leaned back on the couch.

  “Let’s start over. Antoine, this is your son Antoine and he goes by the name of Ant. Ant, this is your father.” Neither of them said a word.

  “Now, any questions you wanna ask feel free but make sure they’re respectable ones.” Again, no one spoke.

  “Ok, let me start.” I scooted to the edge of the couch.

  “Ant, I’m Vanity, your stepmother. Would you like to tell me some of the things you like? Do you play sports at school? Do you have a favorite subject?” I was trying.

  “How can you be nice now?”

  “Ant, I wanted to meet you after finding out about you. You’re part of my husband but sweetie, I will never allow you to curse at me.” He nodded.

  “Do you like living in Jersey?”

  “I miss my friends.” He put his head down.

  “You can meet new ones here and you have a lot of family too.”

  “None of them like me.”

  “Again, you have to stop using foul language and show respect. Your six and cursing like a grown up. You’re questioning adults and that’s inappropriate as well. You’re a child and the only thing you should focus on is being a child and having fun.”

  “I’m only used to being around adults.” Antoine sat up.

  “I thought you said you missed your friends.” My husband said.

  “I do. We have a lot of fun at school but when I get home my mom doesn’t let me outside and half the time, I’m watching my sister while she’s on the phone.” He shrugged.

  “Ummm. Ok. Well when you’re with us, you can play with your cousins and if you have friends maybe we can set up play dates or something.” I told him.

  “Really? My mother said I can’t go to no one’s house.”

  “Before we let you go to someone’s house they need to be checked out. As long as they’re good, I don’t see why you can’t hang out with them.” Antoine said and Ant smiled.

  We stayed in there for another ten minutes talking to him about things he likes. Afterwards we went to join ever
yone to eat. He apologized to Brielle and made a general apology to everyone. We decided to leave around eight to get him situated at the house.

  “Is this room ok?” I opened the bedroom door to where he’d stay. He smiled big as hell, jumped on the bed and threw the nerf basketball in the air. I paid someone to come make his room like a boy’s and they did a good job.

  “Perfect. Mrs. Vanity.” He sat up and stared at me.


  “I’m sorry for being disrespectful. My mom told me to do it because…” I put my hand up.

  “No need to say anything else but let me say this.” I took a seat on his bed.

  “I’m not gonna bash your mother because then I’m no better. Ant, your father didn’t find out about you until recently so please don’t take your anger out on him for not being around. Antione has always wanted kids and if he knew about you, I’m 1000 percent positive he would’ve been in your life.”

  “But my mom said…” I cut him off again.

  “We’re starting fresh Ant. Let’s leave the past in the past. You and your father have a lot of bonding to do.” He nodded.

  “Please don’t tell him what I said about my mom. I don’t want him to yell at her and then she takes it out on me.”

  “Take it out on you?” I questioned to see if she were abusing him.

  “She’ll yell and take away my game.”

  “Oh ok. I won’t mention it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your pajamas are in the bathroom and I left a towel for you on the toilet seat.” He told me thank you again and he’d see me in the morning. I closed the door and walked to my room mad as hell. I wanted to whoop his mother ass again.

  “What you doing crazy?” I opened the bedroom door and my husband was on the bed stroking his dick.

  “I need to get some frustrations out.” I licked my lips and went to please my man, the way I know he loved.

  Colby Jr.

  “Come here Legend.” I reached out for my two-year-old nephew. VJ was gonna give him the same name but decided against it; saying it was too many V’s in the family.

  “What you doing here?” Armonie passed him off.

  “Damn, I can’t see my niece and nephew?”


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